To Abort or Not.


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Monkeys are Monkeys and Monkeys make mistakes.

The goal is to get to the point in an OUTSTANDING education system where the rare young Monkey mistake in which abortion as a safe, legal option would be a helpful option, that option exists.

Abortion should be a safe, legal option that is agonized over..... not an industry.

Young Monkeys are gonna fuck, that's historic fact. How's letting them figure it out on their own been working out?


Take the keys to your star-ship and fly Monkeys! Fly!
Over 24 hours without so much as a comment means I win this debate with my reasonable suggestion, right?
Joe, have Monkeys perfected the procedure to give them "a choice" in the event of an unwanted pregnancy ... people have.

nutters have always opposed - Education.
Education is a cons WORST Enemy.

Citizens are much more controllable when ignorant.

take note of the GOP faithful.
Issues of morality should not be legislated , determined by the Federal government. This is not Stalinist Russia. Leave it to the people and let their voices be heard, state by state.. or are you afraid to give the people of this country their freedom to choose?
Leftist support choice ONLY when it's their choice. If they truly supported a PRO CHOICE agenda where morality is concerned, they wouldn't be afraid of the people's voice.

LEFTISM = FASCISM. .. "It's our way or no way at all."
Do those who worship at the altar of abortion realize that they would not even be here if their mothers had been irresponsible baby killers like they, themselves??
Education is a cons WORST Enemy.

Citizens are much more controllable when ignorant.

take note of the GOP faithful.

Are the Republicans the only folks who benefit from a dumbed-down population? I think the Dems benefit from that as well, Troubled.

No, the Democratic Party benefited far more.

Nobody can be more dumbed down than those who vote for a crook who promises them cell phones.

Nobody can be more dumbed down than a person who thinks that the United States is a country of 57 states, except of course, those who believe the liar who said that.

Nobody can be more dumbed down than those who refuse to allow kids going to schools where there are no union thugs indoctrinating and poisoning the minds of children.

Nobody is more dumbed down than those who blindly follow "Reverends" who have not performed a religious service for years, because they are too busy spreading hatred and dissent.

So, yes, the Democratic Party, DEFINITELY benefits more from population intentionally kept dumber than a sack of hammers.
Nobody can be more dumbed down than a person who thinks that the United States is a country of 57 states, except of course, those who believe the liar who said that.

Do you REALLY need a refresher course on Bushisms?
Education is a large part of the answer to the million or so abortions in the US each year. Nearly half of all abortions are the result of no birth control being used during the sex act which led to the unwanted pregnancy. Consequently, birth control education would go a long way toward significantly reducing abortions. This would provide a much larger result than all the best efforts of the pro-life community to date.

Drastically reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies through birth control education will drastically reduce the number of abortions. Drastically reducing the number of abortions will result in abortion being a less socially acceptable option for an unwanted pregnancy.

We have allowed extremists on both sides to control the dialog. Passionate people have more energy to devote to single issues. It's time to take the megaphone away from them and actually start solving this problem with common sense and education.
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Nobody can be more dumbed down than those who vote for a crook who promises them cell phones.

Nobody can be more dumbed down than a person who thinks that the United States is a country of 57 states, except of course, those who believe the liar who said that.

Nobody can be more dumbed down than those who refuse to allow kids going to schools where there are no union thugs indoctrinating and poisoning the minds of children.

Nobody is more dumbed down than those who blindly follow "Reverends" who have not performed a religious service for years, because they are too busy spreading hatred and dissent.

So, yes, the Democratic Party, DEFINITELY benefits more from population intentionally kept dumber than a sack of hammers.

EACH of your POINTS has been PROVED to be VOMIT.

So does living life in bubble of DELUSION, make it easier?
Nobody can be more dumbed down than a person who thinks that the United States is a country of 57 states, except of course, those who believe the liar who said that.

Do you REALLY need a refresher course on Bushisms?

Not really.

President George W. Bush is the first one to admit that he is no orator. At the same time, those who voted for him never thought that his value and worth should be judged on how well he can read words - written by someone else - from a teleprompter, they never would have been swayed and mesmerized by empty and good sounding platitudes like the one about blue/red/united states, simplistic nonsense appealing to simple minds and while Obama would blame Bush if he was ever caught in a speech blunder, GWB was adult and man enough to be self-depracating and smile at his verbal faux pas.

