“To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.”

Thank God

Only Americans should go to the inauguration, not Latin American tin-pot dictator wannabes.

I always expected Trump would not attend Biden’s inauguration but as a protest to an election he claims was stolen

But after Tuesday’s attack on Congress by a mob sent by Trump, it would be totally inappropriate for Trump to show his face.

I would like to see Mike Pence there representing the peaceful change in power.

Piss on Mike Dense as well. The stink on him from the tRump administration should never be allowed to leave him!!!
Thank God

Only Americans should go to the inauguration, not Latin American tin-pot dictator wannabes.

I always expected Trump would not attend Biden’s inauguration but as a protest to an election he claims was stolen

But after Tuesday’s attack on Congress by a mob sent by Trump, it would be totally inappropriate for Trump to show his face.

I would like to see Mike Pence there representing the peaceful change in power.

Piss on Mike Dense as well. The stink on him from the tRump administration should never be allowed to leave him!!!
His career is over
He bears he stink of providing cover for a disgraced President for four years

But how does Pence want to be remembered?
Loyal to Trump till the end or a man who stood up for his own values
I never supposed Trump would attend the Inauguration. And there is no reason he has to. He doesn't do losing.

Yup, he did not lose the stolen election.
You've been had... conned.
some people were conned. A small percentage

Most of us 75 million people believe the democrat's capitalized on COVID to allow for voting for those who otherwise would not take the time to vote because they had better things to do.

And whereas many of us are frustrated because our elected leaders refused to look into the possibility of wrong doing, and they left it up to the courts.... only a fool would think a judge wants her or his name to go down as the one who initiated the overturning of an election.

Sadly, whereas most of us know how to control our frustration, a few thousand could not and now all 75 million are defined by the few thousand.

You know...there was a time where the idea of a special counsel for the Russian collusion thing was not going to happen, and the left threw a fit...so one was appointed.

What if one wasn't? How would the left have reacted? Do you believe a few thousand would NOT have reacted with violence?

You know...in all fairness...when you have 75 million who think something was wrong, both sides should address it. The right with the collusion thing? Agreed to a special counsel.

The left with the voter thing? Simply criticized those that disagreed.

What ever happened to being human. We are not talking about conspiracy theorists. We are talking about 70 Million people.
I never supposed Trump would attend the Inauguration. And there is no reason he has to. He doesn't do losing.

Yup, he did not lose the stolen election.
You've been had... conned.
some people were conned. A small percentage

Most of us 75 million people believe the democrat's capitalized on COVID to allow for voting for those who otherwise would not take the time to vote because they had better things to do.

And whereas many of us are frustrated because our elected leaders refused to look into the possibility of wrong doing, and they left it up to the courts.... only a fool would think a judge wants her or his name to go down as the one who initiated the overturning of an election.

Sadly, whereas most of us know how to control our frustration, a few thousand could not and now all 75 million are defined by the few thousand.

You know...there was a time where the idea of a special counsel for the Russian collusion thing was not going to happen, and the left threw a fit...so one was appointed.

What if one wasn't? How would the left have reacted? Do you believe a few thousand would NOT have reacted with violence?

You know...in all fairness...when you have 75 million who think something was wrong, both sides should address it. The right with the collusion thing? Agreed to a special counsel.

The left with the voter thing? Simply criticized those that disagreed.

What ever happened to being human. We are not talking about conspiracy theorists. We are talking about 70 Million people.

I'm from Charleston.

The Anatomy of Leadership - A Sun Tzu perspective | CSO Online
In The Art of War, Sun Tzu characterized leadership as a mix of five traits: Intelligence, Credibility, Humaneness, Courage, and Discipline. Every organization is characterized by processes and...
I never supposed Trump would attend the Inauguration. And there is no reason he has to. He doesn't do losing.

