TN bill would ban "religious doctrine" untill high school

In a hysterically ironic twist, Representative Sheila Butts, sponsor of the measure, did not have a problem with a bill that permits the teaching of creationism in Tennessee's public schools. You'll have to pardon me if I find her concerns about 'religious indoctrination' to be a bit disingenuous.

Law allows creationism to be taught in Tenn. public schools

House OKs bill critics say would allow teaching of creationism | Nashville City Paper
Its just because of Islam. It will probably be shot down and moved to just ban islam. Bible belt and all lol
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In a hysterically ironic twist, Representative Sheila Butts, sponsor of the measure, did not have a problem with a bill that permits the teaching of creationism in Tennessee's public schools. You'll have to pardon me if I find her concerns about 'religious indoctrination' to be a bit disingenuous.

Law allows creationism to be taught in Tenn. public schools

House OKs bill critics say would allow teaching of creationism | Nashville City Paper
Its just because of Islam. It will probably be shot down and moved to just ban islam. Bible belt and all lol

That is exactly what this is all about. We learned the key tenants of Islam, Hinduism, Confucianism, Judaism, Christianity, Taoism, Buddhism, and, Shintoism in middle school. I don't recall a flood of students rushing out to purchase Yamakas or Bindis afterwards. lol.
In a hysterically ironic twist, Representative Sheila Butts, sponsor of the measure, did not have a problem with a bill that permits the teaching of creationism in Tennessee's public schools. You'll have to pardon me if I find her concerns about 'religious indoctrination' to be a bit disingenuous.

Law allows creationism to be taught in Tenn. public schools

House OKs bill critics say would allow teaching of creationism | Nashville City Paper
Thank you. The same people pushing for this bill want the Bible to be the cornerstone of a public school education. They want to bring God back to our schools. They want the schools to be an instrument for mass conversion to Christianity. And they are extremely afraid of Islam in particular, I guess because it's the biggest challenge to Christianity as the world's #1 religion.
Just about every atheist was raised religious. I encourage people here to raise their kids religious. I'm confident it'll just result in people who either don't take it seriously as adults, or result in actual atheists. :)
Yes well IMHO atheism is just another religion without all the codified dogma since atheists accept on faith the non-existence of the divine and seem to pursue a fairly unified set of principles when it comes to matters of spirituality, I think it might be more accurate to say "Just about every atheist was raised according to a different religion".
In a hysterically ironic twist, Representative Sheila Butts, sponsor of the measure, did not have a problem with a bill that permits the teaching of creationism in Tennessee's public schools. You'll have to pardon me if I find her concerns about 'religious indoctrination' to be a bit disingenuous.

Law allows creationism to be taught in Tenn. public schools

House OKs bill critics say would allow teaching of creationism | Nashville City Paper
Thank you. The same people pushing for this bill want the Bible to be the cornerstone of a public school education. They want to bring God back to our schools. They want the schools to be an instrument for mass conversion to Christianity. And they are extremely afraid of Islam in particular, I guess because it's the biggest challenge to Christianity as the world's #1 religion.

As if an omnipotent, omniscient, and, omnipresent God suddenly needs the help of Representative Sheila Butts. lol.
I learned the 5 pillars of Islam in 8th grade. I believe that Middle School social studies should be focused on World geography, as it was when I went to school. And you can't study world geography effectively without learning something about the world's major religions. 10th- 12th grade is a good time for learning US history, economics, US government. Students should be advanced when they learn about these complex subjects. World geography and knowledge about the world's major religions are much simpler subjects suitable for younger students.

Here is the ideal Social Studies Curriculum by Semester.

6 1: Local state geography / North America
6 2: North America Geography
7 1: Latin America/Europe
7 2: Europe/Russia
8 1: Africa/Middle East
8 2: Asia/Australia
9 1: History of Western World
9 2: History of Western World
10 1: History of Western World
10 2: US History (colonial/revolution)
11 1: US History
11 2: US History
12 1: US Government/Politics
12 2: Economics

In that curriculum, learning about Islam and Judaism falls into 8th and 9th grade. Learning about Christianity falls into 7th and 9th grade. Learning about Hinduism and Buddhism falls in 8th grade. That is a good time to learn about these subjects. Learning about economics, US laws and US history should be the topic for more advanced students capable of understanding these subjects.

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