Time to go public with Soleimani attack intel

This intel should clearly show the world

what [intel]...?

Actually, we did kill their martyr.

No we made a martyr....


Every time we kill a terrorist or one of them blows themselves up, they worship them like a martyr.

Says something about those people, eh?
are you implying that I’m worshiping Soleimani like a martyr? If so, please explain what I said to make you think that.
I was referring to Iranians and Muslims in general.

Are you Muslim?

Although it appears the American left are worshiping him too, many holding protests vigils over the bombing of him.
It’s a stupid partisan attack. Grow up
New Survey today came out stating 66% of Americans want The Democrat Party to
Abandon impeachment and start working with The President.

BTW, want to see how Obama handles Terrorism? He was friends with all three of these terrorists.
View attachment 298425
...Oh I think if a war results from trumps mishandling of this then there is no way he wins re-election
When was the last time that you saw a sitting President lose an election in the middle of a war?
i don’t care what historical stats show. Trump is and always has been a very unpopular president. Add on top of that a series of bad decisions that provokes a war with Iran? He gone for sure
I don’t believe anything you say. Fake news
Americans are growing up and are waking up to the reality of a Corrupt, Evil, Treasonous and Morally deprived Democrat Party.

This intel should clearly show the world

what [intel]...?

Actually, we did kill their martyr.

No we made a martyr....


Every time we kill a terrorist or one of them blows themselves up, they worship them like a martyr.

Says something about those people, eh?
are you implying that I’m worshiping Soleimani like a martyr? If so, please explain what I said to make you think that.
I was referring to Iranians and Muslims in general.

Are you Muslim?

Although it appears the American left are worshiping him too, many holding protests vigils over the bombing of him.
It’s a stupid partisan attack. Grow up
No one believes anything you say. You’ve been outed.

New Survey today came out stating 66% of Americans want The Democrat Party to
Abandon impeachment and start working with The President.

BTW, want to see how Obama handles Terrorism? He was friends with all three of these terrorists.
View attachment 298425
...Oh I think if a war results from trumps mishandling of this then there is no way he wins re-election
When was the last time that you saw a sitting President lose an election in the middle of a war?
i don’t care what historical stats show. Trump is and always has been a very unpopular president. Add on top of that a series of bad decisions that provokes a war with Iran? He gone for sure
I don’t believe anything you say. Fake news
Americans are growing up and are waking up to the reality of a Corrupt, Evil, Treasonous and Morally deprived Democrat Party.

what [intel]...?

No we made a martyr....


Every time we kill a terrorist or one of them blows themselves up, they worship them like a martyr.

Says something about those people, eh?
are you implying that I’m worshiping Soleimani like a martyr? If so, please explain what I said to make you think that.
I was referring to Iranians and Muslims in general.

Are you Muslim?

Although it appears the American left are worshiping him too, many holding protests vigils over the bombing of him.
It’s a stupid partisan attack. Grow up
I don’t believe you
God doesn’t believe you.

Americans are growing up and are waking up to the reality of a Corrupt, Evil, Treasonous and Morally deprived Democrat Party.

Every time we kill a terrorist or one of them blows themselves up, they worship them like a martyr.

Says something about those people, eh?
are you implying that I’m worshiping Soleimani like a martyr? If so, please explain what I said to make you think that.
I was referring to Iranians and Muslims in general.

Are you Muslim?

Although it appears the American left are worshiping him too, many holding protests vigils over the bombing of him.
It’s a stupid partisan attack. Grow up
I don’t believe you
No one believes anything you say. You’ve been outed.

New Survey today came out stating 66% of Americans want The Democrat Party to
Abandon impeachment and start working with The President.

BTW, want to see how Obama handles Terrorism? He was friends with all three of these terrorists.
View attachment 298425
...Oh I think if a war results from trumps mishandling of this then there is no way he wins re-election
When was the last time that you saw a sitting President lose an election in the middle of a war?
i don’t care what historical stats show. Trump is and always has been a very unpopular president. Add on top of that a series of bad decisions that provokes a war with Iran? He gone for sure
I don’t believe anything you say. Fake news
Oh shoot, really?? I’ve been outed?! Dang, and I thought I had you all fooled. Well at least I know the correct place to write my replies on this message board.
God doesn’t believe you.

Americans are growing up and are waking up to the reality of a Corrupt, Evil, Treasonous and Morally deprived Democrat Party.

are you implying that I’m worshiping Soleimani like a martyr? If so, please explain what I said to make you think that.
I was referring to Iranians and Muslims in general.

Are you Muslim?

