To be fair….The Russia Collusion lie is no different than Trumps election lie

Russian collusion is real. 9 people were found guilty and went to jail over it.

Hillary Clinton did NOTHING illegal which has been confirmed by more than 25 investigations.

Donald Trump has been found guilty or “settled” every crime he’s been accused of including fraud, stealing funds from his own charity, and evading taxes.

There is no comparison between these two people. One is a proven criminal and the other has never been charged with a crime.
Not a single person went to jail over Russian collusion Dragonlady

You are the biggest lying sack of shit to ever log onto the innerwebs.
I thought the definition of a “witchhunt” is an investigation which produces nothing and find no crimes. By definition the Trump investigations are very successful investigations producing dozens of charges, more than 100 convictions plus numerous guilty pleas and cooperation agreements.

You can scream witchhunt to the high heavens but the proof is in the convictions. Trump ran a lawless administration and ended it with an attempted insurrection. Criminal from top to bottom.

Even the Durham investigation was only able to snare a single Clinton associate, and the jury unanimously found Sussmann not guilty.
Its no secret Im liberal. I wanted Bernie. I despise Trump…..and, I despised Hillary. Two wolves in the same pack who happened to compete against each other if you ask me.

So, for the sake of being fair and honest, I have to say, if they’re gonna prosecute Trump for election lies, then they should do the same to Hillary. She and her circle of allies lied to us about Russia. So did the FBI (law enforcement, so to be expected). All to unseat an elected president. If one lie to change an election is illegal, so is the other.

Ive said we need to move on from Trump because if we dont we WILL lose to either him or Desantis. Poor people and young people on the ground are hurting economically and THIS wont fix any of that.

Trump lied to try to overturn an election??? Yeah??? So did Hillary Clinton, the FBI, the CIA, and half the elected officials who sat in on the classified meetings where tbey heard there was actually no collusion.

Sorry but we all have to be honest and fair. Know who didnt lie? Bernie Sanders. And pre-Fox News version Tulsi Gabbard. She warned us about Hillary in the primaries.
pre-fox news.

lord get off your identity bullshit.
who is that?

Mueller wrote a report and said nope!! why do you think he lied? Canadian.

Mueller didn’t lie but you most certainly are lying.

Mueller wrote a Report and said that there was “insufficient evidence” to obtain a conviction. He didn’t say “no evidence”. He also said that the Russians kept their distance because the Trump Campaign was too chaotic and incompetent and they didn’t trust Trump not to blow it.

Furthermore, Roger Stone, Flynn, Paul Manafort, and others lied in their testimony, and they’re the guys that had the closest connection to Russia.

Stone was openly bragging about his contacts with Guccifer and posted comments on the Podesta emails hours BEFORE Wiki-leaks published them.
It's getting worse and worse - do you deny it?

Let's observe how Democrats react after they lose Congress this fall. I think we both know there will be much "weeping and gnashing of teeth". And how can we blame them? When it comes to defending liberty, we have to be ready to say "no" to government, regardless of the will of the majority.
You compare weeping and gnashing of teeth to an armed insurrection against the capitol?
Mueller wrote a Report and said that there was “insufficient evidence” to obtain a conviction. He didn’t say “no evidence”. He also said that the Russians kept their distance because the Trump Campaign was too chaotic and incompetent and they didn’t trust Trump not to blow it.
canadian, you stated people went to jail for it. Who? Again, Mueller's report said no one colluded. So why are you lying?
We’ll agree to disagree on most of that. However I agree both elections were contested on false information. If they prosecute Trump for that, I fear no election will ever be able to be contested again without prosecution following.

I despise Trump and the GOP. But I love our democracy and I just dont think its smart or fair to prosecute one loser for challenging the loss based on a lie….when we didnt do the same to Hillary, the FBI, the CIA or elected officials who sold the Russia nonsense
Well, you're ignoring a pretty big fact.

When HRC and DJT ran in 2016, both were private citizens. None held political office. So if HRC in 2016 had pulled what the blob did in 2020--trying to pressure government officials to act on his behalf (let alone his knowing that he lost)--you couldn't charge her with abuse of power since...ya know...she had no power.

