To be fair….The Russia Collusion lie is no different than Trumps election lie

Hillary Clinton didn’t even talk to the FBI on this one. The lawyer didn’t lie to the FBI either. That was proven in court. That’s why the case was tossed. It was a bullshit charge in the first place.
No stupid, Comey laid out numerous felonies Hitlery clearly committed, then he rewrote the law, inserted “intent”, and unilaterally determined she didn’t intend to have a home brew server in her basement full of classified info. Only brain dead morons like you buy that shit, Dumbass.
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canadian, you stated people went to jail for it. Who? Again, Mueller's report said no one colluded. So why are you lying?
Lying is all she does. Every one of her posts is 100% vullshit and lies.
canadian, you stated people went to jail for it. Who? Again, Mueller's report said no one colluded. So why are you lying?
IT is lying because IT is a Godless DemNazi and Propagandist for The Groomercrat Party. If IT and her allies did not LIE, not a single one of them would ever win political office if America found out what they are REALLY ABOUT!
You elected a cuck Dictator who throws people in prison and seizes their property if they disagree with him.

Clean up your shithole country and STFU about America.
Just to defend her a little bit, Canada isn't all that bad when you consider how many people Cuck Dictator Biden and Pelosi and their Marxist Master and their weaponization of our Government have thrown in jail and ruined their lives.

Where do you think Russian Collusion came from, The Subpoena Cannon, and Operation COVID Election Theft came from?
It's like comparing somebody who doesn't like school, writing a derogatory essay, to someone shooting up the school.
It's like arguing with someone who can't see anything outside their partisan lens. I hear you. Ds are good, Rs are bad, mkay?

if you COMPLETELY ISOLATE Hillary Clinton's Russian Cillusion and Russian Bank lies from every other single thing that followed then you could talk yourself into believing that Hillary's actions were no different from Trump's....

...but that requires a HELLUVA lot of ISOLATION.

Hillary's actions constituted / included / evolved into an historic tsunami of crime, sedition, and even treason. She set the stage for all of it, created the 'plague', then turned it loose.

Sorry, but Hillary is responsible for the largest criminal political scandal in US history.

Evidence shows our own Intel warned - TOLD - Obama she was going to do this. Instead of turning it off, he put the full weight of his administration behind it in an attempt to help her pull it off.

If you wanted to argue, based on this fact, that Obama is the larger, greater, seditious, treasonous villain really responsible for everything after Hillary 'green-lighting' Sussmann taking the initial BS propaganda to Baker / the FBI then I would not fight you a great deal. It was Barry's choice, at that point, to go ahead with the scandal or not. He chose to do so.

Rosenstein - Hillary's associate - was the pupetmaster behind the Mueller investigation, one evidence shows was unnecessary because the FBI had already done an internal investigation and found there was NOTHING to Hillary's Russian Collusion hoax -- Just as our Intel warned Obama, and just as FBI Agent Page had testified to.

Roaenstein, however, was working for / with Hillary. She didn't just drop some propaganda to let it unfold on its own She had a hand in things pretty much all the way through, even if the lion's share was being done by surrogates and others who had their own agenda and use for her initiated propaganda.

THIS period, THIS scandal was the darkest, most criminal, in our nation's govt's history - a time when a sitting President and his administration

- Defrauded the FISA Court

- Illegally spied on Americans

- Targeted Americans

- Abused the power if the US govt for personal / party gain

- Committed Espionage

- Committed Consiracy

- Committed Fraud

- Committed Perjury

- Committed Sedition

- Committed TREASON

NONE of what Hillary ... and Obama and his administration ... did can be minimized / excused / justified to the point of calling it 'the same as what President Trump did'

....then again, I'm not a TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed / hating liberal extremist snowflake.

You’ve been telling us about the crimes of Hillary Clinton now since you joined this board. You’ve been absolutely rabid on the subject and you’ve proven nothing, other than you’re a Russian propaganda specialist.

