Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

Like a streetgang the agents stakeout the thread with their bogus discourse trying to pretend they are real Americans trying to stand for something American.

F'nnnnnn revolting
Like a streetgang the agents stakeout the thread with their bogus discourse trying to pretend they are real Americans trying to stand for something American.

F'nnnnnn revolting
yes, YOU are fucking revolting

pay your child support and stop abusing the courts
Your entire claim, which you very really do not present and cannot evidence when you try, is ridiculous. It is only your false peer group in the psyops that makes it possible to pretend your position is real.

This is real. It is concrete, and the engineer of record identifies as concrete.

You and your flase peer group have always failed to reasonably describe it as anything else.

What is a "flase peer group"? Is that a bunch of Invisicrete worshipers?

Just wondering.
A false peer group is what you and the rest are and it is secret methods of mass murder that you worship.

If this is not true then show an image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11 in the core area.

Until then, only concrete can be seen surrounding the core.

Then with the top blown off a littel lower.
A false peer group is what you and the rest are and it is secret methods of mass murder that you worship.

If this is not true then show an image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11 in the core area.

Until then, only concrete can be seen surrounding the core.

Then with the top blown off a littel lower.
given the fact you dont know what the fuck you are talking about, you remain a fucking moronic dipshit
Panel 5 of the disclosure shows HOW the "FEMA deception" is done.

there is no "secret method of mass murder".

muslim hijackers flew planes into buildings and they collapsed from the damage and the resulting fires.

its no secret. :cuckoo:
A false peer group is what you and the rest are and it is secret methods of mass murder that you worship.

If this is not true then show an image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11 in the core area.

Until then, only concrete can be seen surrounding the core.


Then with the top blown off a littel lower.


What exactly is a "littel"? Just wondering.
No, the judges rejected their duty or you are being investigated. The disclosure has no reply, therefore no rejection. I've updated the legal activities.

The original disclosure to judge via criminal court clerk.

The ensuing struggle to gain compliance between U.S. Code and local court rules, FRCP, form of pleading etc.
more likely YOU are being investigated for mental incapacity
I don't know whether we can take agent chrissy's rejection as proof that his sanity is being investigated or not. In a perfect world, that would be the logical result.

I do hold the opinion that we can take the rejection of his filing as positive proof that in the opinion of the court agent chrissy's filing has NO MERIT.

I would also assume that if he files too many of these garbage 'filings' with the court, he will be viewed as someone with NO STANDING.

I think that is what they call people that file things simply to waste the court's time.
Legal issues and terminology are not where my skill set lies. That is the reason there are attorneys and paralegals.

I am certain Liability can put it in the exact legal terms for us, the law is his forte' in some way.

How about it Liability, how does the court view these things, and what terms do they use to describe them?
No, the judges rejected their duty or you are being investigated. The disclosure has no reply, therefore no rejection. I've updated the legal activities.

The original disclosure to judge via criminal court clerk.
9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

The ensuing struggle to gain compliance between U.S. Code and local court rules, FRCP, form of pleading etc.

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

so who exactly did you accuse of treason? or are they just suppose to randomly investigate americans until they find somebody? :cuckoo:
I don't know whether we can take agent chrissy's rejection as proof that his sanity is being investigated or not. In a perfect world, that would be the logical result.

I do hold the opinion that we can take the rejection of his filing as positive proof that in the opinion of the court agent chrissy's filing has NO MERIT.

I would also assume that if he files too many of these garbage 'filings' with the court, he will be viewed as someone with NO STANDING.

I think that is what they call people that file things simply to waste the court's time.
Legal issues and terminology are not where my skill set lies. That is the reason there are attorneys and paralegals.

I am certain Liability can put it in the exact legal terms for us, the law is his forte' in some way.

How about it Liability, how does the court view these things, and what terms do they use to describe them?

Agent CriscoFEARa is probably on the road to having his ability to file papers in Court restricted. I doubt here will be any more stern a consequence than that, however. The Courts generally do not hold a person's mental illness against them. If a person with some legal right to do so expresses sufficient legal concern about CriscoFEARa's apparent mental illness, however, it is possible (in a State or local court) to file papers to have the sick person involuntarily committed. The Court could then choose to hear evidence. If the case goes that far and assuming that the person filing the application can show that agent CriscoFEARa has become a danger to himself (or others), then the Court could declare agent CriscoFEARa to be in need of institutionalization.

The process is cumbersome -- for good reason. But there ARE some people who legitimately are so mentally ill that they do represent a threat to others or to themselves. In such cases, society has taken the position that it is better to care for a person who can no longer responsibly care for himself or herself than it is to unduly worry about restrictions on the liberty interests of the mentally ill. The latter is always a valid concern, though. So the burden of proof has to be validly met.

We know that Agent CriscoFEARa has failed to provide for his children. He seems to spend a great deal of time on the internet worrying about illusory conspiracies. Time not spent on anything productive . . . . This could be a sign that he has lost his marginal ability to care for himself. His filings COULD serve as evidence is such a proceeding, if one ever gets initiated.
No, but obviously you think the perps think to assume such will help with concealing treason.

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