A sitting President pressuring other elected officials to act a certain way can be construed as abuse of power.

HRC also didn't, TTBOMK, start a legal defense fund to try to overturn the election and pocket the money.
You compare weeping and gnashing of teeth to an armed insurrection against the capitol?
I'm making a point about the increasingly divided and dysfunctional state of our nation. But you're doing the denial dance. Have fun!
If Trump is indicted it won't be for lying. It will be for conspiring to break the law and actually doing so. Your specious assertion about Hillary is just another right wing conspiracy theory circulated to try to create a false equivalence where no equivalence exists.

Please don't bother making erroneous claims about yourself to try to earn some credibility in your remarks. We can see right through you.
Peach is okay. But he/she is just seriously mistaken on this front.

There is a very large difference between a sitting President trying to pressure other elected officials and a private citizen (which is what HRC was in 2016) making claims of an improper election.
canadian, you stated people went to jail for it. Who? Again, Mueller's report said no one colluded. So why are you lying?

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report focuses only on whether crimes were committed. It addresses two Russian conspiracies to interfere in the 2016 election—one involving a social media influence campaign and the other involving the hacking and dissemination of stolen emails. The Report then addresses whether Trump Campaign associates knowingly entered an agreement with the Russian government to assist those conspiracies.
It's getting worse and worse - do you deny it?

Let's observe how Democrats react after they lose Congress this fall. I think we both know there will be much "weeping and gnashing of teeth". And how can we blame them? When it comes to defending liberty, we have to be ready to say "no" to government, regardless of the will of the majority.

Has there been a case where the Democrats have refused to handover power to the Republican who beat them in an election?

It’s getting worse because Republicans are refusing to except majority rule. The Republican party is whipping up anger and resentment based on “replacement theory” and lying to Americans about immigration.

Look at the votes that Donald Trump is trying to exclude from the election. The votes from Detroit, Philadelphia and Phoenix. Minority inner-city votes were the ones that Trump was claiming were “illegitimate” and needed to be tossed out.

Polling stations have been closed in over 1000 locations in poor and minority neighbourhoods in red states since the voting rights act was allowed to expire. This is why Black people are standing in line for hours and hours to vote in white people are in and out in 10 minutes.
Its no secret Im liberal. I wanted Bernie. I despise Trump…..and, I despised Hillary. Two wolves in the same pack who happened to compete against each other if you ask me.

So, for the sake of being fair and honest, I have to say, if they’re gonna prosecute Trump for election lies, then they should do the same to Hillary. She and her circle of allies lied to us about Russia. So did the FBI (law enforcement, so to be expected). All to unseat an elected president. If one lie to change an election is illegal, so is the other.

Ive said we need to move on from Trump because if we dont we WILL lose to either him or Desantis. Poor people and young people on the ground are hurting economically and THIS wont fix any of that.

Trump lied to try to overturn an election??? Yeah??? So did Hillary Clinton, the FBI, the CIA, and half the elected officials who sat in on the classified meetings where tbey heard there was actually no collusion.

Sorry but we all have to be honest and fair. Know who didnt lie? Bernie Sanders. And pre-Fox News version Tulsi Gabbard. She warned us about Hillary in the primaries.

if you COMPLETELY ISOLATE Hillary Clinton's Russian Cillusion and Russian Bank lies from every other single thing that followed then you could talk yourself into believing that Hillary's actions were no different from Trump's....

...but that requires a HELLUVA lot of ISOLATION.

Hillary's actions constituted / included / evolved into an historic tsunami of crime, sedition, and even treason. She set the stage for all of it, created the 'plague', then turned it loose.

Sorry, but Hillary is responsible for the largest criminal political scandal in US history.

Evidence shows our own Intel warned - TOLD - Obama she was going to do this. Instead of turning it off, he put the full weight of his administration behind it in an attempt to help her pull it off.

If you wanted to argue, based on this fact, that Obama is the larger, greater, seditious, treasonous villain really responsible for everything after Hillary 'green-lighting' Sussmann taking the initial BS propaganda to Baker / the FBI then I would not fight you a great deal. It was Barry's choice, at that point, to go ahead with the scandal or not. He chose to do so.

