To all my American friends - stay safe today

Yes, I have just been reading about the Million Moron March in Washington and I am recommending that you all stay home and watch these whining losers on the TV.

You will be safer at home as you will not be exposed to the Trump Flu and various other things like being shot or having very fine people drive their cars into you.

Stay home, stay safe !

You are a moron....joe biden voters have violently attacked peaceful Trump supporters, including the elderly and don't know what you are talking about......

There are videos of the violent attacks by joe biden voters in the link, you doofus...

Left-wing extremists identified by journalists as being Black Lives Matter and antifa violently attacked Trump supporters who were in Washington, D.C., on Saturday at a rally showing their support for President Donald Trump.

Videos posted online showed Trump supporters being sucker punched, kicked, shoved, and having their property stolen from them.

Journalist Andy Ngo wrote: “Graphic: A close-up angle of BLM rioters knocking a man unconscious who was leaving the #MillionMAGAMarch in DC earlier today. They also steal his phone when he’s on the ground.”

Ngo tweeted another video showing additional context surrounding the incident, writing: “BLM-antifa thugs are running around and beating people on the streets in DC.” In the video, the man wearing the orange-striped jacket appears to have shoved another man to the ground. In the scuffle that followed, he was surrounded and eventually knocked in the side of the head, causing him to fall to the street, after which his cell phone looks to have been taken.
Daily Caller reporter Jorge Ventura later tweeted out a video that appeared to show individuals who were allegedly involved in assaulting the man being taken into custody by law enforcement. Ventura wrote: “The footage of the brutal assault was captured by myself and @FromKalen. We gave the footage to authorities and they arrested the 5 individuals who were responsible for the attack.”

The march itself was provocative. Right wing extremists trying to overthrow a democratic election and the Constitution of the US. Decent folk should not be inconvenienced by ignorant trash.
They where not trying to overturn anything, it was a peaceful March untill the Antifa fags and racist as fuck BLM showed up.
Nobody knows what happened last night in DC. Who attacked whom, what groups the participants in violent incidents are associated with, their political affiliations, etc.
The videos show the proof, violent negros attacked the elderly.

I've watched the videos you posted, and all they portray is chaos. In the incident in which the guy in the black and orange jacket was knocked down, no one can tell who anyone is except for those wearing trump gear and a guy who was carrying an orange sign that showed that he obviously was not a trump supporter, who knocked the other guy down. The audio is sparse in these clips: he's bleeding, something about Jesus, she kicked a guy on the ground, Steven it's that bitch over there, get back, I'm not one of them. There is a picture on the NBC News website of a bearded white guy in a black hood and the number 45 on his sleeve screaming something next to a guy in some sort of vest who looks like he is using a taser and a guy standing in back of him wearing a shirt that reads "don't tread on me." The other person with a taser, obviously in a separate incident, is a short black woman in a blue shirt that has an orange sticker on it who is telling someone to "get back."

It will take a while to gather together all of these pictures and videos of various incidents around the city and figure out just what happened.

Side note: anyone coming to DC to march, protest, whatever, should know that the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority requires that all passengers on its trains and buses must wear a mask. This rule is posted all over the place in English and in Spanish. I have heard that there were several scoff-laws yesterday. I take it that they are illiterate in both English and Spanish.
Nobody knows what happened last night in DC. Who attacked whom, what groups the participants in violent incidents are associated with, their political affiliations, etc.

Yes...we do, you liar. Joe biden voters in antifa and blm attacked peaceful Trump supporters including senior citizens and children, you lying piece of crap....

You support this, you are part of this, you can't hide from this. You support the brown shirts of the democrat party......
Yes, I have just been reading about the Million Moron March in Washington and I am recommending that you all stay home and watch these whining losers on the TV.

You will be safer at home as you will not be exposed to the Trump Flu and various other things like being shot or having very fine people drive their cars into you.

Stay home, stay safe !

You are a moron....joe biden voters have violently attacked peaceful Trump supporters, including the elderly and don't know what you are talking about......

