Times you were mistreated because of your, cough, skin color?

Some can't speak for themselves, so allow me.

Unarmed People of Color Killed by Police, 1999-2014

"I was selling cigarettes on a street in New York, the police tackled me and started choking me. I was unarmed. I said 'I can't breath but they ignored me and killed me. For selling cigarettes." - Eric Garner -

Officer Daniel Pantaleo placed Garner in a chokehold. Garner died of neck compression from the chokehold along with "the compression of his chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police." Aftermath: The New York City medical examiner ruled Garner's death a homicide. Pantaleo was not indicted.
Why don't you speak for yourself? I have seen black perpetrators commit horrendous crimes(that for all the world look like racist hate crimes) that are swept under the rug. So let's don't dilly daly. What have YOU experienced?

You choose to ignore factual cases where people died. Why would anyone believe you would have any other reaction to any other case? Go play.
Nice try, diverting off topic. I am not ignoring anything. But what actual interaction do have YOU have on this? I have alluded to my past experiences. You? Dredging up stuff that you have no connection too.If you have nothing, just admit it.
Some can't speak for themselves, so allow me.

Unarmed People of Color Killed by Police, 1999-2014

"I was selling cigarettes on a street in New York, the police tackled me and started choking me. I was unarmed. I said 'I can't breath but they ignored me and killed me. For selling cigarettes." - Eric Garner -

Officer Daniel Pantaleo placed Garner in a chokehold. Garner died of neck compression from the chokehold along with "the compression of his chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police." Aftermath: The New York City medical examiner ruled Garner's death a homicide. Pantaleo was not indicted.
One incident becomes an entire racist crusade? Really? There are many more cases that are justified, but those aren't touted as "factual evidence" of racism. C'mon, got any more?

Many, but you are required to pull your head from the sand and breathing sand has become your natural state.
Some can't speak for themselves, so allow me.

Unarmed People of Color Killed by Police, 1999-2014

"I was selling cigarettes on a street in New York, the police tackled me and started choking me. I was unarmed. I said 'I can't breath but they ignored me and killed me. For selling cigarettes." - Eric Garner -

Officer Daniel Pantaleo placed Garner in a chokehold. Garner died of neck compression from the chokehold along with "the compression of his chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police." Aftermath: The New York City medical examiner ruled Garner's death a homicide. Pantaleo was not indicted.
One incident becomes an entire racist crusade? Really? There are many more cases that are justified, but those aren't touted as "factual evidence" of racism. C'mon, got any more?

Many, but you are required to pull your head from the sand and breathing sand has become your natural state.
Thank you! But my sources include many others besides lame-stream media and libtard talking points to support the "blacks are victims" narrative.
While some of these instances might be unwarranted, many others are quite warranted and the acquittal rate of both white and BLACK officers should serve as and indicator. But acquittals negate the narrative.
Some can't speak for themselves, so allow me.

Unarmed People of Color Killed by Police, 1999-2014

"I was selling cigarettes on a street in New York, the police tackled me and started choking me. I was unarmed. I said 'I can't breath but they ignored me and killed me. For selling cigarettes." - Eric Garner -

Officer Daniel Pantaleo placed Garner in a chokehold. Garner died of neck compression from the chokehold along with "the compression of his chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police." Aftermath: The New York City medical examiner ruled Garner's death a homicide. Pantaleo was not indicted.

From your link: Garner's asthma and obesity were also named as contributing factors.
What do you do? Who are you clients? I work with all kinds of people, Samoans, Indonesians, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Colombians, Mexicans, Bolivians, Venezuelans, Iranians, Afghanians, and many others. I do not get mistreated because of my skin tone, nor do I mistreat anyone else, for any reason. There are assholes of all types, them I treat cordially, but I don't mistreat them. As a result, I am not mistreated by others. I am usually greeted nicely and some even exchange normal conversation with me.
Sometimes, when everyone else seems to be the problem, perhaps you should take a long, hard look in your mirror.

