Tlaib calls the president a "motherf*cker" where is the house condemnation?

The USA is doing pretty good!
Certainly not long-term, socialism will be the end of this country
USA not old enough? Ok name a country that is old enough that you consider a long term success... just trying to get a scope of what qualifies
Well, socialist Europe is going on a few decades and already failing... lol

And we were on the verge of collapse because the socialist entitlement programs.
The vast majority of this country’s debt is due to socialist entitlement programs… Nothing else is even close
I asked for a country that YOU CONSIDER A LONG TERM SUCCESS
Socialism has destroyed every country that has tried to be long term civil...
So you can’t point to one successful society in the entire history of this world?! Ok well how about just the best one out of all that have existed... who did or is doing the best?
The cries of racism at every turn by Dimms has gone beyond absurd.One hit wonder. That’s all they run on.

Everyone to the right of them is a racist and they will give you free shit if you vote for them.

It’s fucking pathetic.

What's that I hear? An echo of the echo chamber growing faint day by day.

How are you enjoying the shit and needles in the street in your hood?Liberal policies are great, aren’t they?
Like I said, if you don’t see what’s right in front of you then I can’t help ya
I can

You had to lie and spin about what is on front of you

You had to assume what he meant and default to a false accusation of racism

It was not racism and you are grasping at straws and outright lying to call it racism

You are proven wrong and you know it
I already explained that it really doesn’t matter what he meant. By what he said, telling 4 brown lady’s 3 of whom were born here in the USA, to go back where they came from, it was an obvious racist statement. I spin, just black and white
You did in fact assume and leap tonstulid conclusions about what he meant

You had to do so because what he said was in no way shape or form racist and that is glaringly obvious to all intelligent people

It is not racist to tell anyone to back where they came from and women of color are no exception

It was not racist whatsoever and that is absolute fact

You are a proven liar
It is when you assume they came from a shithole country because of how they look. open your eyes. I can’t tell if you trolling or if you’re really this stupid. If a kid in school told another kid in school to go back to China that kid would need a stern talking to about why that is not OK to say. Especially when the kid he is saying it to is from the USA!!!

If the Squad were all visiting from different countries and trump made the same comment then it would be quite different. This conversation is getting stupid. You’re a lost cause if you don’t get it by now
No it is not even then

He never specified a nation shit hole or otherwise

It was not racist and that is proven and you know it liar
It’s not proven. You think it is, I believe that much, but when you see republican trump allies coming out and saying it was racist then you got a problem. They have zero incentive to lie. They call it out because it is obvious and not excusable. The fact that you are trying so hard is rather pathetic.
You do realize that socialism has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it… Socialism and any sort of freedom Cannot coexist

Really??? Are you that stupid. How did the EU have "socialism forced upon them"? They voted for it. Every time some idiot conservative tries to take away the socialist programs in the USA - they lose the election. Americans love social security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA.

Nobody had to force any of it on them. American has been a socialist country since it was founded, and NONE of the socialist programs in the USA were "forced upon the people". Public schools, libraries, and the post office - all socialist programs started by the Founding Fathers.
Successful people pay for the socialist entitlement programs here, And get nothing in return.

I personally have no use for Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security, and yet I have to pay into the shit.

You drive on the socialist roads?

Enjoy Socialist trash pick up?

Enjoy Socialist education for you and society in general?

Enjoy the Socialist police protection locally and military nationally?

Enjoy shitting in Socialist public sewers and infrastructure?

Enjoy Socialist rules on Wall Street for every investor?

Do you?
None of those things are socialist you fool

All of those things are socialist. Any service you get from your government, that is available to everyone in the community without paying user fees for, is a socalist program. That includes police, fire department, sewers, paved streets and trash pick up. Not to mention schools, libraries, post offices, and other public institiutions.

