Time to go to Washington

Some are there alreadys.....millions more are needed to stop this criminal Joe Biden from stealing the election.....be sure to take what is needed for self-defense......leftwingers, antifa, and blacks are sure to get violent.

Do not allow yourself to be a victim....go prepared.

The proud boys leader has been incarcerated......this must not be allowed .....for freedom and liberty.

If America is to survive all Real Americans must take a stand and put up a fight. The lives of your children depend on it.

Are you posting from the back of a Greyhound bus?
Some are there alreadys.....millions more are needed to stop this criminal Joe Biden from stealing the election.....be sure to take what is needed for self-defense......leftwingers, antifa, and blacks are sure to get violent.

Do not allow yourself to be a victim....go prepared.

The proud boys leader has been incarcerated......this must not be allowed .....for freedom and liberty.

If America is to survive all Real Americans must take a stand and put up a fight. The lives of your children depend on it.

And what are you going to do little man?
Some are there alreadys.....millions more are needed to stop this criminal Joe Biden from stealing the election.....be sure to take what is needed for self-defense......leftwingers, antifa, and blacks are sure to get violent.

Do not allow yourself to be a victim....go prepared.

The proud boys leader has been incarcerated......this must not be allowed .....for freedom and liberty.

If America is to survive all Real Americans must take a stand and put up a fight. The lives of your children depend on it.

Sedition is a crime.

Real Americans don't spew sedition and treason.

You must not be a real American.

What the founders of this nation did was illegal and under british law they cold have been executed....thus they put their very lives online to establish America....should we do less to protect and preserve it from leftwingers who want to destroy it?
Some are there alreadys.....millions more are needed to stop this criminal Joe Biden from stealing the election.....be sure to take what is needed for self-defense......leftwingers, antifa, and blacks are sure to get violent.

Do not allow yourself to be a victim....go prepared.

The proud boys leader has been incarcerated......this must not be allowed .....for freedom and liberty.

If America is to survive all Real Americans must take a stand and put up a fight. The lives of your children depend on it.

Bad . . . extremely bad idea, my fellow USMB member. Don't get me wrong, I consider myself among the most patriotic Americans left in this strange and uncertain present day of ours. Further, if Donald Trump himself asked me to show up on the White House lawn and defend him to my last breath I would leap at the chance. But that's not what's going on here. Not even close. What's going on is potentially millions of decent Americans are being lured into a trap. Washington D.C. has banned all firearms within the city—for law abiding citizens. Additionally, do you really believe the mainstream media would broadcast Trump's call for patriots to converge on D.C. when they wouldn't even broadcast his Sunday night address to the nation? Finally, what do YOU personally believe even a million patriotic Americans can do, gathered together in one place? Are you all going to surround the White House to prevent our President from being kicked out on his backside on the 20th? ANY . . . and I mean ANY organized resistance to the rule of law in D.C. or anywhere else in this country will be treated as insurrection.

The result? The federal, state and local governments will make very messy examples out of lots of such participants. Oh, yes . . . I almost forgot about Antifa/BLM/NFAC who are all sanctioned BY THE GOVERNMENT to riot, commit arson and engage in all manner of violent mass criminal behavior. So in other words, anyone who goes to D.C. tomorrow will be facing the prospect of wading through a very deep minefield. It is never a good idea to stroll willingly into a minefield . . . unless one has been trained to disarm mines or blow them in place. Perhaps .0001% of the people who plan to show up qualify.
Some are there alreadys.....millions more are needed to stop this criminal Joe Biden from stealing the election.....be sure to take what is needed for self-defense......leftwingers, antifa, and blacks are sure to get violent.

Do not allow yourself to be a victim....go prepared.

The proud boys leader has been incarcerated......this must not be allowed .....for freedom and liberty.

If America is to survive all Real Americans must take a stand and put up a fight. The lives of your children depend on it.

Bad . . . extremely bad idea, my fellow USMB member. Don't get me wrong, I consider myself among the most patriotic Americans left in this strange and uncertain present day of ours. Further, if Donald Trump himself asked me to show up on the White House lawn and defend him to my last breath I would leap at the chance. But that's not what's going on here. Not even close. What's going on is potentially millions of decent Americans are being lured into a trap. Washington D.C. has banned all firearms within the city—for law abiding citizens. Additionally, do you really believe the mainstream media would broadcast Trump's call for patriots to converge on D.C. when they wouldn't even broadcast his Sunday night address to the nation? Finally, what do YOU personally believe even a million patriotic Americans can do, gathered together in one place? Are you all going to surround the White House to prevent our President from being kicked out on his backside on the 20th? ANY . . . and I mean ANY organized resistance to the rule of law in D.C. or anywhere else in this country will be treated as insurrection.

