Time to force all States to split their electoral votes by Electoral District...Maine and Nebraska


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Let the Democrats commit mass fraud in their own cities and congressional districts. Leave our red counties/districts out of it.

It's time for a constitutional amendment that abolishes the "winner takes all system."

Some have argued for expanding this system to address the problems inherent in the use of the winner-take-all electoral college method. However, if expanded to all 50 states, the Congressional District Method would make the presidential election even less competitive, and it would increase the likelihood of a candidate winning the election without winning a majority of the national popular vote. We analyze the system, along with the "whole number proportional" system in our 2015 report,

The part in red is a good thing for the Republic.

Now the red counties in New York and Commiefornia can actually participate in our electoral process.
That has about as much of a chance of getting through Congress as an amendment imposing Congressional term limits. Both would help reduce corruption, but both are inconsistent with the self-interests of the Congresscritters who would have to draft it and approve it.
Good luck with that.

On the other side, you have liberals who want to pass a constitutional amendment to get rid of the EC all together since it appears to empower a minority in the is country.
In the Nineteenth Century the voting was reversed as to cities and rural areas in elections.
Careful what you wish for from gov't- you have to live with what you get- we're living the results of wishes now- complete disregard for "the stinky tourists"- utter disrespect for Individual Rights- total disrespect for sovereignty- total disregard of the rules for the thieves and miscreants who run loose in the halls of congress in the District of Criminals- nothing good comes from Washington and it seems all the evil migrates to there- it is the diametric opposite of the hope for the experiment we dwell in- it is tyranny, called official and oppression called National Security- the founders believed it would take men of virtue to keep the ship afloat- the word, virtue doesn't exist in actions in DC- it is the most vile and corrupt gang on the planet, acting with impunity enriching and rewarding itself, "officially".
Let the Democrats commit mass fraud in their own cities and congressional districts. Leave our red counties/districts out of it.

It's time for a constitutional amendment that abolishes the "winner takes all system."

Some have argued for expanding this system to address the problems inherent in the use of the winner-take-all electoral college method. However, if expanded to all 50 states, the Congressional District Method would make the presidential election even less competitive, and it would increase the likelihood of a candidate winning the election without winning a majority of the national popular vote. We analyze the system, along with the "whole number proportional" system in our 2015 report,

The part in red is a good thing for the Republic.

Now the red counties in New York and Commiefornia can actually participate in our electoral process.
No, it’s time for conservatives to stop trying to destroy our democratic institutions and acknowledge the fact that Trump failed to win reelection.
Let the Democrats commit mass fraud in their own cities and congressional districts. Leave our red counties/districts out of it.

It's time for a constitutional amendment that abolishes the "winner takes all system."

Some have argued for expanding this system to address the problems inherent in the use of the winner-take-all electoral college method. However, if expanded to all 50 states, the Congressional District Method would make the presidential election even less competitive, and it would increase the likelihood of a candidate winning the election without winning a majority of the national popular vote. We analyze the system, along with the "whole number proportional" system in our 2015 report,

The part in red is a good thing for the Republic.

Now the red counties in New York and Commiefornia can actually participate in our electoral process.

The WTA is indeed a boil on the bum of an arcane and fatally flawed system. One of the architects of the Electoral College itself, James Madison, wanted such an amendment in the earliest days it was getting to be used even though his own state benefitted from it. He could see where it was going. The OP is correct that it's an absurd way to translate a vote. Basically if ten people in a committee vote for Chairman and eight of them get one vote each and the ninth gets two, there's no way to call that "unanimous". Yet state electors waddle off to Congress every four years and do just that, disenfranchising every voter in their state who voted another way, even if those votes for somebody else were the majoriity.

Case in point: In 2016 Rump could not break the 45% mark in Utah of all places even with an R after his name, that is. 55+% of Utahans voted against him, yet the state sent 100% of its electors in his name. That 55% had their vote tossed right into the crapper thanks to this bizarre system. More than half the state got no representation at all. Several other states did the same thing.

