Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

I am not the one that wants them. You do.

We both need them, you need them gone to serve the perps and I need them to defend the Constitution and my childrens futures.

agents are very confused. That is why they can be so disgusting.

defend your children from what? steel workers? :lol:

pay your fucking child support and prove you are worried about your children. :cuckoo:
I am not the one that wants them. You do.

We both need them, you need them gone to serve the perps and I need them to defend the Constitution and my childrens futures.

agents are very confused. That is why they can be so disgusting.

You have children? I find that disgusting as you must have been the attendant to some poor woman in a coma to have children........
Agents in the post 9-11 psyops must logically hijack a thread containing useful information for gaining truth if they are being defeated in their disinformation.

you dont have any useful information.

you lie and claim that a building with a steel core had a concrete core. how is that useful? :cuckoo:
its useful in the sense it has provided HOURS of laughter to us ;)

oops, i bet christoFEARa thinks i'm trying to use mind control on him by winking
Agents in the post 9-11 psyops must logically hijack a thread containing useful information for gaining truth if they are being defeated in their disinformation.

you dont have any useful information.

you lie and claim that a building with a steel core had a concrete core. how is that useful? :cuckoo:
its useful in the sense it has provided HOURS of laughter to us ;)

oops, i bet christoFEARa thinks i'm trying to use mind control on him by winking

you are. don't try to lie, agent.
you dont have any useful information.

you lie and claim that a building with a steel core had a concrete core. how is that useful? :cuckoo:
its useful in the sense it has provided HOURS of laughter to us ;)

oops, i bet christoFEARa thinks i'm trying to use mind control on him by winking

you are. don't try to lie, agent.

i winked so hard I blew a 35$ fuse in my car
Absolute proof of judicial corruption in Arizona!!!!!!!
Breaking news!!!!!!!!
James Hale shot dead in the street by the 'Wild Bunch' and the courts are too afraid of the criminals to bring them to trial!!!!!!!!!!

Local headline reads;"Sent to Heaven in The Blink Of an Eye"

Ike Clanton the only citizen of the town brave enough to talk to the killers! Ike reports that they did it because they wanted to see "if a Mormon's underwear made him bullet proof"

Official report of the 'CHICKEN' court here;

COUNTY OF APACHE December 25, 1886

The People of the Territory of Arizona send Greetings:
To W.S. Atchison, A.J. Cooper, J.V. Brighton, A. Long, Gustav Becker, Justinano Baca, P.H. Snow, Elisha Everett, and A.A. DeWitt.

We command you, that all and singular business and excuses being laid aside, you be and appear before the undersigned, Acting Coroner of the Precinct of Springerville, County of Apache, Territory of Arizona, at West and Brighton's Saloon on the 25th day of December, 1886, at two o'clock P.M. then and there to serve as Juror's in a certain Inquisition now pending before said Coroner, and herein fail not, or answer to the contrary at your peril.

Given under my hand this 25th day of December, 1886
John T. Hogue
Justice of the Peace
And Acting Coroner of Said County and Territory

The People of the Territory of Arizona send Greetings:

To John Cook, Luther Martin, Eugene Singleton, Chas. A. Wood, Wm. Wood, J.W. Graham, Simeon Davis, J.W. Talbott, Geo. G. Graham and Jas. R. Woolsey and Elisha Everett.

We command you, that all and singular business and excuses being laid aside, you be and appear before the undersigned, Acting Coroner of the Precinct of Springerville, at West and Brighton's Saloon, in Springerville, at two o'clock P.M. then and there, to testify and give evidence in a certain Inquisition now pending before said Coroner, and herein fail not, or answer to the contrary at your peril.

Given under my hand this twenty fifth day of December, 1886.
John T. Hogue
Justice of the Peace Acting Coroner
County of Apache
Territory of Arizona

COUNTY OF APACHE December 25, 1886

Office of the Justice of the Peace
And Acting Coroner
County of Apache
Territory of Arizona

I hereby certify that I served the witness's summons on the twenty fifth day of December, 1886, on W.S. Atchison, A.J. Cooper, J.V. Brighton, Anthony Long, Gustav Becker, Justinano Baca, P.H. Snow, Elisha Everett and A.A. DeWitt, being the Jurymen named in said Summons, at the County of Apache, by showing said Summons to each Jurymen personally, and informing each of them of the contents thereof.

