Time to split up California

And they now have the signatures to put it on the ballot for a vote

Plan to break up California reportedly has enough signatures for November ballot

I can only imagine how the entire state feels trapped by the looney left in LA and San Fran.

It must be a fate worse than death. Zero representation for the rest of the state.

Ah the con wet dream that will never happen.

For you cons that don't like CA it's simple, get out. You love to tell people 'America love it or leave it'. Just apply your hypocritical bullshit to yourselves and your problems are solved. Best for you to head on out to one of the red welfare states where minimum wage is considered too high and education is a nuisance.

Have a good trip, be sure to send a postcard.

Republicans are leaving, especially business owners.

The way things are headed, the entire nation will turn into California. Then where will they run?

That is what happens when you the two major parties that are both liberal and big government parties.

That would be fine.

If the city in question because so extremist or exploits the surrounding regions for their own benefit, they should have the ability to opt out.

But if it were up to Progs, they would do away with the Electoral College if they could and allow LA and New York City decide every national election for the Dims due to their large population levels.

As a result, you will get zero sympathy from the little tyrants.
they have too many immigrants

That is not all. They allow immigrants to shoot and kill American citizens and not so much as charge them with involuntary man slaughter.

Their extremism is on full display.
And they now have the signatures to put it on the ballot for a vote

Plan to break up California reportedly has enough signatures for November ballot

I can only imagine how the entire state feels trapped by the looney left in LA and San Fran.

It must be a fate worse than death. Zero representation for the rest of the state.

Ah the con wet dream that will never happeno-.

For you cons that don't like CA it's simple, get out. You love to tell people 'America love it or leave it'. Just apply your hypocritical bullshit to yourselves and your problems are solved. Best for you to head on out to one of the red welfare states where minimum wage is considered too high and education is a nuisance.

Have a good trip, be sure to send a postcard.
..no-- a lot of them are illegals/recent immigrants that do not want to assimilate or love America
..they have too many immigrants--they are not American
..they even paid $190,000 to an illegal because he was ILLEGAL !! ??!!
..CA has the F**cked up people --they should leave
..they are PRO-criminal--and you sympathize with them--you must be PRO-criminal....prosperous, decent, common sense communities are ANTI- criminal......
And they now have the signatures to put it on the ballot for a vote

Plan to break up California reportedly has enough signatures for November ballot

I can only imagine how the entire state feels trapped by the looney left in LA and San Fran.

It must be a fate worse than death. Zero representation for the rest of the state.

Ah the con wet dream that will never happen.

For you cons that don't like CA it's simple, get out. You love to tell people 'America love it or leave it'. Just apply your hypocritical bullshit to yourselves and your problems are solved. Best for you to head on out to one of the red welfare states where minimum wage is considered too high and education is a nuisance.

Have a good trip, be sure to send a postcard.
..CA has a bunch of DUMBASSes --schools are bursting--overcrowded

..a state and country's future is the children----they are screwing over their children's education--too many immigrants-illegals

you can't let in hundreds of thousands of immigrants = overcrowding....wages down-prices up!!!!
Overcrowded Classrooms About to Burst
And they now have the signatures to put it on the ballot for a vote

Plan to break up California reportedly has enough signatures for November ballot

I can only imagine how the entire state feels trapped by the looney left in LA and San Fran.

It must be a fate worse than death. Zero representation for the rest of the state.

Ah the con wet dream that will never happen.

For you cons that don't like CA it's simple, get out. You love to tell people 'America love it or leave it'. Just apply your hypocritical bullshit to yourselves and your problems are solved. Best for you to head on out to one of the red welfare states where minimum wage is considered too high and education is a nuisance.

Have a good trip, be sure to send a postcard.

I don't know why it's such a Republican dream...it would just mean more liberal Senators.

If they made 3 states out of it. With Frisco in one and LA in the other.
If they divided it up East/West and kept LA and Frisco in the same half
The GOP would gain two Senators. (The Eastern Half)
That's assuming the eastern half would elect Republicans...there is no evidence that would happen.

And this initiative does not split the state down the east/west middle so you're just playing the "what if" game.
Just imagine the squabble that would ensue in how to divide up the states debt.
And they now have the signatures to put it on the ballot for a vote

Plan to break up California reportedly has enough signatures for November ballot

I can only imagine how the entire state feels trapped by the looney left in LA and San Fran.

It must be a fate worse than death. Zero representation for the rest of the state.

Ah the con wet dream that will never happen.

For you cons that don't like CA it's simple, get out. You love to tell people 'America love it or leave it'. Just apply your hypocritical bullshit to yourselves and your problems are solved. Best for you to head on out to one of the red welfare states where minimum wage is considered too high and education is a nuisance.

Have a good trip, be sure to send a postcard.

