Time to Pull In the REINS on Executive Power?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004

by Rich Muny
Expressing disapproval with some Obama administration actions, many on the right — and some on the left — are complaining that the executive branch wields far too much power. Similarly, when President George W. Bush was in power, many on the left — and some on the right — complained that the executive branch wielded far too much power. Seeing this bipartisan concern for unbridled expansion of presidential power and wishing to start restoring the office to its Constitutional limits, Congressman Geoff Davis (R-KY) has introduced the Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act.

The REINS Act would require Congressional authorization for any new Major Rule proposed by the executive branch. It now has now has 57 cosponsors, including noted Constitutionalist Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX). It also enjoys the support of the Chamber of Commerce. Under REINS, the numerous proposed regulations pertaining to health care, climate change, energy, financial regulation, and our economy would have to be submitted to Congress for approval. REINS would continue to allow the executive agencies charged with writing rules to propose draft rules, but would end the delegation of Congressional authority that has enabled these agencies to enact them unilaterally.

read it ALL here.
Time to Pull In the REINS on Executive Power? - Big Government
It's a start. That I can applaud

Then we can pull the reins on congress. Starting in November.

I say we need term limits as well.

We also need to major overhauling of all the ABC's of our federal government. starting with the FDA
The republicans blocking over hundred nominations is proof this will do nothing to speed up or help the government. Plus our government was set up to have limited democracy.
The republicans blocking over hundred nominations is proof this will do nothing to speed up or help the government. Plus our government was set up to have limited democracy.

and the ijits were perfectly comfortable with an 'imperial presidency'...

until their *side* lost.

buncha hypocrites.
the only people I respect on this are the ones who bitched the same when bush was around. Ron paul was one of them, the rest of the neocon jackasses only care about this b/c their side lost, fuck them
The republicans blocking over hundred nominations is proof this will do nothing to speed up or help the government. Plus our government was set up to have limited democracy.

and the ijits were perfectly comfortable with an 'imperial presidency'...

until their *side* lost.

buncha hypocrites.

You do of course realize that you are being every bit as hypocritical when you bitch about the ones who in y our mind wanted BOOSH to have this much power but have apparently no problem with Obama having this much power? RIGHT?

NO President should be tossing around power like these two last jackasses have been trying to do.
The republicans blocking over hundred nominations is proof this will do nothing to speed up or help the government. Plus our government was set up to have limited democracy.

and the ijits were perfectly comfortable with an 'imperial presidency'...

until their *side* lost.

buncha hypocrites.

Still pigeonholing people into Rs and Ds huh?

There are a lot of people who criticized GW and who dislike Obama who affiliate with neither party.

Why can't you face the fact that there really is no difference between Repugnantcans and Dimocrats?
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The republicans blocking over hundred nominations is proof this will do nothing to speed up or help the government. Plus our government was set up to have limited democracy.

and the ijits were perfectly comfortable with an 'imperial presidency'...

until their *side* lost.

buncha hypocrites.

Really. They were so ready to hand over every aspect to their lives and freedoms to the big government administration of the past decade but now that it's Democrats in charge, that's somehow egregious.

Americans want active and competent leadership and most of all, results. Obama still needs to prove he's worthy of the trust his supporters placed in him when they voted but he stands head and shoulders above what we have survived (just barely) with Bush/Cheney/Rove/Scooter/Rumsfeld, etc..

We would be in another depression if McCain (Mr. Economics 101) had won. :eek:
You do of course realize that you are being every bit as hypocritical when you bitch about the ones who in y our mind wanted BOOSH to have this much power but have apparently no problem with Obama having this much power? RIGHT?

NO President should be tossing around power like these two last jackasses have been trying to do.

if we were having honest discussions here, i'd probably agree that there should never be an imperial presidency.

but the people whinging and whining now are the most dictatorial people around.... up to and including wanting to tell others what to do with their own bodies.