Yup, he did not lose the stolen election.
You've been had... conned.
some people were conned. A small percentage

Most of us 75 million people believe the democrat's capitalized on COVID to allow for voting for those who otherwise would not take the time to vote because they had better things to do.

And whereas many of us are frustrated because our elected leaders refused to look into the possibility of wrong doing, and they left it up to the courts.... only a fool would think a judge wants her or his name to go down as the one who initiated the overturning of an election.

Sadly, whereas most of us know how to control our frustration, a few thousand could not and now all 75 million are defined by the few thousand.

You know...there was a time where the idea of a special counsel for the Russian collusion thing was not going to happen, and the left threw a fit...so one was appointed.

What if one wasn't? How would the left have reacted? Do you believe a few thousand would NOT have reacted with violence?

You know...in all fairness...when you have 75 million who think something was wrong, both sides should address it. The right with the collusion thing? Agreed to a special counsel.

The left with the voter thing? Simply criticized those that disagreed.

What ever happened to being human. We are not talking about conspiracy theorists. We are talking about 70 Million people.

I'm from Charleston.

The Anatomy of Leadership - A Sun Tzu perspective | CSO Online
In The Art of War, Sun Tzu characterized leadership as a mix of five traits: Intelligence, Credibility, Humaneness, Courage, and Discipline. Every organization is characterized by processes and...
Myrtle Beach.

Love it here.

Contrary to popular belief, some may express their political views in SC but none hold those views against anyone.
Myrtle Beach.

Love it here.

Contrary to popular belief, some may express their political views in SC but none hold those views against anyone.

Must be nice. I can remember when that was true around most of the country.
Myrtle Beach.

Love it here.

Contrary to popular belief, some may express their political views in SC but none hold those views against anyone.

Must be nice. I can remember when that was true around most of the country.
My own mother and Sister in NY were so devastated that I voted fro Trump, they did two things....first....both blasted me as a racist on facebook. Second...when I responded..."you know who I am and you know I am not a racist", the deleted my post and defriended me.

My mom...the one who told me the neighbors wont take kindly to you having a colored friend over to the house. My mom, who called the housekeeper "the girl"......my Sister who introduces all of her gay and lesbian friends to me as "this is my gay"..."or this is my lesbian" friend.

And me?

No one knew because it was irrelevant.....half my groomsmen at my wedding were gay.

But I am the racist homophobe xenophobe trumper.
Myrtle Beach.

Love it here.

Contrary to popular belief, some may express their political views in SC but none hold those views against anyone.

Must be nice. I can remember when that was true around most of the country.
My own mother and Sister in NY were so devastated that I voted fro Trump, they did two things....first....both blasted me as a racist on facebook. Second...when I responded..."you know who I am and you know I am not a racist", the deleted my post and defriended me.

My mom...the one who told me the neighbors wont take kindly to you having a colored friend over to the house. My mom, who called the housekeeper "the girl"......my Sister who introduces all of her gay and lesbian friends to me as "this is my gay"..."or this is my lesbian" friend.

And me?

No one knew because it was irrelevant.....half my groomsmen at my wedding were gay.

But I am the racist homophobe xenophobe trumper.

I am so sorry to hear you have had such trouble with your family. One reads of this sort of thing all the time lately! And I must say, I've seen some of it myself from the other direction, with some of my family.

I figured out --- after too long --- that loyalty to family and friends is much more important than loyalty to ideas. A lot of people don't go that way.
I never supposed Trump would attend the Inauguration. And there is no reason he has to. He doesn't do losing.

Yup, he did not lose the stolen election.
You've been had... conned.
some people were conned. A small percentage

Most of us 75 million people believe the democrat's capitalized on COVID to allow for voting for those who otherwise would not take the time to vote because they had better things to do.

And whereas many of us are frustrated because our elected leaders refused to look into the possibility of wrong doing, and they left it up to the courts.... only a fool would think a judge wants her or his name to go down as the one who initiated the overturning of an election.

