Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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Objecting to the murder of 50 innocent is now called “getting uppity”. Amazing.
It is when the whole scenario is their fault, and their doing, which they will not renounce.
It is absolutely not their fault.
What happened in New Zealand was horrific. I have already expressed my dismay, as soon as it was reported.

But the Christians killed by Muslims a couple of weeks ago is just as horrific.
40 Christians killed in attacks in Nigeria
At Least 32 Christians killed as mob burns homes, church in Nigeria
what we're dealing with is a lot of people EXCUSING MURDER
Muslims promoted slavery since it's creation . It still does promote slavery, even now . Why do black Americans like Cassius Clay or Malcolm Little think changing their names and religion will change history? Islam still sells people out, why is that something to be proud of?
what we're dealing with is a lot of people EXCUSING MURDER
Not getting all worked up over it isn't excusing. It's just kind of hard to really get invested in feeling bad about a group who loves suicide bombers killing people getting killed.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

Really? I am a proud islamaphobic. Islam itself is about hate and theocratic mind control group. So big woop. All those beheading videos and thousands killed by Muslims . Stoning people to death and that medieval bullshit, plus Islam was plagiarized from other mythologies, bigger whoopee do.

Islam is hate
Not getting all worked up over it isn't excusing. It's just kind of hard to really get invested in feeling bad about a group who loves suicide bombers killing people getting killed.
I'm surprised mosques aren't being ripped to pieces every day all over the world, and the Muslims in them, chased away, never to return again.

Why do we tolerate mosques, Korans, etc in America ? This is nuts. They are totally illegal.
Not getting all worked up over it isn't excusing. It's just kind of hard to really get invested in feeling bad about a group who loves suicide bombers killing people getting killed.
I'm surprised mosques aren't being ripped to pieces every day all over the world, and the Muslims in them, chased away, never to return again.

Why do we tolerate mosques, Korans, etc in America ? This is nuts. They are totally illegal.
Why have no mosques in America even been vetted yet? France had to close down 100+.

Wtf does the government do for us?
I lost respect for that silly mythology of Islam years back. Come on now, libs. They forcibly cut off a woman's clitoris. NO? Islam condemns homosexuality, too. NO? And freedom of speech? No? Questioning region, Apostasy? No? Everything Western liberalism apposes, that is ISLAM. Silly religious male control violent anti science anything....But still, liberals support Islam. My question is, WHY?
Not getting all worked up over it isn't excusing. It's just kind of hard to really get invested in feeling bad about a group who loves suicide bombers killing people getting killed.
I'm surprised mosques aren't being ripped to pieces every day all over the world, and the Muslims in them, chased away, never to return again.

Why do we tolerate mosques, Korans, etc in America ? This is nuts. They are totally illegal.
I agree. Why aren't the feminist groups and gay groups on these places like stink on shit? Seems like a logical place to be.
Not getting all worked up over it isn't excusing. It's just kind of hard to really get invested in feeling bad about a group who loves suicide bombers killing people getting killed.
I'm surprised mosques aren't being ripped to pieces every day all over the world, and the Muslims in them, chased away, never to return again.

Why do we tolerate mosques, Korans, etc in America ? This is nuts. They are totally illegal.
You WANT more violence...don't you

How many deaths would be sufficient?

Six Million?
Less would be nice. Are you on a muslim site asking them top do the same? Or are you just putting all this shit on us? Apparently they think we all need to die, how many would that be?
It has NOTHING to do with Anti Muslim talk you moron. It has EVERYTHING to do with the fact JEWS are in positions of control or their lackey's are,and they are turning WHITE countries into third world cesspools. Granted I wish the hero shooter had found different targets like those pursuing the genocide of the white race but hey scaring the shit out of turd world invaders and hopefully showing them THEY ARE NOT WELCOME HERE will make the Jews goal of white genocide harder because people won't want to take the risk of invading our countries for fear of retaliation.
Only you could find a way to insert Jews into an event that had nothing to do with them.

