To be fair….The Russia Collusion lie is no different than Trumps election lie

Yes, yes. Ds are bad, mkay. And in response we MUST vote for whatever piece of shit Rs serve up - uh... because we're fucking morons?
who's ignoring it? Jan 6 bullshit is .....demofks. dude, you can down play all the shit you want. Facts are simply facts and that really seems to bother your fking sore ass.

Traditional republicans, rightly, rejected the social engineering of the left. But the culture wars have prompted them to respond in kind. Now, they essentially They just have different ideas of how that should go down.
Give me an example of Republicans agree that government should have the final say, on pretty much everything.
No stupid, Comey laid out numerous felonies Hitlery clearly committed, then he rewrote the law, inserted “intent”, and unilaterally determined she didn’t intend to have a home brew server in her basement full of classified info. Only brain dead morons like you buy that shit, Dumbass.
Abortion. Education. Social media. etc, etc ..
Abortion - It has always been the jurisdiction of government to protect life.

Education - Republicans still want school choice and a move away from at a minimum federal government control of education.

Social media? You'll need to expound of that one. If you mean the position that social media is an extension of the town square and algorithmic manipulation to amplify one opinion and silence the other should not be tolerated... that used to be the standard of all Americans.
Abortion - It has always been the jurisdiction of government to protect life.
Nope. It doesn't matter what you imagine is happening inside my body. It's just none of you fucking business.
Education - Republicans still want school choice and a move away from at a minimum federal government control of education.
Tell Desantis.
Social media? You'll need to expound of that one.
All the horseshit excuses for forcing them to host Trump's propaganda.

C'mon. Just admit it. You guys have zero genuine principles. You just want power. Power to tell others how to live. Just like your kissing cousins on the left.
There was no collusion lie. That the trumpybear campaign colluded with Russians is indisputable. You see collusion with Russians is simply not a crime. Mueller could not prove that the level of collusion rose to that of a criminal conspiracy.

Whereas Trumpyberra's BigLie was an integral part of his effort to overturn a few of the State elections on multiple levels, just enough to give him the victory over the legitimate winner of the 50 states.
Its no secret Im liberal. I wanted Bernie. I despise Trump…..and, I despised Hillary. Two wolves in the same pack who happened to compete against each other if you ask me.

So, for the sake of being fair and honest, I have to say, if they’re gonna prosecute Trump for election lies, then they should do the same to Hillary. She and her circle of allies lied to us about Russia. So did the FBI (law enforcement, so to be expected). All to unseat an elected president. If one lie to change an election is illegal, so is the other.

Ive said we need to move on from Trump because if we dont we WILL lose to either him or Desantis. Poor people and young people on the ground are hurting economically and THIS wont fix any of that.

Trump lied to try to overturn an election??? Yeah??? So did Hillary Clinton, the FBI, the CIA, and half the elected officials who sat in on the classified meetings where tbey heard there was actually no collusion.

Sorry but we all have to be honest and fair. Know who didnt lie? Bernie Sanders. And pre-Fox News version Tulsi Gabbard. She warned us about Hillary in the primaries.
So did the GOP led Senate Committee lie too...

There is proof of the Trump Campaign giving information to Russian Spies and receiving help... This is from GOP, please apply the same standard of proof...
Whereas Trumpyberra's BigLie was an integral part of his effort to overturn a few of the State elections on multiple levels, just enough to give him the victory over the legitimate winner of the 50 states.
Not just the big lie, but the big scam. Trump raised hundreds of millions of dollars, while spending less than ten million on his election fight.
If Trump is indicted it won't be for lying. It will be for conspiring to break the law and actually doing so. Your specious assertion about Hillary is just another right wing conspiracy theory circulated to try to create a false equivalence where no equivalence exists.

Please don't bother making erroneous claims about yourself to try to earn some credibility in your remarks. We can see right through you.
Hillary Clinton sent classified material over an unsecured email server, that's a fact. The excuse made was she didn't know any better even though she has been in politics for decades. I managed classified email servers and networks in the military even the lowest Pvt. knew better if they had sent anything over an unsecured network they would have been breaking big rocks in to little ones at Fort Leavenworth.

Nope. It doesn't matter what you imagine is happening inside my body. It's just none of you fucking business
That person is not you, it is it’s own entity, killing it is murder.

There are other incubators. Ask any hospital.
Not just the big lie, but the big scam. Trump raised hundreds of millions of dollars, while spending less than ten million on his election fight.
Well, a fool an his money are soon parted......So sad for the Neo-GOP flock. So sad, I think. A lot of people are starting to think that way too. They're every where ya know. Talking about
If it's inside my body - it's mine. And none of your business. Period.
nope, it has its own heart and DNA, it's not you. It's why they call it a double murder when a pregnant woman is killed.

Your science sucks. I'd go complain to the school district you went to.
Hillary Clinton sent classified material over an unsecured email server, that's a fact. The excuse made was she didn't know any better even though she has been in politics for decades. I managed classified email servers and networks in the military even the lowest Pvt. knew better if they had sent anything over an unsecured network they would have been breaking big rocks in to little ones at Fort Leavenworth.

So did the three Sec of State before her....

It also turns out that her server was actually more secure than the State Dept email server which was hacked...

But if you so worried about this then lets have equal justice...
Trump used unsecure phones - ‘Too inconvenient’: Trump goes rogue on phone security
Ivanka used her own Email (not Government one), ditto Jared
Bush Admin used a GOP email server and then wiped it...

There sure is a lot of people to goto jail with Hillary...
It also turns out that her server was actually more secure than the State Dept email server which was hacked...
it's illegal. Plain and simple.

Go ahead and Name another SEC of STate who had a personal server at home. You failed that task in your previous post.
Doesn't matter. Call it whatever you want. If it's inside my body, it's my property and none of your fucking business.
it's its ownself and not you. YOu're messing with me, I don't back away from your kind of stupid.

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