That is not what socialism is and never has been

I realize you are very dumb but socialism is the theft if and ownership of business and the means of production by the state

Your ignorance is ludicrous and extreme those programs are not socialist

You do not get to redefine it any more than you do racism
I can

You had to lie and spin about what is on front of you

You had to assume what he meant and default to a false accusation of racism

It was not racism and you are grasping at straws and outright lying to call it racism

You are proven wrong and you know it
I already explained that it really doesn’t matter what he meant. By what he said, telling 4 brown lady’s 3 of whom were born here in the USA, to go back where they came from, it was an obvious racist statement. I spin, just black and white
You did in fact assume and leap tonstulid conclusions about what he meant

You had to do so because what he said was in no way shape or form racist and that is glaringly obvious to all intelligent people

It is not racist to tell anyone to back where they came from and women of color are no exception

It was not racist whatsoever and that is absolute fact

You are a proven liar
It is when you assume they came from a shithole country because of how they look. open your eyes. I can’t tell if you trolling or if you’re really this stupid. If a kid in school told another kid in school to go back to China that kid would need a stern talking to about why that is not OK to say. Especially when the kid he is saying it to is from the USA!!!

If the Squad were all visiting from different countries and trump made the same comment then it would be quite different. This conversation is getting stupid. You’re a lost cause if you don’t get it by now
No it is not even then

He never specified a nation shit hole or otherwise

It was not racist and that is proven and you know it liar
It’s not proven. You think it is, I believe that much, but when you see republican trump allies coming out and saying it was racist then you got a problem. They have zero incentive to lie. They call it out because it is obvious and not excusable. The fact that you are trying so hard is rather pathetic.
It is proven and you know it is

It is irrelevant who says what

It was not racist and that is the simplest of absolute facts to any thinking person

You do not see racism that others fail to see and you do not understand better

You are simply repeating a proven baldfaced lie about something which cannot be called racist by any intelligent person
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking liberals in this country.
Red Herring fallacy.

False comparison fallacy.

She's correct about Trump, can't condemn someone for telling the truth.
she feels that her color makes her better than Trump or any other white person....
Huh? Where and when was anything like that said?

Watch what she says at 1:38 of the video.

Tucker: The Democratic Party is now a religious cult

Congresswomen Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez are making a "racist pitch" to Democratic voters, Tucker Carlson says
Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Democratic figures such as Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are being pushed out of the party by a small group of young congresswomen making a "racist pitch" to liberal voters.

New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Michigan's Rashida Tlaib are leading a progressive "revolt" whose demands equate to, "give us power because of our skin color," Carlson said Monday evening. The Fox News host also said House Speaker Pelosi's leadership is being challenged by a race-obsessed group that includes Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez, Minnesota's Ilhan Omar and Massachusetts' Ayanna Pressley.

Carlson said their "racist pitch" to Democrats is on par with Jim Crow-era white people asking for votes because of their skin color.​
She doesn't say she's better because of her color, in fact she doesn't say she's better at all.

You lied.

I don't know why I'm surprised.
she feels that her color makes her better than Trump or any other white person....
Huh? Where and when was anything like that said?

Watch what she says at 1:38 of the video.

Tucker: The Democratic Party is now a religious cult

Congresswomen Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez are making a "racist pitch" to Democratic voters, Tucker Carlson says
Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Democratic figures such as Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are being pushed out of the party by a small group of young congresswomen making a "racist pitch" to liberal voters.

New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Michigan's Rashida Tlaib are leading a progressive "revolt" whose demands equate to, "give us power because of our skin color," Carlson said Monday evening. The Fox News host also said House Speaker Pelosi's leadership is being challenged by a race-obsessed group that includes Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez, Minnesota's Ilhan Omar and Massachusetts' Ayanna Pressley.

Carlson said their "racist pitch" to Democrats is on par with Jim Crow-era white people asking for votes because of their skin color.​
She doesn't say she's better because of her color, in fact she doesn't say she's better at all.

You lied.