Sadly, whereas most of us know how to control our frustration, a few thousand could not and now all 75 million are defined by the few thousand.

You know...there was a time where the idea of a special counsel for the Russian collusion thing was not going to happen, and the left threw a fit...so one was appointed.

What if one wasn't? How would the left have reacted? Do you believe a few thousand would NOT have reacted with violence?

You know...in all fairness...when you have 75 million who think something was wrong, both sides should address it. The right with the collusion thing? Agreed to a special counsel.

The left with the voter thing? Simply criticized those that disagreed.

What ever happened to being human. We are not talking about conspiracy theorists. We are talking about 70 Million people.

I'm from Charleston.

The Anatomy of Leadership - A Sun Tzu perspective | CSO Online
In The Art of War, Sun Tzu characterized leadership as a mix of five traits: Intelligence, Credibility, Humaneness, Courage, and Discipline. Every organization is characterized by processes and...
Myrtle Beach.

Love it here.

Contrary to popular belief, some may express their political views in SC but none hold those views against anyone.

Greenville here....And I think you are absolutely right SC Patriot...The right is trying like hell to hold on to their humanity, while the left could care less about theirs...They would just as soon see all of us who supported President Trump, jailed...
Myrtle Beach.

Love it here.

Contrary to popular belief, some may express their political views in SC but none hold those views against anyone.

Must be nice. I can remember when that was true around most of the country.
My own mother and Sister in NY were so devastated that I voted fro Trump, they did two things....first....both blasted me as a racist on facebook. Second...when I responded..."you know who I am and you know I am not a racist", the deleted my post and defriended me.

My mom...the one who told me the neighbors wont take kindly to you having a colored friend over to the house. My mom, who called the housekeeper "the girl"......my Sister who introduces all of her gay and lesbian friends to me as "this is my gay"..."or this is my lesbian" friend.

And me?

No one knew because it was irrelevant.....half my groomsmen at my wedding were gay.

But I am the racist homophobe xenophobe trumper.

I am so sorry to hear you have had such trouble with your family. One reads of this sort of thing all the time lately! And I must say, I've seen some of it myself from the other direction, with some of my family.

I figured out --- after too long --- that loyalty to family and friends is much more important than loyalty to ideas. A lot of people don't go that way.
wow. I have no idea where you stand ideologically or politically. I have not been on here long enough. But your words speak volumes. I actually had a friend on Facebook say the following....bear in mind....a good friend.....not one I reconnected with but will likely never see again....but a friend I would see weekly.....She said......."If you voted for Trump you have a character flaw and if I knew of this character flaw I would never be your friend." So I PM'd her and asked if she was serious and explained I did not vote for the most personable candidate but I voted for the one most aligned with my ideological values. She never responded but I found out via my wife that she (my wife) and I were deleted as her friends....and after 3 calls to her to explain myself went unanswered, we never spoke to her again.
Devastating. Sad. Good friendship. We were always there for her as she was for us. Her husband and I have a history of a strong friendship of trust. And poof. Done.
What happened?
I never supposed Trump would attend the Inauguration. And there is no reason he has to. He doesn't do losing.

Yup, he did not lose the stolen election.
You've been had... conned.
some people were conned. A small percentage

Most of us 75 million people believe the democrat's capitalized on COVID to allow for voting for those who otherwise would not take the time to vote because they had better things to do.

And whereas many of us are frustrated because our elected leaders refused to look into the possibility of wrong doing, and they left it up to the courts.... only a fool would think a judge wants her or his name to go down as the one who initiated the overturning of an election.

Sadly, whereas most of us know how to control our frustration, a few thousand could not and now all 75 million are defined by the few thousand.

You know...there was a time where the idea of a special counsel for the Russian collusion thing was not going to happen, and the left threw a fit...so one was appointed.

What if one wasn't? How would the left have reacted? Do you believe a few thousand would NOT have reacted with violence?

