Sorry Rahm....we all know you need illegals to stay in power....but the American people insist that the United States will remain a nation of laws. And we win.

Emanuel Says Chicago Will Stay a Sanctuary City

Oh yeah. What the F is Trump going to do about it?
Do you even read a post before responding to it? What you just posted has NOTHING to do with anything we were discussing.
it has everything to do with it. you are simply, clueless and Causeless.
Me: "The federal government is constitutionally responsible for immigration law enforcement"

You: "We have a Commerce Clause"'re clueless. You have no idea what thread you're in, what is being discussed, or what year it is.

You're encouraging a time-suck troll to keep posting. I encourage you to stop responding to him so he can reflect on how worthless his postings are.
dude, you have nothing but fallacy; don't collude and conspire like true socialists, compete. ask Ding or Boss.
The executive branch is responsible for setting immigration policy.

It has the power to do so by law.
The American people continue to restore law and order to the U.S. I can't wait until all of George Soros's assets are confiscated.

Arizona Senate Passes Bill To Seize Assets from Violent Far Left Rioters

Only the right wing doesn't get it; that is just a, "grab their guns law" if they complain and are not, Patriotic.
Rioting is not "complaining". Why does the left have so much trouble with the definition of basic words?
Don't complain; be Patriotic. Or, well grab your guns, first.

But the real heart of the legislation is what Democrats say is the guilt by association — and giving the government the right to criminally prosecute and seize the assets of everyone who planned a protest and everyone who participated. And what’s worse, said Sen. Steve Farley, D-Tucson, is that the person who may have broken a window, triggering the claim there was a riot, might actually not be a member of the group but someone from the other side.
It's tragic that people have to suffer atrocities such as this because the left knows they can't win clean, fair elections. I'm so thankful Republicans are in charge again throughout the nation and restoring law and order.

Illegal rapes 14-year old girl
Mr. Trump is for the drug war; that is worse.
Worse than the rape of a 14-year old girl?!? :uhh: You are seriously disturbed.
you are worse, for trampling natural rights.
Yes, promoting the general welfare, knows no bounds.
Really? So if President Trump decides tomorrow that it "promotes the general welfare" to execute all left-wing hatriots (which it really would), the federal government can absolutely do that?

I've schooled you on this over a dozen times already. The "General Welfare" is explicitly restricted to the federal governments 18 enumerated powers.
But the real heart of the legislation is what Democrats say is the guilt by association — and giving the government the right to criminally prosecute and seize the assets of everyone who planned a protest and everyone who participated. And what’s worse, said Sen. Steve Farley, D-Tucson, is that the person who may have broken a window, triggering the claim there was a riot, might actually not be a member of the group but someone from the other side.
The Dumbocrats know all about that tactic - uh? No wonder they are concerned about it - they created it and they do it. Remember when they sent people to Tea Party rallies with t-shirts that said "I hate n*ggers"? Except that their faces were captured in pictures and some of their associates came forward with screen shots of their devout loyalty to the Dumbocrats on Facebook? Oops.

Or how about all of the homosexual left-wing hatriots who have faked crimes against themselves and filed fake police reports?

We have a justice system junior. And while you left-wing hatriots refuse to use it (and corrupt it whenever you can), is conservatives will properly investigate and will properly execute due process. So what are you worried about?
You're encouraging a time-suck troll to keep posting. I encourage you to stop responding to him so he can reflect on how worthless his postings are.
You're absolutely right hunarcy. It's just that things he says are so stupid - I can't believe anyone would actually say them.
You're encouraging a time-suck troll to keep posting. I encourage you to stop responding to him so he can reflect on how worthless his postings are.
You're absolutely right hunarcy. It's just that things he says are so stupid - I can't believe anyone would actually say them.

that's how you can tell he's a troll. No one who actually believes in something could be so ridiculous. His only goal is obviously gain attention and divert conversation to ridiculousness. The only way to get him to modify or move on is to ignore him until he stops being ridiculous and starts being real. If he never reforms, he never gets attention.
don't collude and conspire like true socialists, compete
We do "compete". Competition does not mean violating the law. Anyone from all over the world can come here. They just have to do so legally. You have no leg to stand on in your absurd position that a nation which accepts immigrants should tolerate people coming here illegally.
This is yet another epic illustration of how stupid progressives are. They support people and policies that seek to destroy them. How many Jews are Democrats while Democrats are anti-semitics who support Palestine? How many wealthy Hollywood elites are Democrats while Democrats demonize the wealthy and seek to confiscate their wealth.