The result? The federal, state and local governments will make very messy examples out of lots of such participants. Oh, yes . . . I almost forgot about Antifa/BLM/NFAC who are all sanctioned BY THE GOVERNMENT to riot, commit arson and engage in all manner of violent mass criminal behavior. So in other words, anyone who goes to D.C. tomorrow will be facing the prospect of wading through a very deep minefield. It is never a good idea to stroll willingly into a minefield . . . unless one has been trained to disarm mines or blow them in place. Perhaps .0001% of the people who plan to show up qualify.

All Trump needs to do is give the signal....and millions will descend on D.C. With numbers like they could grab ole joe and send him packing.

Time for action folks....no time for cowards.
Some are there alreadys.....millions more are needed to stop this criminal Joe Biden from stealing the election.....be sure to take what is needed for self-defense......leftwingers, antifa, and blacks are sure to get violent.

Do not allow yourself to be a victim....go prepared.

The proud boys leader has been incarcerated......this must not be allowed .....for freedom and liberty.

If America is to survive all Real Americans must take a stand and put up a fight. The lives of your children depend on it.

Bad . . . extremely bad idea, my fellow USMB member. Don't get me wrong, I consider myself among the most patriotic Americans left in this strange and uncertain present day of ours. Further, if Donald Trump himself asked me to show up on the White House lawn and defend him to my last breath I would leap at the chance. But that's not what's going on here. Not even close. What's going on is potentially millions of decent Americans are being lured into a trap. Washington D.C. has banned all firearms within the city—for law abiding citizens. Additionally, do you really believe the mainstream media would broadcast Trump's call for patriots to converge on D.C. when they wouldn't even broadcast his Sunday night address to the nation? Finally, what do YOU personally believe even a million patriotic Americans can do, gathered together in one place? Are you all going to surround the White House to prevent our President from being kicked out on his backside on the 20th? ANY . . . and I mean ANY organized resistance to the rule of law in D.C. or anywhere else in this country will be treated as insurrection.

The result? The federal, state and local governments will make very messy examples out of lots of such participants. Oh, yes . . . I almost forgot about Antifa/BLM/NFAC who are all sanctioned BY THE GOVERNMENT to riot, commit arson and engage in all manner of violent mass criminal behavior. So in other words, anyone who goes to D.C. tomorrow will be facing the prospect of wading through a very deep minefield. It is never a good idea to stroll willingly into a minefield . . . unless one has been trained to disarm mines or blow them in place. Perhaps .0001% of the people who plan to show up qualify.

All Trump needs to do is give the signal....and millions will descend on D.C. With numbers like they could grab ole joe and send him packing.

Time for action folks....no time for cowards.

Ah, I see where your thoughts are running. While I can't disagree with the spirit of your anger and patriotic devotion there are few things you might want to keep in mind before diving off the deep end. The American Revolutionary War was neither fought nor won by a disorganized civilian mob. Consider this carefully. America runs on very fine-tuned, intricate and precision mechanism; one might even call our governmental/political system Byzantine, and rightly so. Our system essentially runs itself. By that I mean from the bottom (local governments) to the top (federal level) the wheel of our government spins on its own, free of much interference from any one individual or even group of them. From the elections of Sheriffs and DA's to those for Governors, State's Attorneys and even the President himself, the gears of government automatically, inevitably WILL TURN.

Okay, so why am I ranting about the function of our government? For a very important couple of reasons, actually. First reason: while our government essentially functions on its own, it is also a very delicate and vulnerable mechanism—one that can be unbalanced, even broken, if we try to interfere much with its function. Second reason: no matter how bloody well intentioned any group of organized resistance to the Federal, state or local government function might be, the automatic response of the government will be to preserve its day to day operation by fucking absolutely crushing all insurrectionists/revolutionaries. Agents of the government from local, state and federal armed agencies will not even bat an eye putting down any kind of resistance effort with extreme prejudice.

