Tingly leg Chrissy Matthews ousted at MSDNC for sexism?

He'll grovel at the feet of Moloch (or maybe Oprah) for forgiveness, then go on an apology tour.
Once he openly spoke out against socialism the deep pockets who want it flipped the switch and then the women came out.
Why would anyone think that destroying reputations through questionable/phony charges of sexual impropriety was going to end with political opponents?
Poor Chrissy. Left off the commentating team on a big night, all alone with his blowup doll and videos of Barry speeches...
Sounds like kindergartners..... Teacher, He's looking at me.....Why cant these people grow the fuck up... This is what the #METOO movement has done to rational adults...... made them spoiled little brats..
The op's title's not too womanizing for some Trump supporters I suppose.

Dog face ?

I'm tellin ya, boys, don't speak to em unless they speak to you. And don't even look at em more than two seconds. It's a trap. lol.
Why would anyone think that destroying reputations through questionable/phony charges of sexual impropriety was going to end with political opponents?
How do you know these women are lying?
Let's see.....Thrilly leg Chris says something silly that draws almost universal ridicule from his "woke" fifth columnist brethren, only to have it come out a few days later that he now stands accused of sexual skulduggery.

I'll give you 5:1 odds that it's total bullshit.

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