Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court


That image DOES NOT show what is in the core. Those are the box columns surrounding the core like these shown at ground zero immediately OUTSIDE of the massive concrete base wall.


The construction photo DOES NOT look into the core. What is seen of the core looks empty.

The ground zero image shows the same columns being OUTSIDE THE concrete wall, just like this one does.


The ground zero image also show NO CORE COLUMNS to the right and in the foreground along the long axis of the core.


The construction photo DOES NOT look into the core. What is seen of the core looks empty.

The ground zero image shows the same columns being OUTSIDE THE concrete wall, just like this one does.


The ground zero image also show NO CORE COLUMNS to the right and in the foreground along the long axis of the core.



Only in your continued delusions is any of that accurate. You have a vivid imagination I will give you that agent.........
Not imagination, fact. Like history of technology and the innovations that improved buildings.

Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992

Like FACT a structural engineer certified in 12 states included in his safety repor tfor FEMA. August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. See chapter 2.1.
and if you could actually read for comprehension you would know that wasnt saying the WTC had a concrete core, but using the WTC as an example of a SKYSCRAPER ONLY

The construction photo DOES NOT look into the core. What is seen of the core looks empty.

The ground zero image shows the same columns being OUTSIDE THE concrete wall, just like this one does.

The ground zero image also show NO CORE COLUMNS to the right and in the foreground along the long axis of the core.


no jackass. there are only TWO places there are steel columns in the world trade center. the perimeter columns that make up the outside wall of the towers and THE STEEL CORE. there was no concrete wall. you are looking at the steel core.

why dont you ask yourself why you are the only person in the entire world that sees concrete where there is none.:cuckoo:
That is WRONG agent.

This image is of the same columns of the inner frame of the outer steel structure. It DOES NOT look into the core area. It looks across the floor of the exterior steel framework and the inner wall.

That is WRONG agent.

This image is of the same columns of the inner frame of the outer steel structure. It DOES NOT look into the core area. It looks across the floor of the exterior steel framework and the inner wall.

You misrepresent the columns surrounding the core as in the core. Shame on you agent, that's treason. That's helping keep the methods of mass murder secret. That's working for the demise of the US Constitution.

This is about getting the authority to find you so you can be prosecuted. It may be happening right now, and niether of us knows it.

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382
You misrepresent the columns surrounding the core as in the core. Shame on you agent, that's treason. That's helping keep the methods of mass murder secret. That's working for the demise of the US Constitution.

This is about getting the authority to find you so you can be prosecuted. It may be happening right now, and niether of us knows it.
the columns ARE the core you fucking moron

and you are the treasonous one asshole
you are one sick disgusting asswipe
You misrepresent the columns surrounding the core as in the core. Shame on you agent, that's treason. That's helping keep the methods of mass murder secret. That's working for the demise of the US Constitution.

This is about getting the authority to find you so you can be prosecuted. It may be happening right now, and niether of us knows it.

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

no jackass. the core is the core. we have pictures of it. we have building plans for it.


show documentation that there were steel core columns surrounding a concrete core. show documentation for your claims that the steel columns we can see with our own eyes are really only "elevator guide rail supports".

quite frankly, you have been shown to just make shit up, to lie and to just be plain wrong so many times that if you told me you had ten fingers and ten toes i would have serious doubts about it.

you are full of excuses that conveniently all your supporting information is not available. even these excuses dont make any sense.
But you cannot reasonably explain what this is,

if not concrete. Nor can the Fake plans be passed off as real because ground zero photos show remnants of the core base wall.

and that does not match the fake plans.

Which show an air shaft and steam shaft where the mass of concrete is with the 3x7 hallway running the length of it.
The Chief justice of the US district court in Los Angeles refused the disclosure of treason, which is a violation of US code.


The certified mailing was not answered by the judge. A US marshall called, somewhat apologetic, to determine (they said) what I wanted.

They directed us incorrectly to the civil clerk who stated that,

Pursuant to TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382 U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

was criminal law and we would have to file with the criminal clerk. Which we did.

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382
But you cannot reasonably explain what this is,

its been explained to you a million times. here's a picture of it. its the STEEL CORE. just because your defective brain refuses to acknowlege reality and instead wants to live in a fantasy land of secret government agents hypnotizing the world and you are the CHOSEN ONE to lead us all out of hypnosis doesnt mean it wasnt reasonably explained.

it means that you dont understand reason.

if not concrete. Nor can the Fake plans be passed off as real because ground zero photos show remnants of the core base wall.


and that does not match the fake plans.


Which show an air shaft and steam shaft where the mass of concrete is with the 3x7 hallway running the length of it.

you see concrete in that photo? why does everyone else in the entire world see a STEEL CORE? :cuckoo:

who is wrong? you or the other 6 billion people on the planet? oh save us from our hypnosis of chosen one. for we all see the same thing when we look at that picture therefore you must be right as you see something none of us can.


It happens so gradually, over several years or decades, that the spiritual seeker is rarely aware of this process, and will violently reject any admonitions from his guru or well-wishers to desist from these dangerous practices, preferring to believe instead that he is a “chosen one” who is being persecuted by people who cannot understand his divine mission.
Spiritual delusions

I was convinced I was the chosen one, after all the voices in jail were telling me that. I believed I was the Manchurian candidate. That I was a robot built by the Chinese, that it was really the year 2500. I was to be the leader of the army of the dead to destroy George W. Bush for his wicked ways. And bring peace to the galaxy. ha ha. I was terrified I thought now that the CIA was evil and were trying to infiltrate the jail and assassinate me, before I could assassinate you know who.
Schizophrenia Diaries Blog Archive The Chosen One

Reasons why a schizophrenic person may try to avoid reality are generally out of paranoia, although there will be the odd one whom simply does not want to mingle with society because they believe that they are some kind of 'chosen one', hence, much too special for regular people. Schizophrenic paranoia is usually based on ones own delusional perceptions of religion, culture, race and social views. A schizophrenic person is likely to have strong ideas about such subjects and may feel threatened by difference of others, or have an irrational fear of being harassed by others when in a social situation because of these differences.
About Schizophrenia

The thought pattern of a delusional person is itself very unique. One wonders how such grandiose conspiracies develop in the schizophrenic mind....
When one is paranoid, he begins to look for signs that fit into his perception of reality. The delusions get more surreal as new information is incorporated. Some times, the delusions involve that person having a special mission in life...
fis said:
and your proof?

The infiltrating perpetrators would not want you to use a link.

If that is not the case, then provide a link to the official plans.
The Chief justice of the US district court in Los Angeles refused the disclosure of treason, which is a violation of US code.

The certified mailing was not answered by the judge. A US marshall called, somewhat apologetic, to determine (they said) what I wanted.

They directed us incorrectly to the civil clerk who stated that,

Pursuant to TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382 U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

was criminal law and we would have to file with the criminal clerk. Which we did.

TOLD ya you fucking dipshit
what you "filed" was trash

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