Overall, what I am trying to convey, is that if we are not very, very damn careful even the most patriotic of us could break the government's ability to function. And I'll take it one step further than that. Frankly, neither you nor any other well intentioned patriot is someone I want to slow, stop or change the function of my American government. Essentially, YOU are not George Washington, nor are the leaders of any civilian militia. Believe it or not you do not know what is best for our country, that's way above your pay grade, nor do you have the right to start some kind of armed rebellion in our nation's capital city. Lastly, you must have no idea what our government would do to any resistance movement it viewed as a threat. And it wouldn't just be democrat asshole law enforcement and prosecutors who would put down such rebellion; republican members of government would be right there calling for your destruction as well.

Any kind of second revolutionary war to come must be fought by well organized and supported intellectuals, patriots and military forces. Americans who have the broad support of other Americans and some of our key foreign allies. Our Founding Fathers knew this. But then again they were not trying form a "New British Empire". They were out to form a completely "revolutionary" form of government, and they succeeded. As much as it pains me to say this I must, "Donald Trump is not America." There, I said it. We The People—all Americans—are America, as are the Founding tenets of our nation. Yes, the election was stolen. Yes, we must do something about it. But before that "something about it" happens we'd better be goddamned certain we know what we're doing OR ELSE we will break the greatest civilization to ever exist in human history.
Some are there alreadys.....millions more are needed to stop this criminal Joe Biden from stealing the election.....be sure to take what is needed for self-defense......leftwingers, antifa, and blacks are sure to get violent.

Do not allow yourself to be a victim....go prepared.

The proud boys leader has been incarcerated......this must not be allowed .....for freedom and liberty.

If America is to survive all Real Americans must take a stand and put up a fight. The lives of your children depend on it.

Bad . . . extremely bad idea, my fellow USMB member. Don't get me wrong, I consider myself among the most patriotic Americans left in this strange and uncertain present day of ours. Further, if Donald Trump himself asked me to show up on the White House lawn and defend him to my last breath I would leap at the chance. But that's not what's going on here. Not even close. What's going on is potentially millions of decent Americans are being lured into a trap. Washington D.C. has banned all firearms within the city—for law abiding citizens. Additionally, do you really believe the mainstream media would broadcast Trump's call for patriots to converge on D.C. when they wouldn't even broadcast his Sunday night address to the nation? Finally, what do YOU personally believe even a million patriotic Americans can do, gathered together in one place? Are you all going to surround the White House to prevent our President from being kicked out on his backside on the 20th? ANY . . . and I mean ANY organized resistance to the rule of law in D.C. or anywhere else in this country will be treated as insurrection.

The result? The federal, state and local governments will make very messy examples out of lots of such participants. Oh, yes . . . I almost forgot about Antifa/BLM/NFAC who are all sanctioned BY THE GOVERNMENT to riot, commit arson and engage in all manner of violent mass criminal behavior. So in other words, anyone who goes to D.C. tomorrow will be facing the prospect of wading through a very deep minefield. It is never a good idea to stroll willingly into a minefield . . . unless one has been trained to disarm mines or blow them in place. Perhaps .0001% of the people who plan to show up qualify.

All Trump needs to do is give the signal....and millions will descend on D.C. With numbers like they could grab ole joe and send him packing.

Time for action folks....no time for cowards.

Ah, I see where your thoughts are running. While I can't disagree with the spirit of your anger and patriotic devotion there are few things you might want to keep in mind before diving off the deep end. The American Revolutionary War was neither fought nor won by a disorganized civilian mob. Consider this carefully. America runs on very fine-tuned, intricate and precision mechanism; one might even call our governmental/political system Byzantine, and rightly so. Our system essentially runs itself. By that I mean from the bottom (local governments) to the top (federal level) the wheel of our government spins on its own, free of much interference from any one individual or even group of them. From the elections of Sheriffs and DA's to those for Governors, State's Attorneys and even the President himself, the gears of government automatically, inevitably WILL TURN.

Okay, so why am I ranting about the function of our government? For a very important couple of reasons, actually. First reason: while our government essentially functions on its own, it is also a very delicate and vulnerable mechanism—one that can be unbalanced, even broken, if we try to interfere much with its function. Second reason: no matter how bloody well intentioned any group of organized resistance to the Federal, state or local government function might be, the automatic response of the government will be to preserve its day to day operation by fucking absolutely crushing all insurrectionists/revolutionaries. Agents of the government from local, state and federal armed agencies will not even bat an eye putting down any kind of resistance effort with extreme prejudice.