Migrant Crisis: A Zionist Plot? | Non Aligned Media
The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration Law! | Real Jew News
Jews are behind European immigration policy | E.T.P.
The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography

The facts don't change because you dislike the facts.
Oh for god’s sakes....there are no facts presented. The only one’s responsible for this attack are your beloved white supremacists.
Wow look at that fking hate! Fk you tough guy moderator behind a keyboard
Keep in mind you're dealing with people telling you not to judge all muslims as a group but still call all white people white supremists.
Yep. And we can’t defend either. I’m ready when they are. Come get in my face now. Stop keyboard toughness. I’ll be happy to kick an ass or two.did you see the senator after getting hit in the head with an egg. Kicked the snot out of the kid, and his own staff saved the kid! I’m ready
You will never get a Leftist to tell you what it really is they LOVE TO DEFEND about Islam. You know why? They can't be honest about it. For most of them, it's no deeper than the brown skin, the "exotic" clothes, food, language and rituals--iow, they're shallow thinkers and they're blinded by the "multiculti" diversity of it all, even if every single one of Islam's principles counters Leftism's stated principles. This makes up, say, 90% of their population--like the OP. This is why he defends Islam, I'm quite sure of it.

Their actual thinkers--which is a very small percentage--they understand that Islam is totalitarian. They're okay with this because they love that. They are not actually opposed to the fact that a huge part of Islam suppresses women and homosexuals and etc. They do not see this as morally reprehensible, but useful.

By saying this do I mean to say that Muslims themselves should be oppressed or killed? By no means. Of course not. But I should be able to speak out against the sad religion they are caught up in IN THE SAME MANNER Leftists love to speak out against Christianity. Amirite Leftists? Or nah?
This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

The undertones of fascism in the above may be intended.
I'm saying something like this was long overdue, not excusing terrorism.

Saying it is "long overdue" IS excusing terrorism

No it isn't. It is just a fact. After 900 terrorist attacks going completely one direction, there were bound to be a few in retaliation. Most attacks against Muslims have been minor shit like "he pulled off my head scarf" or "they vandalized the sign outside the mosque". I think there were a few murders, but those weren't terror attacks, just some idiot losing his shit and committing violence. This was the first fully-fledged terrorist attack committed against Muslims that comes to mind. I'm saying that I'm amazed there haven't been more.
There is a problem with that reasoning. First, all many domestic terrorist attacks don’t get classified as “terrorist” attacks, for legal reasons, which define it as conducted by a foreign group, but they are in every sense of the word.

Definitions of terrorism - Wikipedia
The other thing you ignore is that Muslims by far are the most common targets and victims of terrorism currently.
By this definition Maxine Waters is a terrorist.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

First just as democrats seem to dislike republicans and whites i can dislike any race relgion or politics I want to . so shut up or put up.
Im very anti mualim but I dont want them dead. You need to learn a little bit about the so called peacefull relgion. Its not . its all about hate for non belivers killing. abuse of women and children.you milk dud .
Sorry but as a human and a woman I can. Say love them cause i can stand for why their relgion has to say
Again i dont wish them harm but cheers went up across the muslim world on 911 you lug nut. Try being a American
my muslim friend asked me: why does Trump not like me?

we dont fully comprehend the damage we're doing by electing the orange racist

Shoulda asked your muzzie friend why his cohorts massacred 32 Christians in Nigeria. Then listen to crickets

The violence and mass murders committed by Muslims far outpaces any other religious, or ethnic sects other than the mass murdering by those like Stalin, Che Guevara, Pol Pot, Hitler, Imperial Japan, etc
The 49 people praying in that mosque were not guilty of ANY crimes.

You're condoning murder in just the same way that Germans condoned what the Nazis did to the Jews in the 30s.

There was ALWAYS rationalization and "justification" and victim blaming

You people are going down a very dangerous road...and some of the off ramps lead to Jews being killed and hispanics being killed.and on and on...

Remember. Hitler didn't only kill Jews. He killed Roma (Gypsies) and homosexuals and political opponents...pretty much anyone that wasn't part of THAT particular "Cult of Personality"
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