John T. Hogue
Justice of the Peace
And Acting Coroner
December 25, 1886

This is to certify that I served the written subponea on the twenty fifth day of December, 1886, on John Cook, Luther Martin, Eugene Singleton, Chas. A. Wood, Wm. Wood, J.W. Graham, Simeon Davis, J.W. Talbott, Geo. G. Graham, J.R. Woolsey and Elisha Everett, being the witness's named in said subponea, at the County of Apache, by showing the original to each of said witness's. personally, and informing each of them of the contents thereof.

John T. Hogue
Justice of the Peace
And Acting Coroner


In the matter of an Inquisition held upon the body of James Hale deceased, on the 25th day of December, 1886. The original papers in this matter were stolen on the evening of Dec. 26th, 1886.

John T. Hogue
Justice of the Peace
And Acting Coroner
Springerville Precinct
County of Apache
Territory of Arizona

COUNTY OF APACHE December 25, 1886

In the Justice Court, Springerville Precinct, County of Apache, Territory of Arizona.

In the matter of the Inquisition upon the body of James Hale, before John T. Hogue, Justice of the Peace and Acting Coroner.

On the 25th day of December, 1886, I, John T. Hogue, Justice of the Peace, received information that one James Hale had been shot. I immediately summoned a Coroner's Jury under the provisions of the Statute authorizing a Justice of the Peace to act as Coroner. The following Jury was empanelled to-wit:

A.A. DeWitt, W.S. Atchison, A.J. Cooper,J.V. Brighton, Anthony Long, Gustav Becker, Justinano Baca, P.H. Snow and Elisha Everett. After said Jury had been duly sworn according to Law they proceeded to inspect the body of deceased, James Hale, and ascertained that deceased had been shot with a gun or pistol of (44) forty-four caliber, the ball entering about four inches below the nipple of the right breast and ranging a little downward and lodging just under the skin about four inches under the left shoulder blade. The ball was cut out by one of the Jurymen and found to be of (44) caliber. After completing the inspection of the body, the Jury proceeded to examine the following witnesses, Viz: John Cook, Luther Martin, Eugene Singleton, Chas. A. Wood, William Wood. J.W. Graham, Simeon Davis, J.W. Talbott, Geo. G. Graham, Jas. R. Woolsey and Elisha Everett. After hearing the conflicting testimony of the aboved named witness's, the Coroner's Jury rendered the following verdict, to wit:


We the undersigned, The Jurors summoned to appear before

John T. Hogue, the Acting Coroner of the Precinct of Springerville, on the twenty fifth day of December, 1886, to inquire into the cause of the death of James Hale, having been duly sworn according to law, and having made such Inquisition, after inspecting the body, and hearing the testimony adduced, upon our oaths, each and all do say, that we find the deceased was named James Hale, was a native of the United States, aged about fifty nine years, that he came to his death on the twenty fifth day of December, 1886, in this County, by a gun or pistol shot wound by the hand of some person, to the Jury unknown. All of which we duly certify by this Inquisition in writing by us signed, this twenty fifth day of December, 1886.

A.A. DeWitt
Gustav Becker
P.H. Snow
Anthony Long
J.V. Brighton
W.S. Atchison
Elisha Everett

By virtue of the foregoing Inquisition and in accordance with
the requirements of law, I, John T. Hogue, Justice of the Peace
and Acting Coroner, issued the following certificate of death, towit:

Office of the Acting Coroner
Precinct of Springerville
County of Apache
Territory of Arizona.

I, John T. Hogue, Acting Coroner of the County of Apache, Territory of Arizona, do hereby certify that I held an Inquisition upon the body of James Hale, a native of the United States, aged fifty nine years, at West and Brighton's Saloon in the town of Springerville, on the twenty fifth day of December, 1886. Verdict of the Jury: Death from a gun or pistol shot wound by the hand of some person, to the Jury unknown. And I further certify, that I caused to be interred his body at the Cemetery near Amity, in said County of Apache, on the twenty seventh day of December, 1886.

John T. Hogue
Acting Coroner
of Apache County

In concluding the proceedings of the aforesaid Inquisition, I
hereby place on record the following Certificate to wit:

COUNTY OF APACHE December 27, 1886

Office of the Justice of the Peace Acting Coroner of the County of Apache, Territory of Arizona.

