Time to DO SOMETHING about Climate Change

Venice flooding is the worst in 50 years, and the mayor blames climate change

So here we have a true world treasure that is threatened by rising seas, presumably attributable to Climate Change.

Certainly, nothing anyone does w/r/t "greenhouse gases" in the next twenty years is going to reverse the microscopic rise in sea levels that have imperiled this lovely, historic city, but it would be nice and instructive if the world's engineering community worked with the government of Italy to devise an ENGINEERING SOLUTION that will save the city and its unique character.

And once that is underway, the same or similar precautions can be taken to protect other similarly-situated inhabited areas, if they are worth it (which excludes Manhattan, of course).

Should the Donald offer to help?

The only thing we should do about climate change is to forget the ridiculous farce.
The claim is that the 2019 flooding was the worst in 50 years ... and that's true ... it wasn't the worst in the past 53 years ... 2019 - 1966 = 53 ... just helping with the mathing ...

That's how alarmism works...go back in history till just before your hypothesis starts to fall apart and let that be your starting point for whatever happens to be the bullshit du jour...
China has five times the people ... perhaps it is the United States who should be looking to China's rather amazing ability to conserve energy ...

Show us the numbers from India ... those would illustrate your point much better ...

Sure we could save energy like china...we would just have to make a few changes to the rural regions of the country. We would have to change from this:




To this: I am sure people would get used to sharing latrines and water sources in no time...




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Venice flooding is the worst in 50 years, and the mayor blames climate change

So here we have a true world treasure that is threatened by rising seas, presumably attributable to Climate Change.

Certainly, nothing anyone does w/r/t "greenhouse gases" in the next twenty years is going to reverse the microscopic rise in sea levels that have imperiled this lovely, historic city, but it would be nice and instructive if the world's engineering community worked with the government of Italy to devise an ENGINEERING SOLUTION that will save the city and its unique character.

And once that is underway, the same or similar precautions can be taken to protect other similarly-situated inhabited areas, if they are worth it (which excludes Manhattan, of course).

Should the Donald offer to help?

What about DOGGERLAND?

National Geographic

Doggerland - The Europe That Was


At the end of the last ice age, Britain formed the northwest corner of an icy continent. Warming climate exposed a vast continental shelf for humans to inhabit. Further warming and rising seas gradually flooded low-lying lands. Some 8,200 years ago, a catastrophic release of water from a North American glacial lake and a tsunami from a submarine landslide off Norway inundated whatever remained of Doggerland.




Should we sit around in anger against Mother Nature? who doesn't give a shit about bipedal creatures roaming around on the planets surface, or do we adapt instead?

What about the Doggerland people and The Netherlands?

Did they adapt or did they sit on their asses?
New Zealand is usually considered a couple of islands but those are just the highest parts of what can be considered a sub-continent ... Australia once extended all the way to Borneo ... the Bering Land Bridge has come and gone over millions of years ...

Humans have lived along the coast for the past 20,000 years ... the problem is all evidence of this habitation is currently 100 foot underwater ...

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