Time to go to Washington

Some are there alreadys.....millions more are needed to stop this criminal Joe Biden from stealing the election.....be sure to take what is needed for self-defense......leftwingers, antifa, and blacks are sure to get violent.

Do not allow yourself to be a victim....go prepared.

The proud boys leader has been incarcerated......this must not be allowed .....for freedom and liberty.

If America is to survive all Real Americans must take a stand and put up a fight. The lives of your children depend on it.

Bad . . . extremely bad idea, my fellow USMB member. Don't get me wrong, I consider myself among the most patriotic Americans left in this strange and uncertain present day of ours. Further, if Donald Trump himself asked me to show up on the White House lawn and defend him to my last breath I would leap at the chance. But that's not what's going on here. Not even close. What's going on is potentially millions of decent Americans are being lured into a trap. Washington D.C. has banned all firearms within the city—for law abiding citizens. Additionally, do you really believe the mainstream media would broadcast Trump's call for patriots to converge on D.C. when they wouldn't even broadcast his Sunday night address to the nation? Finally, what do YOU personally believe even a million patriotic Americans can do, gathered together in one place? Are you all going to surround the White House to prevent our President from being kicked out on his backside on the 20th? ANY . . . and I mean ANY organized resistance to the rule of law in D.C. or anywhere else in this country will be treated as insurrection.

The result? The federal, state and local governments will make very messy examples out of lots of such participants. Oh, yes . . . I almost forgot about Antifa/BLM/NFAC who are all sanctioned BY THE GOVERNMENT to riot, commit arson and engage in all manner of violent mass criminal behavior. So in other words, anyone who goes to D.C. tomorrow will be facing the prospect of wading through a very deep minefield. It is never a good idea to stroll willingly into a minefield . . . unless one has been trained to disarm mines or blow them in place. Perhaps .0001% of the people who plan to show up qualify.

That reads like the beginnings of a new (2nd) revolutionary war, to me.

More likely a hybrid.

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Harris is a whore who only got her status by sucking Willie's 'willie.' sweetcakes

Cupcake, all she did was have a romance like millions of other people, (you yourself might have had a romance that involved sexual activity), there is no reason to think that her success had anything to do with this romance, and she would not have succeeded in any position in which she served had she not been able to perform the duties of that job well.

There is no evidence of any wrong-doing in any business dealing between Hunter Biden (not on the ticket) and any Chinese firms.

Remember, the orange whore and his minions have been crawling around Moscow, regarding "business ventures," since before he became POTUS. He's probably been on his knees before putin more than anybody else has. In fact, his record of fornication and adultery, as well as admitted sexual assaults, dating from well before he ran for office is nothing short of outrageous, so don't even begin to talk about sex. Referencing a woman's sexual activities, whether real or a product of your imagination, while completely ignoring whatever men do as long as they are heterosexual, is nothing short of gross misogyny. It's really trashy.
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What's going on is potentially millions of decent Americans are being lured into a trap. Washington D.C. has banned all firearms within the city—for law abiding citizens.

Nobody is being "lured" into any "trap." No one has hidden DC's firearms laws. They are universally known. A "decent American" would know this.

do you really believe the mainstream media would broadcast Trump's call for patriots to converge on D.C. when they wouldn't even broadcast his Sunday night address to the nation?

Any call for "patriots" to come to DC would be an act of treason, and there is no reason to think that respectable folks in the media would or should be complicit.

In any event, trump's speeches (address[es] to the nation :heehee:) basically consist of the same rant repeated over and over. Why waste valuable airtime, particularly when he just makes these speeches to advance his personal political interests?
Some are there alreadys.....millions more are needed to stop this criminal Joe Biden from stealing the election.....be sure to take what is needed for self-defense......leftwingers, antifa, and blacks are sure to get violent.

Do not allow yourself to be a victim....go prepared.

The proud boys leader has been incarcerated......this must not be allowed .....for freedom and liberty.

If America is to survive all Real Americans must take a stand and put up a fight. The lives of your children depend on it.

Sedition is a crime.

Real Americans don't spew sedition and treason.

You must not be a real American.