Overall, what I am trying to convey, is that if we are not very, very damn careful even the most patriotic of us could break the government's ability to function. And I'll take it one step further than that. Frankly, neither you nor any other well intentioned patriot is someone I want to slow, stop or change the function of my American government. Essentially, YOU are not George Washington, nor are the leaders of any civilian militia. Believe it or not you do not know what is best for our country, that's way above your pay grade, nor do you have the right to start some kind of armed rebellion in our nation's capital city. Lastly, you must have no idea what our government would do to any resistance movement it viewed as a threat. And it wouldn't just be democrat asshole law enforcement and prosecutors who would put down such rebellion; republican members of government would be right there calling for your destruction as well.

Any kind of second revolutionary war to come must be fought by well organized and supported intellectuals, patriots and military forces. Americans who have the broad support of other Americans and some of our key foreign allies. Our Founding Fathers knew this. But then again they were not trying form a "New British Empire". They were out to form a completely "revolutionary" form of government, and they succeeded. As much as it pains me to say this I must, "Donald Trump is not America." There, I said it. We The People—all Americans—are America, as are the Founding tenets of our nation. Yes, the election was stolen. Yes, we must do something about it. But before that "something about it" happens we'd better be goddamned certain we know what we're doing OR ELSE we will break the greatest civilization to ever exist in human history.

What it comes down to and this is what everyone must know....if the leftwingers take over...the America we have all known and loved is finished.

Biden is bad enough and a disaster waiting to happen but kamela harris is even worse....and the odds are that due to joes age and health issues...he will not last long ....which means the odds are kamela harris will take over either through joes demise or him going full blown senile and the 25th amendment kicking in.

The democratic party wants to destroy America that is what obama meant when he said he wanted to fundamentally change America...he was too incompetent to do that but he did inflict a lot of damage.

We need millions of patriots in Washington to show the Supreme Court above all that Americans do not believe it was a legitimate election and that the Supreme Court should step in to prevent this fraudulent election from being implemented.

This is no time to call for moderation and passivity....this is a time to fight for America.
Some are there alreadys.....millions more are needed to stop this criminal Joe Biden from stealing the election.....be sure to take what is needed for self-defense......leftwingers, antifa, and blacks are sure to get violent.

Do not allow yourself to be a victim....go prepared.

The proud boys leader has been incarcerated......this must not be allowed .....for freedom and liberty.

If America is to survive all Real Americans must take a stand and put up a fight. The lives of your children depend on it.

Sedition is a crime.

Real Americans don't spew sedition and treason.

You must not be a real American.

What the founders of this nation did was illegal and under british law they cold have been executed....thus they put their very lives online to establish America....should we do less to protect and preserve it from leftwingers who want to destroy it?

The only result of your actions will be you ending up in prison for your violence.
Ironic. So you're gonna crap on the streets of DC? No better than those in San Francisco.
I think they said they were bringing a can.
Ironic. So you're gonna crap on the streets of DC? No better than those in San Francisco.
No, he's gonna crap in a can. Maybe mail it to you!! :auiqs.jpg: Sorry I couldn't resist. :alcoholic:
What "self defense"? Get over the fact that your whore lost.

Yes, Kamel Toe Harris lost. That's true.
Harris won. Your whores trump and pence lost.

Incidentally, for those like yourself who never grew up, her name is Kamala Harris. Are you actually illterate?
You gotta know that if those two are sworn in it is going to be not nice with the nasty name calling. The total disrespect her and Biden have shown in their years as political people will be returned to them. Like many of you felt about Trump, people on the deplorable side do not owe them any allegiance. The last unity was 9/11. We most likely will not see anything again even close to that in our nation.

What "total disrespect" have Biden and Harris shown to anyone? Insult anyone? Whom? Twitter ignorant messages about people? trump has gotten it due to his own conduct and disrespectful attitude.
What "total disrespect" have Biden and Harris shown to anyone? Insult anyone? Whom? Twitter ignorant messages about people? trump has gotten it due to his own conduct and disrespectful attitude.
Harris is a whore who only got her status by sucking Willie's 'willie.' sweetcakes. Biden has been receiving ChiCom laundered money from his son's illegitimate business dealings. As former business partner of Hunter Biden Anthony Bobulinski has already said.
"Mr. Bobulinski said that he was rankled by Joe Biden’s public statements that he never discussed the international business activities of Hunter and other family members. He also cited nearly $5 million in payments that a Senate Republican report last month said CEFC made to Hunter Biden’s law firm as another reason to come forward."

