Time: Trump loss could result in new right wing populist party

TIME: Trump Loss Could Result in 'A New Right-Wing Populist Party, Anchored by a Trump-Breitbart-Ailes Media Empire' - Breitbart

That would be BEAUTIFUL! It will only be worth it if we keep 99.9% of the GOP politicians OUT! It will be a beautiful start. Trump refuses to concede,files suit after suit etc launches new media empire AND new party at same time oh yes....we sweep 2018 elections with crushing defeat to GOP and an end of the GOP as a majority party! Will be a very clear split between a communist/cultural marxist/anti white party on the left and a Nationalistic Populist/Traditionalist/Pro worker/Pro Family party on the right!

No problem, we welcome that .. in fact, I fully support right-wingers having a party of their own .. made up of the same group of people who thought Trump was a real candidate.

I'm sure you'll go real far in an evolving America.
Remember that when nonwhites take it to the streets my friend, they are all on much more righteous ground than you lot are.

Most of them are animals, not people; so they have no legitimate complaint. Besidss, I have plenty of ammo and no compunction about using it.
Remember that when nonwhites take it to the streets my friend, they are all on much more righteous ground than you lot are.

Most of them are animals, not people; so they have no legitimate complaint. Besidss, I have plenty of ammo and no compunction about using it.

What we see here sir, is that it is you who is the animal, I appreciate your honesty.
Won't take long, you're a minority.

Only takes one person to make a game changing, explosive difference in the world sometimes

Like when Timothy McVeigh murdered children and killed the militia movement for a generation? Or are you speaking of some other 'patriot'?
Federal Government murdered children at Waco. Federal Government murdered a child at Ruby Ridge. I don't see you complaining about that. Oklahoma City was an act of war.
Ah the last gasp of white male supremacy.

Not until we've run out of ammunition or we're all dead.
Oh I don't think it will come to a shooting war....Trump woke up the working white class hell the working class in general! That's a part of the electorate that's been ignored for a LONG time. I think a new party with a a platform much like the one Trump has laid out CAN destroy the democrap party and the GOP will already be dead.It committed suicide by not backing Trump.
Ah the last gasp of white male supremacy.

Not until we've run out of ammunition or we're all dead.

Won't take long, you're a minority.

HA! Not yet we ain't son.

wingnut white supremacists? Yeah, you're a minority.

You have no idea who I am even talking about. YOU assume all angry white people are "white supremacists" you are also a pathetic democrap tool.
What we see here sir, is that it is you who is the animal, I appreciate your honesty.

What I am is an American. It's a special breed of homo sapien which cannot be categorized by race, skin tone, gender, or religion but rather by location of birth, philosophy, and values/morals. Americans come in every shape, color, and size. What we do not come in is a variety of philosophies or worldviews.
Won't take long, you're a minority.

Only takes one person to make a game changing, explosive difference in the world sometimes

Like when Timothy McVeigh murdered children and killed the militia movement for a generation? Or are you speaking of some other 'patriot'?
Federal Government murdered children at Waco. Federal Government murdered a child at Ruby Ridge. I don't see you complaining about that. Oklahoma City was an act of war.
Ah the last gasp of white male supremacy.

Not until we've run out of ammunition or we're all dead.
Oh I don't think it will come to a shooting war....Trump woke up the working white class hell the working class in general! That's a part of the electorate that's been ignored for a LONG time. I think a new party with a a platform much like the one Trump has laid out CAN destroy the democrap party and the GOP will already be dead.It committed suicide by not backing Trump.
Ah the last gasp of white male supremacy.

Not until we've run out of ammunition or we're all dead.

Won't take long, you're a minority.

HA! Not yet we ain't son.

wingnut white supremacists? Yeah, you're a minority.

You have no idea who I am even talking about. YOU assume all angry white people are "white supremacists" you are also a pathetic democrap tool.

Let's be real, you're a white supremacist who believes in Waco conspiracies.
Won't take long, you're a minority.

