Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

And that in itself is a violation of the city charter which must be upheld by law.


NYCLU Attorney Beth Haroules added, “The City Charter is clear: documents such as these cannot be transferred without a detailed inventory and they can only be transferred to the official municipal archives under the control of DORIS. This contract violates both of these provisions which are designed to ensure public access.”

Aside from that, working in civil engineering, I've encountered a civic center document package before and it had plans for EVERYTHING down to trash enclosures.

Then these things are identified directly and the photos would show the concrete core. The videotapes probably include "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers.".

Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

Meaning your post is in error.

Wrong, idiot.

it means only that YOU don't know. And you have no idea if any papers that the Mayor has retained come under any inventory requirement.

You are not just a loon and pitiably stupid, but you are also utterly irrational. Your nutsack is also empty. We know this because no MAN would fail to support his own children if physically able to do so.

wow talk about strawmen..child support is some how connected the construction of the twin towers ?

Your asshole buddy's disgraceful refusal to support his own children is not connected to the construction of the Twin Towers, you retard.

It is connected to his complete lack of credibility, you loathsome shitstain.
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Your complete lack of credibility stems from a complete lack of evidence and then basic integrity that has been heavily compromised by showing your deceptive, manipulative and unaccountable nature here.

Anything you might attempt to bring up with text to change the subject is overshadowed by the fact that what you are doing is supporting secret methods of mass murder in the USA and that such murder has been used to conduct treason. You enable it with your posts.

The fact you've not recognized violations of law, basically doing the same thing you are doing confirms you are conducting treason.
Your complete lack of credibility stems from a complete lack of evidence and then basic integrity that has been heavily compromised by showing your deceptive, manipulative and unaccountable nature here.

Anything you might attempt to bring up with text to change the subject is overshadowed by the fact that what you are doing is supporting secret methods of mass murder in the USA and that such murder has been used to conduct treason. You enable it with your posts.

The fact you've not recognized violations of law, basically doing the same thing you are doing confirms you are conducting treason.
dipshit, that archive site does not validate the content as correct, all it does is store what was on that site at one point in time, and nothing more
Your complete lack of credibility stems from a complete lack of evidence and then basic integrity that has been heavily compromised by showing your deceptive, manipulative and unaccountable nature here.

Anything you might attempt to bring up with text to change the subject is overshadowed by the fact that what you are doing is supporting secret methods of mass murder in the USA and that such murder has been used to conduct treason. You enable it with your posts.

The fact you've not recognized violations of law, basically doing the same thing you are doing confirms you are conducting treason.

what color is the sky in your world?
Your complete lack of credibility stems from a complete lack of evidence and then basic integrity that has been heavily compromised by showing your deceptive, manipulative and unaccountable nature here.

Anything you might attempt to bring up with text to change the subject is overshadowed by the fact that what you are doing is supporting secret methods of mass murder in the USA and that such murder has been used to conduct treason. You enable it with your posts.

The fact you've not recognized violations of law, basically doing the same thing you are doing confirms you are conducting treason.
dipshit, that archive site does not validate the content as correct, all it does is store what was on that site at one point in time, and nothing more

But it is verifiable and no one but you is questioning it. You are doing this WHILE you cannot get official plans.

Bad sign.
find any pictures of a concrete core yet?

any building plans for a concrete core yet?

any workers that say they saw a concrete core or worked on a concrete core?

shut the fuck up and pay the child support you owe.

...then get back to us when you have even ONE piece of physical evidence.
find any pictures of a concrete core yet?

any building plans for a concrete core yet?

any workers that say they saw a concrete core or worked on a concrete core?

shut the fuck up and pay the child support you owe.

...then get back to us when you have even ONE piece of physical evidence.

Troofers feel no obligation to prove whateverthefuck they wish to say. But there is no doubt that not only will he never come back with ANY kind of physical or valid documentary "proof," but he can't. It doesn't exist.
Your complete lack of credibility stems from a complete lack of evidence and then basic integrity that has been heavily compromised by showing your deceptive, manipulative and unaccountable nature here.

Anything you might attempt to bring up with text to change the subject is overshadowed by the fact that what you are doing is supporting secret methods of mass murder in the USA and that such murder has been used to conduct treason. You enable it with your posts.

