Time to once again re-educate idiot libs. The Civil War was NOT about slavery

It was also about the 10th Amendment and the rights of states to make their own financial decisions without Federal intervention.

Yes - the south always maintained that the tenth amendment gave states the right to secede. Hard to argue that since the founding fathers who wrote the 10A were obviously secessionists themselves.
Except...In the Emancipation Proclamation only the slaves in those 11 states were
freed. The slave owners in Delaware, Missouri, Maryland and New Jersey
got to keep theirs.

Yup - lincoln could have freed the slaves in the 4 Union states that had slaves, but he didn't. The EP freed slaves in the CSA only, but that was a foreign country and the EP had no weight there!! The EP was just a PR stunt to keep the french and english out of the war.

100% correct.

The EP freed exactly...NOBODY.

The South was the CSA and the North got to keep theirs.

Lincoln made the grandstand EP to beat the South to it. He was terrified
that the South would free the slaves and England and France would
come in on the Southern side. The EP was done for the benefit of Europe,
not the frickin' slaves. Nobody gave a shit about them. Not then...Not now.

They lynched so many of them in Brooklyn in 1863...Flatbush could have
been annexed by Mississippi.

Plus, if the North was so gung ho on Negroes...could someone explain to
me why MLB was segregated from 1869-1947? ALL the teams, during
that period were located in the North.
Are you saying there is a passage in there that says the CW was about slavery.??? Show us the passage.

You need to go read the declarations of secession by the states themselves.

You obviously know NOTHING about the Civil War.

So again i say - show us the passage.

You're admitting that you've never read the secession declarations of the Southern states?

Like I said, you know nothing about the Civil War.
It was also about the 10th Amendment and the rights of states to make their own financial decisions without Federal intervention.

Yes - the south always maintained that the tenth amendment gave states the right to secede. Hard to argue that since the founding fathers who wrote the 10A were obviously secessionists themselves.

It's easy to argue since the founders put a supremacy clause in the Constitution which bound the states to obeying federal law.
Every one of the various factors related to the causes of the war traces to slavery.
The famous 'Cornerstone Speech' by CSA VP Alexander Stephens:

Our new government is founded upon exactly [this] idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery -- subordination to the superior race -- is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.[1]
Not at all. Educated and sane minds think alike about this issue.

And the great truth today, that the Alt Right is (fill in the blank) of the rest of the citizenry of the US
If it wasn't about slavery - why did the south want slavery expanded? Why did they have to preserve a balance of slave states vs free states? :dunno:

Hey einstein. No one disputes that the south supported slavery. But that's not what the CW was about. You can't think.

The North and South War was about States and Territorial rights vs Big Goverment overreach.

Now what was upsetting the Confederate States that caused them to leave the Union and months later sparked the War?

Slavery and New States and Territories right to have it or not.

So yes it was mainly about States and Territories right to Slavery and if the State and Territories should have the right to say yes or no or should the Federal Government be allow to tell them yes or no.

So yes it was about Slavery but when the war started Lincoln was not wanting to free the slaves in slave states of the Confederate States but for their insurrection he had to punish them and show what happens when you leave the Union.

So again for you and those opposite of you the main reason for the war was about State and Territorial rights which the main concern was the Confederate States right to Slavery and if the Federal Government had a right to tell them yes or no on the issue and also Taxes...
And why did they want to succeed? Slavery. Why did they insist that knew states coming in be balanced slave to free? You cant untangle slavery as the main issue.

I believe if you read what I wrote it was about States Rights and the question if the Federal Government could tell States they could or could not have slaves if entering the Union.

So as I wrote Slavery was the issue which also included taxes.

I am not denying it but I will say Lincoln had no intention of abolishing Slavery in Slave States until their insurrection which left him no choice.
I dont think Licoln had the ability to do so until then.
How could it be about slavery when

1. There were four UNION states that practiced slavery throughout the war. KY MD MO DE. Had 300,000 slaves total.

2. There were many UNION generals who were slave owners. Even Grant had a slave and his wife had a bunch of them.

3. Lincoln asked slave owner Robert E Lee to be commander of all UNION forces.

The idea that the CW was about freeing the slaves is not only wrong, it is preposterous. It's fake news the media has been feeding us for 150 years.

Thank you.

It was about $$$$$.

The South wanted to sell cotton to markets with better prices but the industrial giants in the North wanted it cheaper for the huge factories there.