While "Bushism" is a malicious and hateful collection of simple mistakes, "Obamaism" is an unchanging 7.5% unemployment, a racially divided nation, a 16 trillion dollar debt, a totally unfullfilled promise of regaining the respect of the world, (never lost btw, except under Obama), the ever more unstable Middle East, four dead Americans in Benghazi, unending golfing and extravagant vacations in the fashion of the Bundies when they discovered that their dog got a credit card.

So, bring on the refresher.

I hope our paths - at least on the internet - will cross again in 20 years and compare who is judged more favorably by history, Bush v Obama.

Not by slips of the tongue, but by what best for America.
You pro choice people can go straight to hell. No abortion under any circumstances.

Even if a 12 year old girl is raped and her pregnancy puts her at risk of death? I'm not an abortion fan either, however I don't feel like it's my place to make that decision for others (especially when they're put in extremely difficult, personal situations).

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That's true... all that the rest of us can do is make sure it remains available as a safe, legal option and raise concerns if we see a resurgence as an industry for profit.
I am personally opposed to abortion. Yes, I am a Christian - but I am a Christian who believes in the separation of Church and State.

I am opposed to abortion because I believe that a fetus is a human being and that human being is entitled to protection under the law.

There are rare circumstances in which it is acceptable to kill another human being (to protect your own life for example) and I can see that principle being applied. But (imho) abortion as birth control is just indefensible.

That being said - if people want to get abortions, they will. No matter what the law says. Just like drug laws and prohibition laws have been widely ignored. I think education might be more successful than laws in cutting down on the number of abortions.
I am personally opposed to abortion. Yes, I am a Christian - but I am a Christian who believes in the separation of Church and State.

I am opposed to abortion because I believe that a fetus is a human being and that human being is entitled to protection under the law.

There are rare circumstances in which it is acceptable to kill another human being (to protect your own life for example) and I can see that principle being applied. But (imho) abortion as birth control is just indefensible.

That being said - if people want to get abortions, they will. No matter what the law says. Just like drug laws and prohibition laws have been widely ignored. I think education might be more successful than laws in cutting down on the number of abortions.

Who should pay for them ?
I am personally opposed to abortion. Yes, I am a Christian - but I am a Christian who believes in the separation of Church and State.

I am opposed to abortion because I believe that a fetus is a human being and that human being is entitled to protection under the law.

There are rare circumstances in which it is acceptable to kill another human being (to protect your own life for example) and I can see that principle being applied. But (imho) abortion as birth control is just indefensible.

That being said - if people want to get abortions, they will. No matter what the law says. Just like drug laws and prohibition laws have been widely ignored. I think education might be more successful than laws in cutting down on the number of abortions.

Who should pay for them ?

If an abortion is being performed to save the life of the preganant girl or woman, then I believe it should be covered as any other life-saving procedure would be covered.
Nobody can be more dumbed down than a person who thinks that the United States is a country of 57 states, except of course, those who believe the liar who said that.

Do you REALLY need a refresher course on Bushisms?

Not really.

President George W. Bush is the first one to admit that he is no orator. At the same time, those who voted for him never thought that his value and worth should be judged on how well he can read words - written by someone else - from a teleprompter, they never would have been swayed and mesmerized by empty and good sounding platitudes like the one about blue/red/united states, simplistic nonsense appealing to simple minds and while Obama would blame Bush if he was ever caught in a speech blunder, GWB was adult and man enough to be self-depracating and smile at his verbal faux pas.

While "Bushism" is a malicious and hateful collection of simple mistakes, "Obamaism" is an unchanging 7.5% unemployment, a racially divided nation, a 16 trillion dollar debt, a totally unfullfilled promise of regaining the respect of the world, (never lost btw, except under Obama), the ever more unstable Middle East, four dead Americans in Benghazi, unending golfing and extravagant vacations in the fashion of the Bundies when they discovered that their dog got a credit card.

So, bring on the refresher.

I hope our paths - at least on the internet - will cross again in 20 years and compare who is judged more favorably by history, Bush v Obama.

Not by slips of the tongue, but by what best for America.

Bush had double digit unemployment, an economy on the brink of a Great Depression, far more attacks on our overseas missions, far more vacations, and doubled the national debt. I could spend all day demonstrating where he outpaced Obama in incompetence.

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