The fact you've not recognized violations of law, basically doing the same thing you are doing confirms you are conducting treason.
dipshit, that archive site does not validate the content as correct, all it does is store what was on that site at one point in time, and nothing more

But it is verifiable and no one but you is questioning it. You are doing this WHILE you cannot get official plans.

Bad sign.
no, you have not verified it
you are too fucking delusional
Most often, the opposite of what agents say is closer to the truth.

You never did come up with an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.

You never did come up with the official plans.

You never did recognize the violations of law that took the official plans and all the construction photographs from NYC offices.

Gee, proll'y no one wonders who you work for.
Most often, the opposite of what agents say is closer to the truth.

You never did come up with an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.

You never did come up with the official plans.

You never did recognize the violations of law that took the official plans and all the construction photographs from NYC offices.

Gee, proll'y no one wonders who you work for.
you have been shown HUNDEREDS of photos showing a steel core
you are just too fucking delusional to admit it
even the photos YOU use show a steel core
Most often, the opposite of what agents say is closer to the truth.

UNIVERSALLY, whatever ChristoFEARa says about the 9/11 attacks is the opposite of the truth.

You never did come up with an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.

See? That's a lie! In REALITY, the images have been repeatedly posted. Then YOU even took the pains to lie about what they are. Then your lies got exposed. Then you called the folks who provided the honest refutations of your deliberate lies, "agents." Then we all pissed on your fucking imbecile insane head some more. And all the time YOU have been deflecting for all you're worth (which admittedly aint much) because YOU are a complete FAIL when it comes to supporting YOUR lie that the core was composed of concrete in whole or in part.

You never did come up with the official plans.

So? Go get them.

You never did recognize the violations of law that took the official plans and all the construction photographs from NYC offices.

YOUR distorted and erroneous beliefs cannot be "recognized' as something they aren't, you filthy Troofer scum. The ACLU or the NYCLU making a CLAIM is not the same thing as "proof" of anything at all.

Gee, proll'y no one wonders who you work for.

WE all have real (and different) jobs. Jobs. Whattta concept. If you'd get one, maybe YOU could do the right thing, for once in your worthless life -- and support your own children, you shitstain.
Most often, the opposite of what agents say is closer to the truth.

You never did come up with an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.

You never did come up with the official plans.

You never did recognize the violations of law that took the official plans and all the construction photographs from NYC offices.

Gee, proll'y no one wonders who you work for.

where is it documented that the official plans and the construction photographs were taken by guiliani? :cuckoo:

you are so full of excuses. you have excuses for everything. i couldnt pay my child support because there is no paper from 1876. i cant show any pictures of the concrete core from the internet because super secret government agents stole them all. there are no construction pictures because every single one of them was stored in guiliani's office.

its all so insane that nobody......

......and i mean NOBODY.... believes you.

your stories are so insane that you actually prove there was no concrete core by using completely idiotic statements to prove there was.

here is an example. you keep saying we cant show steel core columns on 9/11.

well, here they are:

now let's watch you try to come up with some wildly incoherant and completely impossible scenario as to why these are NOT actually steel core columns. let's all watch you do this without any evidence at all for your stupid claims....:cuckoo:
There is only ONE steel column on the right. The concrete core wall is to the left of it.

That column is the spire and it is NOT in the core. It is of this west inner wall framework of the exterior steel.


Which is surrounding the concrete and the North end of the west framed wall of interior box columns as this superimposition shows.

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There is only ONE steel column on the right. The concrete core wall is to the left of it.

That column is the spire and it is NOT in the core. It is of this west inner wall framework of the exterior steel.


its ALL part of the steel core that you claim we can't show pictures of. you are trying to piss on everybody's leg and tell them it's raining.

how the fuck you could claim there is only one column in that picture i will never know. :cuckoo:
That is what a core column needs for foundation not a crappy bracket resting on a stack of "I" beam cribbing that bears on a 1 foot concrete slab.

The "grillage" in between the elevator pits can be seen in the core area of WTC 1. "Slurry wall" is an error and is really the perimeter footings of the tower.


The 17 foot thick is now known to extend from the outer edge of the outermost elevator pit to between the interior box column footings which were 5 feet measured perpendicular to the core face. That 5 feet of concrete is outside the core basewall which was 12 feet thick down into the core foundation

Not this shit again.