Mr. Bobulinski said he took part in a meeting with Hunter, Joe Biden and Joe Biden’s brother James Biden in Los Angeles in 2017 when they discussed “the Biden family business plans with the Chinese, of which [Joe Biden] was plainly familiar at least at a high level.”

In the correspondence provided by Mr. Bobulinski, an email he received from Mr. Gilliar in May 2017 proposed a possible equity arrangement for the five partners. The email references “10 held by H for the big guy?” Mr. Bobulinski said the “H” referred to Hunter Biden and the “big guy” was Joe Biden. Mr. Gilliar didn’t respond to a request for comment, nor did the other partner in the venture, Mr. Walker.
Last edited:
Some are there alreadys.....millions more are needed to stop this criminal Joe Biden from stealing the election.....be sure to take what is needed for self-defense......leftwingers, antifa, and blacks are sure to get violent.

Do not allow yourself to be a victim....go prepared.

The proud boys leader has been incarcerated......this must not be allowed .....for freedom and liberty.

If America is to survive all Real Americans must take a stand and put up a fight. The lives of your children depend on it.

Make sure, before you leave, to you tell your family your going to be locked up in PRISON for a while. Enjoy!
Some are there alreadys.....millions more are needed to stop this criminal Joe Biden from stealing the election.....be sure to take what is needed for self-defense......leftwingers, antifa, and blacks are sure to get violent.

Do not allow yourself to be a victim....go prepared.

The proud boys leader has been incarcerated......this must not be allowed .....for freedom and liberty.

If America is to survive all Real Americans must take a stand and put up a fight. The lives of your children depend on it.

Bad . . . extremely bad idea, my fellow USMB member. Don't get me wrong, I consider myself among the most patriotic Americans left in this strange and uncertain present day of ours. Further, if Donald Trump himself asked me to show up on the White House lawn and defend him to my last breath I would leap at the chance. But that's not what's going on here. Not even close. What's going on is potentially millions of decent Americans are being lured into a trap. Washington D.C. has banned all firearms within the city—for law abiding citizens. Additionally, do you really believe the mainstream media would broadcast Trump's call for patriots to converge on D.C. when they wouldn't even broadcast his Sunday night address to the nation? Finally, what do YOU personally believe even a million patriotic Americans can do, gathered together in one place? Are you all going to surround the White House to prevent our President from being kicked out on his backside on the 20th? ANY . . . and I mean ANY organized resistance to the rule of law in D.C. or anywhere else in this country will be treated as insurrection.

The result? The federal, state and local governments will make very messy examples out of lots of such participants. Oh, yes . . . I almost forgot about Antifa/BLM/NFAC who are all sanctioned BY THE GOVERNMENT to riot, commit arson and engage in all manner of violent mass criminal behavior. So in other words, anyone who goes to D.C. tomorrow will be facing the prospect of wading through a very deep minefield. It is never a good idea to stroll willingly into a minefield . . . unless one has been trained to disarm mines or blow them in place. Perhaps .0001% of the people who plan to show up qualify.

All Trump needs to do is give the signal....and millions will descend on D.C. With numbers like they could grab ole joe and send him packing.

Time for action folks....no time for cowards.
Easy Tiger
Some are there alreadys.....millions more are needed to stop this criminal Joe Biden from stealing the election.....be sure to take what is needed for self-defense......leftwingers, antifa, and blacks are sure to get violent.

Do not allow yourself to be a victim....go prepared.

The proud boys leader has been incarcerated......this must not be allowed .....for freedom and liberty.

If America is to survive all Real Americans must take a stand and put up a fight. The lives of your children depend on it.

Bad . . . extremely bad idea, my fellow USMB member. Don't get me wrong, I consider myself among the most patriotic Americans left in this strange and uncertain present day of ours. Further, if Donald Trump himself asked me to show up on the White House lawn and defend him to my last breath I would leap at the chance. But that's not what's going on here. Not even close. What's going on is potentially millions of decent Americans are being lured into a trap. Washington D.C. has banned all firearms within the city—for law abiding citizens. Additionally, do you really believe the mainstream media would broadcast Trump's call for patriots to converge on D.C. when they wouldn't even broadcast his Sunday night address to the nation? Finally, what do YOU personally believe even a million patriotic Americans can do, gathered together in one place? Are you all going to surround the White House to prevent our President from being kicked out on his backside on the 20th? ANY . . . and I mean ANY organized resistance to the rule of law in D.C. or anywhere else in this country will be treated as insurrection.

