Time to split up California

Wet dream.

Two states = total 4 senators, diluting the power of the existing Senatorial Elite.

And they now have the signatures to put it on the ballot for a vote

Plan to break up California reportedly has enough signatures for November ballot

I can only imagine how the entire state feels trapped by the looney left in LA and San Fran.

It must be a fate worse than death. Zero representation for the rest of the state.

Ah the con wet dream that will never happen.

For you cons that don't like CA it's simple, get out. You love to tell people 'America love it or leave it'. Just apply your hypocritical bullshit to yourselves and your problems are solved. Best for you to head on out to one of the red welfare states where minimum wage is considered too high and education is a nuisance.

Have a good trip, be sure to send a postcard.

Who has more people on welfare than Cali?
bet ya half the signatures are Russians or rather influenced by Russian propaganda, just like the California exit scam, Cal-Exit....run by a Russian...here in the USA, who ran away to Russia when caught.... :rolleyes:

Lol. Russians are everywhere.
bet ya half the signatures are Russians or rather influenced by Russian propaganda, just like the California exit scam, Cal-Exit....run by a Russian...here in the USA, who ran away to Russia when caught.... :rolleyes:

Lol. Russians are everywhere.

Russia, Russia. Russia.jpeg

But the Yes California Independence Campaign faltered after its president, Louis Marinelli, revealed ties to Russia. Marinelli said in a lengthy message to supporters Monday that he is seeking permanent residence in Russia because of his "frustration, disappointment and disillusionment with the United States."

A leader of the "Cal-Exit" movement has decided to live in Russia

they are everywhere in our society, trying to cause division!!!

And they now have the signatures to put it on the ballot for a vote

Plan to break up California reportedly has enough signatures for November ballot

I can only imagine how the entire state feels trapped by the looney left in LA and San Fran.

It must be a fate worse than death. Zero representation for the rest of the state.

Well, if the country had Proportional Representation instead of the rubbish it currently has, then no one would feel trapped as each vote would count equal no matter where you live.

Another America-hating idiot (America is a Republic) once again calling for Mob Rule so that LA, San Fran, Chicago, Seattle and New York City can decide every election.
What would that mean for the Electoral College? I would think the Coast would stay uber libera, yet very small in populatation. Would mean horrors for the Democrats!

If the state splits two or three ways as proposed and petitioned for by its many people outside the squawkbox of coastal leftist liberalism, it will mean the END of California's automatic 55 democratic electoral votes, and END to the Democratic party! And THAT is why you will now hear all of the bleating sheep attacking the Electoral College as "outdated."

OUTDATED: No longer serving a Leftist's socialist agenda needs.

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