There are videos of the violent attacks by joe biden voters in the link, you doofus...

Left-wing extremists identified by journalists as being Black Lives Matter and antifa violently attacked Trump supporters who were in Washington, D.C., on Saturday at a rally showing their support for President Donald Trump.

Videos posted online showed Trump supporters being sucker punched, kicked, shoved, and having their property stolen from them.

Journalist Andy Ngo wrote: “Graphic: A close-up angle of BLM rioters knocking a man unconscious who was leaving the #MillionMAGAMarch in DC earlier today. They also steal his phone when he’s on the ground.”

Ngo tweeted another video showing additional context surrounding the incident, writing: “BLM-antifa thugs are running around and beating people on the streets in DC.” In the video, the man wearing the orange-striped jacket appears to have shoved another man to the ground. In the scuffle that followed, he was surrounded and eventually knocked in the side of the head, causing him to fall to the street, after which his cell phone looks to have been taken.
Daily Caller reporter Jorge Ventura later tweeted out a video that appeared to show individuals who were allegedly involved in assaulting the man being taken into custody by law enforcement. Ventura wrote: “The footage of the brutal assault was captured by myself and @FromKalen. We gave the footage to authorities and they arrested the 5 individuals who were responsible for the attack.”

The march itself was provocative. Right wing extremists trying to overthrow a democratic election and the Constitution of the US. Decent folk should not be inconvenienced by ignorant trash.

You really are have joe biden supporters openly cheating in this election and actually preventing people from checking ballots.........there is no attempt to over throw anything except by the democrat party ....they used the IRS, the FBI, CIA, DOJ and state department, working with actors from foreign countries including Russia and Australia to try to remove this President.......then, joe biden voters spent the last 7 months burning and looting cities and beating and murdering Trump supporters....that is the truth, you lying moron.

You can pretend all you want but the democrat party is the party of fascism and brown shirts, they have used violence their entire history and they are using violence now to silence people who oppose them...
Yes, I have just been reading about the Million Moron March in Washington and I am recommending that you all stay home and watch these whining losers on the TV.

You will be safer at home as you will not be exposed to the Trump Flu and various other things like being shot or having very fine people drive their cars into you.

Stay home, stay safe !

You are a moron....joe biden voters have violently attacked peaceful Trump supporters, including the elderly and don't know what you are talking about......

There are videos of the violent attacks by joe biden voters in the link, you doofus...

Left-wing extremists identified by journalists as being Black Lives Matter and antifa violently attacked Trump supporters who were in Washington, D.C., on Saturday at a rally showing their support for President Donald Trump.

Videos posted online showed Trump supporters being sucker punched, kicked, shoved, and having their property stolen from them.

Journalist Andy Ngo wrote: “Graphic: A close-up angle of BLM rioters knocking a man unconscious who was leaving the #MillionMAGAMarch in DC earlier today. They also steal his phone when he’s on the ground.”

Ngo tweeted another video showing additional context surrounding the incident, writing: “BLM-antifa thugs are running around and beating people on the streets in DC.” In the video, the man wearing the orange-striped jacket appears to have shoved another man to the ground. In the scuffle that followed, he was surrounded and eventually knocked in the side of the head, causing him to fall to the street, after which his cell phone looks to have been taken.
Daily Caller reporter Jorge Ventura later tweeted out a video that appeared to show individuals who were allegedly involved in assaulting the man being taken into custody by law enforcement. Ventura wrote: “The footage of the brutal assault was captured by myself and @FromKalen. We gave the footage to authorities and they arrested the 5 individuals who were responsible for the attack.”

The march itself was provocative. Right wing extremists trying to overthrow a democratic election and the Constitution of the US. Decent folk should not be inconvenienced by ignorant trash.

