Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

Which group does everyone think christofeara fall into?

A) patternicity, or a tendency to find meaningful patterns in random noise;
B)agenticity, or the bent to believe the world is controlled by invisible intentional agent;
C) confirmation bias, or the seeking and finding of confirmatory evidence for what we already believe;
D) hindsight bias, or tailoring after-the-fact explanations to what we already know happened."

(from (Four reasons why people believe in conspiracy theories - SmartPlanet )

I tend to think he falls into the "B" category myself.......
i'd say "all of the above"
Of course the agents must attempt to change the subject because they have no independently verified evidence to support that the supposed steel core columns ever existed.
I urge everyone in the mental health field to read every thread chistofearya has posted in as a lesson in how a reasonable person simply cannot argue with the mentally ill.

sure is entertaining though, 'specially when he links his own idiotic posts as "proof" of something.
Of course the agents must attempt to change the subject because they have no independently verified evidence to support that the supposed steel core columns ever existed.
yes, dipshit, the world is full of agents working against you
you are massively outnumbered
run to the hills and build yourself a cabin and dont connect to the internet or we will find you
And it is all consistent with the buildings engineer of record, because Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
And it is all consistent with the buildings engineer of record, because Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
robertson never said it, neither did oxford (you lie) and Domel was WRONG


^^^ what oxford actually says for skyscraper
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"Liessssssssss," hissed the snake.

While the truth is plan to see in the portion of WTC 2 east concrete core caught in motion toppling into the empty core area.


No . . . it is not a floor. Wherw would a floor come from in that photo?
"Liessssssssss," hissed the snake.

While the truth is plan to see in the portion of WTC 2 east concrete core caught in motion toppling into the empty core area.

No . . . it is not a floor. Wherw would a floor come from in that photo?
there were 110 floors in each tower, dipshit
and ZERO concrete in the core above grade
"Liessssssssss," hissed the snake.

While the truth is plan to see in the portion of WTC 2 east concrete core caught in motion toppling into the empty core area.


No . . . it is not a floor. Wherw would a floor come from in that photo?

Now that is some funny shit, actually admitting you are a snake.
snake pliskin- I thought you were dead!

What you are claiming is not "plan to see", it looks like steel with no concrete to the rest of us.

I wonder, in a skyscaper, gee, where would a floor come from homer?

dive is right, your a fucktard

funny, but then most mental cases do exhibit some degree of hilarity
Christofcal, you know yourself you can indeed get copies of those plans at either the NY Port Authority, or from the National Institute of Standards offices in DC.

I've learned long ago there are no responses for such requests. If you think what you say is true, you get them and prove me wrong.

The makers of the disappeared documentary, "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers",.mp3 search update could not even get the plans from the port authority in response to a FOIA in 1988, 13 years before 9-11.

The Twin towers had a concrete core.

The Concrete Core Of The WTC Towers

I am not the one that wants them. You do. You go to the people's republic of Ny and get them (sorry liability)
You will have to present your request in person and PAY for them. I have no desire to do either, go to NY or pay for them to satisfy your desire.
As it seems to be important to you, go get them.
At least accept that you have been given the "reasonable response" you asked for as to why you can't just click them up on the internet.

Let me clue you in on building plans;
I designed several subdivisions for the White Mtn Apache nation. I own the plans, they own the subdivision. I am obligated to provide copies of MY plans, MY intellectual property, to those that request it ANS have approval from the tribe to make such a request.
Imagine a world where bank robbers could simply go down to city hall and ask for the plans to the first national bank..........

