Time to check in: are republicans still in serious denial about Trump or have they grown some....

Mrs. Clinton would have made a good President, and we wouldn't be going through all the shyte we are right now.

No she wouldn't have been. She is a horrible human being who simply has the wool pulled over your eyes.
Soley your hate filled right wing opinion. Its better to have a guy who enjoys grabbing womens crotches, but heaven forbid 2 consenting adults doing what they choose in private

You are young, I have to give you latitude for that. Even the SS Agents on her detail detest her.
Now how exactly would you know that. Once again you have no problem with a guy grabbing crotches, why doesn't that bother you like Clintons BJ?

You don't read much, you need to. I suggest you look up what a honey trap is. I'd also recommend you look up perjury.
No this has nothing to do with perjury and everything to do with fake anger, and outrage. Why the hell aren't you just as angry with Trump. Is there a double standard, and what does a honey trap have to do with the actions of 2 consenting adults
The 2016 election was Shellacking 3.0 for the Democrats, and they accuse us of denial? Lol, ok.
yes, when you lose by 3 million votes, the PEOPLE are telling you who they really wanted

Translation: " You guys REALLY suck and I don't like the rules".
We understand the rules, and we also understand the wishes of the voter. Can you imagine your outrage if it was Trump who won by 3 million votes, and Hillary in the WH?
As bad as he may or may not end up as he is still better than the bitch.
You are finally acknowledging what a disaster we have in the WH?

Maybe he will be, maybe he won't be. She would have been a disaster. My position has not changed, from election night on I have said that he was only slightly less a shit burger than she was.
Mrs. Clinton would have made a good President, and we wouldn't be going through all the shyte we are right now.

No. She would have been impeached and in jail by now
You are an idiot

Because I'm aware she wouldn't last her first term?
The 2016 election was Shellacking 3.0 for the Democrats, and they accuse us of denial? Lol, ok.
yes, when you lose by 3 million votes, the PEOPLE are telling you who they really wanted

Translation: " You guys REALLY suck and I don't like the rules".
We understand the rules, and we also understand the wishes of the voter. Can you imagine your outrage if it was Trump who won by 3 million votes, and Hillary in the WH?

LOL, you act like a child. You didn't get your way and you can't stand it. I always play by the rules and when I lose I don't whine and cry. Grow up son.
No she wouldn't have been. She is a horrible human being who simply has the wool pulled over your eyes.
Soley your hate filled right wing opinion. Its better to have a guy who enjoys grabbing womens crotches, but heaven forbid 2 consenting adults doing what they choose in private

You are young, I have to give you latitude for that. Even the SS Agents on her detail detest her.
Now how exactly would you know that. Once again you have no problem with a guy grabbing crotches, why doesn't that bother you like Clintons BJ?

You don't read much, you need to. I suggest you look up what a honey trap is. I'd also recommend you look up perjury.
No this has nothing to do with perjury and everything to do with fake anger, and outrage. Why the hell aren't you just as angry with Trump. Is there a double standard, and what does a honey trap have to do with the actions of 2 consenting adults

You do realize YOU are the angry one, right? You don't even know what a honey trap is kid.
I love how the far left loons act like hypocrisy in politics just started with Trump he's not doing anything that the 44 Presidents before him have done yet the far left carries on like they have made some once in lifetime discovery.
....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’
You used to say they were real, but now you say they are fake. You are guilty of the exact same thing, which makes you a stupid fucking hypocrite.
....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’
You used to say they were real, but now you say they are fake. You are guilty of the exact same thing, which makes you a stupid fucking hypocrite.
Lol I never called the numbers fake
So you have the "balls" to be massively ignorant. How very impressive! Please wipe the drool.
....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’

We'll admit we are wrong when you leftists admit how wrong you were about DumBama. How's that for a deal???
Typical deflection.

A Deflection?????

You actually expect someone to address your post with anything more than contempt and ridicule?

Grow some balls and admit we made a mistake by voting for Trump.

Fuck You!

Now, that's not a Deflection is it?

Speaking of Balls, it looks like Trump is the only one with a pair in Washington D. C.

I'm pretty damn proud of him. You Bolshevik Pussies crying about him after the election, just like you did before the election, isn't going to have any more effect on the People who elected him now, than it did before.

Deflection, my Ass. Post some grown up stuff, and you might get a mature discussion.

Lol you can't even explain with actual specific examples why you even like Trump.

It's not a matter of liking him or anyone personally. It's about good results.

Markets doing well.

More consumer confidence.

Yes, there are more new jobs than expected.

Illegal immigration is already slowing.

