Time to face some hard facts

I do not think it was by accident that that opponent for the 2nd term has been just a terrible candidate almost guaranteeing a win for the sitting president. It is almost like the two parties have some sort of an agreement to make that happen.

Look back at the opponents.

Bob Dole
John Kerry
Mitt Romney

It is hard to believe such terrible choices would keep showing up every 2nd term election

But they are only terrible because they lost.

Up until the Russians threw the election, everyone was bemoaning what a terrible candidate Trump was. And he was a terrible candidate. It was never about him, it was about the contempt the voters had for the system.

The thing is, Trump got less of a percentage of the vote than Romney did. (46 vs. 47) only slightly more than McCain (45) or Dole (43) and less than Kerry (49)

Now, i think there is some validity to when you have a two term president, you dim out all the other stars in your party, which is why after two terms of Obama, all you had was Hillary and after two terms of Bush all you had was McCain, and after two terms of Clinton all you had left was Gore, all of whom were "Terrible" candidates in that they lost. .

I don't think Trump will win a second term because he really didn't win a first one. All the idiots who voted for third parties because "Hillary was just as bad" won't make that mistake again. But who knows the Democrats might fuck it up.

My bigger worry is that the Bernie Bros and other far leftists might become the dominant force in the party, and if Trump remains as unpopular as he is, they could win.

No, they were terrible when the ran, they lost because they were terrible.

By the way, I am one of the "idiots" that voted 3rd party and will do so again next election. I am used to the two party slaves calling me that so it does not bother me at all.

Good for you man, keep voting third party if that's the candidate that best represents your beliefs. IF more of us followed such a belief we'd break the two party choke hold.
you can't break the two party system....it is set up in the States, so that you can't with the states legislating WINNER TAKES ALL, with electorates....instead of proportionate electors given to the candidate, by the votes they received

Ross Perot as third party got 27 million votes, and not a single Electoral College vote....

The States can change this stranglehold on electors that go only to the two parties, but they won't, because the way they set it up, keeps 1 of the two parties, ALWAYS in office....in power.

And if more folks vote third party, then that third party takes all - not the reason.

The real reason is that the R's and D's got together and made it about 10 times harder for a third party candidate; they require 3 times the signatures and 4 times the money [a fee] to even have a "legal right" to be on the ballot.

but that, we can also get changed...
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do,

Just for fun, Votto......

Under Obama, the unemployment rate was lowered from 10% to 4.8%

Further, on Obama's last full day in office, the stock market witnessed an increase of 181 percent.

Obama is the first President in US history never to have the GDP get above 3%. Think about that for a minute, even though he got to serve 8 years.

Considering there were 800,000 jobs being lost per month when he came in, I would say he turned things around pretty good.
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?

Given the strong economy. low unemployment, cheap gas, no wars....Trump should be immensely popular

But he struggles at 37% approval. That is because regardless of the state of the economy, Trump is still an asshole

Yes, and Hillary still leads in the polls.

Thanks for that.

Yes and Hillary still won the popular vote
Thanks for that
EO's are only bad when Trump signs them. like his immigration EO that restricted travel from certain Islamic countries, something Obama also did and no one said anything about it.

You're joking, right?
Let me rephrase, the courts had no thought to stop him.

With Trump though, he's a meany and orange so he must be stopped I reckon.
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do,

Just for fun, Votto......

Under Obama, the unemployment rate was lowered from 10% to 4.8%

Further, on Obama's last full day in office, the stock market witnessed an increase of 181 percent.

Obama is the first President in US history never to have the GDP get above 3%. Think about that for a minute, even though he got to serve 8 years.

1. I'll take Obama's steady growth over Bush's volatile crash-and-burn bubble economy ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. Under Obama more jobs were created than BOTH Bushes combined AND multiplied by 4.

2. Trump is still a president to never post 3% year. His 1.2 - 3.1 - 3.3 GDP quarters average out to just 2.53% annualized GDP growth. Economy will need to do much better in Q4 to get 3% year.
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If Trump continues on in successful fashion, and without major incident... He may well have proven himself to be the harbinger of doom for the all but defunct Democrat party.

I just had a conversation about this issue with someone who hates Trump, but they just kept insisting that Trump WILL start a war with NK.

Naturally, if he does not, they still won't vote for him next round, but then Trump never had their vote to begin with.

The left is all about hate and casting their opposition as "crazy" or "senile" or "stupid". All Republican Presidents get treated in this way.

The Russians used psychologists in similar fashion, casting their political opponents in the same light and then locking them up for everyone's well being.
Well Trump has just issued a notice to the men and women serving in South Korea that all of their family members must come back to the states now. This signifies that war is most likely imminent especially since China doesn't seem to have the necessary pull Trump thought. Trump cannot allow the nuke testing to continue.
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do,

Just for fun, Votto......