Only takes one person to make a game changing, explosive difference in the world sometimes

Like when Timothy McVeigh murdered children and killed the militia movement for a generation? Or are you speaking of some other 'patriot'?
Federal Government murdered children at Waco. Federal Government murdered a child at Ruby Ridge. I don't see you complaining about that. Oklahoma City was an act of war.
Ah the last gasp of white male supremacy.

Not until we've run out of ammunition or we're all dead.
Oh I don't think it will come to a shooting war....Trump woke up the working white class hell the working class in general! That's a part of the electorate that's been ignored for a LONG time. I think a new party with a a platform much like the one Trump has laid out CAN destroy the democrap party and the GOP will already be dead.It committed suicide by not backing Trump.
Ah the last gasp of white male supremacy.

Not until we've run out of ammunition or we're all dead.

Won't take long, you're a minority.

HA! Not yet we ain't son.

wingnut white supremacists? Yeah, you're a minority.

You have no idea who I am even talking about. YOU assume all angry white people are "white supremacists" you are also a pathetic democrap tool.

No, you told us that's what you were all about Odious, what, trying to puss out of that now? Jeez.
What we see here sir, is that it is you who is the animal, I appreciate your honesty.

What I am is an American. It's a special breed of homo sapien which cannot be categorized by race, skin tone, gender, or religion but rather by location of birth, philosophy, and values/morals. Americans come in every shape, color, and size. What we do not come in is a variety of philosophies or worldviews.

Nice try, we can all determine how we feel about your tripe on here. There's nothing special about you at all, and a few posts ago you called nonwhites animals. In a free an open society, you don't get jack shit to say about anyone else's philosophies or worldviews.
Won't take long, you're a minority.

Only takes one person to make a game changing, explosive difference in the world sometimes

Like when Timothy McVeigh murdered children and killed the militia movement for a generation? Or are you speaking of some other 'patriot'?
Federal Government murdered children at Waco. Federal Government murdered a child at Ruby Ridge. I don't see you complaining about that. Oklahoma City was an act of war.
Ah the last gasp of white male supremacy.

Not until we've run out of ammunition or we're all dead.
Oh I don't think it will come to a shooting war....Trump woke up the working white class hell the working class in general! That's a part of the electorate that's been ignored for a LONG time. I think a new party with a a platform much like the one Trump has laid out CAN destroy the democrap party and the GOP will already be dead.It committed suicide by not backing Trump.
Not until we've run out of ammunition or we're all dead.

Won't take long, you're a minority.

HA! Not yet we ain't son.

wingnut white supremacists? Yeah, you're a minority.

You have no idea who I am even talking about. YOU assume all angry white people are "white supremacists" you are also a pathetic democrap tool.

Let's be real, you're a white supremacist who believes in Waco conspiracies.
Let's be clear you just said it was OK for the government to murder people simply because they are they government. What I am has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand. I don't understand why you clowns think it does. Now get back on topic or fuck off.
Nice try, we can all determine how we feel about your tripe on here. There's nothing special about you at all, and a few posts ago you called nonwhites animals. In a free an open society, you don't get jack shit to say about anyone else's philosophies or worldviews.

Who ever said I'm interested in a free and open society? Nor were our Founders interested in a society as free and open as this one.
Won't take long, you're a minority.

Only takes one person to make a game changing, explosive difference in the world sometimes

Like when Timothy McVeigh murdered children and killed the militia movement for a generation? Or are you speaking of some other 'patriot'?
Federal Government murdered children at Waco. Federal Government murdered a child at Ruby Ridge. I don't see you complaining about that. Oklahoma City was an act of war.
Not until we've run out of ammunition or we're all dead.
Oh I don't think it will come to a shooting war....Trump woke up the working white class hell the working class in general! That's a part of the electorate that's been ignored for a LONG time. I think a new party with a a platform much like the one Trump has laid out CAN destroy the democrap party and the GOP will already be dead.It committed suicide by not backing Trump.
Won't take long, you're a minority.

HA! Not yet we ain't son.

wingnut white supremacists? Yeah, you're a minority.

You have no idea who I am even talking about. YOU assume all angry white people are "white supremacists" you are also a pathetic democrap tool.