What the founders of this nation did was illegal and under british law they cold have been executed....thus they put their very lives online to establish America....should we do less to protect and preserve it from leftwingers who want to destroy it?

What the founders of this great nation did was, indeed, illegal according to British law.

And they started an entirely new nation. Since they started an entirely new nation, they could not be prosecuted under the laws of the old one.

Is that what you plan to do? Start an entirely new nation? Kinda shoots down the idea that you are a patriotic American.
Some are there alreadys.....millions more are needed to stop this criminal Joe Biden from stealing the election.....be sure to take what is needed for self-defense......leftwingers, antifa, and blacks are sure to get violent.

Do not allow yourself to be a victim....go prepared.

The proud boys leader has been incarcerated......this must not be allowed .....for freedom and liberty.

If America is to survive all Real Americans must take a stand and put up a fight. The lives of your children depend on it.

You are nuts!
Walmart militia vs. U.S. military? Where can I place my bet?
Wal-Fart militia?

I mean they are well armed only if their electric scooters are charged enough...

All joking aside the reality is if a rebellion does happen it will be short lived and in the end Trump and his voting base will be blamed ( rightfully so ) for what come next!
Wal-Fart militia?
I mean they are well armed only if their electric scooters are charged enough...
All joking aside the reality is if a rebellion does happen it will be short lived and in the end Trump and his voting base will be blamed ( rightfully so ) for what come next!

There will be no large scale uprising or rebellion. Your coup is safe.
Conservatives are mostly Christians and follow Jesus' edit of turning the other cheek.
Mostly they will just suck it all up....no matter what is dished out to them. And hope for a better deal in the after life.
The proof is that they have done nothing for over 100 years while the progressive Left has made them criminals and outcasts in the nation they built.
Next comes gun confiscation and I predict a few isolated pockets of a few Patriots will resist and be summarily executed....then the rest will eagerly comply.

It would be the longest shot and most unexpected if there was any kind of meaningful resistance. Highly doubtful. The 2nd was an illusion of safety.

No, the left will prevail, but unfortunately that expressly means everyone will suffer....except for the Elite ruling class.
Same as it is in Cuba and Venezuela.
Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
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Walmart militia vs. U.S. military? Where can I place my bet?
Wal-Fart militia?

I mean they are well armed only if their electric scooters are charged enough...

All joking aside the reality is if a rebellion does happen it will be short lived and in the end Trump and his voting base will be blamed ( rightfully so ) for what come next!

There will be no large scale uprising or rebellion.
Conservatives are mostly Christians and follow Jesus' edit of turning the other cheek.
Mostly they will just suck it all up....no matter what is dished out to them.
The proof is that they have done nothing for over 100 years while the progressive Left has made them criminals and outcasts in the nation they built.
Next comes gun confiscation and I predict a few isolated pockets of a few Patriots will resist and be summarily executed....then the rest will eagerly comply.

No, the left will prevail, but unfortunately that expressly means everyone will suffer....except for the Elite ruling class.
Same as it is in Cuba and Venezuela.
Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

When they do not confiscate your firearms and the GOP retake the House, Senate and Oval Office in the next four years what will be your reasoning why you were so wrong once again?
Wal-Fart militia?
I mean they are well armed only if their electric scooters are charged enough...
All joking aside the reality is if a rebellion does happen it will be short lived and in the end Trump and his voting base will be blamed ( rightfully so ) for what come next!

There will be no large scale uprising or rebellion. Your coup is safe.
Conservatives are mostly Christians and follow Jesus' edit of turning the other cheek.
Mostly they will just suck it all up....no matter what is dished out to them. And hope for a better deal in the after life.
The proof is that they have done nothing for over 100 years while the progressive Left has made them criminals and outcasts in the nation they built.
Next comes gun confiscation and I predict a few isolated pockets of a few Patriots will resist and be summarily executed....then the rest will eagerly comply.

It would be the longest shot and most unexpected if there was any kind of meaningful resistance. Highly doubtful. The 2nd was an illusion of safety.

