Time to go public with Soleimani attack intel

This intel should clearly show the world

what [intel]...?

Actually, we did kill their martyr.

No we made a martyr....


Every time we kill a terrorist or one of them blows themselves up, they worship them like a martyr.

Says something about those people, eh?
are you implying that I’m worshiping Soleimani like a martyr? If so, please explain what I said to make you think that.
I was referring to Iranians and Muslims in general.

Are you Muslim?

Although it appears the American left are worshiping him too, many holding protests vigils over the bombing of him.
It’s a stupid partisan attack. Grow up

It’s a partisan attack to point out Muslims worship murderers as heroes and martyrs?

Fact: the left are holding protests and rallies because we killed one of these “martyrs”.
...Look, assdfuck...
Mind your mouth, and mind your manners, in the presence of your betters, little Internet Princess.

...these were not Iranian soldiers let by Soleimani that killed Amerivans. They were groups Iran supported. It was a terrorist/rebel group that were at our embassy, not Iranian soldiers...

Iranian -backed militia groups, funded and trained and directed by Iran. The direction came from Soleimani and his operatives. Proxy war.

Consequently, we waited until the leader of that proxy war against us and our allies came out into the open and then killed him. Fun stuff.

...Putin backs many groups than]t have killed Americans in the same manner as Soleimsni. Putin & Russia have always backed Iran.

Soleimani provided operational support on-the-ground in Syria and mentored Hezbollah; an active leadership combatant against our allies.

It was a righteous shoot.
Being a Pathological Liar is a Sin

Hating Israel is a Sin

Killing Babies is a Sin.

Hating Your President is a Sin.

Homosexuality is a Sin.

Hating God is a Sin.

Stealing Taxpayer Funds is a sin &
So is taking Bribes and engaging in Influence Peddling is a Sin. Yet The Clintons and Bidens call that a day at the office.

Committing Adultery, Formication, Watching Pornography are Sins.

Killing Innocent People is a Sin, Yes Terrorism is a Sin. So is letting illegal alien criminals who have raped and killed innocent people run free in the streets a SIN. So not cooperating with Federal Law Enforcement agencies like ICE and Border Patrol is a SIN!

Rebellion, Sedition, Treason is a Sin. God calls #Resistance as bad as The Sin of Witchcraft. Rebellion is as The Sin of Witchcraft. What is The Biblical Punishment for “Witchcraft”?

Refusing to Turn from These Sins will Send you straight To Hell. Promoting these sins or refusing to Speak out against them are Sins.

But do you know that out of all of the sins I listed what God Hates Most?

He hates People who knowingly make False Accusations, who plot and Scheme Dishonestly to Rob God, to Defraud a People, to Spread Falsehoods & to Engage in Systematic Deceptions.

So When The Leftist Media actively works with The Democrat Party to constantly shake their fist at God, to paint Christianity or Israel or Jews in a Poor Light, when they sweep Evil & Crimes their leaders commit under the rug because it does not benefit them to point it out because it hurts their political goals, when they attack The President every Day with False Accusations in a methodical attempt to Remove him from office so that they can dishonestly gain power for themselves, when they work in Government to promote
Homosexuality, Infanticide, and Promote Lawlessness through such things as Sanctuary Cities....

God calls such people “The Workers of Iniquity” & The Judgment of such people comes not just upon them on Judgment Day but against their children and everyone who does not speak out against them.

So while you defend “The Workers of Iniquity” Over “Politics” I am going to do all I can to shame them & you In to Repentance!

Now, having said all that, I hope
For your sake that you heard what I said and it penetrates your cold calloused heart, and you do something to repent and save your wretched soul from The Eternal Flames of Hell!

And you need to do this soon, because God dates that for “The Workers of Iniquity” He will send Strong Delusions to them so that They Will Believe Lies.

What that means is that if God views you as a Worker of Iniquity He will give up on you, turn His back on you and give you over to your sins and delusions making repentance impossible because you will be unable to hear and accept Truth.

Do not let that happen to you or anyone you love, if you love anyone at all!

What is unbelievable is your Demonic Hate for our President and your refusal to save your own soul from eternal damnation in The Lake of Fire! You know you are going to Hell for being a Liar yet you refuse to repent of your sins.

Since when is lying not a sin? Trump lies every fucking day & you think that leads to heaven?
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#Resistance is a Sin.

You realize that, correct? You realize by engaging in it you are damning yourself to the Eternal Flaming Pit Of Hell, Right?

What is unbelievable is your Demonic Hate for our President and your refusal to save your own soul from eternal damnation in The Lake of Fire! You know you are going to Hell for being a Liar yet you refuse to repent of your sins.
They are saving their souls by not going along with the liar n chief's lies. You on the other hand......
#Resistance is a Sin.

You realize that, correct? You realize by engaging in it you are damning yourself to the Eternal Flaming Pit Of Hell, Right?

What is unbelievable is your Demonic Hate for our President and your refusal to save your own soul from eternal damnation in The Lake of Fire! You know you are going to Hell for being a Liar yet you refuse to repent of your sins.
They are saving their souls by not going along with the liar n chief's lies. You on the other hand......
I never read your bullshit, but sometimes I skim the first or last line. Quit playing like this planet is your video game, you freak.

#Resistance is a Sin.

You realize that, correct? You realize by engaging in it you are damning yourself to the Eternal Flaming Pit Of Hell, Right?

