Time to once again re-educate idiot libs. The Civil War was NOT about slavery

You don't think the secession was about slavery???
Read this clause of the Confederate Constitution, one of the clauses that differed from the US Constitution:
(4) No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed.

HAHAHA. What does that prove?? Everyone agrees the south wanted to keep their slaves. That hardly proves the war was about slavery. Now it's your turn to explain why if the union wanted to free the slaves, they had 4 slave states of their own!!

The secession documents of almost every state list slavery as the reason for leaving the union.

The secession documents for Georgia for an example mention slavery 36 times.

Mississippi has 7 references to it.

South Carolina 18.

I think it is clear enough. Do we believe the documents they gave when leaving the Union or do we believe some white right winger?

HAHAHA. You're making that up. WTF is a secession document?? And besides, it's just words. Let's stick with facts like the fact that the UNION had 4 slave states. Refute that.

A secession document is the document that each state used to state the fact they were leaving the Union and why.

But I do realize now you are just being a troll. I thought you were just ignorant, but in reality you are just a moron troll.
Jefferson Davis quite clearly states here that slavery is, indeed, the cause of the Civil War. I think his words carry far more weight than your silly rants.

I gave facts - you gave political speeches. I can do that too. Grant once said "if i thought this war was about freeing the slaves, i would resign immediately."

See what I mean? The OP's 'argument' hinges on his right to declare the reasons for secession, as expressed by the secessionists themselves,

as lies.

very funny
The secession documents of almost every state list slavery as the reason for leaving the union.

The secession documents for Georgia for an example mention slavery 36 times.

Mississippi has 7 references to it.

South Carolina 18.

I think it is clear enough. Do we believe the documents they gave when leaving the Union or do we believe some white right winger?

HAHAHA. You're making that up. WTF is a secession document?? And besides, it's just words. Let's stick with facts like the fact that the UNION had 4 slave states. Refute that.

A secession document is the document that each state used to state the fact they were leaving the Union and why.

But I do realize now you are just being a troll. I thought you were just ignorant, but in reality you are just a moron troll.

These people run in this troll thread about once a month anymore.
If it wasn't about slavery - why did the south want slavery expanded? Why did they have to preserve a balance of slave states vs free states? :dunno:

Hey einstein. No one disputes that the south supported slavery. But that's not what the CW was about. You can't think.

The North and South War was about States and Territorial rights vs Big Goverment overreach.

Now what was upsetting the Confederate States that caused them to leave the Union and months later sparked the War?

Slavery and New States and Territories right to have it or not.

So yes it was mainly about States and Territories right to Slavery and if the State and Territories should have the right to say yes or no or should the Federal Government be allow to tell them yes or no.

So yes it was about Slavery but when the war started Lincoln was not wanting to free the slaves in slave states of the Confederate States but for their insurrection he had to punish them and show what happens when you leave the Union.

So again for you and those opposite of you the main reason for the war was about State and Territorial rights which the main concern was the Confederate States right to Slavery and if the Federal Government had a right to tell them yes or no on the issue and also Taxes...
Proof that the Civil War was about freeing the slaves = before Civil War some states had slavery. After the Civil War, no states had slavery.
How could it be about slavery when

1. There were four UNION states that practiced slavery throughout the war. KY MD MO DE. Had 300,000 slaves total.

2. There were many UNION generals who were slave owners. Even Grant had a slave and his wife had a bunch of them.

3. Lincoln asked slave owner Robert E Lee to be commander of all UNION forces.

The idea that the CW was about freeing the slaves is not only wrong, it is preposterous. It's fake news the media has been feeding us for 150 years.
You have lost this a dozen times. Run along.
Confederates who wanted to maintain slavery got killed, literally killed, and had their Plantations and slave supported industries and businesses burned down to the ground and their slaves released into freedom. Imagine making the silly argument about the Civil War not being about slavery as the slave owners lie dead while their Mansions burned to the ground and the freed former slaves leave the carcasses of the dead slave owners lying on the ground being eaten by buzzards.
If it wasn't about slavery - why did the south want slavery expanded? Why did they have to preserve a balance of slave states vs free states? :dunno:

Hey einstein. No one disputes that the south supported slavery. But that's not what the CW was about. You can't think.

The North and South War was about States and Territorial rights vs Big Goverment overreach.

Now what was upsetting the Confederate States that caused them to leave the Union and months later sparked the War?

Slavery and New States and Territories right to have it or not.

So yes it was mainly about States and Territories right to Slavery and if the State and Territories should have the right to say yes or no or should the Federal Government be allow to tell them yes or no.