No, the left will prevail, but unfortunately that expressly means everyone will suffer....except for the Elite ruling class.
Same as it is in Cuba and Venezuela.
Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
Oligarchs rule
Some are there alreadys.....millions more are needed to stop this criminal Joe Biden from stealing the election.....be sure to take what is needed for self-defense......leftwingers, antifa, and blacks are sure to get violent.

Do not allow yourself to be a victim....go prepared.

The proud boys leader has been incarcerated......this must not be allowed .....for freedom and liberty.

If America is to survive all Real Americans must take a stand and put up a fight. The lives of your children depend on it.

Bad . . . extremely bad idea, my fellow USMB member. Don't get me wrong, I consider myself among the most patriotic Americans left in this strange and uncertain present day of ours. Further, if Donald Trump himself asked me to show up on the White House lawn and defend him to my last breath I would leap at the chance. But that's not what's going on here. Not even close. What's going on is potentially millions of decent Americans are being lured into a trap. Washington D.C. has banned all firearms within the city—for law abiding citizens. Additionally, do you really believe the mainstream media would broadcast Trump's call for patriots to converge on D.C. when they wouldn't even broadcast his Sunday night address to the nation? Finally, what do YOU personally believe even a million patriotic Americans can do, gathered together in one place? Are you all going to surround the White House to prevent our President from being kicked out on his backside on the 20th? ANY . . . and I mean ANY organized resistance to the rule of law in D.C. or anywhere else in this country will be treated as insurrection.

The result? The federal, state and local governments will make very messy examples out of lots of such participants. Oh, yes . . . I almost forgot about Antifa/BLM/NFAC who are all sanctioned BY THE GOVERNMENT to riot, commit arson and engage in all manner of violent mass criminal behavior. So in other words, anyone who goes to D.C. tomorrow will be facing the prospect of wading through a very deep minefield. It is never a good idea to stroll willingly into a minefield . . . unless one has been trained to disarm mines or blow them in place. Perhaps .0001% of the people who plan to show up qualify.

All Trump needs to do is give the signal....and millions will descend on D.C. With numbers like they could grab ole joe and send him packing.

Time for action folks....no time for cowards.

No, trump will protect the Establishment. Just as ALL other Presidents have done. And MUST do.
This is just as silly as all the Leftists thinking Trump will be prosecuted for all his "crimes" lmao.

No, he won't actually.
What it comes down to and this is what everyone must know....if the leftwingers take over...the America we have all known and loved is finished.

Biden is bad enough and a disaster waiting to happen but kamela harris is even worse....and the odds are that due to joes age and health issues...he will not last long ....which means the odds are kamela harris will take over either through joes demise or him going full blown senile and the 25th amendment kicking in.

The democratic party wants to destroy America that is what obama meant when he said he wanted to fundamentally change America...he was too incompetent to do that but he did inflict a lot of damage.

We need millions of patriots in Washington to show the Supreme Court above all that Americans do not believe it was a legitimate election and that the Supreme Court should step in to prevent this fraudulent election from being implemented.

This is no time to call for moderation and passivity....this is a time to fight for America.

What do you mean "if the leftwingers take over...the America we have all known and loved is finished." ???

Too late.
this fight should have been raging for about 100 years now.

If there has been no resistance for 100 years.....there won't be any now.
And what resistance might take place will be too little......too late.

The can was kicked too long......the deed is done. Which is why the election was so easily stolen.
The election process in America has been terminated.
The Left chooses who among them will rule next.
Some are there alreadys.....millions more are needed to stop this criminal Joe Biden from stealing the election.....be sure to take what is needed for self-defense......leftwingers, antifa, and blacks are sure to get violent.

Do not allow yourself to be a victim....go prepared.

The proud boys leader has been incarcerated......this must not be allowed .....for freedom and liberty.

If America is to survive all Real Americans must take a stand and put up a fight. The lives of your children depend on it.

Sedition is a crime.

Real Americans don't spew sedition and treason.

You must not be a real American.

What the founders of this nation did was illegal and under british law they cold have been executed....thus they put their very lives online to establish America....should we do less to protect and preserve it from leftwingers who want to destroy it?
You're joking I assume?

The flu don't fathers have been spinning in their tombs some you idiots elected this fascist.

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