Under Obama, the unemployment rate was lowered from 10% to 4.8%

Further, on Obama's last full day in office, the stock market witnessed an increase of 181 percent.

Obama is the first President in US history never to have the GDP get above 3%. Think about that for a minute, even though he got to serve 8 years.

1. I'll take Obama's steady growth over Bush's volatile crash-and-burn bubble economy ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. Under Obama more jobs were created than BOTH Bushes combined AND multipled by 4.

2. Trump is still a president to never post 3% year. His 1.2 - 3.1 - 3.3 GDP quarters average out to just 2.53% annualized GDP growth. He will need to do much better in Q4 to get 3% year.
yep, and obummer never had it either. in eight years. sad.
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?

Conservatives said goodbye to facts long ago. This group only functions on emotion and opinion now. Like children.
The problem with your statement is it assumes Trump seeks peace, which may not be the case. If he doesn't appease the militarists that control and inhabit both parties (all owned by the Military Industrial Complex), he might get his head blown off in broad daylight.

Nothing unites the two criminal parties more, than war...at least for a time. Just long enough to grow the power and wealth of government.

War is ALWAYS the health of the State.

Enjoy your visit from the Secret Service.
Somehow they forgot to visit Lee Harvey, so I am not worried.

He's dead. You sure you want to go there?
I don't think you comprehend, which I suspect occurs with regularity.

I am the one demanding peace at all costs, while statists like you are fine with war. War is always the health of the state. JFK was a peacemaker and for this, he was murdered. Trump fears the MIC just as all presidents have since JFK. He is likely to do their bidding just like all the others.

Peace at all costs? You are such a conspiracy nut and a spineless wimp to boot!
Can you comprehend this simple statement?

War is the health of the state.

Macho Man!
EO's are only bad when Trump signs them. like his immigration EO that restricted travel from certain Islamic countries, something Obama also did and no one said anything about it.

You're joking, right?
Let me rephrase, the courts had no thought to stop him.
Uh-huh, well except for all the times President Nimrods EO's were challenged in court.....

With Trump though, he's a meany and orange so he must be stopped I reckon.
The courts don't originate the law suits; Trump just needs get better at writing them and remove the language that gives his opponents the opening to block his EO's on Constitutional grounds.

Apparatchiks from both of the major political crime families bitch and moan when a President from the "other team" issues EO's while remaining silent while one of their own does the same thing, apparently some don't realize that partisan politics is often a game of "what is good for the goose is good for the gander" one-upmanship.
EO's are only bad when Trump signs them. like his immigration EO that restricted travel from certain Islamic countries, something Obama also did and no one said anything about it.

You're joking, right?
Let me rephrase, the courts had no thought to stop him.
Uh-huh, well except for all the times President Nimrods EO's were challenged in court.....

With Trump though, he's a meany and orange so he must be stopped I reckon.
The courts don't originate the law suits; Trump just needs get better at writing them and remove the language that gives his opponents the opening to block his EO's on Constitutional grounds.

Apparatchiks from both of the major political crime families bitch and moan when a President from the "other team" issues EO's while remaining silent while one of their own does the same thing, apparently some don't realize that partisan politics is often a game of "what is good for the goose is good for the gander" one-upmanship.

Writing EO's is one thing, but writing them that counter US federal law like Obama did is another.

No one stopped Obama, but they sure and stopped Trump.
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?

Conservatives said goodbye to facts long ago. This group only functions on emotion and opinion now. Like children.

That a boy. Keep talking down to us, mention our guns and Bibles we cling to. I just love it when you do.
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do, he will have been a more successful president than decades worth of sitting US Presidents. In fact, he does not even have to do anything. Doing nothing will have made him a better President than those before him. The bar has really been set that low.

Naturally, they are trying to remove him before it gets to that. Just imagine another Trump election. They can't just let that happen now can they?

It's sad, funny, and unsurprising that you don't know that the US was in recession when Obama took office.
EO's are only bad when Trump signs them. like his immigration EO that restricted travel from certain Islamic countries, something Obama also did and no one said anything about it.

You're joking, right?
Let me rephrase, the courts had no thought to stop him.
Uh-huh, well except for all the times President Nimrods EO's were challenged in court.....

With Trump though, he's a meany and orange so he must be stopped I reckon.
The courts don't originate the law suits; Trump just needs get better at writing them and remove the language that gives his opponents the opening to block his EO's on Constitutional grounds.