I don't know why it's such a Republican dream...it would just mean more liberal Senators.

If they made 3 states out of it. With Frisco in one and LA in the other.
If they divided it up East/West and kept LA and Frisco in the same half
The GOP would gain two Senators. (The Eastern Half)
That's assuming the eastern half would elect Republicans...there is no evidence that would happen.

And this initiative does not split the state down the east/west middle so you're just playing the "what if" game.

Why do you think they want to split?
It would never work....

The new Republican California states would have the only safe neighborhoods and all the prosperity.....
With Republicans gone, the liberal states would be gun free zones and crime would go off the charts
Feces and drug needles would litter the streets

The liberals would exponentially raise taxes and super size government since that's their carte blanc cure for all societal woes...expediting the exodus.
Soon all the Liberal California states would be war zones, like Chicago....but worse.

Microsoft, Google, Apple, Intel etc would relocate to the new Republican California states to enjoy lower taxes and better employees..

Soon, the roaches would ALL flock to those newly created Republican California states to cash in, and feel safe and enjoy lower taxes, bringing crime and resource sucking welfare leeches with them. Next they'd run for political office and invade the schools....ruining them.

Besides, if California Republicans left the liberal states, there would be no workers remaining.
The California liberal states would be nothing but welfare dispensaries...until everyone else's money ran out.
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And they now have the signatures to put it on the ballot for a vote

Plan to break up California reportedly has enough signatures for November ballot

I can only imagine how the entire state feels trapped by the looney left in LA and San Fran.

It must be a fate worse than death. Zero representation for the rest of the state.

Ah the con wet dream that will never happen.

For you cons that don't like CA it's simple, get out. You love to tell people 'America love it or leave it'. Just apply your hypocritical bullshit to yourselves and your problems are solved. Best for you to head on out to one of the red welfare states where minimum wage is considered too high and education is a nuisance.

Have a good trip, be sure to send a postcard.

I don't know why it's such a Republican dream...it would just mean more liberal Senators.

If they made 3 states out of it. With Frisco in one and LA in the other.
If they divided it up East/West and kept LA and Frisco in the same half
The GOP would gain two Senators. (The Eastern Half)
That's assuming the eastern half would elect Republicans...there is no evidence that would happen.

And this initiative does not split the state down the east/west middle so you're just playing the "what if" game.

Why do you think they want to split?

Who is they? Russians? I have no idea why Russians want to split up California.
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And they now have the signatures to put it on the ballot for a vote

Plan to break up California reportedly has enough signatures for November ballot

I can only imagine how the entire state feels trapped by the looney left in LA and San Fran.

It must be a fate worse than death. Zero representation for the rest of the state.

Ah the con wet dream that will never happen.

For you cons that don't like CA it's simple, get out. You love to tell people 'America love it or leave it'. Just apply your hypocritical bullshit to yourselves and your problems are solved. Best for you to head on out to one of the red welfare states where minimum wage is considered too high and education is a nuisance.

Have a good trip, be sure to send a postcard.

Republicans are leaving, especially business owners.

The way things are headed, the entire nation will turn into California. Then where will they run?

That is what happens when you the two major parties that are both liberal and big government parties.

That would be fine.

If the city in question because so extremist or exploits the surrounding regions for their own benefit, they should have the ability to opt out.

But if it were up to Progs, they would do away with the Electoral College if they could and allow LA and New York City decide every national election for the Dims due to their large population levels.

As a result, you will get zero sympathy from the little tyrants.

Do you believe that the votes of the people who love in large cities should count less than those who live in more rural areas?

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Ah the con wet dream that will never happen.

For you cons that don't like CA it's simple, get out. You love to tell people 'America love it or leave it'. Just apply your hypocritical bullshit to yourselves and your problems are solved. Best for you to head on out to one of the red welfare states where minimum wage is considered too high and education is a nuisance.

Have a good trip, be sure to send a postcard.

Republicans are leaving, especially business owners.

The way things are headed, the entire nation will turn into California. Then where will they run?

That is what happens when you the two major parties that are both liberal and big government parties.

That would be fine.

If the city in question because so extremist or exploits the surrounding regions for their own benefit, they should have the ability to opt out.

But if it were up to Progs, they would do away with the Electoral College if they could and allow LA and New York City decide every national election for the Dims due to their large population levels.

As a result, you will get zero sympathy from the little tyrants.

Do you believe that the votes of the people who love in large cities should count less than those who live in more rural areas?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

They already do...hello Electoral College.
Ah the con wet dream that will never happen.

For you cons that don't like CA it's simple, get out. You love to tell people 'America love it or leave it'. Just apply your hypocritical bullshit to yourselves and your problems are solved. Best for you to head on out to one of the red welfare states where minimum wage is considered too high and education is a nuisance.