The result? The federal, state and local governments will make very messy examples out of lots of such participants. Oh, yes . . . I almost forgot about Antifa/BLM/NFAC who are all sanctioned BY THE GOVERNMENT to riot, commit arson and engage in all manner of violent mass criminal behavior. So in other words, anyone who goes to D.C. tomorrow will be facing the prospect of wading through a very deep minefield. It is never a good idea to stroll willingly into a minefield . . . unless one has been trained to disarm mines or blow them in place. Perhaps .0001% of the people who plan to show up qualify.

All Trump needs to do is give the signal....and millions will descend on D.C. With numbers like they could grab ole joe and send him packing.

Time for action folks....no time for cowards.

Ah, I see where your thoughts are running. While I can't disagree with the spirit of your anger and patriotic devotion there are few things you might want to keep in mind before diving off the deep end. The American Revolutionary War was neither fought nor won by a disorganized civilian mob. Consider this carefully. America runs on very fine-tuned, intricate and precision mechanism; one might even call our governmental/political system Byzantine, and rightly so. Our system essentially runs itself. By that I mean from the bottom (local governments) to the top (federal level) the wheel of our government spins on its own, free of much interference from any one individual or even group of them. From the elections of Sheriffs and DA's to those for Governors, State's Attorneys and even the President himself, the gears of government automatically, inevitably WILL TURN.

Okay, so why am I ranting about the function of our government? For a very important couple of reasons, actually. First reason: while our government essentially functions on its own, it is also a very delicate and vulnerable mechanism—one that can be unbalanced, even broken, if we try to interfere much with its function. Second reason: no matter how bloody well intentioned any group of organized resistance to the Federal, state or local government function might be, the automatic response of the government will be to preserve its day to day operation by fucking absolutely crushing all insurrectionists/revolutionaries. Agents of the government from local, state and federal armed agencies will not even bat an eye putting down any kind of resistance effort with extreme prejudice.

Overall, what I am trying to convey, is that if we are not very, very damn careful even the most patriotic of us could break the government's ability to function. And I'll take it one step further than that. Frankly, neither you nor any other well intentioned patriot is someone I want to slow, stop or change the function of my American government. Essentially, YOU are not George Washington, nor are the leaders of any civilian militia. Believe it or not you do not know what is best for our country, that's way above your pay grade, nor do you have the right to start some kind of armed rebellion in our nation's capital city. Lastly, you must have no idea what our government would do to any resistance movement it viewed as a threat. And it wouldn't just be democrat asshole law enforcement and prosecutors who would put down such rebellion; republican members of government would be right there calling for your destruction as well.

Any kind of second revolutionary war to come must be fought by well organized and supported intellectuals, patriots and military forces. Americans who have the broad support of other Americans and some of our key foreign allies. Our Founding Fathers knew this. But then again they were not trying form a "New British Empire". They were out to form a completely "revolutionary" form of government, and they succeeded. As much as it pains me to say this I must, "Donald Trump is not America." There, I said it. We The People—all Americans—are America, as are the Founding tenets of our nation. Yes, the election was stolen. Yes, we must do something about it. But before that "something about it" happens we'd better be goddamned certain we know what we're doing OR ELSE we will break the greatest civilization to ever exist in human history.

What it comes down to and this is what everyone must know....if the leftwingers take over...the America we have all known and loved is finished.

Biden is bad enough and a disaster waiting to happen but kamela harris is even worse....and the odds are that due to joes age and health issues...he will not last long ....which means the odds are kamela harris will take over either through joes demise or him going full blown senile and the 25th amendment kicking in.

The democratic party wants to destroy America that is what obama meant when he said he wanted to fundamentally change America...he was too incompetent to do that but he did inflict a lot of damage.

We need millions of patriots in Washington to show the Supreme Court above all that Americans do not believe it was a legitimate election and that the Supreme Court should step in to prevent this fraudulent election from being implemented.

This is no time to call for moderation and passivity....this is a time to fight for America.
Sounds like you might want to consider moving to a country with a more “stable” government; Russia perhaps?
Some are there alreadys.....millions more are needed to stop this criminal Joe Biden from stealing the election.....be sure to take what is needed for self-defense......leftwingers, antifa, and blacks are sure to get violent.

Do not allow yourself to be a victim....go prepared.

The proud boys leader has been incarcerated......this must not be allowed .....for freedom and liberty.

If America is to survive all Real Americans must take a stand and put up a fight. The lives of your children depend on it.

so, rambo. are you going?

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