And here we are again. Dumbocrats constantly supporting illegals who are killing and raping Dumbocrats.

Migrant Tortures, Kills Social Justice Warrior, But City Defends Sanctuary Status
Why should these illegal wetbacks get special treatment?
Because Timmy believes that the law does not apply to left-wingers.

I agree. To the left, entitlements have no bounds.

It started when they got trophies in their youth for being #6 on the bench warmers club

In mature terms today, they get ponies, balloons and cry rooms

Yes, promoting the general welfare, knows no bounds. We have a defense clause, not an offense clause nor a general warfare clause. Only the right wing, never gets it.

Wow.. How do you define 'General Welfare' by your definition. I seem to recall it to be something different than you describe

Yes, promoting the general welfare, knows no bounds.
Really? So if President Trump decides tomorrow that it "promotes the general welfare" to execute all left-wing hatriots (which it really would), the federal government can absolutely do that?

I've schooled you on this over a dozen times already. The "General Welfare" is explicitly restricted to the federal governments 18 enumerated powers.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously.

Where is there any power for a drug war?
But the real heart of the legislation is what Democrats say is the guilt by association — and giving the government the right to criminally prosecute and seize the assets of everyone who planned a protest and everyone who participated. And what’s worse, said Sen. Steve Farley, D-Tucson, is that the person who may have broken a window, triggering the claim there was a riot, might actually not be a member of the group but someone from the other side.
The Dumbocrats know all about that tactic - uh? No wonder they are concerned about it - they created it and they do it. Remember when they sent people to Tea Party rallies with t-shirts that said "I hate n*ggers"? Except that their faces were captured in pictures and some of their associates came forward with screen shots of their devout loyalty to the Dumbocrats on Facebook? Oops.

Or how about all of the homosexual left-wing hatriots who have faked crimes against themselves and filed fake police reports?

We have a justice system junior. And while you left-wing hatriots refuse to use it (and corrupt it whenever you can), is conservatives will properly investigate and will properly execute due process. So what are you worried about?
according to that legislation, it doesn't matter.

don't complain; be Patriotic, or we may, grab your guns.
You're encouraging a time-suck troll to keep posting. I encourage you to stop responding to him so he can reflect on how worthless his postings are.
You're absolutely right hunarcy. It's just that things he says are so stupid - I can't believe anyone would actually say them.

that's how you can tell he's a troll. No one who actually believes in something could be so ridiculous. His only goal is obviously gain attention and divert conversation to ridiculousness. The only way to get him to modify or move on is to ignore him until he stops being ridiculous and starts being real. If he never reforms, he never gets attention.
i can tell y'all are just trolls, because y'all have, nothing but fallacy instead of valid arguments.
don't collude and conspire like true socialists, compete
We do "compete". Competition does not mean violating the law. Anyone from all over the world can come here. They just have to do so legally. You have no leg to stand on in your absurd position that a nation which accepts immigrants should tolerate people coming here illegally.
Not everyone can come here legally because we don't have a market friendly visa.
Why should these illegal wetbacks get special treatment?
Because Timmy believes that the law does not apply to left-wingers.

I agree. To the left, entitlements have no bounds.

It started when they got trophies in their youth for being #6 on the bench warmers club

In mature terms today, they get ponies, balloons and cry rooms

Yes, promoting the general welfare, knows no bounds. We have a defense clause, not an offense clause nor a general warfare clause. Only the right wing, never gets it.

Wow.. How do you define 'General Welfare' by your definition. I seem to recall it to be something different than you describe

Promote the general welfare is in our Constitution. Promoting the common defense is not. Is that, comparison and contrast, easier for you?

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