What is unbelievable is your Demonic Hate for our President and your refusal to save your own soul from eternal damnation in The Lake of Fire! You know you are going to Hell for being a Liar yet you refuse to repent of your sins.
They are saving their souls by not going along with the liar n chief's lies. You on the other hand......
Do you think God meant it when He said Christ would throw the anti Christ and ALL liars in to the Lake of Fire?

If you do, then why do you come here daily and spread lies, lies, and lies? Why, oh why, oh why do you lie? Do you think God will make an exception for your and Trump`s lies and He did not mean what he said?

Or are you simply mocking Bible prophesy? Inquiring minds want to know?
90% of their entire Military Force will be destroyed by God when he rains
Down Holy Fire & Giant Hailstones on them when they attack Israel according to Ezekiel 38-39.

What is unbelievable is your Demonic Hate for our President and your refusal to save your own soul from eternal damnation in The Lake of Fire! You know you are going to Hell for being a Liar yet you refuse to repent of your sins.

Now, having said all that, I hope
For your sake that you heard what I said and it penetrates your cold calloused heart, and you do something to repent and save your wretched soul from The Eternal Flames of Hell!

#Resistance is a Sin.

You realize that, correct? You realize by engaging in it you are damning yourself to the Eternal Flaming Pit Of Hell, Right?

When did you get promoted to pope....?

90% of their entire Military Force will be destroyed by God when he rains
Down Holy Fire & Giant Hailstones on them when they attack Israel according to Ezekiel 38-39.

What is unbelievable is your Demonic Hate for our President and your refusal to save your own soul from eternal damnation in The Lake of Fire! You know you are going to Hell for being a Liar yet you refuse to repent of your sins.

Now, having said all that, I hope
For your sake that you heard what I said and it penetrates your cold calloused heart, and you do something to repent and save your wretched soul from The Eternal Flames of Hell!

#Resistance is a Sin.

You realize that, correct? You realize by engaging in it you are damning yourself to the Eternal Flaming Pit Of Hell, Right?

When did you get promoted to pope....?

You're dissing on the Pope
The Obama admin fucked up at Bengazi. There is no valid argument that they did not.
Then the Trump administration fucked up just as bad,.by the same logic, in Iraq.

But you go ahead and blame our leaders for the actions of our enemies. When it suits you, of course.
The Obama admin fucked up at Bengazi. There is no valid argument that they did not.
Then the Trump administration fucked up just as bad,.by the same logic, in Iraq.

I beg to differ. Our embassy was attacked. Trump reacted by sending Apaches and troops ASAP. Obama sat on his ass.

Soleimani was a legitimate hit, and good timing because they caught him away from civilian crowds.
Trump reacted by sending Apaches and troops ASAP.
Which arrived much later than the special forces arrived at Benghazi. If you recall (you don't), they actually engaged in the firefight at benghazi. Dude, this is pointless. You are possession of virtually none of the basic facts of this topic.
Trump reacted by sending Apaches and troops ASAP.
Which arrived much later than the special forces arrived at Benghazi. If you recall (you don't), they actually engaged in the firefight at benghazi. Dude, this is pointless. You are possession of virtually none of the basic facts of this topic.

Ri-iiiight. :cuckoo:
And those reinforcements arrived because they were already in Iraq. Benghazi did not have the benefit of being a huge compound with secure safe rooms. They are just two completely different situations.
Trump reacted by sending Apaches and troops ASAP.
Which arrived much later than the special forces arrived at Benghazi. If you recall (you don't), they actually engaged in the firefight at benghazi. Dude, this is pointless. You are possession of virtually none of the basic facts of this topic.

Ri-iiiight. :cuckoo:
And those reinforcements arrived because they were already in Iraq. Benghazi did not have the benefit of being a huge compound with secure safe rooms. They are just two completely different situations.

Ri-iiiight. :auiqs.jpg:
Trump reacted by sending Apaches and troops ASAP.
Which arrived much later than the special forces arrived at Benghazi. If you recall (you don't), they actually engaged in the firefight at benghazi. Dude, this is pointless. You are possession of virtually none of the basic facts of this topic.

Ri-iiiight. :cuckoo:
And those reinforcements arrived because they were already in Iraq. Benghazi did not have the benefit of being a huge compound with secure safe rooms. They are just two completely different situations.

Ri-iiiight. :auiqs.jpg:
Yep. It's a retarded talking point crafted for retarded trumpanzees.
Serving your country isn’t involuntary servitude, it’s an honor and a duty that cowards and liars are unworthy of.

Every American should be forced to serve 2 years in the military immediately after High School and have a year of college paid for when they end that two year term.
Involuntary servitude that’s the ticket. Every keyboard warrior advocating aggression anywhere should be required by law to be the first dropped into zones where the fighting is the hottest.
That is such total bull shit. To think that, one has to be an ignoramus.

The military serves at the whims of the Oligarchy. The Oligarchy garners all the benefits from their killing and destroying.

War is a racket. Get the book and read it.
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

See the far left that thinks they are moderate makes claims of murder but had no problems with Obama doing away with due process and killed an american citizen there.

But then again the far left had no problems with the illegal wars of Obama.
Of course I have a problem with an American being killed by a drone strike. What are you talking about. That’s the problem with you partisan hacks. You make assumptions and are often wrong

No you do not, please show the posts you made under Obama, including the murder of Bin Laden.

or does that only go one way, the far left way!

You are not a moderate, just own up to the fact the looked the other way under Obama, including the illegal wars of Obama!
Who are you to tell what I was or wasn’t for?! Wow, the nerve. I wasn’t in this board during that time but I just made a post about it. I’m not getting off topic with you to argue about whether I’m a moderate or not. I don’t really care if you think I’m far left or not. Go for it

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