I'll post the reasons why your claims above are nothing but bullshit. More to come...

Chris, here's why you are CLUELESS.

In the photo above you say the dark grillages you point to are for the elevator support steel which was just inside the outer ring of massive box columns. Per your claim, the massive box columns were outside your supposed concrete core while the elevator support steel was inside your supposed concrete core.

Concering the columns in the core, how many column rows were there for the short axis and how many column row were there for the long axis? I'll answer for you. 6 columns along the short axis wall and 8 along the long axis.

Next is the photo that I have marked up. I have drawn red lines to indicate the column rows and numbered them 1 through 6. What's that you say? Only 6 column rows from bottom to top? How can that be? That would make the grillages you point at support for the massive box columns since columns rows 1 and 6 are massive box column rows.



Here is the same photo. How do we know that bottom to top is the short axis of the core (6 column rows) and left to right is the long axis of the core (8 column rows)?

How do we know that those are the 8 column rows along the long axis? See the column rows number 4 and 5? Those that the 2 columns are closer together that any of the other columns in the row. Column 4 has 3 columns to the right of it which means that column 5 has 3 columns to the left of it. 8 columns.

Here's your "buttplate" picture. The columns in the red rectangle are column rows 4 and 5 above.

So your claim that those grillages you call are are for elevator guide rail support steel is completely wrong. Those are actually grillages for the BOX COLUMNS!!!


Wait. Let me guess. You re-remembered what you didn't remember you remembered all those years ago?

How did you mess this up Chris? What a HUGE mistake...

Most often, the opposite of what agents say is closer to the truth.

You never did come up with an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.

You never did come up with the official plans.

You never did recognize the violations of law that took the official plans and all the construction photographs from NYC offices.

Gee, proll'y no one wonders who you work for.

I work for myself, have for years.
I bet you don't work, and never have.
If you believe something different than what was described in any official reports is really what happened, the burden of proof is on you. We told you that here several times. We told you that at topsecret.com. We told you that on other forums as well. You continue to spread propaganda against your own country while accusing others of the treason YOU are committing.

Your entertainment value is wearing thin here, just as it did in the other forums.

This woman accused others of treason as well, and even talked people around the world into committing treason against their own countries by convincing them that what she wanted them to do was not treason, but good citizenship.
Pa. woman 'Jihad Jane' facing terror charges

The time will come very soon when your treasonous actions will be seen for what they are by everyone.

Like I said, your entertainment value is quickly fading..........
Most often, the opposite of what agents say is closer to the truth.

You never did come up with an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.

You never did come up with the official plans.

You never did recognize the violations of law that took the official plans and all the construction photographs from NYC offices.

Gee, proll'y no one wonders who you work for.

I work for myself, have for years.
I bet you don't work, and never have.
If you believe something different than what was described in any official reports is really what happened, the burden of proof is on you. We told you that here several times. We told you that at topsecret.com. We told you that on other forums as well. You continue to spread propaganda against your own country while accusing others of the treason YOU are committing.

I've filed the proof of what FEMA, guiliani, silverstein and the public broadcast system in a United State District court and it is solid.

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

You won't even recognize a violation of law which is a critical aspect of defining treasonus acts. You accusations are BS and NOT a defense for what you are doing which is working to conceal treason.
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Most often, the opposite of what agents say is closer to the truth.

You never did come up with an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.

You never did come up with the official plans.

You never did recognize the violations of law that took the official plans and all the construction photographs from NYC offices.

Gee, proll'y no one wonders who you work for.

I work for myself, have for years.
I bet you don't work, and never have.
If you believe something different than what was described in any official reports is really what happened, the burden of proof is on you. We told you that here several times. We told you that at topsecret.com. We told you that on other forums as well. You continue to spread propaganda against your own country while accusing others of the treason YOU are committing.

I've filed the proof of what FEMA, guiliani, silverstein and the public broadcast system in a United State District court and it is solid.

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

You won't even recognize a violation of law. You accusations are BS and NOT a defense for what you are doing which is treason.

Now that's entertainment!
Not this shit again.


I'll post the reasons why your claims above are nothing but bullshit. More to come...

Chris, here's why you are CLUELESS.

In the photo above you say the dark grillages you point to are for the elevator support steel which was just inside the outer ring of massive box columns. Per your claim, the massive box columns were outside your supposed concrete core while the elevator support steel was inside your supposed concrete core.