I don't know why I'm surprised.
She said that her skin color meant that she was entitled to take over the government.
I don't give a shit what you say and how you try to parse words.
Certainly not long-term, socialism will be the end of this country
USA not old enough? Ok name a country that is old enough that you consider a long term success... just trying to get a scope of what qualifies
Well, socialist Europe is going on a few decades and already failing... lol

And we were on the verge of collapse because the socialist entitlement programs.
The vast majority of this country’s debt is due to socialist entitlement programs… Nothing else is even close
I asked for a country that YOU CONSIDER A LONG TERM SUCCESS
Socialism has destroyed every country that has tried to be long term civil...
So you can’t point to one successful society in the entire history of this world?! Ok well how about just the best one out of all that have existed... who did or is doing the best?
Socialism has destroyed all of them, cause it’s the perfect incubator for dictatorships
she feels that her color makes her better than Trump or any other white person....
Huh? Where and when was anything like that said?

Watch what she says at 1:38 of the video.

Tucker: The Democratic Party is now a religious cult

Congresswomen Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez are making a "racist pitch" to Democratic voters, Tucker Carlson says
Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Democratic figures such as Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are being pushed out of the party by a small group of young congresswomen making a "racist pitch" to liberal voters.

New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Michigan's Rashida Tlaib are leading a progressive "revolt" whose demands equate to, "give us power because of our skin color," Carlson said Monday evening. The Fox News host also said House Speaker Pelosi's leadership is being challenged by a race-obsessed group that includes Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez, Minnesota's Ilhan Omar and Massachusetts' Ayanna Pressley.

Carlson said their "racist pitch" to Democrats is on par with Jim Crow-era white people asking for votes because of their skin color.​
She doesn't say she's better because of her color, in fact she doesn't say she's better at all.

You lied.

I don't know why I'm surprised.
She said that her skin color meant that she was entitled to take over the government.
I don't give a shit what you say and how you try to parse words.
Lol, please provide the exact quote .
she feels that her color makes her better than Trump or any other white person....
Huh? Where and when was anything like that said?

Watch what she says at 1:38 of the video.

Tucker: The Democratic Party is now a religious cult

Congresswomen Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez are making a "racist pitch" to Democratic voters, Tucker Carlson says
Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Democratic figures such as Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are being pushed out of the party by a small group of young congresswomen making a "racist pitch" to liberal voters.

New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Michigan's Rashida Tlaib are leading a progressive "revolt" whose demands equate to, "give us power because of our skin color," Carlson said Monday evening. The Fox News host also said House Speaker Pelosi's leadership is being challenged by a race-obsessed group that includes Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez, Minnesota's Ilhan Omar and Massachusetts' Ayanna Pressley.

Carlson said their "racist pitch" to Democrats is on par with Jim Crow-era white people asking for votes because of their skin color.​
She doesn't say she's better because of her color, in fact she doesn't say she's better at all.

You lied.

I don't know why I'm surprised.
She said that her skin color meant that she was entitled to take over the government.
I don't give a shit what you say and how you try to parse words.
Lol, please provide the exact quote .

I did. Try watching the video.

"uplift (give us power in Congress) the women of color because there are more women like us...women of color.....and we win."

She was saying that Pelosi is an old white woman that should turn over congress to the blacks and the browns and people of color....because they're winners....or because they're better than White People are.
Last edited:
I already explained that it really doesn’t matter what he meant. By what he said, telling 4 brown lady’s 3 of whom were born here in the USA, to go back where they came from, it was an obvious racist statement. I spin, just black and white
You did in fact assume and leap tonstulid conclusions about what he meant

You had to do so because what he said was in no way shape or form racist and that is glaringly obvious to all intelligent people

It is not racist to tell anyone to back where they came from and women of color are no exception

It was not racist whatsoever and that is absolute fact

You are a proven liar
It is when you assume they came from a shithole country because of how they look. open your eyes. I can’t tell if you trolling or if you’re really this stupid. If a kid in school told another kid in school to go back to China that kid would need a stern talking to about why that is not OK to say. Especially when the kid he is saying it to is from the USA!!!