This is to certify that while I, John T. Hogue, Justice of the Peace and Acting Coroner was absent from my office, at supper, on Sunday evening, December 26th, 1886. All the depositions taken before the coroner's Jury, the verdict of the Jury and the Certificate of Death in the matter of the Inquisition upon the body of James Hale, deceased, were stolen off the table in my office by some person or persons to me unknown. For this reason the evidence adduced at said Inquisition will not be found among the papers in this matter here with forwarded.

John T. Hogue
Justice of the Peace
December 27, 1886

Acting Coroner's fees For summoning Jury $3.00 Forward $12.50
For swearing Jury $ .50 For recording 8 folios $ 1.60
For subponeas 11 witness $ .75 For Certificate of Death $ .50
For administering oaths $ .50 For attending burial $ 3.00
For certifying 11 oaths $2.50 For Deposition of witnesses
For filing papers $ .25 Stolen 15 folios $ 3.00
For charge of Jury $2.00 For filing verdict $ .50



Complaint on oath having been made before me on the 26th day of December, 1886, by J.R. Woolsey of said Precinct and County, that one J.W. Dimon, alias W.N. Timberline, on the 25th day of December, 1886, at said Precinct in the County of Apache, did assault with intent to kill, and did fire a pistol shot, which resulted in the death of James Hale. In pursuance of said complaint, warrant of arrest was issued on the 26th day of December, 1886, and was placed in the hands of J.R. Woolsey, of said Precinct, with authority to summon aid to make the arrest. The Defendant in the above action was arrested by J.R. Woolsey and his posse and brought into this Court on the 27th day of December, 1886, in a wounded condition, having been wounded by the Special Constable and his posse in attempting to make his escape. The Defendant was immediately informed of the charge against him and of his right to the aid of Counsel in every stage of the proceedings against him. The Defendant plead 'Not Guilty' to the charge against him and asked for an adjournment of the examination to enable him to obtain Counsel. In consideration of the wounded condition of the prisoner, and of his request for an adjournment this cause adjourned until Wednesday, December, 29th, 1886, at (2) two o'clock P.M. to enable Defendant to procure Counsel and to obtain Medical aid.
December 29th, 1886, 2 o'clock P.M.

On this day and hour, this cause came on for examination. The District Attorney appeared for the Territory. Defendant is confined to his bed from the effects of a gun shot wound and is unable to be moved to a place of examination. Defendant also has no Counsel although he has used due diligence to procure an Attorney. On motion of Defendant and consent of the District Attorney, the hearing of this cause is continued until the 10th day of January, 1887, at 10 o'clock A.M. The Defendant committed to the Sheriff of the County of Apache for hearing, January 1st, 1887, and while said hearing was pending, the term of office of the undersigned expired.

John T. Hogue

Jack Becker's note: J. R. Woolsey was a son-in-law of James Hale."

read more at:
Round Valley, As It Was
all that says is they dont HAVE TO
but that they WILL comply
at least thats how i read it

The Port Authority of NY/NJ could comply with the normal requirements of the local NY City building codes without having to file plans with them.

The question was: where are the plans?

Since they were not likely to be required to be filed by this multi-jurisdictional entity, I suspect they weren't.

That's all I'm suggesting.

So, to demand that WE must provide the plans to ChrissytoFEARa, as he tries to demand, is silly of him.

I'd venture the guess that the original plans ended-up being stored AT the Twin Towers.

The infiltrators of the US government, perpetrators of mass murder and treason would want you to term my demand that you provide plans "silly". It serves their interests in destroying the Constitution and rule of law.

The Twins of course had copies by emergency regulations as I've already stated. Emergency regulations also demand that a second set be kept by the local municipality for reference in case the building cannot be occupied. Here is a fact of law you are still refusing to recognize as you conduct your subterfuge.

guiliani took the WTC documents while the courts protect their hiding

Your masters have the plans.

YOU have absolutely zero idea of what papers the former Mayor had or took.

YOU are a bumbling stumble-fuck.

To the extent, you mental case, that the Port Authority stored the "plans," at the Twin Towers, it may have eluded your feeble-minded notice that the Towers collapsed and burned for many many days and weeks.

It is not just "silly," it is fucking retarded of you to demand that anybody turn anything over to you. Go yourself, you stupid fuck, and dig them up. There were, as slack has noted, probably copies at a variety of locations.

You have never shown ANY concrete for that matter in the core structure.

