Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

Christopharter said:
stan keeps trying to say I posted that and that there is proof, but stan never posts it. Just like none of the agents never post an image of this core on 9-11.

I don't try to say anything Chris .. I actually do say it. But being the nice guy I am I have no intention of posting your IP address in this forum or any other forum. The mods and admin here know what it currently is.

Facts are facts .. the IP addy for the guest's posting and your regular haunts .. confirm that you fabricated that post to bolster your stupid lie.

Are you denying that the IP addresses for that guest posting and yourself are the same .. ??

I know your IP from LetsRoll days and with a certain amount of discretion to protect the privacy of yourself, we confirmed you were both the guest and yourself. The lie is there .. we know it .. you know it and you can deny it all you like.

You are a compulsive and very bad liar..
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stan the coward doesn't even have a name.

No posting PM's or IP addresses. ~elvis.

Post a statement from the admin of physorg.com identifying that the Robertson post was made by that IP address.

Can a New Zealander be a traitor to the US. No, just an enemy of the peoples Constitution.
stan the coward doesn't even have a name.

No posting PM's or IP addresses. ~elvis.

Post a statement from the admin of physorg.com identifying that the Robertson post was made by that IP address.

Can a New Zealander be a traitor to the US. No, just an enemy of the peoples Constitution.

doesnt matter. the post was a fake. Robertson identifies a STEEL CORE.
NEWSWEEK contacted Robertson, who confirmed that there was no concrete core in either tower. "For both towers, the structure of the core was composed of steel beams and girders supported by steel columns," he said. "The steel beams and girders supported a profiled metal deck overlain by reinforced concrete slabs."
World Trade Center Engineer Leslie Robertson on 9/11 Attack, Building Collapse - Newsweek

you lose.

again. :lol:
Just because the infiltrating psyops was able to get the page revised with a redirect does not mean that Robertson in the days after 9-11 did not identify a concrete core.

Since not one image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11 has never been seen, this core did not exist.

Just because the infiltrating psyops was able to get the page revised with a redirect does not mean that Robertson in the days after 9-11 did not identify a concrete core.

Since not one image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11 has ever been seen, this core did not exist.


the one seen DID EXIST, it was a concrete tube.

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Newsweek had it right and published the truth globally.

Just like Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 and August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE., there is a huge amount of independently verified evidence of the concrete core.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work for justifying explanation for collapse, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
That is exactly what the perpetrators of mass murders would want you to say. However, it is just text and you have not, nor has anyone, posted an image of the FEMA core.


All right asshole, let's get a few things straight right now.

The only "perpetrators of mass murder" were the 19 ragheaded fucktards that hijacked 4 airliners and kamikazied them into buildings and fields on 9/11/01. There was no conspiracy beyond that planned by Bin Laden, and no inside job by our government.

As to your claims the death certificates are wrong, this is your ultimate fail. The cause of death is homicide. Even your wacked out theory, and those of others can not and will not change this.

Let's break it down;

19 camel jockeys crash planes into buildings - cause of death: homicide
CIA crashes robot planes into buildings- cause of death: homicide
Casper the Ghost crashes robot planes into buildings - cause of death: homicide

Factual steel core columns collapse due to fire caused by raghead crashed planes - cause of death: homicide
Explosive Invisicrete causes building collapse - cause of death: homicide
Crazy Alex's amazing explosive thermite causes building collapse - cause of death: homicide
Loony Willie's exploding basements - cause of death: homicide

Turbanites crash jet aircraft into building - cause of death: homicide
Terrel's Navy A-6 Skywarrior crashes into building - cause of death: homicide
Other goofy twoofers destroyer launched cruise missile crashes into building - cause of death: homicide

Now I want you to explain how YOUR theory invalidates any of this, and would cause a change in the cause of death listed on every death certificate.

And exactly what cause of death YOU demand be listed on each and every death certificate. No evading this time, name the EXACT cause of death.
Now that Goof-0-phera has been thoroughly debunked, humiliated and embarrassed regarding 911, it is time for him to move on to his next great truth.

The criminal description of the act is homicide, the cause of death varies, but the perpetrators logically don't want you to recognize that.
The criminal description of the act is homicide, the cause of death varies, but the perpetrators logically don't want you to recognize that.

wrong. :cuckoo:

even those that jumped from the buildings have the cause of death listed as homicide.

post the death certificate you are getting your info from, jackass. if you dont then once again you are caught fabricating evidence. you have no evidence. you simply CLAIM the cause of death is "building collapse" and have yet to post any evidence to support that. you are a lying sack of shit.
No, absolutely not logical. But the perps would not care about that, so you don't.

You are the dirty end of the stick, the other end gets to pass off fake plans, actually beleiving that FEMA told the truth. The mislead truth movement distributes obsolete plans altered to appear as final drawings by the addition of revision tables, but they messed up faking the initials and a digital anomalie was created then inserted into the sells every now and then.


Can we believe that the plans for the tallest buildings in the world had a title block that was free handed?

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Coroners and medical examiners have strict guidelines for defining the "cause of death". It is absolutely certain they will not apply "homicide" to all deaths caused by one attack by planes.

The perpetrators would want people to be as dumb as you pretend to think they are agent.

Meanwhile your support for the conspiracy to deceive is well documented here.

Are you trying to say that the plans from silverstein that r.gage distributes are accurate, final drawings like gamolon does?


Do you really think that the plans for the 2 tallest buildings in the world had freehanded title blocks on 200+ sheets?
Coroners and medical examiners have strict guidelines for defining the "cause of death". It is absolutely certain they will not apply "homicide" to all deaths caused by one attack by planes.

wrong. :cuckoo:

post a death certificate to show where you are getting your info or shut the fuck up and admit you are making it all up as you go along. :lol:
Sure, the "manner" of death can be homicaide unformly, but not the cause. It is a big deal to law enforcement to have that correct.

Meanwhile, you are still taking part in the conspiracy to decieve America by attempting to assert there were steel core columns.

The other side of the deception is the Fake plans.

It is absolutely proven that the Twin Twoers had a concrete core, in fact it is common knowledge out side of the deceived truth movement.

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Christopharter said:
Meanwhile, you are still taking part in the conspiracy to decieve America by attempting to assert there was a concrete core.

You fucked that up eh Chris. :lol:

It is absolutely proven that the Twin Twoers had a concrete core, in fact it is common knowledge out side of the deceived truth movement.

BULLSHIT .. you're the only one who makes this claim .. and you are the deceived truth movement .. so you a just uttering crap text.
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Haaaa, yes, but without your selectivity, it would be lost. I make like 0.00001% error on that one. Typical for an agent to try and exploit a typo and ignore violations of law obstructing justice in their efforts to support the secret of the methods of mass murder.

If that was not true you could post an image of this core on 9-11.


We need to see the supposed steel core columns on 9-11 since all you have are proven to be misreprestentations ofelevator guide rail support steel from construction photos.

No diagonal braces in the core really gives it away. Concrete shear wall construction provided diagonal and lateral strength.

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