If Hillary had known any of those things Republicans would’ve locked her up years ago but instead you keep investigating the Clintons based on Republican rumours and not based on any facts or actual things that the Clintons have done.

Republicans keep getting thrown in jail because they’re actually doing the things that Democrats accuse them of having done. That’s because Democrats wait until Republicans commit a crime before they make accusations. You might try that sometime
The "Russia collusion" scam was part of an attempted coup. How can you compare it to claims about election fraud?
You elected a cuck Dictator who throws people in prison and seizes their property if they disagree with him.

Clean up your shithole country and STFU about America.

You elected a criminal con man who sexually assaults women and brags about it.

Please spare me your childish sexually charged “cuck” language. Trump and the rest of his Republican buddies all have wives who are screwing around on them and that is a definition of a cuck.

Stone likes to watch his wife with other men. Maybe he likes the other men better than he likes his wife. Cucks and betas are your hero’s.

Why don’t you have a job fuck boy? How come you’re here all the time? So stupid you can’t get anyone to hire you even in this economic climate I guess.
I see, so if the FBI refuses to talk to corrupt politicians like that then everything is Ok even though it is THEIR JOB to investigate them
Investigate her for what? I'm not sure I'm up on the latest wacky conspiracy theory so please fill me in.
The "Russia collusion" scam
Not a scam. Please inform yourself.

Trump got vaccines to market in record time.

Unfortunately Trump promised them before election day.

Time after time Trump would announce that COVID would be ended, and time after time his claims slipped into oblivion.

People got tired of Trump promising, and seeing very little of Trump doing.
No stupid, Comey laid out numerous felonies Hitlery clearly committed, then he rewrote the law, inserted “intent”, and unilaterally determined she didn’t intend to have a home brew server in her basement full of classified info. Only brain dead morons like you buy that shit, Dumbass.
Actually Comey didn't rewrite the law, the US Supreme Court rewrote the law

Many commentators have criticized Comey’s decision, arguing the statute Clinton was accused of violating, 18 U.S.C. § 793(f), requires only “gross negligence,” not intent

Even though the plain language of the statute reads “gross negligence,” the Supreme Court has essentially rewritten the statue to require intent to sustain a conviction.

In Gorin v. United States (1941), the Supreme Court heard a challenge to a conviction of a Navy intelligence official who sold classified material to the Soviet Union on Japanese intelligence operations in the United States. In that case, the defendant was charged with selling information “relating to the national defense” to a foreign power. The defendant argued on appeal that the phrase “relating to the national defense” was unconstitutionally vague, so much so that the defendant was deprived of the ability to predetermine whether his actions were a crime.

Justice Stanley Reed wrote the majority opinion and disagreed that the law was unconstitutionally vague, but only on the very narrow grounds that the law required “intent or reason to believe that the information to be obtained is to be used to the injury of the United States.” Only because the court read the law to require scienter, or bad faith, before a conviction could be sustained was the law constitutional.
Its no secret Im liberal. I wanted Bernie. I despise Trump…..and, I despised Hillary. Two wolves in the same pack who happened to compete against each other if you ask me.

So, for the sake of being fair and honest, I have to say, if they’re gonna prosecute Trump for election lies, then they should do the same to Hillary. She and her circle of allies lied to us about Russia. So did the FBI (law enforcement, so to be expected). All to unseat an elected president. If one lie to change an election is illegal, so is the other.

Ive said we need to move on from Trump because if we dont we WILL lose to either him or Desantis. Poor people and young people on the ground are hurting economically and THIS wont fix any of that.

Trump lied to try to overturn an election??? Yeah??? So did Hillary Clinton, the FBI, the CIA, and half the elected officials who sat in on the classified meetings where tbey heard there was actually no collusion.