You are a fucking paranoid imbecile fuckhead lying scumbag Troofer. Stop working so hard to give aid and comfort to the scumbags who actually DID do this act, you treasonous rat turd. Work harder to provide for your own children you incredibly lowlife loathsome maggot.
The Port Authority of NY/NJ could comply with the normal requirements of the local NY City building codes without having to file plans with them.

The question was: where are the plans?

Since they were not likely to be required to be filed by this multi-jurisdictional entity, I suspect they weren't.

That's all I'm suggesting.

So, to demand that WE must provide the plans to ChrissytoFEARa, as he tries to demand, is silly of him.

I'd venture the guess that the original plans ended-up being stored AT the Twin Towers.

The infiltrators of the US government, perpetrators of mass murder and treason would want you to term my demand that you provide plans "silly". It serves their interests in destroying the Constitution and rule of law.

The Twins of course had copies by emergency regulations as I've already stated. Emergency regulations also demand that a second set be kept by the local municipality for reference in case the building cannot be occupied. Here is a fact of law you are still refusing to recognize as you conduct your subterfuge.

guiliani took the WTC documents while the courts protect their hiding

Your masters have the plans.

YOU have absolutely zero idea of what papers the former Mayor had or took.

And that in itself is a violation of the city charter which must be upheld by law.


NYCLU Attorney Beth Haroules added, “The City Charter is clear: documents such as these cannot be transferred without a detailed inventory and they can only be transferred to the official municipal archives under the control of DORIS. This contract violates both of these provisions which are designed to ensure public access.”

Aside from that, working in civil engineering, I've encountered a civic center document package before and it had plans for EVERYTHING down to trash enclosures.

Then these things are identified directly and the photos would show the concrete core. The videotapes probably include "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers.".

Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

Meaning your post is in error.
The infiltrators of the US government, perpetrators of mass murder and treason would want you to term my demand that you provide plans "silly". It serves their interests in destroying the Constitution and rule of law.

The Twins of course had copies by emergency regulations as I've already stated. Emergency regulations also demand that a second set be kept by the local municipality for reference in case the building cannot be occupied. Here is a fact of law you are still refusing to recognize as you conduct your subterfuge.

guiliani took the WTC documents while the courts protect their hiding

Your masters have the plans.

YOU have absolutely zero idea of what papers the former Mayor had or took.

And that in itself is a violation of the city charter which must be upheld by law.


NYCLU Attorney Beth Haroules added, “The City Charter is clear: documents such as these cannot be transferred without a detailed inventory and they can only be transferred to the official municipal archives under the control of DORIS. This contract violates both of these provisions which are designed to ensure public access.”

Aside from that, working in civil engineering, I've encountered a civic center document package before and it had plans for EVERYTHING down to trash enclosures.

Then these things are identified directly and the photos would show the concrete core. The videotapes probably include "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers.".

Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

Meaning your post is in error.

funny how you use shit that is already flushed
The infiltrators of the US government, perpetrators of mass murder and treason would want you to term my demand that you provide plans "silly". It serves their interests in destroying the Constitution and rule of law.

The Twins of course had copies by emergency regulations as I've already stated. Emergency regulations also demand that a second set be kept by the local municipality for reference in case the building cannot be occupied. Here is a fact of law you are still refusing to recognize as you conduct your subterfuge.

guiliani took the WTC documents while the courts protect their hiding

Your masters have the plans.

YOU have absolutely zero idea of what papers the former Mayor had or took.

And that in itself is a violation of the city charter which must be upheld by law.


NYCLU Attorney Beth Haroules added, “The City Charter is clear: documents such as these cannot be transferred without a detailed inventory and they can only be transferred to the official municipal archives under the control of DORIS. This contract violates both of these provisions which are designed to ensure public access.”

Aside from that, working in civil engineering, I've encountered a civic center document package before and it had plans for EVERYTHING down to trash enclosures.

Then these things are identified directly and the photos would show the concrete core. The videotapes probably include "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers.".

Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

Meaning your post is in error.

this is the wackiest most stupid shit that you have ever posted.

explain again how you know that pictures of the concrete core from when it was built in the 1960s are in these files of a mayor from 2001?:cuckoo:
The infiltrators of the US government, perpetrators of mass murder and treason would want you to term my demand that you provide plans "silly". It serves their interests in destroying the Constitution and rule of law.

The Twins of course had copies by emergency regulations as I've already stated. Emergency regulations also demand that a second set be kept by the local municipality for reference in case the building cannot be occupied. Here is a fact of law you are still refusing to recognize as you conduct your subterfuge.

guiliani took the WTC documents while the courts protect their hiding

Your masters have the plans.