You really are have joe biden supporters openly cheating in this election and actually preventing people from checking ballots.........there is no attempt to over throw anything except by the democrat party ....they used the IRS, the FBI, CIA, DOJ and state department, working with actors from foreign countries including Russia and Australia to try to remove this President.......then, joe biden voters spent the last 7 months burning and looting cities and beating and murdering Trump supporters....that is the truth, you lying moron.

You can pretend all you want but the democrat party is the party of fascism and brown shirts, they have used violence their entire history and they are using violence now to silence people who oppose them...
Even trump has stated that Biden won.
Yes, I have just been reading about the Million Moron March in Washington and I am recommending that you all stay home and watch these whining losers on the TV.

You will be safer at home as you will not be exposed to the Trump Flu and various other things like being shot or having very fine people drive their cars into you.

Stay home, stay safe !

You are a moron....joe biden voters have violently attacked peaceful Trump supporters, including the elderly and don't know what you are talking about......

There are videos of the violent attacks by joe biden voters in the link, you doofus...

Left-wing extremists identified by journalists as being Black Lives Matter and antifa violently attacked Trump supporters who were in Washington, D.C., on Saturday at a rally showing their support for President Donald Trump.

Videos posted online showed Trump supporters being sucker punched, kicked, shoved, and having their property stolen from them.

Journalist Andy Ngo wrote: “Graphic: A close-up angle of BLM rioters knocking a man unconscious who was leaving the #MillionMAGAMarch in DC earlier today. They also steal his phone when he’s on the ground.”

Ngo tweeted another video showing additional context surrounding the incident, writing: “BLM-antifa thugs are running around and beating people on the streets in DC.” In the video, the man wearing the orange-striped jacket appears to have shoved another man to the ground. In the scuffle that followed, he was surrounded and eventually knocked in the side of the head, causing him to fall to the street, after which his cell phone looks to have been taken.
Daily Caller reporter Jorge Ventura later tweeted out a video that appeared to show individuals who were allegedly involved in assaulting the man being taken into custody by law enforcement. Ventura wrote: “The footage of the brutal assault was captured by myself and @FromKalen. We gave the footage to authorities and they arrested the 5 individuals who were responsible for the attack.”

The march itself was provocative. Right wing extremists trying to overthrow a democratic election and the Constitution of the US. Decent folk should not be inconvenienced by ignorant trash.

You really are have joe biden supporters openly cheating in this election and actually preventing people from checking ballots.........there is no attempt to over throw anything except by the democrat party ....they used the IRS, the FBI, CIA, DOJ and state department, working with actors from foreign countries including Russia and Australia to try to remove this President.......then, joe biden voters spent the last 7 months burning and looting cities and beating and murdering Trump supporters....that is the truth, you lying moron.

You can pretend all you want but the democrat party is the party of fascism and brown shirts, they have used violence their entire history and they are using violence now to silence people who oppose them...
Even trump has stated that Biden won.

No, actually, he didn't....please keep up.
Yes, I have just been reading about the Million Moron March in Washington and I am recommending that you all stay home and watch these whining losers on the TV.

You will be safer at home as you will not be exposed to the Trump Flu and various other things like being shot or having very fine people drive their cars into you.

Stay home, stay safe !

You are a moron....joe biden voters have violently attacked peaceful Trump supporters, including the elderly and don't know what you are talking about......

There are videos of the violent attacks by joe biden voters in the link, you doofus...

Left-wing extremists identified by journalists as being Black Lives Matter and antifa violently attacked Trump supporters who were in Washington, D.C., on Saturday at a rally showing their support for President Donald Trump.

Videos posted online showed Trump supporters being sucker punched, kicked, shoved, and having their property stolen from them.

Journalist Andy Ngo wrote: “Graphic: A close-up angle of BLM rioters knocking a man unconscious who was leaving the #MillionMAGAMarch in DC earlier today. They also steal his phone when he’s on the ground.”