I work in an Engineering and Operations Support role for a major electric utility company. Though that's pretty irrelevant to my situation.

I have a dull facial birthmark. From ear to ear and from the corners of my lips over the crown of my skull the skin tone is a deep reddish purple. This is the way I was born. I've lived with it for 43 years.

I've also lived with the stares, the comments, the jokes, and the consequences of looking different, being branded ugly, in a Society where beauty, strength and power are the expectation for advancement in Society.

If I had a dollar for every double-take someone has done upon seeing me for the first time, for every snide comment or parent turning their child away from me is buy my own island and just live there. Can you imagine a woman looking at you, after having been set up on a blind date with you and saying... "I'd rather go on a date or mate with my dog!" and slamming a door in your face? I think not.
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I was in a High School Band, and was the only student not allowed to attend a trip to play in a POUS inauguration. It had nothing to do with my attitude (cough!).

I was in Boy's Choir. They told my mother to come get me in the middle of the night. Technically I didn't do anything wrong.

I was arrested for marijuana possession in High School, because they searched me under false pretenses, and behold, I don't have a key to the school, but I sure have some killer weed man.

I was 86'd from working at a hotel, where I was working as a Bus Boy. To this day I don't know why. Must have been racial discrimination.

I was constantly kicked out of classes, was suspended many times, and expelled.

I was threatened by a cop. He was my neighbor, and his house was burglarized (not by me). He said he'd shoot me if I was caught in his house.

I was nearly arrested for attempted murder. I was toying with a friend and drove my car toward him. Neighbor up the street called the cops.

I was accused of shooting out a window.

I was acting manager, and for the first time, we were awarded the best overall store in the district. They didn't hire me for manager.

I was by far the best and most capable business analyst. They wouldn't even consider me for a supervisor position, despite being independent, a self-starter and highly effective.

I was a Correctional Officer for a stint. They called me into the office and advised me to never to bring drugs into their institution.

I was turned down for one of 13 insurance adjuster positions under State government. Matter of fact, I was ranked 6th on the list. They hired one through five and seven through 14. I was number one on many lists for the same place, and passed over every time.

I've been pulled over many times by the police.

Just a few instances I've experienced during my life under the oppression of a country built for the white man . Only problem is I'm white male. If I were black, I could use every one of these instances to declare "white man keeping the black man down", discrimination, etc. etc. But you know, "you don't know what it's like to live as a black man". Cry me a river, I call BS.

For me it was when I was in Japan. Many establishments have cartoon signs at entrance stating 'No Round Eyes'. I tested it and they promptly escorted me out of the place before the zipper heads could slit my throat

I used to deliver medical equipment homes, hospitals and nursing homes. Occasionally I found myself in the Cleveland or Akron projects. The Cleveland projects have their own police force called the CMHA. A few times I was stopped by a CMHA officer because I was white. They questioned me, had their dispatch call my company for verification (we didn't have cell phones back then) took my drivers license and copied down information from it.

After they knew I was legit, they thanked me for my cooperation. Most times they would escort me to the unit I was looking for to make the delivery or pickup. When you''re a white guy all alone in the projects, having a police escort is very comforting.

I didn't hold anything against the officers; they were just doing their job. In most cases, if a white guy is in the projects, it usually has something to do with drugs. But after the initial questioning, they were all really good people and we laughed about it during the delivery. Some would tell me stories about what goes on in the projects that we don't read in the paper.
I was in a High School Band, and was the only student not allowed to attend a trip to play in a POUS inauguration. It had nothing to do with my attitude (cough!).

I was in Boy's Choir. They told my mother to come get me in the middle of the night. Technically I didn't do anything wrong.

I was arrested for marijuana possession in High School, because they searched me under false pretenses, and behold, I don't have a key to the school, but I sure have some killer weed man.

I was 86'd from working at a hotel, where I was working as a Bus Boy. To this day I don't know why. Must have been racial discrimination.

I was constantly kicked out of classes, was suspended many times, and expelled.

