Time to check in: are republicans still in serious denial about Trump or have they grown some....

When our government was being formed, it was thought that the Congress would be enough. X amount of people each get one representative. But that would put higher populated states at a huge advantage over less populated states. So they also included a Senate. Every state equally gets two Senators whether you are Rhode Island or Texas. .

I hope you know that was instituted so the slave states would have the power to overcome the will of the majority in order to preserve slavery. The constitution is filled with such powers. Everything from the 3/5ths compromise to the prohibition against anti-slave legislation for a decade.
White House, Senate, House, Supes, State Houses.

I dunno. They seem fairly content to me, all things considered.

Maybe the Democrats should be thinking instead about how to make themselves less unattractive to voters in upcoming elections.

Their plan is demographic shift. THey can't win on ideas, so they import poor votes, I mean people.

Have you already forgotten the popular vote in the last election?

Have you forgotten that neither candidate was trying to win the popular vote because it doesn't mean anything?
It means everything in as much as it tells us just who the American people wanted to lead this country.

No, it doesn't tell us that. If the goal was the most votes, then the candidates and voters alike would have responded differently.

What you on the left are trying to say is that you won the game because you had the best poker hand even though the game was rummy.
What we are saying is that the American people voted for Hillary
When our government was being formed, it was thought that the Congress would be enough. X amount of people each get one representative. But that would put higher populated states at a huge advantage over less populated states. So they also included a Senate. Every state equally gets two Senators whether you are Rhode Island or Texas. .

I hope you know that was instituted so the slave states would have the power to overcome the will of the majority in order to preserve slavery. The constitution is filled with such powers. Everything from the 3/5ths compromise to the prohibition against anti-slave legislation for a decade.

Our system of government was created in the spirit of democracy even though we are actually a Republic.

I'm sure you seen the county electoral map of our last election. If you haven't, the map is almost entirely red. If you'd like to see it, just ask, I'll post it.

What you are saying is that those tiny blue sections of the map should control all those huge sections of red. That's fair? Government doesn't just make laws and polices for people, they also make policies and laws for land as well.
....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’

Pfui. Obama was never as bad as the critics claimed and neither is Trump.
Our system of government was created in the spirit of democracy even though we are actually a Republic. .

Actually it was created to preserve slavery. It was hard to get the slave states on board the new government since they represented a minority view. So they had to come up with ways of enhancing their voting power, so they could stave off the will off the will of the majority in order to perpetuate slavery.
....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’
Ask the same question eight years from now OK?
A monkey said: "Elections have consequences".
Their plan is demographic shift. THey can't win on ideas, so they import poor votes, I mean people.

Have you already forgotten the popular vote in the last election?

Have you forgotten that neither candidate was trying to win the popular vote because it doesn't mean anything?
It means everything in as much as it tells us just who the American people wanted to lead this country.

No, it doesn't tell us that. If the goal was the most votes, then the candidates and voters alike would have responded differently.

What you on the left are trying to say is that you won the game because you had the best poker hand even though the game was rummy.
What we are saying is that the American people voted for Hillary

No, they did not. If we had a campaign for the majority vote, then many people who probably stayed home on election day would have came out and voted. If your candidate was Trump and the presidency is all you cared to vote on, it was a waste of your time if you lived in New York or California because your candidate had no chance in hell of getting the electoral college.

Now if the race was for the most people, Trump would have spent a lot more time in populated areas telling people that every vote did indeed count. But he didn't spend any time in states he had no chance at winning. Instead, he spent his time trying to get the most electoral college votes in states he stood a chance at winning.
Typical deflection.

A Deflection?????

You actually expect someone to address your post with anything more than contempt and ridicule?

Grow some balls and admit we made a mistake by voting for Trump.

Fuck You!

Now, that's not a Deflection is it?

Speaking of Balls, it looks like Trump is the only one with a pair in Washington D. C.

I'm pretty damn proud of him. You Bolshevik Pussies crying about him after the election, just like you did before the election, isn't going to have any more effect on the People who elected him now, than it did before.

Deflection, my Ass. Post some grown up stuff, and you might get a mature discussion.

Lol you can't even explain with actual specific examples why you even like Trump.

I can.

Justice Gorsuch.
Trump is an enemy of bureaucracies.
Building a wall.
Tough on immigration.
Questioning US spending.
Tough on immigration- his bills have been a failure
Building a wall- where is it. It can never happen
Questioning US spending- His health care will add trillions to the debt
Gorsuch? Has anyone even heard his name mentioned in the last month.

Say what you want. You are only trying to make a case because nothing has been done immediately (which never happens in our government) but it will be done. The wall will begin this year, his new travel restriction will be implemented even if the activist judges try to interfere, he already lifted Obama's restriction on ICE and border patrol, and Gorsuch will be on the bench by May the latest.
And when 'Miss Sleepy head' croaks Ted Cruz will be next on the SC bench.
When our government was being formed, it was thought that the Congress would be enough. X amount of people each get one representative. But that would put higher populated states at a huge advantage over less populated states. So they also included a Senate. Every state equally gets two Senators whether you are Rhode Island or Texas. .

I hope you know that was instituted so the slave states would have the power to overcome the will of the majority in order to preserve slavery. The constitution is filled with such powers. Everything from the 3/5ths compromise to the prohibition against anti-slave legislation for a decade.

Our system of government was created in the spirit of democracy even though we are actually a Republic.