If the Squad were all visiting from different countries and trump made the same comment then it would be quite different. This conversation is getting stupid. You’re a lost cause if you don’t get it by now
No it is not even then

He never specified a nation shit hole or otherwise

It was not racist and that is proven and you know it liar
It’s not proven. You think it is, I believe that much, but when you see republican trump allies coming out and saying it was racist then you got a problem. They have zero incentive to lie. They call it out because it is obvious and not excusable. The fact that you are trying so hard is rather pathetic.
It is proven and you know it is

It is irrelevant who says what

It was not racist and that is the simplest of absolute facts to any thinking person

You do not see racism that others fail to see and you do not understand better

You are simply repeating a proven baldfaced lie about something which cannot be called racist by any intelligent person
You skip right over everything I just said to repeat your tired talking points. You gloss over my observations cause you think I’m a Persian hack... fine. But how do you explain the republican trump allies that came out and called it racist. They have no incentive to lie. So why would they lie? Please explain that one simple fact
Huh? Where and when was anything like that said?

Watch what she says at 1:38 of the video.

Tucker: The Democratic Party is now a religious cult

Congresswomen Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez are making a "racist pitch" to Democratic voters, Tucker Carlson says
Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Democratic figures such as Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are being pushed out of the party by a small group of young congresswomen making a "racist pitch" to liberal voters.

New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Michigan's Rashida Tlaib are leading a progressive "revolt" whose demands equate to, "give us power because of our skin color," Carlson said Monday evening. The Fox News host also said House Speaker Pelosi's leadership is being challenged by a race-obsessed group that includes Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez, Minnesota's Ilhan Omar and Massachusetts' Ayanna Pressley.

Carlson said their "racist pitch" to Democrats is on par with Jim Crow-era white people asking for votes because of their skin color.​
She doesn't say she's better because of her color, in fact she doesn't say she's better at all.

You lied.

I don't know why I'm surprised.
She said that her skin color meant that she was entitled to take over the government.
I don't give a shit what you say and how you try to parse words.
Lol, please provide the exact quote .

I did. Try watching the video.

"uplift (give us power in Congress) the women of color because there are more women like us...women of color.....and we win."

She was saying that Pelosi is an old white woman that should turn over congress to the blacks and the browns and people of color....because they're winners....or because they're better than White People are.
I did. It's not in there.
Watch what she says at 1:38 of the video.

Tucker: The Democratic Party is now a religious cult

Congresswomen Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez are making a "racist pitch" to Democratic voters, Tucker Carlson says
Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Democratic figures such as Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are being pushed out of the party by a small group of young congresswomen making a "racist pitch" to liberal voters.

New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Michigan's Rashida Tlaib are leading a progressive "revolt" whose demands equate to, "give us power because of our skin color," Carlson said Monday evening. The Fox News host also said House Speaker Pelosi's leadership is being challenged by a race-obsessed group that includes Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez, Minnesota's Ilhan Omar and Massachusetts' Ayanna Pressley.

Carlson said their "racist pitch" to Democrats is on par with Jim Crow-era white people asking for votes because of their skin color.​
She doesn't say she's better because of her color, in fact she doesn't say she's better at all.

You lied.

I don't know why I'm surprised.
She said that her skin color meant that she was entitled to take over the government.
I don't give a shit what you say and how you try to parse words.
Lol, please provide the exact quote .

I did. Try watching the video.

"uplift (give us power in Congress) the women of color because there are more women like us...women of color.....and we win."

She was saying that Pelosi is an old white woman that should turn over congress to the blacks and the browns and people of color....because they're winners....or because they're better than White People are.
I did. It's not in there.
Probably because you're a dumbass that can't smell shit even when his face is rubbed in it.
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.
AOC is whiter than Trump! Color and race here is bullshit-this is all about power and optics.
No she’s not whiter than Trump and if you really think that then you are blind as a bat. When you tell people of color to go back where they came from the message is crystal clear. Why play dumb? Grow a pair and own it.
Look at a photo blind as a bat-and you are stupid if you think they are noble-they just held up money to help kids. And your grow a pair comment sounds like projection from an emasculated individual. And people of color is bull shit-they are Palestinian, Puerto Rican, Somalian, and a black white mixture.
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.

Instead of spouting your crap, why don't you give us his exact words to show where he "attacked" brown and black people?

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly……

.it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

Why is it that I don't see a single reference to anyone's race?
She doesn't say she's better because of her color, in fact she doesn't say she's better at all.