Finally, our military is allowed to do their job.

"President Donald Trump’s readiness to order military action stands in contrast to the previous administration. When Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice ran the policymaking process, “stuff moved like molasses through the National Security Council,” much to the frustration of military planners at U.S. Central Command, a former senior defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Foreign Policy. The interagency discussions allowed plans to languish for weeks while debates swirled over when and how to act.

Throughout 2016, the Pentagon continually briefed the White House on ways to get more aggressive with al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, as they watched the group gain strength in their Yemeni strongholds. Those strikes didn’t happen, “but just because the clock ran out,” the official said.

The Obama administration handed over plans for a stepped-up campaign to the incoming Trump team in January. There has been an immediate change in the tempo of operations. This reflects the new administration’s apparent preference for prompt military action over policy deliberations, and a more dominant role for the military in decision-making.

The change in policy here? Allowing the military to actually act on the intelligence they’ve gathered. During Obama’s presidency, military pilots who returned from fighting ISIS in Iraq confirmed that 75 percent of airstrikes were blocked by Obama, as they couldn’t get clearance to launch a strike.

Trump fulfills campaign promise to "bomb the s**t out of them"

Best part is that it's the exact opposite of what we would be dealing with if the hag got in office. I know libs must have been excited about one world government, massive wealth redistribution, no borders and no guns. Go cry yourself to sleep and stop whining.
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....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’

We'll admit we are wrong when you leftists admit how wrong you were about DumBama. How's that for a deal???
Typical deflection.

A Deflection?????

You actually expect someone to address your post with anything more than contempt and ridicule?

Grow some balls and admit we made a mistake by voting for Trump.

Fuck You!

Now, that's not a Deflection is it?

Speaking of Balls, it looks like Trump is the only one with a pair in Washington D. C.

I'm pretty damn proud of him. You Bolshevik Pussies crying about him after the election, just like you did before the election, isn't going to have any more effect on the People who elected him now, than it did before.

Deflection, my Ass. Post some grown up stuff, and you might get a mature discussion.

Lol you can't even explain with actual specific examples why you even like Trump.

Poor Billy...didn't get his Hillary...so he's going to pout for four years!

You know what, Billykins? You can post all the negative things you want about Trump but none of it will matter if he starts fixing what's wrong with America...improves the economy, improves border security, fixes the most poorly written piece of legislation in the history of the nation...ObamaCare...and gets rid of ISIS. You think anyone will care about what you progressives are whining about at that point? You guys won't be able to get elected dog catcher let alone to Congress or the White House!
..balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along? Critical thinking requires a cause before an effect. So far you've only cited an effect. I'm looking around and don't see a cause.

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. He does deserve some credit. That's the reality. Business is high on Trump. As for claiming all previous were baloney, to some extent he's correct, while he's always been known to exaggerate the truth. Wrong about Trump? Reference exaggerate the truth.

I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is. I have to know why you'd start a childish and blatantly transparent thread beginning with "balls, denial & wrong" when you can't support it. Doesn't seem worth a thread to me.

A Deflection?????

You actually expect someone to address your post with anything more than contempt and ridicule?

Grow some balls and admit we made a mistake by voting for Trump.

Fuck You!

Now, that's not a Deflection is it?

Speaking of Balls, it looks like Trump is the only one with a pair in Washington D. C.

I'm pretty damn proud of him. You Bolshevik Pussies crying about him after the election, just like you did before the election, isn't going to have any more effect on the People who elected him now, than it did before.

Deflection, my Ass. Post some grown up stuff, and you might get a mature discussion.


Trump does have balls. It takes balls of iron to lie like he does.
2/3 of the land needed for the wall is privately owned. How long will it takes to buy or take over that land. Many years.
Whats an activist judge, Homer? Anyone who disagrees with your right wing agenda?
Trump has done nothing immediately because he has zero experience, and zero idea what to do. Why not read my post about the drug companies? All he does is lie to you

Way back in the beginning, when trump first offered up a budget, the experts told us it would add trillions to our debt. You didn't care

Would you kindly post that budget from eighteen months ago for us, please? I don't recall a budget from President Trump showing an addition of TRILLIONS to our debt.
We understand the rules, and we also understand the wishes of the voter. Can you imagine your outrage if it was Trump who won by 3 million votes, and Hillary in the WH?

Nothing like the whining and bleating of the Democrats and Progressives today.

You see, Republicans, Independents, and Conservatives believe in and understand the Constitution. Check it out sometime!
....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’

Let's see now, he kept another clinton and bush out of the white house, good supreme court nomination, no, I'm good with my vote.

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