So their criticisms aren't very credible or useful to me.
The republicans blocking over hundred nominations is proof this will do nothing to speed up or help the government. Plus our government was set up to have limited democracy.

and the ijits were perfectly comfortable with an 'imperial presidency'...

until their *side* lost.

buncha hypocrites.

Really. They were so ready to hand over every aspect to their lives and freedoms to the big government administration of the past decade but now that it's Democrats in charge, that's somehow egregious.

Americans want active and competent leadership and most of all, results. Obama still needs to prove he's worthy of the trust his supporters placed in him when they voted but he stands head and shoulders above what we have survived (just barely) with Bush/Cheney/Rove/Scooter/Rumsfeld, etc..

We would be in another depression if McCain (Mr. Economics 101) had won. :eek:

you betcha.
The republicans blocking over hundred nominations is proof this will do nothing to speed up or help the government. Plus our government was set up to have limited democracy.

and the ijits were perfectly comfortable with an 'imperial presidency'...

until their *side* lost.

buncha hypocrites.

You do of course realize that you are being every bit as hypocritical when you bitch about the ones who in y our mind wanted BOOSH to have this much power but have apparently no problem with Obama having this much power? RIGHT?

NO President should be tossing around power like these two last jackasses have been trying to do.

Like me, Jillian probably didn't like Bush, and maybe bitched about how he used his executive powers but never wanted legislation limiting his power. I for one never really cared that much during the Bush years. And I also realize one President might abuse his powers, but another might not.
Plus there is the whole fact our four fathers didn't want complete democracy.
You do of course realize that you are being every bit as hypocritical when you bitch about the ones who in y our mind wanted BOOSH to have this much power but have apparently no problem with Obama having this much power? RIGHT?

NO President should be tossing around power like these two last jackasses have been trying to do.

but the people whinging and whining now are the most dictatorial people around.... up to and including wanting to tell others what to do with their own bodies.

So women who are stupid enough to have unprotected sex are suddenly smart enough to know what to "do with their bodies" after they are pregnant?
Yeah, They scream for 8 years about so called abuses of Power by Bush, then lay down and take them from Obama with out missing a beat defending them, and we are the hypocrites.

To funny.
Yeah, They scream for 8 years about so called abuses of Power by Bush, then lay down and take them from Obama with out missing a beat defending them, and we are the hypocrites.

To funny.

The parsitan parrots on both sides do that.

Me I just want to know what the keeper size and daily bag/posession limit on politicians/pundits is.
The republicans blocking over hundred nominations is proof this will do nothing to speed up or help the government. Plus our government was set up to have limited democracy.

and the ijits were perfectly comfortable with an 'imperial presidency'...

until their *side* lost.

buncha hypocrites.

There are no "sides" if you wish for America to survive. Claiming "sides" and "losing" infers that this is some kind of game. I don't see our country as a game and wish this type of rhetoric would stop as it is counterproductive. If we have a united front, instead of an us against them mentality, we could make our country great. Instead it seems that many actually like the divide. as I have stated before, the politicians do not have our best interests in mind, only their lust for more power. They are happy to see a divided America as all the infighting takes the focus off of their inability to govern.
You do of course realize that you are being every bit as hypocritical when you bitch about the ones who in y our mind wanted BOOSH to have this much power but have apparently no problem with Obama having this much power? RIGHT?

NO President should be tossing around power like these two last jackasses have been trying to do.

but the people whinging and whining now are the most dictatorial people around.... up to and including wanting to tell others what to do with their own bodies.

So women who are stupid enough to have unprotected sex are suddenly smart enough to know what to "do with their bodies" after they are pregnant?

And, as an addition to that, the men involved, that were also stupid enough to have unprotected sex, should have to shell out child support, including health care insurance, for the next 18 years, or through college, whichever comes last.
The REINS Act would require Congressional authorization for any new Major Rule proposed by the executive branch.

What the hell does that mean?

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