And that's one of the major reasons our turnout is abysmal -- anyone who lives in a so-called "red"or "blue" state (two bogus terms which would not exist absent this bizarro system), has no reason to vote in a POTUS election at all. Their state is predetermined. They can go vote with their state, vote against their state, vote for a third party, or stay home and bake cookies and all four scenaria return the exact same thing except in the last scenario you at least get some cookies.

The problem with diluting that system into Congressional Districts is that those districts can be, and are, gerrymandered by whichever political faction controls the state legislature, so they can be tailored for a predetermined result, and you have even more disenfranchisement.
Let the Democrats commit mass fraud in their own cities and congressional districts. Leave our red counties/districts out of it.

It's time for a constitutional amendment that abolishes the "winner takes all system."

Some have argued for expanding this system to address the problems inherent in the use of the winner-take-all electoral college method. However, if expanded to all 50 states, the Congressional District Method would make the presidential election even less competitive, and it would increase the likelihood of a candidate winning the election without winning a majority of the national popular vote. We analyze the system, along with the "whole number proportional" system in our 2015 report,

The part in red is a good thing for the Republic.

Now the red counties in New York and Commiefornia can actually participate in our electoral process.
“Time to force all States…”


So much for “states’ rights.”
Let the Democrats commit mass fraud in their own cities and congressional districts. Leave our red counties/districts out of it.

It's time for a constitutional amendment that abolishes the "winner takes all system."

Some have argued for expanding this system to address the problems inherent in the use of the winner-take-all electoral college method. However, if expanded to all 50 states, the Congressional District Method would make the presidential election even less competitive, and it would increase the likelihood of a candidate winning the election without winning a majority of the national popular vote. We analyze the system, along with the "whole number proportional" system in our 2015 report,

The part in red is a good thing for the Republic.

Now the red counties in New York and Commiefornia can actually participate in our electoral process.

The WTA is indeed a boil on the bum of an arcane and fatally flawed system. One of the architects of the Electoral College itself, James Madison, wanted such an amendment in the earliest days it was getting to be used even though his own state benefitted from it. He could see where it was going. The OP is correct that it's an absurd way to translate a vote. Basically if ten people in a committee vote for Chairman and eight of them get one vote each and the ninth gets two, there's no way to call that "unanimous". Yet state electors waddle off to Congress every four years and do just that, disenfranchising every voter in their state who voted another way, even if those votes for somebody else were the majoriity.

Case in point: In 2016 Rump could not break the 45% mark in Utah of all places even with an R after his name, that is. 55+% of Utahans voted against him, yet the state sent 100% of its electors in his name. That 55% had their vote tossed right into the crapper thanks to this bizarre system. More than half the state got no representation at all. Several other states did the same thing.

And that's one of the major reasons our turnout is abysmal -- anyone who lives in a so-called "red"or "blue" state (two bogus terms which would not exist absent this bizarro system), has no reason to vote in a POTUS election at all. Their state is predetermined. They can go vote with their state, vote against their state, vote for a third party, or stay home and bake cookies and all four scenaria return the exact same thing except in the last scenario you at least get some cookies.

The problem with diluting that system into Congressional Districts is that those districts can be, and are, gerrymandered by whichever political faction controls the state legislature, so they can be tailored for a predetermined result, and you have even more disenfranchisement.
“…and you have even more disenfranchisement.”

Which is the goal of the GOP.
Let the Democrats commit mass fraud in their own cities and congressional districts. Leave our red counties/districts out of it.

It's time for a constitutional amendment that abolishes the "winner takes all system."

Some have argued for expanding this system to address the problems inherent in the use of the winner-take-all electoral college method. However, if expanded to all 50 states, the Congressional District Method would make the presidential election even less competitive, and it would increase the likelihood of a candidate winning the election without winning a majority of the national popular vote. We analyze the system, along with the "whole number proportional" system in our 2015 report,

The part in red is a good thing for the Republic.

Now the red counties in New York and Commiefornia can actually participate in our electoral process.
“Time to force all States…”


So much for “states’ rights.”