I'm sure you seen the county electoral map of our last election. If you haven't, the map is almost entirely red. If you'd like to see it, just ask, I'll post it.

What you are saying is that those tiny blue sections of the map should control all those huge sections of red. That's fair? Government doesn't just make laws and polices for people, they also make policies and laws for land as well.
your RED electoral map is pure right wing garbage. Especially with Hillary winning by 3 million votes. Am I right Habanna
Have you already forgotten the popular vote in the last election?

Have you forgotten that neither candidate was trying to win the popular vote because it doesn't mean anything?
It means everything in as much as it tells us just who the American people wanted to lead this country.

No, it doesn't tell us that. If the goal was the most votes, then the candidates and voters alike would have responded differently.

What you on the left are trying to say is that you won the game because you had the best poker hand even though the game was rummy.
What we are saying is that the American people voted for Hillary

No, they did not. If we had a campaign for the majority vote, then many people who probably stayed home on election day would have came out and voted. If your candidate was Trump and the presidency is all you cared to vote on, it was a waste of your time if you lived in New York or California because your candidate had no chance in hell of getting the electoral college.

Now if the race was for the most people, Trump would have spent a lot more time in populated areas telling people that every vote did indeed count. But he didn't spend any time in states he had no chance at winning. Instead, he spent his time trying to get the most electoral college votes in states he stood a chance at winning.
Nice spin
When our government was being formed, it was thought that the Congress would be enough. X amount of people each get one representative. But that would put higher populated states at a huge advantage over less populated states. So they also included a Senate. Every state equally gets two Senators whether you are Rhode Island or Texas. .

I hope you know that was instituted so the slave states would have the power to overcome the will of the majority in order to preserve slavery. The constitution is filled with such powers. Everything from the 3/5ths compromise to the prohibition against anti-slave legislation for a decade.

Our system of government was created in the spirit of democracy even though we are actually a Republic.

I'm sure you seen the county electoral map of our last election. If you haven't, the map is almost entirely red. If you'd like to see it, just ask, I'll post it.

What you are saying is that those tiny blue sections of the map should control all those huge sections of red. That's fair? Government doesn't just make laws and polices for people, they also make policies and laws for land as well.
your RED electoral map is pure right wing garbage. Especially with Hillary winning by 3 million votes. Am I right Habanna

Why is it garbage? It's the truth. The people in those red areas voted for Trump by a majority.
When our government was being formed, it was thought that the Congress would be enough. X amount of people each get one representative. But that would put higher populated states at a huge advantage over less populated states. So they also included a Senate. Every state equally gets two Senators whether you are Rhode Island or Texas. .

I hope you know that was instituted so the slave states would have the power to overcome the will of the majority in order to preserve slavery. The constitution is filled with such powers. Everything from the 3/5ths compromise to the prohibition against anti-slave legislation for a decade.

Our system of government was created in the spirit of democracy even though we are actually a Republic.

I'm sure you seen the county electoral map of our last election. If you haven't, the map is almost entirely red. If you'd like to see it, just ask, I'll post it.

What you are saying is that those tiny blue sections of the map should control all those huge sections of red. That's fair? Government doesn't just make laws and polices for people, they also make policies and laws for land as well.
your RED electoral map is pure right wing garbage. Especially with Hillary winning by 3 million votes. Am I right Habanna

Why is it garbage? It's the truth. The people in those red areas voted for Trump by a majority.
As did the people in the blue states. Did you notice that the Texas republican vote majority was oney 800,000 votes? Soon that will be a swing state
OP should probably worry about how the dems have been losing for 8 years now.
When the REPs get a super majority in the Senate in 2018.
Rachael Man-brow and the albino Matthews will be opening and closing their mouths on MSNBC but no words will be coming out.
your RED electoral map is pure right wing garbage. Especially with Hillary winning by 3 million votes. Am I right Habanna

Actually it fairly represents the land area won by the republicans, but distorts the population that voted. The largest state, by acreage, Alaska has only 1/3rd the population as a single county in New York City. Putting them side by side and you would conclude the republicans holding 99.9% of the vote.
....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along? Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how funny it is.
White House, Senate, House, Supes, State Houses. I dunno. They seem fairly content to me, all things considered. Maybe the Democrats should be thinking instead about how to make themselves less unattractive to voters in upcoming elections..
Their plan is demographic shift. THey can't win on ideas, so they import poor votes, I mean people.
I think it's even more cynical than that.

Look at what they actually say, especially people like guno: They're literally just waiting for white people, particularly white Christians, to DIE. As that happens, they reckon, minorities will become a higher percentage of the population and a proper measure of payback can ensue.

Here's the troubling part: They don't talk about how minorities are going to out-perform whites, work harder, work better, etc. They're simply talking about breeding the people they hate out of existence. That's one pretty fucked up thought, and it's a different type of racism - expecting less from people because they're not white.

This would explain why they make zero (0) effort to actually heal racial wounds, why they're fine with making it worse. They feel they don't have to bother, that demographics will take care of what they want FOR them.
The wonderful hilarious irony is 99.99% of Latinos ARE CHRISTIANS!!!!!
A growing percent of Latinos in the US who have a job are voting REP.
Whites and Latinos are number one in 'mixed marriages'.
The LIB myth that Islamofascist sand monkeys and negroes are going to interbreed and "take over America" is ludicrous.

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