Concering the columns in the core, how many column rows were there for the short axis and how many column row were there for the long axis? I'll answer for you. 6 columns along the short axis wall and 8 along the long axis.

Next is the photo that I have marked up. I have drawn red lines to indicate the column rows and numbered them 1 through 6. What's that you say? Only 6 column rows from bottom to top? How can that be? That would make the grillages you point at support for the massive box columns since columns rows 1 and 6 are massive box column rows.



Here is the same photo. How do we know that bottom to top is the short axis of the core (6 column rows) and left to right is the long axis of the core (8 column rows)?

How do we know that those are the 8 column rows along the long axis? See the column rows number 4 and 5? Those that the 2 columns are closer together that any of the other columns in the row. Column 4 has 3 columns to the right of it which means that column 5 has 3 columns to the left of it. 8 columns.

Here's your "buttplate" picture. The columns in the red rectangle are column rows 4 and 5 above.

So your claim that those grillages you call are are for elevator guide rail support steel is completely wrong. Those are actually grillages for the BOX COLUMNS!!!


Wait. Let me guess. You re-remembered what you didn't remember you remembered all those years ago?

How did you mess this up Chris? What a HUGE mistake...


If you think an inconsistency such as you point out compensates for the fact that the steel core columns are never seen in the core area on 9 -11 you are simply acting as an agent.

I've never felt that my uses of that photo were verified, which is why it's not on my web site. It is NOT a good basis by itself. That huge space between the edges of the elevator pit and those footings is where the concrete core foundation went.

Get the official plans then you will have something. Until then, the information of the buildings engineer on September 13, 2001 and Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation along with images from 9-11 showing concrete,


Are logically going to rule.
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Chris, here's why you are CLUELESS.

In the photo above you say the dark grillages you point to are for the elevator support steel which was just inside the outer ring of massive box columns. Per your claim, the massive box columns were outside your supposed concrete core while the elevator support steel was inside your supposed concrete core.

Concering the columns in the core, how many column rows were there for the short axis and how many column row were there for the long axis? I'll answer for you. 6 columns along the short axis wall and 8 along the long axis.

Next is the photo that I have marked up. I have drawn red lines to indicate the column rows and numbered them 1 through 6. What's that you say? Only 6 column rows from bottom to top? How can that be? That would make the grillages you point at support for the massive box columns since columns rows 1 and 6 are massive box column rows.



Here is the same photo. How do we know that bottom to top is the short axis of the core (6 column rows) and left to right is the long axis of the core (8 column rows)?

How do we know that those are the 8 column rows along the long axis? See the column rows number 4 and 5? Those that the 2 columns are closer together that any of the other columns in the row. Column 4 has 3 columns to the right of it which means that column 5 has 3 columns to the left of it. 8 columns.

Here's your "buttplate" picture. The columns in the red rectangle are column rows 4 and 5 above.

So your claim that those grillages you call are are for elevator guide rail support steel is completely wrong. Those are actually grillages for the BOX COLUMNS!!!


Wait. Let me guess. You re-remembered what you didn't remember you remembered all those years ago?

How did you mess this up Chris? What a HUGE mistake...


If you think an inconsistency such as you point out compensates for the fact that the steel core columns are never seen in the core area on 9 -11 you are simply acting as an agent.

I've never felt that my uses of that photo were verified, which is why it's not on my web site. It is NOT a good basis by itself. That huge space between the edges of the elevator pit and those footings is where the concrete core foundation went.

No dipshit.

You miss the entire point. You base you theory on a bunch of claims and evidence. You have been proven to be mistaken on many of those. You have even admitted that you still don't "remember" all the details of which you speak.

You continue to make claims based on opinion and your supposed "construction knowledge" yet you've been proven wrong at every turn. You suppoly no evidence to support your claims.

Now that photo above you used to try and impress people with your so-called "knowledge of construction" has just been beaten down.

You fucked up big time again and all you want to do is sweep it under the rug? You used that photo as proof that the grillages were not strong enough for the massive box columns. Now you've been proven wrong. Those grillages WERE beneath the box columns.

And know you fuck up by saying the location of your core was between the pit and the footings?

What a complete ass. Keep fumbling around Chris. You just keep showing what a delusional creep you really are.

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