That's another impediment --- the Constitution already decrees that states shall chose electors "in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct". It's gonna be a steep incline to try to inject "...except for..."

Here's a better idea, just do the same thing to the Electrical College that it did to those Utah 55% --- toss this quaint throwback into the shitcan. We don't have Slavery any more, and massive readily-available media makes it impossible to not know the candidates, plus "faithless elector" laws have already neutered the intent of Electors' judgment, so everything the EC was created for has been gone for eons.
I personally like it the way Maine does it..... I don't feel left out, I believe my vote counts and I am represented.

A constitutional amendment is not needed to change the way your state picks their electors, your legislators, legislate election law.
I personally like it the way Maine does it..... I don't feel left out, I believe my vote counts and I am represented.

A constitutional amendment is not needed to change the way your state picks their electors, your legislators, legislate election law.

The states won't do that though. The reason WTA got universally used was mob mentality. "If they're doing this over in State X to boost their candidate, then we've got to do the same thing". And it snowballed from there. Nobody seems to have taken the time to consider how it would shut the voter out.

There was a time when splitting a state vote this way was done more but they all caved in. Maine and Nebraska in effect do the same thing, just on a smaller scale.
Let the Democrats commit mass fraud in their own cities and congressional districts. Leave our red counties/districts out of it.

It's time for a constitutional amendment that abolishes the "winner takes all system."

Some have argued for expanding this system to address the problems inherent in the use of the winner-take-all electoral college method. However, if expanded to all 50 states, the Congressional District Method would make the presidential election even less competitive, and it would increase the likelihood of a candidate winning the election without winning a majority of the national popular vote. We analyze the system, along with the "whole number proportional" system in our 2015 report,

The part in red is a good thing for the Republic.

Now the red counties in New York and Commiefornia can actually participate in our electoral process.

Hard no, losey Mcloser.
Each House district has approximately, the same amount of people living in the district....

So as example, the congested compact coastal cities, in the southern part of the State is one house district, then the entire rest of the State, maybe three times the physical territory, is the other house district which is rural living/ small town living.

One district voted for Trump as the winner, one district voted for Biden as a winner.

In the overall state vote count, Biden had more votes, so the two extra electors that each state gets that represents their US Senators, goes to the overall popular vote winner in the state.

So, in the end, Biden got the two state electors, the 1 house district elector, total 3
Trump won 1 house district elector, total 1
Each House district has approximately, the same amount of people living in the district....

So as example, the congested compact coastal cities, in the southern part of the State is one house district, then the entire rest of the State, maybe three times the physical territory, is the other house district which is rural living/ small town living.

One district voted for Trump as the winner, one district voted for Biden as a winner.

In the overall state vote count, Biden had more votes, so the two extra electors that each state gets that represents their US Senators, goes to the overall popular vote winner in the state.

So, in the end, Biden got the two state electors, the 1 house district elector, total 3
Trump won 1 house district elector, total 1

The issues manifest more visibly in a close election. In my state, again using 2016 the last election we have finalized numbers for, we have 15 Electoral votes. Rump got more votes than Clinton but neither cracked 50%. The remainder mostly went to the Johnson and Stein third party runs. In an equitable system, those 15 electors should have been allotted as 8 for Rump and 7 for Clinton, or if the percentages justified it, 7 to Rump, 6 to Clinton and one each to Johnson and Stein (or two to the higher one). That way everybody's vote would have been at least minimally represented.

But they don't do that. Most of our state voted against Rump and yet the Electors went to Congress and lied through their teeth, "wow it's amazing, everybody in our state voted unanimously for Rump". Just because of where the state line is. That's a wacko system.
No, it’s time for conservatives to stop trying to destroy our democratic institutions and acknowledge the fact that Trump failed to win reelection.
You don't get to tell others what to do- you can imply all day long- that changes nothing, proves nothing and fixes nothing-
We don't have Slavery any more,
We're all slaves- and tools for the Duopoly Party- as tools we're classified as a tool or an enemy every 4 years- the rest of the time we're "stinky tourist"

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