It was also about the 10th Amendment and the rights of states to make their own financial decisions without Federal intervention.
Then why the Missouri Compromise and other actions designed to ensure that the number slave states were kept equal to the number of free?
If it wasn't about slavery - why did the south want slavery expanded? Why did they have to preserve a balance of slave states vs free states? :dunno:

Hey einstein. No one disputes that the south supported slavery. But that's not what the CW was about. You can't think.

The North and South War was about States and Territorial rights vs Big Goverment overreach.

Now what was upsetting the Confederate States that caused them to leave the Union and months later sparked the War?

Slavery and New States and Territories right to have it or not.

So yes it was mainly about States and Territories right to Slavery and if the State and Territories should have the right to say yes or no or should the Federal Government be allow to tell them yes or no.

So yes it was about Slavery but when the war started Lincoln was not wanting to free the slaves in slave states of the Confederate States but for their insurrection he had to punish them and show what happens when you leave the Union.

So again for you and those opposite of you the main reason for the war was about State and Territorial rights which the main concern was the Confederate States right to Slavery and if the Federal Government had a right to tell them yes or no on the issue and also Taxes...
And why did they want to succeed? Slavery. Why did they insist that knew states coming in be balanced slave to free? You cant untangle slavery as the main issue.

I believe if you read what I wrote it was about States Rights and the question if the Federal Government could tell States they could or could not have slaves if entering the Union.

So as I wrote Slavery was the issue which also included taxes.

I am not denying it but I will say Lincoln had no intention of abolishing Slavery in Slave States until their insurrection which left him no choice.
I dont think Licoln had the ability to do so until then.

You are correct.
The famous 'Cornerstone Speech' by CSA VP Alexander Stephens:

Our new government is founded upon exactly [this] idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery -- subordination to the superior race -- is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.[1]

You can't think. Everyone agrees the south supported slavery and considered blacks inferior. But that's not why Lincoln started the war and that's what this thread is about. THINK
Then why the Missouri Compromise and other actions designed to ensure that the number slave states were kept equal to the number of free?

My gawd - you are so dumb. Your "argument" is - The south supported slavery therefore the civil war was about freeing the slaves.

You are hopeless.
How could it be about slavery when

1. There were four UNION states that practiced slavery throughout the war. KY MD MO DE. Had 300,000 slaves total.

2. There were many UNION generals who were slave owners. Even Grant had a slave and his wife had a bunch of them.

3. Lincoln asked slave owner Robert E Lee to be commander of all UNION forces.

The idea that the CW was about freeing the slaves is not only wrong, it is preposterous. It's fake news the media has been feeding us for 150 years.

Texas ordinances of secession on February 2nd, 1861:

Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated States to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquillity and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery–the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits–a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time
Texas Ordinance of Secession

South Carolina declaration of immediate causes, December 24th, 1860:

The General Government, as the common agent, passed laws to carry into effect these stipulations of the States. For many years these laws were executed. But an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations, and the laws of the General Government have ceased to effect the objects of the Constitution.

Avalon Project - Confederate States of America - Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union

Mississippi declaration of immediate causes:

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery– the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth.
Avalon Project - Confederate States of America - Mississippi Secession
Yes yes yes. Everyone agrees the south was keen on slavery. But lincoln didn't start the civil war to free the slaves. If he had wanted that he'd have never allowed 4 union states to practice slavery or allow slave-owning generals into his military. THINK
Yes yes yes. Everyone agrees the south was keen on slavery. But lincoln didn't start the civil war to free the slaves. If he had wanted that he'd have never allowed 4 union states to practice slavery or allow slave-owning generals into his military. THINK
Lincoln started the civil war to stop the southern states from succeeding. The southern states were succeeding because slavery was ending.... And we know this because of every article of succession states it. Thus, the war was about slavery.
Yes yes yes. Everyone agrees the south was keen on slavery. But lincoln didn't start the civil war to free the slaves. If he had wanted that he'd have never allowed 4 union states to practice slavery or allow slave-owning generals into his military. THINK
Lincoln started the civil war to stop the southern states from succeeding. The southern states were succeeding because slavery was ending.... And we know this because of every article of succession states it. Thus, the war was about slavery.

That’s too complicated for shitsforbrains to grasp.
Yes yes yes. Everyone agrees the south was keen on slavery. But lincoln didn't start the civil war to free the slaves. If he had wanted that he'd have never allowed 4 union states to practice slavery or allow slave-owning generals into his military. THINK
Lincoln started the civil war to stop the southern states from succeeding. The southern states were succeeding because slavery was ending.... And we know this because of every article of succession states it. Thus, the war was about slavery.

That’s too complicated for shitsforbrains to grasp.
I tried to simplify it as much as possible...

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