Rosenstein - Hillary's associate - was the pupetmaster behind the Mueller investigation, one evidence shows was unnecessary because the FBI had already done an internal investigation and found there was NOTHING to Hillary's Russian Collusion hoax -- Just as our Intel warned Obama, and just as FBI Agent Page had testified to.

Roaenstein, however, was working for / with Hillary. She didn't just drop some propaganda to let it unfold on its own She had a hand in things pretty much all the way through, even if the lion's share was being done by surrogates and others who had their own agenda and use for her initiated propaganda.

THIS period, THIS scandal was the darkest, most criminal, in our nation's govt's history - a time when a sitting President and his administration

- Defrauded the FISA Court

- Illegally spied on Americans

- Targeted Americans

- Abused the power if the US govt for personal / party gain

- Committed Espionage

- Committed Consiracy

- Committed Fraud

- Committed Perjury

- Committed Sedition

- Committed TREASON

NONE of what Hillary ... and Obama and his administration ... did can be minimized / excused / justified to the point of calling it 'the same as what President Trump did'

....then again, I'm not a TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed / hating liberal extremist snowflake.
I'm making a point about the increasingly divided and dysfunctional state of our nation. But you're doing the denial dance. Have fun!
It's like comparing somebody who doesn't like school, writing a derogatory essay, to someone shooting up the school.
Your entire post is based on your feelings of animus towards Joe Biden and not on anything rational reasonable that people would vote on. Trump failed at everything he touched and he destroyed the nation in the process. The American people wouldn’t elect him dogcatcher at this point.

Trump is being exposed for the liar, the grifter, and the con man that he truly is and he will be lucky to stay out of jail after all of this is over.

I can’t believe you people were stupid enough to elect this jerk in the first place. All you had to do was look at his business record for the last 40 years to realize that he was a phoney.
You elected a cuck Dictator who throws people in prison and seizes their property if they disagree with him.

Clean up your shithole country and STFU about America.
You know that Trump totally screwed up the response to COVID. Even warp speed was too little too late, after he promised COVID would go away by itself by Easter 2020.

Going into the 2020 elections, it was our "winter of discontent"
Trump got vaccines to market in record time. We were vaccinating one million per day….the goal your Vegetable Messiah put for himself 100 Days into his regime.:cuckoo:

There have been more deaths on your Vegetable Messiah’s watch with all of Trump’s vaccines than under Trump.
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Every Republican investigation of Hillary Clinton has started with Republicans circulating rumours about Hillary Clinton and then launching an investigation to prove that the rumours they started about her are true. When the investigation finds nothing, Republicans continue to claim she committed the crime they couldn’t find. And then they launch another investigation into another rumour.

Dunham’s entire investigation was undertaken to prove the Trump lie that his campaign was spied on by the Obama White House and the Deep State. That the FBI was out to get Trump.

It’s been more than 4 years and Dunham has found nothing. Trump’s allegations have lead to multiple lawsuits by former FBI employees for violations of the rights including Free Speech, and Privacy. Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page, Peter Strzok.

Democrats investigate actual crimes. Republicans investigate rumours they made up. Then Republicans whine that Democrats are getting away with things.

Democrats aren’t getting away with things, they aren’t doing the things that the Republicans tell you they’re doing.

Democrats didn’t rig the election. Democrats didn’t steal the election. Democrats won the election fair and square.

That’s why there was no evidence that the election was stolen. Because it wasn’t. Once again Republicans demand investigations of Republican rumours that the election was stolen, and finding nothing they continue to claim the Democrats are getting away with it.
Dunham? Who the fuck is That?
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Hillary Clinton didn’t even talk to the FBI on this one. The lawyer didn’t lie to the FBI either. That was proven in court. That’s why the case was tossed. It was a bullshit charge in the first place.
I see, so if the FBI refuses to talk to corrupt politicians like that then everything is Ok even though it is THEIR JOB to investigate them

Meanwhile, she is allowed to lie to the world?

Sounds fair to me

How's that social justice coming partisan stooge?

Anything for the party, just like in the CCP and former USSR.

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