You lied.

I don't know why I'm surprised.
She said that her skin color meant that she was entitled to take over the government.
I don't give a shit what you say and how you try to parse words.
Lol, please provide the exact quote .

I did. Try watching the video.

"uplift (give us power in Congress) the women of color because there are more women like us...women of color.....and we win."

She was saying that Pelosi is an old white woman that should turn over congress to the blacks and the browns and people of color....because they're winners....or because they're better than White People are.
I did. It's not in there.
Probably because you're a dumbass that can't smell shit even when his face is rubbed in it.
Lol, no. It's all in your imagination. You are hearing what you want to hear, not what she's saying.
You did in fact assume and leap tonstulid conclusions about what he meant

You had to do so because what he said was in no way shape or form racist and that is glaringly obvious to all intelligent people

It is not racist to tell anyone to back where they came from and women of color are no exception

It was not racist whatsoever and that is absolute fact

You are a proven liar
It is when you assume they came from a shithole country because of how they look. open your eyes. I can’t tell if you trolling or if you’re really this stupid. If a kid in school told another kid in school to go back to China that kid would need a stern talking to about why that is not OK to say. Especially when the kid he is saying it to is from the USA!!!

If the Squad were all visiting from different countries and trump made the same comment then it would be quite different. This conversation is getting stupid. You’re a lost cause if you don’t get it by now
No it is not even then

He never specified a nation shit hole or otherwise

It was not racist and that is proven and you know it liar
It’s not proven. You think it is, I believe that much, but when you see republican trump allies coming out and saying it was racist then you got a problem. They have zero incentive to lie. They call it out because it is obvious and not excusable. The fact that you are trying so hard is rather pathetic.
It is proven and you know it is

It is irrelevant who says what

It was not racist and that is the simplest of absolute facts to any thinking person

You do not see racism that others fail to see and you do not understand better

You are simply repeating a proven baldfaced lie about something which cannot be called racist by any intelligent person
You skip right over everything I just said to repeat your tired talking points. You gloss over my observations cause you think I’m a Persian hack... fine. But how do you explain the republican trump allies that came out and called it racist. They have no incentive to lie. So why would they lie? Please explain that one simple fact
I do not explain hen because they are irrelevant and I do not care .

Truth is not established through consensus or allegiance with others who agree with you

The absolute undeniable truth is the tweets were not racism and my points proving it are not tired. You have failed to even consider it challenge them

Facts prove you wrong

The fact is his tweet was not racist
This is an absolute joke. Trump tells them if they don't like America, leave and they are all offended. They call him a motherfucker and the house liberals are silent.

I really have reached the point that I flat out don't give a fuck about the fucking snowflake liberals in this country.
You’re not being honest. Trump told brown and black people to go back to where they came from.... I don’t see how you can defend that.
AOC is whiter than Trump! Color and race here is bullshit-this is all about power and optics.
No she’s not whiter than Trump and if you really think that then you are blind as a bat. When you tell people of color to go back where they came from the message is crystal clear. Why play dumb? Grow a pair and own it.
Look at a photo blind as a bat-and you are stupid if you think they are noble-they just held up money to help kids. And your grow a pair comment sounds like projection from an emasculated individual. And people of color is bull shit-they are Palestinian, Puerto Rican, Somalian, and a black white mixture.
Yes, those are people of color dumbass.
AOC is whiter than Trump! Color and race here is bullshit-this is all about power and optics.
No she’s not whiter than Trump and if you really think that then you are blind as a bat. When you tell people of color to go back where they came from the message is crystal clear. Why play dumb? Grow a pair and own it.
Yes it is clear and it has nothing to do with race
Of course it does. If it wasn’t for their brown/black appearance then the reference to go back to where they came from would never of been made. Come on man, this isn’t hard to understand
Yes it probably would have been made

You have to invent thoughts you cannot know and assign imaginary meaning to what he said to call it racist

This means it was not racist unless you lie about it
its plain as day man, don’t know what to tell ya except that this one is going right over your head
You realize this is only your opinion right? Others have a right to theirs.

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