Ngo tweeted another video showing additional context surrounding the incident, writing: “BLM-antifa thugs are running around and beating people on the streets in DC.” In the video, the man wearing the orange-striped jacket appears to have shoved another man to the ground. In the scuffle that followed, he was surrounded and eventually knocked in the side of the head, causing him to fall to the street, after which his cell phone looks to have been taken.
Daily Caller reporter Jorge Ventura later tweeted out a video that appeared to show individuals who were allegedly involved in assaulting the man being taken into custody by law enforcement. Ventura wrote: “The footage of the brutal assault was captured by myself and @FromKalen. We gave the footage to authorities and they arrested the 5 individuals who were responsible for the attack.”

The march itself was provocative. Right wing extremists trying to overthrow a democratic election and the Constitution of the US. Decent folk should not be inconvenienced by ignorant trash.

You really are have joe biden supporters openly cheating in this election and actually preventing people from checking ballots.........there is no attempt to over throw anything except by the democrat party ....they used the IRS, the FBI, CIA, DOJ and state department, working with actors from foreign countries including Russia and Australia to try to remove this President.......then, joe biden voters spent the last 7 months burning and looting cities and beating and murdering Trump supporters....that is the truth, you lying moron.

You can pretend all you want but the democrat party is the party of fascism and brown shirts, they have used violence their entire history and they are using violence now to silence people who oppose them...
Even trump has stated that Biden won.

Ignore the points about the fascist democrat party....
Yes, I have just been reading about the Million Moron March in Washington and I am recommending that you all stay home and watch these whining losers on the TV.

You will be safer at home as you will not be exposed to the Trump Flu and various other things like being shot or having very fine people drive their cars into you.

Stay home, stay safe !

You are a moron....joe biden voters have violently attacked peaceful Trump supporters, including the elderly and don't know what you are talking about......

There are videos of the violent attacks by joe biden voters in the link, you doofus...

Left-wing extremists identified by journalists as being Black Lives Matter and antifa violently attacked Trump supporters who were in Washington, D.C., on Saturday at a rally showing their support for President Donald Trump.

Videos posted online showed Trump supporters being sucker punched, kicked, shoved, and having their property stolen from them.

Journalist Andy Ngo wrote: “Graphic: A close-up angle of BLM rioters knocking a man unconscious who was leaving the #MillionMAGAMarch in DC earlier today. They also steal his phone when he’s on the ground.”

Ngo tweeted another video showing additional context surrounding the incident, writing: “BLM-antifa thugs are running around and beating people on the streets in DC.” In the video, the man wearing the orange-striped jacket appears to have shoved another man to the ground. In the scuffle that followed, he was surrounded and eventually knocked in the side of the head, causing him to fall to the street, after which his cell phone looks to have been taken.
Daily Caller reporter Jorge Ventura later tweeted out a video that appeared to show individuals who were allegedly involved in assaulting the man being taken into custody by law enforcement. Ventura wrote: “The footage of the brutal assault was captured by myself and @FromKalen. We gave the footage to authorities and they arrested the 5 individuals who were responsible for the attack.”

The march itself was provocative. Right wing extremists trying to overthrow a democratic election and the Constitution of the US. Decent folk should not be inconvenienced by ignorant trash.

You really are have joe biden supporters openly cheating in this election and actually preventing people from checking ballots.........there is no attempt to over throw anything except by the democrat party ....they used the IRS, the FBI, CIA, DOJ and state department, working with actors from foreign countries including Russia and Australia to try to remove this President.......then, joe biden voters spent the last 7 months burning and looting cities and beating and murdering Trump supporters....that is the truth, you lying moron.

You can pretend all you want but the democrat party is the party of fascism and brown shirts, they have used violence their entire history and they are using violence now to silence people who oppose them...
Even trump has stated that Biden won.

Ignore the points about the fascist democrat party....
Moron. You think that guns make you safer. Im unlikely to take instruction from a character like you.
Yes, I have just been reading about the Million Moron March in Washington and I am recommending that you all stay home and watch these whining losers on the TV.

You will be safer at home as you will not be exposed to the Trump Flu and various other things like being shot or having very fine people drive their cars into you.

