During the Obama administration Republican states regularly passed laws to ignore U.S. federal law regarding firearms and abortion. In the last six months a number of conservative states including Texas have stated they will ignore federal abortion laws.

Republican and conservative voters now say states have right to ignore federal court rulings

Huckabee Urges States To Ignore Rulings On Marriage Equality, Abortion Rights & Church-State Separation | Right Wing Watch

YouGov | Republicans: states can ignore federal laws

Conservatives want to ignore federal law when it suits them AND force others to follow federal law to the letter when it suits them. Buckle up cons, a number of states are already working on declaring themselves sanctuary states to bolster the sanctuary cities that have already declared such. Drumpf threatening, via KKK spokesman Jeff Sessions, to pull federal funding from states that do this. I say good, pull the funding, threaten people, do your worst. California will be sticking a huge middle finger in Sessions face and slapping Drumpf silly. Do your worst cons. You think this moment will last forever? Soon enough a Democrat will sit in the White House and guess what is going to happen after Drumpf is setting all of these precedents of using power to destroy the opposition in the states and pull their funding. Red states will be denuded of federal funding on everything they hold dear. It's war now derps. You started it and now it's on.

The best outcome could be for California, Oregon, Washington, New York, Minnesota, and the rest of the Blue States to secede and leave the red states to reform a new Confederate States. Of course the Blue States are where 70%+ of the treasury of the U.S. comes from every year so the new Confederate Red States of Fake Jesus and Hatred of The Other will be a very poor nation. On par with Mexico likely.

But you cons will get to build a 30ft high wall all the way around your new country, abolish unions and all the things they brought to workers like the minimum wage, vacation pay, safe work places, higher wages, legal protections for workers, etc. Cons you can also reinstate slavery, force 12 year olds that have been raped to carry the child to term, require every person to carry 3 guns on them with 100+ rounds of ammo 'just 'n case'. Do away with welfare, and affordable housing, medicare, and all other healthcare for people that can't afford it which is really going to be a bitch for the new Confederate Red States as currently they are the unhealthiest and fattest people in the country.

It's past time folks, America had a good run but it is high time we break it up. Conservatives have decided everyone else is their mortal enemy, well they've been brainwashed to believe this by talk radio and Faux News, but I say no matter. We are here. Time to let them go have their Lord of the Flies Utopia and the rest of us can get on with being happy without that ball and chain that we've been dragging around for so long.

Conservatives want to ignore federal law when it suits them AND force others to follow federal law to the letter when it suits them.
Fascinating strawman. Here's the thing though - conservatives adamantly support following all law so long as they are constitutional. Our immigration laws are 100% legal and that is indisputable. However, bathroom laws like the one's Barack Obama created are 100% unconstitutional (as bathrooms are not one of the federal government's 18 enumerated powers) and that too is indisputable. Thanks for playing Issac.
Conservatives want to ignore federal law when it suits them AND force others to follow federal law to the letter when it suits them.
Fascinating strawman. Here's the thing though - conservatives adamantly support following all law so long as they are constitutional. Our immigration laws are 100% legal and that is indisputable. However, bathroom laws like the one's Barack Obama created are 100% unconstitutional (as bathrooms are not one of the federal government's 18 enumerated powers) and that too is indisputable. Thanks for playing Issac.

Jesus H you are utterly unprepared to carry an argument. You don't know what a strawman argument is and reading for you I'd guess is like work. You aren't interested.

I provide links, you provide "just cuz". The schtick of 90% of the conservatives here who think owning a computer and typing is equivalent to knowledge. LOL
Buckle up cons, a number of states are already working on declaring themselves sanctuary states to bolster the sanctuary cities that have already declared such.
Snowflake...they could "declare" themselves Liza Minnelli - it doesn't matter. The federal government is constitutionally responsible for immigration law enforcement so there isn't a damn thing they can do about it.

And....get this snowflake....Neil Gorsuch is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court. Which means the U.S. Constitution will be upheld.

Conservatives want to ignore federal law when it suits them AND force others to follow federal law to the letter when it suits them.
Fascinating strawman. Here's the thing though - conservatives adamantly support following all law so long as they are constitutional. Our immigration laws are 100% legal and that is indisputable. However, bathroom laws like the one's Barack Obama created are 100% unconstitutional (as bathrooms are not one of the federal government's 18 enumerated powers) and that too is indisputable. Thanks for playing Issac.

Jesus H you are utterly unprepared to carry an argument. You don't know what a strawman argument is and reading for you I'd guess is like work. You aren't interested.

I provide links, you provide "just cuz". The schtick of 90% of the conservatives here who think owning a computer and typing is equivalent to knowledge. LOL
Spoken like a true fragile snowflake who just had her ass handed to her! You were incapable of disputing one thing I said (or you would have done it).
California will be sticking a huge middle finger in Sessions face and slapping Drumpf silly.
Listen to the "triggered", fragile little snowflake trying to soothe herself... :lmao:

California is completely and totally impotent to do anything about the federal government when they are acting in accordance with the U.S. Constitutional. And Neil Gorsuch will ensure that the U.S. Constitution is upheld.

And we all know that President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions aren't politicians. They don't play around. When California raises the symbolic little finger in the fantasy of your tiny little mind, they will step in and snap that fuck'n finger clean off!

