Times Magazine Columnist Mans Up for Fake News on Trump

Yeah, no. Satire, least of all on Tweeter, are not "misquotes". They're intentional fiction.

Dumb shit.
So you’re saying the Left are gullible and fall for satire.


I don't traffic in blanket statements, so no.

Ask Cecilie1200 about that. She tried to hang that on me and when I challenged her to demonstrate it she ran away and continues to run away to the present moment. Because she's a wimp who (also) can't admit when she's wrong.

"The left" are as a group, nothing. "The right" are as a group, nothing. These are abstract concepts, not fucking clubs, and they have zero to do with intelligence or personality traits.

Figure that out.

What you've got here is transparently mendacious tribalist BULLSHIT. The operation of satire involves a creative use of fiction. It's about "imagine if X happened". You can't sit here and make a fucking Checkers speech about "I'm too stupid to figure it out and I took it literally".
The Times columnist manned up and apologized. You’re obviously not man enough.
So he lied and then admitted he lied.
That's called manning up?

Manning up means dealing with a tough situation.
You don't congratulate someone for lying and then admitting he lied when he's caught.
Later this lying asshole sheepishly claimed that the quote was "plausible", which means he's not being apologetic, but that he's simply spreading false gossip. In his mind he feels that this lie is the truth.

Yeah, no. Satire, least of all on Tweeter, are not "misquotes". They're intentional fiction.

Dumb shit.
So you’re saying the Left are gullible and fall for satire.


I don't traffic in blanket statements, so no.

Ask Cecilie1200 about that. She tried to hang that on me and when I challenged her to demonstrate it she ran away and continues to run away to the present moment. Because she's a wimp who (also) can't admit when she's wrong.

"The left" are as a group, nothing. "The right" are as a group, nothing. These are abstract concepts, not fucking clubs, and they have zero to do with intelligence or personality traits.

Figure that out.

What you've got here is transparently mendacious tribalist BULLSHIT. The operation of satire involves a creative use of fiction. It's about "imagine if X happened". You can't sit here and make a fucking Checkers speech about "I'm too stupid to figure it out and I took it literally".
The Times columnist manned up and apologized. You’re obviously not man enough.

No Stupid, he said he was sorry that that many wags were too STUPID to figure out how satire works. Sound familiar?

Of course if y'all were honest you'd admit you DO understand how satire works and you're all going through this massive "I'm too stupid to get it" fucking Checkers speech, only because you're bent on white-knighting for your cult leader who got mocked. And that is damn pathetic. Y'all need to collectively grow a pair and learn how to take the fucking heat instead of snowflaking your way through this fucking bullshit.

How's it feel to be a PC censor, Stupid? I mean what exactly do boots taste like?
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