I was threatened by a cop. He was my neighbor, and his house was burglarized (not by me). He said he'd shoot me if I was caught in his house.

I was nearly arrested for attempted murder. I was toying with a friend and drove my car toward him. Neighbor up the street called the cops.

I was accused of shooting out a window.

I was acting manager, and for the first time, we were awarded the best overall store in the district. They didn't hire me for manager.

I was by far the best and most capable business analyst. They wouldn't even consider me for a supervisor position, despite being independent, a self-starter and highly effective.

I was a Correctional Officer for a stint. They called me into the office and advised me to never to bring drugs into their institution.

I was turned down for one of 13 insurance adjuster positions under State government. Matter of fact, I was ranked 6th on the list. They hired one through five and seven through 14. I was number one on many lists for the same place, and passed over every time.

I've been pulled over many times by the police.

Just a few instances I've experienced during my life under the oppression of a country built for the white man . Only problem is I'm white male. If I were black, I could use every one of these instances to declare "white man keeping the black man down", discrimination, etc. etc. But you know, "you don't know what it's like to live as a black man". Cry me a river, I call BS.
Sounds more like you are an asshole
I was walking through a parking lot going to Sunday Brunch. I had on a flowered hat. Coming toward me was a black family including a very old grandmother wearing a very elaborate hat. As I passed I said "nice hat".

I was immediately surrounded by grandsons telling me I spoke to their grandmother without permission and white bitches don't get permission. I put my hand in my pocket and grasped my knife. I might not get them all, but i would get one or two. However, they gave up and went on their way.
Some can't speak for themselves, so allow me.

Unarmed People of Color Killed by Police, 1999-2014

"I was selling cigarettes on a street in New York, the police tackled me and started choking me. I was unarmed. I said 'I can't breath but they ignored me and killed me. For selling cigarettes." - Eric Garner -

Officer Daniel Pantaleo placed Garner in a chokehold. Garner died of neck compression from the chokehold along with "the compression of his chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police." Aftermath: The New York City medical examiner ruled Garner's death a homicide. Pantaleo was not indicted.

From your link: Garner's asthma and obesity were also named as contributing factors.
Garner did not die as a result of being unable to breathe. He was breathing when he was put in the ambulance. He died on the way to the hospital of a massive heart attack.
Some can't speak for themselves, so allow me.

Unarmed People of Color Killed by Police, 1999-2014

"I was selling cigarettes on a street in New York, the police tackled me and started choking me. I was unarmed. I said 'I can't breath but they ignored me and killed me. For selling cigarettes." - Eric Garner -

Officer Daniel Pantaleo placed Garner in a chokehold. Garner died of neck compression from the chokehold along with "the compression of his chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police." Aftermath: The New York City medical examiner ruled Garner's death a homicide. Pantaleo was not indicted.

From your link: Garner's asthma and obesity were also named as contributing factors.
Garner did not die as a result of being unable to breathe. He was breathing when he was put in the ambulance. He died on the way to the hospital of a massive heart attack.

Plus the officer did not actually choke him in the first place. If somebody is choking you, you have no ability to yell out like he did.
Some can't speak for themselves, so allow me.

Unarmed People of Color Killed by Police, 1999-2014

"I was selling cigarettes on a street in New York, the police tackled me and started choking me. I was unarmed. I said 'I can't breath but they ignored me and killed me. For selling cigarettes." - Eric Garner -

Officer Daniel Pantaleo placed Garner in a chokehold. Garner died of neck compression from the chokehold along with "the compression of his chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police." Aftermath: The New York City medical examiner ruled Garner's death a homicide. Pantaleo was not indicted.
Why don't you speak for yourself? I have seen black perpetrators commit horrendous crimes(that for all the world look like racist hate crimes) that are swept under the rug. So let's don't dilly daly. What have YOU experienced?

You choose to ignore factual cases where people died. Why would anyone believe you would have any other reaction to any other case? Go play.

You mean like, "hands up, don't shoot!" You are a phony baloney, but wanna know a secret? You people are LOSING-)

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