Let me put it this way;
Say you and 911nutjob had anal sex, afterwards you wiped your ass and left a bloddy shitstain with lube mixed in on your hankie. You toss the shitty bloody hankie in the trash can, but miss it and it lands behind the behind the trash can.
Days later your mom finds it and knowing its yours, and thinking she is doing you a favor, writes your name on it and hangs it on the fridge.
Now say some art afficiando stops by and offers to buy it from you.
You sell it.
The art collector owns the shit-stained rag, but you withhold the rights to how it was created, for obvious reasons.
Now, the art collector owns the rag, but the 'intelectual property', or how it was created belongs to you.
see how that works?
Now add in the fact that allowing every tom dick and osama the ability to access building plans on demand creates a security threat.
See why they are controlled?
At least accept that you have been given the "reasonable response" you asked for as to why you can't just click up any set of building plans on the internet.

just wanted to bump up my discussion of intellectual property for those that missed my wonderful analogy.
chris, what type of mental issues have you been diagnosed with? are you on any medication?
chris, what type of mental issues have you been diagnosed with? are you on any medication?
he has admitted ADHD

that would explain SOME of his method of being chronically obtuse.

Still, it doesn't explain the irrational and absurd ideas he clings to.

Of course, the overuse of prescription drugs for such a disorder might.
i'm sure he has more issues than just ADHD
he has admitted ADHD

that would explain SOME of his method of being chronically obtuse.

Still, it doesn't explain the irrational and absurd ideas he clings to.

Of course, the overuse of prescription drugs for such a disorder might.
i'm sure he has more issues than just ADHD

well, based on the idea that one can damage his vehicle by 'winking' at him, or that supeonas from the late 1800's could somehow have an impact on his child support case today, undoubtedly you are right.
No substance to any of the agent text on this page.

Here is substance.

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382


Illustrates how the deception is completed by misrepresenting what were in reality “elevator guide rail support steel”, as “steel core columns”.
Top left, left and right of the center crane on the tops of the vertical steel are horizontal plates called “butt plates”. Crane Towers are shown atypically distributed within sockets of the crane platform in this photo with an unoccupied corner and a crane near the center. No diagonal braces or gusset plates are ever seen at intersections of horizontal and vertical elements in the core area of the guide rail support steel. Such bracing would have blocked hallways and elevators but is needed for a core of steel columns. Concrete shear walls provided the lateral support.
The concrete core walls were on the same plane as the diagonals of the crane platform, a tool for building the Towers.
Bottom. Taken from inside the core furthest “guide rail support steel” has a silhouetted “butt plate” on the furthest vertical element with red circle. Illustrates how the deception is completed by misrepresenting construction photos of “elevator guide rail support steel”, as showing “steel core columns”.

No substance to any of the agent text on this page.

Here is substance.

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382


Illustrates how the deception is completed by misrepresenting what were in reality “elevator guide rail support steel”, as “steel core columns”.
Top left, left and right of the center crane on the tops of the vertical steel are horizontal plates called “butt plates”. Crane Towers are shown atypically distributed within sockets of the crane platform in this photo with an unoccupied corner and a crane near the center. No diagonal braces or gusset plates are ever seen at intersections of horizontal and vertical elements in the core area of the guide rail support steel. Such bracing would have blocked hallways and elevators but is needed for a core of steel columns. Concrete shear walls provided the lateral support.
The concrete core walls were on the same plane as the diagonals of the crane platform, a tool for building the Towers.
Bottom. Taken from inside the core furthest “guide rail support steel” has a silhouetted “butt plate” on the furthest vertical element with red circle. Illustrates how the deception is completed by misrepresenting construction photos of “elevator guide rail support steel”, as showing “steel core columns”.


agent chris, those pictures are reruns, how many times do you think you should post them?

No substance to any of the agent text on this page.

actually, it has a lot to do with the substance on this page.

you show pictures of a steel core and claim they show concrete.

you think anyone that disagrees with your hoax is a government agent.

anyone that objects to your lies you claim is guilty of treason.

your mental condition is better documented than your concrete core. :lol:
You agents don't get it. You can't pretend to be real Americans. It doesn't work. You can't do it!

Your text has no substance, no matter what it says because it is inconsistent with your evidence, or my evidence if you say it shows steel core columns. It is illogical for you to continue under these conditions, you will only be viewed as some kind of internet monster. real human beings, Americans, will not do what you are doing . . . period.

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