Let's be real, you're a white supremacist who believes in Waco conspiracies.
Let's be clear you just said it was OK for the government to murder people simply because they are they government. What I am has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand. I don't understand why you clowns think it does. Now get back on topic or fuck off.

I never said it was OK for the government to murder anyone. That's simply a lie.
Only takes one person to make a game changing, explosive difference in the world sometimes

Like when Timothy McVeigh murdered children and killed the militia movement for a generation? Or are you speaking of some other 'patriot'?
Federal Government murdered children at Waco. Federal Government murdered a child at Ruby Ridge. I don't see you complaining about that. Oklahoma City was an act of war.
Oh I don't think it will come to a shooting war....Trump woke up the working white class hell the working class in general! That's a part of the electorate that's been ignored for a LONG time. I think a new party with a a platform much like the one Trump has laid out CAN destroy the democrap party and the GOP will already be dead.It committed suicide by not backing Trump.
HA! Not yet we ain't son.

wingnut white supremacists? Yeah, you're a minority.

You have no idea who I am even talking about. YOU assume all angry white people are "white supremacists" you are also a pathetic democrap tool.

Let's be real, you're a white supremacist who believes in Waco conspiracies.
Let's be clear you just said it was OK for the government to murder people simply because they are they government. What I am has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand. I don't understand why you clowns think it does. Now get back on topic or fuck off.

I never said it was OK for the government to murder anyone. That's simply a lie.
Sure sure....you refused to reply to the point I made and went on another attack against my personal beliefs. If government can murder and get away with it well then so should McVeigh since it was an act of war. By refusing to reply you in essence OK'ed it.
Like when Timothy McVeigh murdered children and killed the militia movement for a generation? Or are you speaking of some other 'patriot'?
Federal Government murdered children at Waco. Federal Government murdered a child at Ruby Ridge. I don't see you complaining about that. Oklahoma City was an act of war.
wingnut white supremacists? Yeah, you're a minority.

You have no idea who I am even talking about. YOU assume all angry white people are "white supremacists" you are also a pathetic democrap tool.

Let's be real, you're a white supremacist who believes in Waco conspiracies.
Let's be clear you just said it was OK for the government to murder people simply because they are they government. What I am has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand. I don't understand why you clowns think it does. Now get back on topic or fuck off.

I never said it was OK for the government to murder anyone. That's simply a lie.
Sure sure....you refused to reply to the point I made and went on another attack against my personal beliefs. If government can murder and get away with it well then so should McVeigh since it was an act of war. By refusing to reply you in essence OK'ed it.

Ahh, did I attack your personal beliefs? :crybaby:

You guys are victims.
Federal Government murdered children at Waco. Federal Government murdered a child at Ruby Ridge. I don't see you complaining about that. Oklahoma City was an act of war.
You have no idea who I am even talking about. YOU assume all angry white people are "white supremacists" you are also a pathetic democrap tool.

Let's be real, you're a white supremacist who believes in Waco conspiracies.
Let's be clear you just said it was OK for the government to murder people simply because they are they government. What I am has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand. I don't understand why you clowns think it does. Now get back on topic or fuck off.

I never said it was OK for the government to murder anyone. That's simply a lie.
Sure sure....you refused to reply to the point I made and went on another attack against my personal beliefs. If government can murder and get away with it well then so should McVeigh since it was an act of war. By refusing to reply you in essence OK'ed it.

Ahh, did I attack your personal beliefs? :crybaby:

You guys are victims.
Again you won't condemn the government for doing the same thing you condemn McVeigh doing....you are STILL missing the point...dude you can attack me all day. I am comfortable with my beliefs and no one can change them....attack away because its all you got.
But it won't be you, pussy.

Go fuck yourself, asshole. I'm in no mental state to deal with your turd bombs today.

My life just continues to get worse minute by minute. Might not be around too much longer for you to "enjoy"
no, i think trump is going full gingrich on his campaign now. no, really, it's like a deal with the devil, and he can't be upfront about the 6's, he has to make the second 6 a 7 and the third 6 a 5, but the 7th point of the second 6 could easily be the 1st point of the third 6. it's all right there in the fine print:

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