Stay home, stay safe !

You are a moron....joe biden voters have violently attacked peaceful Trump supporters, including the elderly and don't know what you are talking about......

There are videos of the violent attacks by joe biden voters in the link, you doofus...

Left-wing extremists identified by journalists as being Black Lives Matter and antifa violently attacked Trump supporters who were in Washington, D.C., on Saturday at a rally showing their support for President Donald Trump.

Videos posted online showed Trump supporters being sucker punched, kicked, shoved, and having their property stolen from them.

Journalist Andy Ngo wrote: “Graphic: A close-up angle of BLM rioters knocking a man unconscious who was leaving the #MillionMAGAMarch in DC earlier today. They also steal his phone when he’s on the ground.”

Ngo tweeted another video showing additional context surrounding the incident, writing: “BLM-antifa thugs are running around and beating people on the streets in DC.” In the video, the man wearing the orange-striped jacket appears to have shoved another man to the ground. In the scuffle that followed, he was surrounded and eventually knocked in the side of the head, causing him to fall to the street, after which his cell phone looks to have been taken.
Daily Caller reporter Jorge Ventura later tweeted out a video that appeared to show individuals who were allegedly involved in assaulting the man being taken into custody by law enforcement. Ventura wrote: “The footage of the brutal assault was captured by myself and @FromKalen. We gave the footage to authorities and they arrested the 5 individuals who were responsible for the attack.”

The march itself was provocative. Right wing extremists trying to overthrow a democratic election and the Constitution of the US. Decent folk should not be inconvenienced by ignorant trash.

You really are have joe biden supporters openly cheating in this election and actually preventing people from checking ballots.........there is no attempt to over throw anything except by the democrat party ....they used the IRS, the FBI, CIA, DOJ and state department, working with actors from foreign countries including Russia and Australia to try to remove this President.......then, joe biden voters spent the last 7 months burning and looting cities and beating and murdering Trump supporters....that is the truth, you lying moron.

You can pretend all you want but the democrat party is the party of fascism and brown shirts, they have used violence their entire history and they are using violence now to silence people who oppose them...
Even trump has stated that Biden won.

Ignore the points about the fascist democrat party....
Moron. You think that guns make you safer. Im unlikely to take instruction from a character like you.

And they's hard for a woman to stop a rape without one.....or a murder.......

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2019...guess what happened...

New Concealed Carry Report For 2020: 19.48 Million Permit Holders, 820,000 More Than Last Year despite many states shutting down issuing permits because of the Coronavirus - Crime Prevention Research Center

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Charts.......two charts, one for murder, one for violent crime....both going down as more people were carrying guns for self defense.

ccw concealed carry vs murder rate chart

Courtesy Crime Prevention Research Center

John Lott has published his Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States: 2020 and there’s lots of good news in it.

  • The number of concealed handgun permits has soared to over 19.48 million – a 34% increase over 2016.
  • Seventeen states no longer provide data on all the people who are legally carrying a concealed handgun because people in those states no longer need a permit to carry.
  • Permits for women and minorities continue to increase at a much faster rate than for either men or whites.
  • Five states now have over 1 million permit holders: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Florida is the first state to have over 2 million permits.
And more. On personal note, I’m proud that my own state is one of those with a million-plus. That’s particularly impressive, because the last time I checked, we were only around 700,000; about 1 in 8 adults.

Other goods news is that chart above. It shows the murder rate has declined as the CCW rate increases. That’s not news to TTAG regulars, but it’s nice to see it confirmed for yet another year. In case some gun-grabbing type wants to argue that the murder rate trend is really almost flat, so it doesn’t mean anything, take a look at the CCW vs. violent crime trend. Concealed carry is up while violent crime down.

But the trend is even more noticeable, to the point where one cannot honestly deny it.

2020 CCW vs Violent Crime

Courtesy Crime Prevention Research Center

Data Reveals Murders and Violent Crime Decrease as More People Carry Guns - The Truth About Guns

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