Time to go public with Soleimani attack intel

The military serves at the whims of the Oligarchy.
Neato! But, in this case, it serves at the whims of a mentally ill old man.
That’s just stupid. Why must you lefties fuck this up?

Calling him a mentally ill old man is stupid. There are so many things to criticize him for. Try being realistic rather than unhinged.

The D Party has approved of much of the Trump agenda. Why would they do that if he were mentally ill.

Secondly, Biden is just as old and he has done some really weird stupid shit.
This dumb cowardly assassination was Trump’s wag the dog moment. If O did this, the cons would be screaming for his head. Sadly, they are hypocrites just like liberals.
You can always go sign up to fight in Iran’s Army. 90% of their entire Military Force will be destroyed by God when he rains
Down Holy Fire & Giant Hailstones on them when they attack Israel according to Ezekiel 38-39.

There are so many dead bodies that it takes 7 months to bury them. Sounds like it’s time for you to join them.
Wow, you finally made a post in the correct place. Wow, I’d like to take a moment to recognize this momentous occasion. There is hope for you yet
Calling him a mentally ill old man is stupid.
No, it's spot on. He is , in fact, mentally ill.

The response he chose had nothing to do with American interests, and was chosen to make himself look like the biggest swinging dick on the block.

There is no mystery to this man.
Calling him a mentally ill old man is stupid.
No, it's spot on. He is , in fact, mentally ill.

The response he chose had nothing to do with American interests, and was chosen to make himself look like the biggest swinging dick on the block.

There is no mystery to this man.
You and many others on the left are hurting the cause, with this idiotic bull shit. Attack him with legitimate criticism. They is plenty available. Stop being feeble minded.
what [intel]...?

No we made a martyr....


Every time we kill a terrorist or one of them blows themselves up, they worship them like a martyr.

Says something about those people, eh?
are you implying that I’m worshiping Soleimani like a martyr? If so, please explain what I said to make you think that.
I was referring to Iranians and Muslims in general.

Are you Muslim?

Although it appears the American left are worshiping him too, many holding protests vigils over the bombing of him.
It’s a stupid partisan attack. Grow up

It’s a partisan attack to point out Muslims worship murderers as heroes and martyrs?

Fact: the left are holding protests and rallies because we killed one of these “martyrs”.
Think about it this way. We have Fox News and MSNBC... watch each of these stations for a day and you are going to see two parallel realities with completely different narratives. You and others like to use the term fake news.

Your opinion about Soleimani is based on whichever news sources you follow, whichever politicians you believe, whichever intel agencies you trust. Intel agencies that have been slammed continuously and doubted by our POTUS over the past 3 years.

There is a reality that is presented to the people in Iraq and Iran. I don’t think it’s too far fetch to assume that this general was presented as a hero, not for horrendous criminal acts but for defending his country.

You very easily go after the left and Muslims as worshipers of this guy and America haters but it doesn’t sound like you consider their perspective and the reality that has been presented to them by their news sources.

propaganda is a powerful thing. Government and news outlets pump it out on a daily basis. If it’s happening this bad in the USA imagine how bad it is in other less free countries.

The whole system is fucked. I’m not worshiping anybody and I’m not buying into any narrative that I see In The news or especially that comes from Trump. Go no trust in that guy after all his lies. That’s why i ask questions here Most the time and I don’t make proclamations of fact very often
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war.
NEWS FLASH for ya, Schmuck-- -- -- -- Iran declared war against us and the west a long time ago.

At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have
That would be smart. Reveal our intel which would expose our methods, our resources and our people, likely getting many of them killed, so we wouldn't have any intel any further. Which side are you working for?
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war.
NEWS FLASH for ya, Schmuck-- -- -- -- Iran declared war against us and the west a long time ago.

At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have
That would be smart. Reveal our intel which would expose our methods, our resources and our people, likely getting many of them killed, so we wouldn't have any intel any further. Which side are you working for?
Really? When did they declare war?

We already announced the imminent attack. Saying what that attack was can be done without revealing sources and methods. Of course I’m not suggesting compromising our intel sources. Grow up.
Reveal our intel which would expose of methods, out resources and our people, likely getting many of them killed
Not necessarily. That's a reactionary talking point. We had no problem going on front of the UN with our "Iraq intelligence", in the form of a 7th grade presentation.
The United States doesn’t need to draft people into military service anymore. POVERTY DOES IT. Poverty is the draft. Anthony served 6 years of active duty service and knows this truth first hand. People are enlisting because they are struggling to make it by in this society.

Don’t forget our booming prison system
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war.
NEWS FLASH for ya, Schmuck-- -- -- -- Iran declared war against us and the west a long time ago.

At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have
That would be smart. Reveal our intel which would expose our methods, our resources and our people, likely getting many of them killed, so we wouldn't have any intel any further. Which side are you working for?
Really? When did they declare war?

After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war.
NEWS FLASH for ya, Schmuck-- -- -- -- Iran declared war against us and the west a long time ago.

At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have
That would be smart. Reveal our intel which would expose our methods, our resources and our people, likely getting many of them killed, so we wouldn't have any intel any further. Which side are you working for?
Really? When did they declare war?

So then they made a nuclear deal with a country they were at war with? How does that make sense?
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war.
NEWS FLASH for ya, Schmuck-- -- -- -- Iran declared war against us and the west a long time ago.

At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have
That would be smart. Reveal our intel which would expose our methods, our resources and our people, likely getting many of them killed, so we wouldn't have any intel any further. Which side are you working for?
Really? When did they declare war?

So then they made a nuclear deal with a country they were at war with? How does that make sense?
Nothing about Barry Hussein's executive order with Iran made sense.
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war.
NEWS FLASH for ya, Schmuck-- -- -- -- Iran declared war against us and the west a long time ago.

At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have
That would be smart. Reveal our intel which would expose our methods, our resources and our people, likely getting many of them killed, so we wouldn't have any intel any further. Which side are you working for?
Really? When did they declare war?

So then they made a nuclear deal with a country they were at war with? How does that make sense?

Ask Obama. He financed them.
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war.
NEWS FLASH for ya, Schmuck-- -- -- -- Iran declared war against us and the west a long time ago.

At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have
That would be smart. Reveal our intel which would expose our methods, our resources and our people, likely getting many of them killed, so we wouldn't have any intel any further. Which side are you working for?
Really? When did they declare war?

So then they made a nuclear deal with a country they were at war with? How does that make sense?
Nothing about Barry Hussein's executive order with Iran made sense.
Haha l, so you gonna stand behind the ridiculous fake narrative that we’ve been at war with Iran since 1979 as well? Unbelievable, y’all have no shame

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