Although it appears the American left are worshiping him too, many holding protests vigils over the bombing of him.
It’s a stupid partisan attack. Grow up
I don’t believe you
You don’t speak for God

they weren't.... read the 9/11 report....

or you can say they assisted them as much as the USA assisted the hijackers by giving them visas to come here, or allowing them to go to our flight schools.... :rolleyes: ridiculous sh t, you guys come up with and spew...
Why did Obama Bin Lying hide the fact that Obama Bin Laden and The 9-11 Terrorists were funded by General Soleimani & Iran?
Trump Bolted To Most Extreme Iran Measure Despite Reported Concerns By Aides

Some officials were skeptical of reports of “imminent attacks” by Iran against U.S. targets, according to The New York Times.

President Donald Trump suddenly rocketed to the most radical of considered options in Iran even as troubled aides worried about the legitimacy of the action and the fallout, according to media reports.

Pentagon officials were stunned, The New York Times reported, when Trump opted to target Iran’s top commander, Gen. Qassem Soleimani, in a deadly drone attack in Baghdad early Friday. It was a surprise from a president who often expressed a goal to extricate America from Mideast conflicts, not to entangle the nation a new potential war in the region.

The president went for the most extreme alternative despite some aides’ fear that the action was not legally justified, reported The Associated Press — and that evidence was weak of “imminent attacks” from Iran quickly claimed in the wake of Soleimani’s death by the Trump administration, a source told the Times.

Killing Soleimani was on the table of alternatives presented to Trump in the face of intelligence — disputed by some skeptical officials — claiming coming Iranian attacks on U.S. embassies and the military in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. But aides didn’t expect the president would pick that option.


Is this grounds to impeach Trump* - again?

The VP's press secretary supports the VP's false statement! WOW! Who would have thunk it? :p
I Speak up for God.

Iran has its own personal Demon “Prince of Persia” assigned to that Nation and it’s leaders. It is the only nation in The Bible referred to in that way by God. They are entirely Evil.

God will destroy Iran and it’s allies on The Mountains of Israel, and Damascus will be turned in to rubble. It will take 7 months to bury the bodies and 7 years to clear the battlefield and they will be destroyed by Giant Hailstones mingled with fire and brimstone, then disease and the remnant insanity causing them to turn on each other and kill each other.

God has reserved a special Judgment for Iran because it’s leaders and it’s people are wicked.

Isaiah 17 & Ezekiel 38
& 39, Revelation 20.

God also says that in The Latter Days He will send Strong Delusions to the wicked so that they will believe lies and will be ensnared by the very traps they lay for others.

So ask yourself today if you need to change your ways, or do you want to be numbered among the wicked on Judgment day?

God doesn’t believe you.

Americans are growing up and are waking up to the reality of a Corrupt, Evil, Treasonous and Morally deprived Democrat Party.

I was referring to Iranians and Muslims in general.

Are you Muslim?

Although it appears the American left are worshiping him too, many holding protests vigils over the bombing of him.
It’s a stupid partisan attack. Grow up
I don’t believe you
You don’t speak for God
Last edited:
I Speak up for God.

Iran has its own personal Demon “Prince of Persia” assigned to that Nation and it’s leaders. It is the only nation in The Bible referred to in that way by God. They are entirely Evil.

God will destroy Iran and it’s allies on The Mountains of Israel, and Damascus will be turned in to rubble. It will take 7 months to bury the bodies and 7 years to clear the battlefield and they will be destroyed by Giant Hailstones mingled with fire and brimstone, then disease and the remnant insanity causing them to turn on each other and kill each other.

God has reserved a special Judgment for Iran because it’s leaders and it’s people are wicked.

Isaiah 17 & Ezekiel 38
& 39, Revelation 20.

God also says that in The Latter Days He will send Strong Delusions to the wicked so that they will believe lies and will be ensnared by the very traps they lay for others.

So ask yourself today if you need to change your ways, or do you want to be numbered among the wicked on Judgment day?

God doesn’t believe you.

Americans are growing up and are waking up to the reality of a Corrupt, Evil, Treasonous and Morally deprived Democrat Party.

It’s a stupid partisan attack. Grow up
I don’t believe you
You don’t speak for God
You really shouldn’t speak for God. Doesn’t suit ya
brothers and sisters: as dark as things may seem, there's love and light in Trump's heart and the iranians hearts than they know what to do with. peace is coming, my friends!
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?
Intel from an agency that Trump has repeatedly discredited. An agency that Trump considers less reliable than what Putin tells him

Intel that is spouted out by Trump and his cronies just like any other lie they tell to justify what they do

This is why Trump shouldn't bother releasing any intel. People like this will just twist it so that their agenda is furthered.
It’s hilarious watching these Leftists tremble, and piss in fear, at the thought of Iran declaring war us.

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