So yes it was about Slavery but when the war started Lincoln was not wanting to free the slaves in slave states of the Confederate States but for their insurrection he had to punish them and show what happens when you leave the Union.

So again for you and those opposite of you the main reason for the war was about State and Territorial rights which the main concern was the Confederate States right to Slavery and if the Federal Government had a right to tell them yes or no on the issue and also Taxes...
And why did they want to succeed? Slavery. Why did they insist that knew states coming in be balanced slave to free? You cant untangle slavery as the main issue.
If it wasn't about slavery - why did the south want slavery expanded? Why did they have to preserve a balance of slave states vs free states? :dunno:

Hey einstein. No one disputes that the south supported slavery. But that's not what the CW was about. You can't think.

The North and South War was about States and Territorial rights vs Big Goverment overreach.

Now what was upsetting the Confederate States that caused them to leave the Union and months later sparked the War?

Slavery and New States and Territories right to have it or not.

So yes it was mainly about States and Territories right to Slavery and if the State and Territories should have the right to say yes or no or should the Federal Government be allow to tell them yes or no.

So yes it was about Slavery but when the war started Lincoln was not wanting to free the slaves in slave states of the Confederate States but for their insurrection he had to punish them and show what happens when you leave the Union.

So again for you and those opposite of you the main reason for the war was about State and Territorial rights which the main concern was the Confederate States right to Slavery and if the Federal Government had a right to tell them yes or no on the issue and also Taxes...
And why did they want to succeed? Slavery. Why did they insist that knew states coming in be balanced slave to free? You cant untangle slavery as the main issue.

I believe if you read what I wrote it was about States Rights and the question if the Federal Government could tell States they could or could not have slaves if entering the Union.

So as I wrote Slavery was the issue which also included taxes.

I am not denying it but I will say Lincoln had no intention of abolishing Slavery in Slave States until their insurrection which left him no choice.
For the Union it was not about ending the practice, it was about keeping the Union whole. So in that sense McRacist is correct. For the Rebel States it was all about their fear that Lincoln and the abolitionist would limit the practice of keeping an entire race enslaved in perpetuity as the new territories became states thereby limiting the slave holders political power.
How could it be about slavery when

1. There were four UNION states that practiced slavery throughout the war. KY MD MO DE. Had 300,000 slaves total.

2. There were many UNION generals who were slave owners. Even Grant had a slave and his wife had a bunch of them.

3. Lincoln asked slave owner Robert E Lee to be commander of all UNION forces.

The idea that the CW was about freeing the slaves is not only wrong, it is preposterous. It's fake news the media has been feeding us for 150 years.

Thank you.

It was about $$$$$.

The South wanted to sell cotton to markets with better prices but the industrial giants in the North wanted it cheaper for the huge factories there.

It was also about the 10th Amendment and the rights of states to make their own financial decisions without Federal intervention.
Proof that the Civil War was about freeing the slaves = before Civil War some states had slavery. After the Civil War, no states had slavery.

Proof that the CW was NOT about slavery. Both sides practiced wide-spread slavery throughout the war.
Confederates who wanted to maintain slavery got killed, literally killed, and had their Plantations and slave supported industries and businesses burned down to the ground and their slaves released into freedom. Imagine making the silly argument about the Civil War not being about slavery as the slave owners lie dead while their Mansions burned to the ground and the freed former slaves leave the carcasses of the dead slave owners lying on the ground being eaten by buzzards.

You keep avoiding the question. Why did the Union also have legal slavery throughout the war?
The Civil War happened because eleven slave states seceded. They seceded because of slavery.

Therefore, slavery caused the Civil War.

Except...In the Emancipation Proclamation only the slaves in those 11 states were
freed. The slave owners in Delaware, Missouri, Maryland and New Jersey
got to keep theirs. Plus the 48 western most counties of Virginia who agreed
with the rest of the state on the States Rights issue, but refused to agree to
secede from the Union. Lincoln encouraged them to secede from the
state of Virginia, which they did, and then he allowed them to keep their
slaves also.

9 months after the EP...West Virginia was admitted to the "Union"
as a SLAVE STATE. Yeah, it was fought over slavery, my ass.

The North fought to preserve the Union and the South fought for States

Go back to school, Junior

Name one state that seceded for a primary reason other than slavery.

All 11 of them. Maybe you are unaware, and that is certainly a good
possibility, that all the states didn't secede at the same time. 7 went out
pretty quick, but the other 4 stayed and tried to reason with them on the
States Rights issue. When their pleas went unheeded, they pulled out\

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