Apparatchiks from both of the major political crime families bitch and moan when a President from the "other team" issues EO's while remaining silent while one of their own does the same thing, apparently some don't realize that partisan politics is often a game of "what is good for the goose is good for the gander" one-upmanship.

Writing EO's is one thing, but writing them that counter US federal law like Obama did is another.

No one stopped Obama, but they sure and stopped Trump.

If I'm not mistaken Obama is up 1-0 on Trump with respect to the number of times SCOTUS ruled executive overreach on an EO; on the bright side Trump's got at least 3 more years to catch up on that score.
Trump is struggling at 37% approval in an environment of low unemployment, cheap gas and no wars

Where does he go from here?

What happens if he gets us into an unpopular war or we enter a periodic recession?
Trump does not take criticism well
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do,

Just for fun, Votto......

Under Obama, the unemployment rate was lowered from 10% to 4.8%

Further, on Obama's last full day in office, the stock market witnessed an increase of 181 percent.

Obama is the first President in US history never to have the GDP get above 3%. Think about that for a minute, even though he got to serve 8 years.

Considering there were 800,000 jobs being lost per month when he came in, I would say he turned things around pretty good.
How did Obama do that?

Was it doubling the national debt? Was it bailing out Wall Street? Was it because he filled in administration with Goldman Sachs fuckers? Was it from the enriching of the rich? Was it from massively increasing regulations? Was it Obamacare? Was it increasing illegal immigration? Was it because of his many subsidies to green energy while imposing harsh rules on fossil fuel energy producers?
EO's are only bad when Trump signs them. like his immigration EO that restricted travel from certain Islamic countries, something Obama also did and no one said anything about it.

You're joking, right?
Let me rephrase, the courts had no thought to stop him.
Uh-huh, well except for all the times President Nimrods EO's were challenged in court.....

With Trump though, he's a meany and orange so he must be stopped I reckon.
The courts don't originate the law suits; Trump just needs get better at writing them and remove the language that gives his opponents the opening to block his EO's on Constitutional grounds.

Apparatchiks from both of the major political crime families bitch and moan when a President from the "other team" issues EO's while remaining silent while one of their own does the same thing, apparently some don't realize that partisan politics is often a game of "what is good for the goose is good for the gander" one-upmanship.

Writing EO's is one thing, but writing them that counter US federal law like Obama did is another.

No one stopped Obama, but they sure and stopped Trump.

Look on the bright side. We now have a media that is intently scrutinizing and criticizing EVERYTHING Trump does. I much prefer this to a media that was on it's knees blowing Obama every day. Don't you?
EO's are only bad when Trump signs them. like his immigration EO that restricted travel from certain Islamic countries, something Obama also did and no one said anything about it.

You're joking, right?
Let me rephrase, the courts had no thought to stop him.
Uh-huh, well except for all the times President Nimrods EO's were challenged in court.....

With Trump though, he's a meany and orange so he must be stopped I reckon.
The courts don't originate the law suits; Trump just needs get better at writing them and remove the language that gives his opponents the opening to block his EO's on Constitutional grounds.

Apparatchiks from both of the major political crime families bitch and moan when a President from the "other team" issues EO's while remaining silent while one of their own does the same thing, apparently some don't realize that partisan politics is often a game of "what is good for the goose is good for the gander" one-upmanship.

Writing EO's is one thing, but writing them that counter US federal law like Obama did is another.

No one stopped Obama, but they sure and stopped Trump.

Look on the bright side. We now have a media that is intently scrutinizing and criticizing EVERYTHING Trump does. I much prefer this to a media that was on it's knees blowing Obama every day. Don't you?

Ugh... you actually do have a point on that.
IF Trump is able to avoid war, unlike his predecessors before him, and he is able to revitalize the economy, which his predecessors have been unable to do,

Just for fun, Votto......

Under Obama, the unemployment rate was lowered from 10% to 4.8%

Further, on Obama's last full day in office, the stock market witnessed an increase of 181 percent.

Obama is the first President in US history never to have the GDP get above 3%. Think about that for a minute, even though he got to serve 8 years.

Considering there were 800,000 jobs being lost per month when he came in, I would say he turned things around pretty good.
How did Obama do that?

Was it doubling the national debt? Was it bailing out Wall Street? Was it because he filled in administration with Goldman Sachs fuckers? Was it from the enriching of the rich? Was it from massively increasing regulations? Was it Obamacare? Was it increasing illegal immigration? Was it because of his many subsidies to green energy while imposing harsh rules on fossil fuel energy producers?

Nope none of that.....

In Svengali like fashion our Hero hypnotized the Federal Reserve Board of Governors along with the heads of other major central banks around the globe and forced them to go on an unprecedented easy money orgy for nearly a decade.

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