Next year, Trump will brag about crime being the lowest its been since the 60s, and he will take credit for it, and the tards will totally buy it. :lol:
Well....under Trump it will actually be accurate as he will be.....are you ready for this? Wait for it...... Wait for it..... enforcing the law!!!

This is the stupidest argument that I have seen. Crime statistics measure actions that are clearly crimes such as murder and robbery.
Buckle up cons, a number of states are already working on declaring themselves sanctuary states to bolster the sanctuary cities that have already declared such. Drumpf threatening, via KKK spokesman Jeff Sessions, to pull federal funding from states that do this. I say good, pull the funding, threaten people, do your worst. California will be sticking a huge middle finger in Sessions face and slapping Drumpf silly. Do your worst cons. You think this moment will last forever? Soon enough a Democrat will sit in the White House and guess what is going to happen after Drumpf is setting all of these precedents of using power to destroy the opposition in the states and pull their funding. Red states will be denuded of federal funding on everything they hold dear. It's war now derps. You started it and now it's on.

It's past time folks, America had a good run but it is high time we break it up. Conservatives have decided everyone else is their mortal enemy, well they've been brainwashed to believe this by talk radio and Faux News, but I say no matter. We are here. Time to let them go have their Lord of the Flies Utopia and the rest of us can get on with being happy without that ball and chain that we've been dragging around for so long.
Oh the irony...only one fragile snowflake here is talking "tough" about slapping people around and waging war. It's the fascist left (who can't accept not having their way) like IsaacFoolTon here who are declaring "mortal enemies" and having meltdowns.
For 8 years the left celebrated a lawless nation under Barack Obama. That is one of many reasons that the American people turned the entire federal government (and the overwhelming majority of state governments) to the Republican Party. Attorney General Jeff Sessions needs to charge Rahm Emanuel with Felony Aiding and Abetting and put him in prison where he belongs. It sends a strong message that we will not tolerate people aiding in the violation of federal law simply because they hold public office. Being an elected official does not place one above the law.

Emanuel Defends Chicago as a 'Welcoming City'

This from a guy who cheered the Russian hacking because he thought it might have cost Hillary the election?

This law and order guy?

lol, that is too goddam funny.
This from a guy who cheered the Russian hacking because he thought it might have cost Hillary the election?
Why would hacking "cost Hillary the election"? All it would have done is proven how benevolent she was. How selfless she was. How she tirelessly served the people at the expense of her own desires.

Oh wait...that's right...all it did was expose the extreme corruption of the Clinton machine and the Dumbocrat Party.
These poor pants shitters. They sit all day in front of their Fearmonger News, their emotions being manipulated by loud doom music and horror graphics introducing every story by the propaganda anchors as they intone apocalyptic pronouncements of impending destruction, disaster, and death.

I pity them. I really do. It's amazing they have the brain capacity to remember to breathe.

hearsay and soothsay is all the right wing has; how much is that really worth, in the non-porn sector.
For 8 years the left celebrated a lawless nation under Barack Obama. That is one of many reasons that the American people turned the entire federal government (and the overwhelming majority of state governments) to the Republican Party. Attorney General Jeff Sessions needs to charge Rahm Emanuel with Felony Aiding and Abetting and put him in prison where he belongs. It sends a strong message that we will not tolerate people aiding in the violation of federal law simply because they hold public office. Being an elected official does not place one above the law.

Emanuel Defends Chicago as a 'Welcoming City'
Let's end our illegal drug war, first.
No - let's end illegals breaking into our country first. They have a gabillion times the negative affect on our economy than the drug war. But I'm with you completely on turning the drug war over to the states as the U.S. Constitution dictates.
Only in right wing fantasy. The right wing prefers their socialism on a national basis, to Capitalism and Commerce, well regulated.

We have a Commerce Clause; why are we not not making money at the federal borders, via a market friendly visa that is good for a year?
Conservatives want to ignore federal law when it suits them AND force others to follow federal law to the letter when it suits them.
Fascinating strawman. Here's the thing though - conservatives adamantly support following all law so long as they are constitutional. Our immigration laws are 100% legal and that is indisputable. However, bathroom laws like the one's Barack Obama created are 100% unconstitutional (as bathrooms are not one of the federal government's 18 enumerated powers) and that too is indisputable. Thanks for playing Issac.
there is no drug war clause, snowflake.
Buckle up cons, a number of states are already working on declaring themselves sanctuary states to bolster the sanctuary cities that have already declared such.
Snowflake...they could "declare" themselves Liza Minnelli - it doesn't matter. The federal government is constitutionally responsible for immigration law enforcement so there isn't a damn thing they can do about it.

And....get this snowflake....Neil Gorsuch is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court. Which means the U.S. Constitution will be upheld.

Immigration and tourism with work authorization are two different things. We have a Commerce Clause.
Next year, Trump will brag about crime being the lowest its been since the 60s, and he will take credit for it, and the tards will totally buy it. :lol:
Well....under Trump it will actually be accurate as he will be.....are you ready for this? Wait for it...... Wait for it..... enforcing the law!!!

This is the stupidest argument that I have seen. Crime statistics measure actions that are clearly crimes such as murder and robbery.
First degrees should go, first.

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