Time to go public with Soleimani attack intel

After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war.
NEWS FLASH for ya, Schmuck-- -- -- -- Iran declared war against us and the west a long time ago.

At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have
That would be smart. Reveal our intel which would expose our methods, our resources and our people, likely getting many of them killed, so we wouldn't have any intel any further. Which side are you working for?
Really? When did they declare war?

So then they made a nuclear deal with a country they were at war with? How does that make sense?

Ask Obama. He financed them.
There’s nothing to ask. We weren’t at war with Iran. You’re just making shit up and Sounding clueless in the process.
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?
In war, it's not called murder
Glad I could correct your mistake.
Did obama commit murder when he assassinated four American citizens without the benefit of a trial?
When did you quit caring about your Immortal Soul Burning in Hell?

90% of their entire Military Force will be destroyed by God when he rains
Down Holy Fire & Giant Hailstones on them when they attack Israel according to Ezekiel 38-39.

What is unbelievable is your Demonic Hate for our President and your refusal to save your own soul from eternal damnation in The Lake of Fire! You know you are going to Hell for being a Liar yet you refuse to repent of your sins.

Now, having said all that, I hope
For your sake that you heard what I said and it penetrates your cold calloused heart, and you do something to repent and save your wretched soul from The Eternal Flames of Hell!

#Resistance is a Sin.

You realize that, correct? You realize by engaging in it you are damning yourself to the Eternal Flaming Pit Of Hell, Right?

When did you get promoted to pope....?

Trump reacted by sending Apaches and troops ASAP.
Which arrived much later than the special forces arrived at Benghazi. If you recall (you don't), they actually engaged in the firefight at benghazi. Dude, this is pointless. You are possession of virtually none of the basic facts of this topic.

They were former special forces and CIA contractors, they disobeyed stand down orders to engage. Obviously it's you that doesn't remember.

After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?
Like the US needs an excuse to kill and bomb others.
NEWS FLASH for ya, Schmuck-- -- -- -- Iran declared war against us and the west a long time ago.

That would be smart. Reveal our intel which would expose our methods, our resources and our people, likely getting many of them killed, so we wouldn't have any intel any further. Which side are you working for?
Really? When did they declare war?

So then they made a nuclear deal with a country they were at war with? How does that make sense?
Nothing about Barry Hussein's executive order with Iran made sense.
Haha l, so you gonna stand behind the ridiculous fake narrative that we’ve been at war with Iran since 1979 as well? Unbelievable, y’all have no shame

History slaps you silly.
NEWS FLASH for ya, Schmuck-- -- -- -- Iran declared war against us and the west a long time ago.

That would be smart. Reveal our intel which would expose our methods, our resources and our people, likely getting many of them killed, so we wouldn't have any intel any further. Which side are you working for?
Really? When did they declare war?

So then they made a nuclear deal with a country they were at war with? How does that make sense?

Ask Obama. He financed them.
There’s nothing to ask. We weren’t at war with Iran. You’re just making shit up and Sounding clueless in the process.

I'd call out your lack of education, but we're dealing with willful stupidity in your case.
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?
In war, it's not called murder
Glad I could correct your mistake.
Did obama commit murder when he assassinated four American citizens without the benefit of a trial?
I’m not here to play word games. The guy was targeted and killed. Called it killed, murdered or assassinated... I don’t care we are all talking about the same thing. Yes Obama did the same thing but he took the high profile targets to Congress
I don’t lie, but “The Workers of Iniquity”
do. “They exchange The Truth for a Lie.”

Once you achieve a certain level of wickedness, God gives you over to Delusions and you can no longer tell the difference between Truth and Lies.

In other words you have run out of chances for salvation. Pray you are never numbered with The Workers of Iniquity. These are called also The Children of Satan for their Father is The Father of Lies and a Murderer from The Beginning.

My advice to you?

Fear God and Repent for The Fear of The Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.

Turn from your ways of be forever damned and deluded never being able to repent.

Matthew 24

False Christs

5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginnings of sorrows.

9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. 10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. 11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. 12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. 43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. 44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

45 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? 46 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. 47 Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. 48 But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; 49 And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; 50 The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, 51 And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

#Resistance is a Sin.

You realize that, correct? You realize by engaging in it you are damning yourself to the Eternal Flaming Pit Of Hell, Right?

What is unbelievable is your Demonic Hate for our President and your refusal to save your own soul from eternal damnation in The Lake of Fire! You know you are going to Hell for being a Liar yet you refuse to repent of your sins.
They are saving their souls by not going along with the liar n chief's lies. You on the other hand......
Do you think God meant it when He said Christ would throw the anti Christ and ALL liars in to the Lake of Fire?

If you do, then why do you come here daily and spread lies, lies, and lies? Why, oh why, oh why do you lie? Do you think God will make an exception for your and Trump`s lies and He did not mean what he said?

Or are you simply mocking Bible prophesy? Inquiring minds want to know?
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?
Like the US needs an excuse to kill and bomb others.
yes we absolutely do.
Really? When did they declare war?

So then they made a nuclear deal with a country they were at war with? How does that make sense?
Nothing about Barry Hussein's executive order with Iran made sense.
Haha l, so you gonna stand behind the ridiculous fake narrative that we’ve been at war with Iran since 1979 as well? Unbelievable, y’all have no shame

History slaps you silly.
You mean the fictitious war we’ve been in with Iran for 40 years?! Ok buddy. Go take your pill
Really? When did they declare war?

So then they made a nuclear deal with a country they were at war with? How does that make sense?

Ask Obama. He financed them.
There’s nothing to ask. We weren’t at war with Iran. You’re just making shit up and Sounding clueless in the process.

I'd call out your lack of education, but we're dealing with willful stupidity in your case.
You’d call out my lack of education but you can’t because you don’t have any facts to back up your fake narrative. Sorry
They were former special forces and CIA contractors, they disobeyed stand down orders to engage
False. Right wing gaslighting. Or, as known to rubes like you, "historical fact".
Really? The movie was wrong?
Correct, even according to the Republicans' own report, after no less than four investigations into the matter.

Evidence shows no Benghazi stand-down order to defy

So you see the power of propaganda.
....people still wouldn't believe it --this goes on all over the world
...you should always give the least amount of your intel--this is a very old rule of warfare/etc

If Trump actually walked on water the MSM and Democrats would shout "Trump can't swim!"
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After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war.
NEWS FLASH for ya, Schmuck-- -- -- -- Iran declared war against us and the west a long time ago.

At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have
That would be smart. Reveal our intel which would expose our methods, our resources and our people, likely getting many of them killed, so we wouldn't have any intel any further. Which side are you working for?
Really? When did they declare war?

So then they made a nuclear deal with a country they were at war with? How does that make sense?

So then they made a nuclear deal with a country they were at war with? How does that make sense?

Money for nothin'
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war.
NEWS FLASH for ya, Schmuck-- -- -- -- Iran declared war against us and the west a long time ago.

At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have
That would be smart. Reveal our intel which would expose our methods, our resources and our people, likely getting many of them killed, so we wouldn't have any intel any further. Which side are you working for?
Really? When did they declare war?

So then they made a nuclear deal with a country they were at war with? How does that make sense?

So then they made a nuclear deal with a country they were at war with? How does that make sense?

Money for nothin'
So for the record you’re also on board with thinking we’ve been at war with Iran for the past 40 years? Just wanna hear you say it

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