To all of you who were offended by Trump

You have less English than I do, what is there to read? If problems never occurred under Trump how in the hell do you explain the normal conditions in 2020 after he declared a National Health Emergency like the dope he is?
By the way, I realize that you have a problem with English, so Ill put it very simple, for a simple guy like you.
I don’t give a shit about anything you have to say!
It seems your taking offense to "inept leadership", "creating lies" and "angry mobs" is incredibly choosy, and filtered through a mainstream media partisan lens.

And the most ridiculous part is, you probably have absolutely no idea what I'm even referencing.
The voters made it clear about Trump’s inept leadership in Nov 2020
Trump proved them right in his childish tantrums after losing
Oh! The benefits of being on the corrupt, cheating, stealing, lying Leftist team

Thank your lucky stars that conservatives have pledged allegiance to the Do Nothing oath.
You may now continue abusing them and laughing at them freely
Sorry Skippy
But I don’t indulge in stolen election fantasies
To all of you who were offended by Trumps mean tweets...


that's the least of donny's transgressions that is worthy of offense.

trump defrauded people outa their hard earned cash for his sham 'university'.

trump stole donations from his sham ' charity foundation' & used it as his own personal piggy bank.

trump tried to steal an old woman's home & property thru eminet domain, so he could bulldoze & pave it over to build a limo parking lot for his now bankrupted casino.

trump pardoned the man who defrauded his own deplorable base outa their cash for a sham ' build the wall ' conjob.

trump bragged about grabbing women by the p*ssy because he was a star.

trump banged a porn star ... with no protection a mere 4 months after his 3rd wife gave birth to his 5th spawn, possibly infecting them with some nasty STD.

trump bragged about going into the dressing rooms of teenage girls to 'inspect' them during his pageants.

trump is now under investigation for insurance & bank fraud CONcerning his NYS properties.

^^^ those ^^^ were just a few right off the top of my head.

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