YOU have absolutely zero idea of what papers the former Mayor had or took.

And that in itself is a violation of the city charter which must be upheld by law.


NYCLU Attorney Beth Haroules added, “The City Charter is clear: documents such as these cannot be transferred without a detailed inventory and they can only be transferred to the official municipal archives under the control of DORIS. This contract violates both of these provisions which are designed to ensure public access.”

Aside from that, working in civil engineering, I've encountered a civic center document package before and it had plans for EVERYTHING down to trash enclosures.

Then these things are identified directly and the photos would show the concrete core. The videotapes probably include "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers.".

Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

Meaning your post is in error.

Wrong, idiot.

it means only that YOU don't know. And you have no idea if any papers that the Mayor has retained come under any inventory requirement.

You are not just a loon and pitiably stupid, but you are also utterly irrational. Your nutsack is also empty. We know this because no MAN would fail to support his own children if physically able to do so.
YOU have absolutely zero idea of what papers the former Mayor had or took.

And that in itself is a violation of the city charter which must be upheld by law.


NYCLU Attorney Beth Haroules added, “The City Charter is clear: documents such as these cannot be transferred without a detailed inventory and they can only be transferred to the official municipal archives under the control of DORIS. This contract violates both of these provisions which are designed to ensure public access.”

Aside from that, working in civil engineering, I've encountered a civic center document package before and it had plans for EVERYTHING down to trash enclosures.

Then these things are identified directly and the photos would show the concrete core. The videotapes probably include "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers.".

Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

Meaning your post is in error.

Wrong, idiot.

it means only that YOU don't know. And you have no idea if any papers that the Mayor has retained come under any inventory requirement.

You are not just a loon and pitiably stupid, but you are also utterly irrational. Your nutsack is also empty. We know this because no MAN would fail to support his own children if physically able to do so.

wow talk about strawmen..child support is some how connected the construction of the twin towers ?
wow talk about strawmen..child support is some how connected the construction of the twin towers ?

havent you been paying attention? anyone that doesnt believe the twin towers had a concrete core is guilty of treason. this comes from a man guilty of not paying his child support and sentenced to jail time.
Meaning your post is in error.

Wrong, idiot.

it means only that YOU don't know. And you have no idea if any papers that the Mayor has retained come under any inventory requirement.

You are not just a loon and pitiably stupid, but you are also utterly irrational. Your nutsack is also empty. We know this because no MAN would fail to support his own children if physically able to do so.

I do know what civic center documents contain. The perpetrators you serve won't want you to accept that, but such records rooms and documents are quite consistent all accross the nation and people will logically understand that. They have plans for everything, all the contracts that were made to build the centers, lease and rental records. Energy use, accident records. Event records etc.

As I've said. My children are well cared for, except of course for the local government and their failure to appear on subpoena which seriously endangers their futures by promoting that methods of creating secrecy remain secret.
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I do know what civic center documents contain. The perpetrators you serve won't want you to accept that, but such records rooms and documents are quite consistent all accross the nation and people will logically understand that. They have plans for everything, all the contracts that were made to build the centers, lease and rental records. Energy use, accident records. Event records etc.

As I've said. My children are well cared for, except of course for the local government and their failure to appear on subpoena which seriously endangers their futures by promoting that methods of creating secrecy remain secret.

you dont know what they contain. if you do then please tell us where you are getting your information. once again its been proven that you simply make shit up.:cuckoo:

if your children were well cared for its NO THANKS TO YOU. YOU ARE A PIECE OF SHIT DEADBEAT DAD THAT ABANDONED HIS KIDS. no paper from 1876 is going to change that. you are full of stupid excuses.

thank god your kids had a great mom that apparently cared for her children much better than their deadbeat dad that abandoned them.
I've explained that the content of civic center documents is fairly standard.

I understand the infiltrating perpetrators would want you to change the subject, and when you do it so quickly to simply conduct more ignorance of Constitutional rights, beyond those related to mass murder well . . . you really do appear as a traitor.
I've explained that the content of civic center documents is fairly standard.

I understand the infiltrating perpetrators would want you to change the subject, and when you do it so quickly to simply conduct more ignorance of Constitutional rights, beyond those related to mass murder well . . . you really do appear as a traitor.
you are a fucking insane moron

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