Have a good trip, be sure to send a postcard.

Republicans are leaving, especially business owners.

The way things are headed, the entire nation will turn into California. Then where will they run?

That is what happens when you the two major parties that are both liberal and big government parties.

That would be fine.

If the city in question because so extremist or exploits the surrounding regions for their own benefit, they should have the ability to opt out.

But if it were up to Progs, they would do away with the Electoral College if they could and allow LA and New York City decide every national election for the Dims due to their large population levels.

As a result, you will get zero sympathy from the little tyrants.

Do you believe that the votes of the people who love in large cities should count less than those who live in more rural areas?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I think those in the cities and in rural areas should be able to self govern.

Why have one dominate the other?
Well then. We will have to eliminate another state elsewhere . Merge the Dakota’s . There’s no reason that wasteland should have 4 Senators .
Republicans are leaving, especially business owners.

The way things are headed, the entire nation will turn into California. Then where will they run?

That is what happens when you the two major parties that are both liberal and big government parties.

That would be fine.

If the city in question because so extremist or exploits the surrounding regions for their own benefit, they should have the ability to opt out.

But if it were up to Progs, they would do away with the Electoral College if they could and allow LA and New York City decide every national election for the Dims due to their large population levels.

As a result, you will get zero sympathy from the little tyrants.

Do you believe that the votes of the people who love in large cities should count less than those who live in more rural areas?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I think those in the cities and in rural areas should be able to self govern.

Why have one dominate the other?

That’s kind of our democratic system. Most states have pockets of of one or the other .
The way things are headed, the entire nation will turn into California. Then where will they run?

That is what happens when you the two major parties that are both liberal and big government parties.

That would be fine.

If the city in question because so extremist or exploits the surrounding regions for their own benefit, they should have the ability to opt out.

But if it were up to Progs, they would do away with the Electoral College if they could and allow LA and New York City decide every national election for the Dims due to their large population levels.

As a result, you will get zero sympathy from the little tyrants.

Do you believe that the votes of the people who love in large cities should count less than those who live in more rural areas?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I think those in the cities and in rural areas should be able to self govern.

Why have one dominate the other?

That’s kind of our democratic system. Most states have pockets of of one or the other .

That is the idea behind Federalism

However, over the years power has centralized more and more to the point half the nation wants to seceded every Federal election.

Federalism is essentially dead.
That is what happens when you the two major parties that are both liberal and big government parties.

That would be fine.

If the city in question because so extremist or exploits the surrounding regions for their own benefit, they should have the ability to opt out.

But if it were up to Progs, they would do away with the Electoral College if they could and allow LA and New York City decide every national election for the Dims due to their large population levels.

As a result, you will get zero sympathy from the little tyrants.

Do you believe that the votes of the people who love in large cities should count less than those who live in more rural areas?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I think those in the cities and in rural areas should be able to self govern.

Why have one dominate the other?

That’s kind of our democratic system. Most states have pockets of of one or the other .

That is the idea behind Federalism

However, over the years power has centralized more and more to the point half the nation wants to seceded every Federal election.

Federalism is essentially dead.

It’s all interest nonsense . When has this happened ? Civil War time ? West Va split off.
That would be fine.

If the city in question because so extremist or exploits the surrounding regions for their own benefit, they should have the ability to opt out.

But if it were up to Progs, they would do away with the Electoral College if they could and allow LA and New York City decide every national election for the Dims due to their large population levels.

As a result, you will get zero sympathy from the little tyrants.

Do you believe that the votes of the people who love in large cities should count less than those who live in more rural areas?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I think those in the cities and in rural areas should be able to self govern.

Why have one dominate the other?

That’s kind of our democratic system. Most states have pockets of of one or the other .

That is the idea behind Federalism

However, over the years power has centralized more and more to the point half the nation wants to seceded every Federal election.

Federalism is essentially dead.

It’s all interest nonsense . When has this happened ? Civil War time ? West Va split off.

It has evolved over time.

Lincoln sent in the troops when the South seceded. I suppose you are in favor of the Feds sending in the troops and shooting up the place if it happens again.

Then the Progressive era entered the picture with their Federal income tax and creating their own bank to ratchet up debt.

It is now to the point that states either do as the Feds say or lose their much needed Federal funding that they have grown to depend upon.

Now the states are held captive by the Feds.
And they now have the signatures to put it on the ballot for a vote

Plan to break up California reportedly has enough signatures for November ballot

I can only imagine how the entire state feels trapped by the looney left in LA and San Fran.

It must be a fate worse than death. Zero representation for the rest of the state.

Well, if the country had Proportional Representation instead of the rubbish it currently has, then no one would feel trapped as each vote would count equal no matter where you live.
they vote that way for all local races. what's your problem?

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