Time Travel...Unlikely...And Not For The Obvious Reasons..


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
I was thinking about the possibility of time travel...various theories etc... and what never sems to be brought into the conversation is that the universe is not only expanding..it's expansion is accelerating. That being the case...there is no reliable method to know where when is. Even if there are "worm holes" and assuming even if fleeting their "location" is stable even for an instant that location must change very rapidly as the universe expands.

Also one must consider gravitational flex of the earth ... Your time traveller may find him or herself imbedded in rock as he or she "re-appears" on earth.
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Also one must consider gravitational flex of the earth ... Your time traveller may find him or herself imbedded in rock as he or she "re-appears" on earth.

If time is just the fourth dimension, wouldn't it move in concert with the other three. :eusa_think:
Also one must consider gravitational flex of the earth ... Your time traveller may find him or herself imbedded in rock as he or she "re-appears" on earth.

If time is just the fourth dimension, wouldn't it move in concert with the other three. :eusa_think:

Ya probably but they don't have precise measurement of the expansion of the universe...if we achieve the ability to dive into a worm hole created on earth there could be a wildly uncalcuable difference on when and where one pops out.. IF one pops out. :eek: :lol:
This is way over my head, but why wouldn't gravity be slowing the expansion of the universe instead of allowing it to accelerate? As far as time travel goes, the traditional view would leave you in outer space if you went back to where the Earth was yesterday. An interesting take on this issue is Michael Crichton's Timeline, where different time dimensions existed concurrently in the same space, thus not leaving the time traveler out in the cold.
This is way over my head, but why wouldn't gravity be slowing the expansion of the universe instead of allowing it to accelerate? As far as time travel goes, the traditional view would leave you in outer space if you went back to where the Earth was yesterday. An interesting take on this issue is Michael Crichton's Timeline, where different time dimensions existed concurrently in the same space, thus not leaving the time traveler out in the cold.

We don't know that. We theorize that there are hundreds if not infinite "other" or alternate universes according to String Theory as I understand it but I have seen no rational that worm holes are predictable.

They are pretty certain due to red shift measurements, that are extremely crude, that the known universe is not only expanding ...but accellerating. Then there is that whole dark matter/energy thing that is mindboggling in it's own right and we have NO idea what it's properties are if it even has any we are capable of measuring.
What if I break the light barrier, get to your house and steal your cookies, then get out again before you see me?....When was I "there"?
What if I break the light barrier, get to your house and steal your cookies, then get out again before you see me?....When was I "there"?

If you could do all that you would hit bank depositories and diamond mines vaults. I feel comfortble that if I had cookies..they would be safe.
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Uh-huh...But at what "time" would I have been at any of those places?
If it was possible the future time travelers would already have visited us. Hmmm maybe that's why JFK was assassinated to change the path our timeline was on.

I would love to time travel to the past. A time machine ..you know?

The Time Machine movie! remember that one? only a movie sadly :( took me there.... - H.G. Wells classic ...the 1960s movie with Australian actor Rod Taylor ...back to the past... the past ...that's all that matters

All we need is an alpha-minaturizer We could shrink and five point buckle a volunteer (Huggy? You up to it?) to a Hadron and accelerate him into a heavy boson at .995C. Momentum would take care of the time travel part. The only option we would have is how much spin we should impart on Huggy.
I was thinking about the possibility of time travel...various theories etc... and what never sems to be brought into the conversation is that the universe is not only expanding..it's expansion is accelerating. That being the case...there is no reliable method to know where when is. Even if there are "worm holes" and assuming even if fleeting their "location" is stable even for an instant that location must change very rapidly as the universe expands.

Also one must consider gravitational flex of the earth ... Your time traveller may find him or herself imbedded in rock as he or she "re-appears" on earth.

Assuming time travel is possible and it doesn't drop you in space, we would already know about it. Failing that one travels into an alternate past where changes they make effect that time line but not the one they left from.
I think HouseGimp went back in time and gave his mom a morning after pill.
Time travel to the past may be impossible because to change what has happened is physically impossible. However traveling to the future may be possible because the future is a canvas waiting to be painted. Though just because it is possible does not mean it is probable or within our future capabilities.

Of course time travel is always with us because in our minds we travel back and relive memories or imagine the future. Its just not real .... or is anything real and we are just living in a dream that never ends.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=3YbRnZfGqiQ]Family Guy Preview - Stewie's time machine - YouTube[/ame]
I was thinking about the possibility of time travel...various theories etc... and what never sems to be brought into the conversation is that the universe is not only expanding..it's expansion is accelerating. That being the case...there is no reliable method to know where when is. Even if there are "worm holes" and assuming even if fleeting their "location" is stable even for an instant that location must change very rapidly as the universe expands.

Also one must consider gravitational flex of the earth ... Your time traveller may find him or herself imbedded in rock as he or she "re-appears" on earth.

Assuming time travel is possible and it doesn't drop you in space, we would already know about it. Failing that one travels into an alternate past where changes they make effect that time line but not the one they left from.

Actually, one of the slightly less crazy theories of time travel has a way around your line of thinking. If using a wormhole to time travel, you would not be able to time travel back to before the wormhole was created. So if tomorrow we created a wormhole here on earth, then anyone from beyond that point could time travel back to tomorrow.
I was thinking about the possibility of time travel...various theories etc... and what never sems to be brought into the conversation is that the universe is not only expanding..it's expansion is accelerating. That being the case...there is no reliable method to know where when is. Even if there are "worm holes" and assuming even if fleeting their "location" is stable even for an instant that location must change very rapidly as the universe expands.

Also one must consider gravitational flex of the earth ... Your time traveller may find him or herself imbedded in rock as he or she "re-appears" on earth.

Assuming time travel is possible and it doesn't drop you in space, we would already know about it. Failing that one travels into an alternate past where changes they make effect that time line but not the one they left from.

Actually, one of the slightly less crazy theories of time travel has a way around your line of thinking. If using a wormhole to time travel, you would not be able to time travel back to before the wormhole was created. So if tomorrow we created a wormhole here on earth, then anyone from beyond that point could time travel back to tomorrow.

So you are saying that the "time traveller" would enter the worm hole and immediately re-appear as if they never left and all time and places could be possible destinations while they were "gone" but to an observer at the entrance of the worm hole they never left?




doesnt matter, lol

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