You know...in all fairness...when you have 75 million who think something was wrong, both sides should address it. The right with the collusion thing? Agreed to a special counsel.

The left with the voter thing? Simply criticized those that disagreed.

What ever happened to being human. We are not talking about conspiracy theorists. We are talking about 70 Million people.

I'm from Charleston.

The Anatomy of Leadership - A Sun Tzu perspective | CSO Online
In The Art of War, Sun Tzu characterized leadership as a mix of five traits: Intelligence, Credibility, Humaneness, Courage, and Discipline. Every organization is characterized by processes and...
Myrtle Beach.

Love it here.

Contrary to popular belief, some may express their political views in SC but none hold those views against anyone.

Greenville here....And I think you are absolutely right SC Patriot...The right is trying like hell to hold on to their humanity, while the left could care less about theirs...They would just as soon see all of us who supported President Trump, jailed...
Gotta love SC. Best move I ever made.
Blue are great down here...albeit were scary when I had NY plates......services a bit slow......moving forward in SC is moving in reverse in NY....but one thing I swear...I have not yet honked my horn down here.
And I love the Intracoastal!
Thank God

Only Americans should go to the inauguration, not Latin American tin-pot dictator wannabes.

I always expected Trump would not attend Biden’s inauguration but as a protest to an election he claims was stolen

But after Tuesday’s attack on Congress by a mob sent by Trump, it would be totally inappropriate for Trump to show his face.

I would like to see Mike Pence there representing the peaceful change in power.

Piss on Mike Dense as well. The stink on him from the tRump administration should never be allowed to leave him!!!
Mike Dense and tRump

All we nee to know about you, child.
Thank God

Only Americans should go to the inauguration, not Latin American tin-pot dictator wannabes.

I always expected Trump would not attend Biden’s inauguration but as a protest to an election he claims was stolen

But after Tuesday’s attack on Congress by a mob sent by Trump, it would be totally inappropriate for Trump to show his face.

I would like to see Mike Pence there representing the peaceful change in power.

Piss on Mike Dense as well. The stink on him from the tRump administration should never be allowed to leave him!!!
Mike Dense and tRump

All we nee to know about you, child.

And what sister?
And quite honestly, why should he ?
As for myself and 74,999,999 other Americans, Biden will be an illegitimate president in a stolen election.
View attachment 439380

Poor little you. Not enough butt-hurt cream in the world for you stupid idiots.
60 federal judges and the Supreme Court, AG Bill Barr and even Moscow Mitch say you are a bunch of duped idiots.

Trump is a coward.
This woman has bigger stones than Trump's tiny little sack.
Know where she is here in this picture?


That's right.
Trump's inauguration.

I never supposed Trump would attend the Inauguration. And there is no reason he has to. He doesn't do losing.

Yup, he did not lose the stolen election.
You've been had... conned.
some people were conned. A small percentage

Most of us 75 million people believe the democrat's capitalized on COVID to allow for voting for those who otherwise would not take the time to vote because they had better things to do.

And whereas many of us are frustrated because our elected leaders refused to look into the possibility of wrong doing, and they left it up to the courts.... only a fool would think a judge wants her or his name to go down as the one who initiated the overturning of an election.

Sadly, whereas most of us know how to control our frustration, a few thousand could not and now all 75 million are defined by the few thousand.

You know...there was a time where the idea of a special counsel for the Russian collusion thing was not going to happen, and the left threw a fit...so one was appointed.

What if one wasn't? How would the left have reacted? Do you believe a few thousand would NOT have reacted with violence?

You know...in all fairness...when you have 75 million who think something was wrong, both sides should address it. The right with the collusion thing? Agreed to a special counsel.

The left with the voter thing? Simply criticized those that disagreed.

What ever happened to being human. We are not talking about conspiracy theorists. We are talking about 70 Million people.
The 75 million are still here. Ready to make the earth shake if necessary.

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