Sorry but we all have to be honest and fair. Know who didnt lie? Bernie Sanders. And pre-Fox News version Tulsi Gabbard. She warned us about Hillary in the primaries.
You're only roughly six years late in this admission...but I'll give you a A+ for thowing two enemies under the same bus...kudos for that.

You ever think that Trump supporters are just using the Dem playbook?

And 'lo and works better for us then it did for them.



Its no secret Im liberal. I wanted Bernie. I despise Trump…..and, I despised Hillary. Two wolves in the same pack who happened to compete against each other if you ask me.

So, for the sake of being fair and honest, I have to say, if they’re gonna prosecute Trump for election lies, then they should do the same to Hillary. She and her circle of allies lied to us about Russia. So did the FBI (law enforcement, so to be expected). All to unseat an elected president. If one lie to change an election is illegal, so is the other.

Ive said we need to move on from Trump because if we dont we WILL lose to either him or Desantis. Poor people and young people on the ground are hurting economically and THIS wont fix any of that.

Trump lied to try to overturn an election??? Yeah??? So did Hillary Clinton, the FBI, the CIA, and half the elected officials who sat in on the classified meetings where tbey heard there was actually no collusion.

Sorry but we all have to be honest and fair. Know who didnt lie? Bernie Sanders. And pre-Fox News version Tulsi Gabbard. She warned us about Hillary in the primaries.
Damn is there 1 minute goes by that you leftist don't give it a rest. We are sicken by this Trump did this, Trump did that . You need to take another look at what Joe has done then shut up. All you low IQed voters have assured the re-election of Trump and I'm looking forward to your snivelin, whinin, and cryin as he puts the nation back together Joe has ripped apart. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Damn is there 1 minute goes by that you leftist don't give it a rest. We are sicken by this Trump did this, Trump did that . You need to take another look at what Joe has done then shut up. All you low IQed voters have assured the re-election of Trump and I'm looking forward to your snivelin, whinin, and cryin as he puts the nation back together Joe has ripped apart. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Sigh... are we really so fucking stupid, as a society, that we're doomed to repeating this shit over and over again?
You ever think that Trump supporters are just using the Dem playbook?

Traditional republicans, rightly, rejected the social engineering of the left. But the culture wars have prompted them to respond in kind. Now, they essentially agree with Dems that government should have the final say, on pretty much everything. They just have different ideas of how that should go down.
You’ve been telling us about the crimes of Hillary Clinton now since you joined this board. You’ve been absolutely rabid on the subject and you’ve proven nothing, other than you’re a Russian propaganda specialist.

If Hillary had known any of those things Republicans would’ve locked her up years ago but instead you keep investigating the Clintons based on Republican rumours and not based on any facts or actual things that the Clintons have done.

Republicans keep getting thrown in jail because they’re actually doing the things that Democrats accuse them of having done. That’s because Democrats wait until Republicans commit a crime before they make accusations. You might try that sometime
you really didn't write that straight did You?

James Comey. Look into what he reported on Hitlery. too fking funny. It's like life didn't exist until today for you fkers. wow.
Sigh... are we really so fucking stupid, as a society, that we're doomed to repeating this shit over and over again?
$5.39 for a gallon of gas today!!!

Meat prices pound of hamburger over $9.00 a pound.

Baby Formula

Vaccines that don't work.

Still waiting on why a vaccinated person is so fking afraid of a non vaxed person. Still crickets.

BTW, nothing that came from a conservative.
$5.39 for a gallon of gas today!!!

Meat prices pound of hamburger over $9.00 a pound.

Baby Formula

Vaccines that don't work.

Still waiting on why a vaccinated person is so fking afraid of a non vaxed person. Still crickets.

BTW, nothing that came from a conservative.
Yes, yes. Ds are bad, mkay. And in response we MUST vote for whatever piece of shit Rs serve up - uh... because we're fucking morons?
The stolen election has become the default excuse for both sides when they lose an election they didn’t think they would. The 2000 election was not stolen from Al Gore the 2016 election was not stolen from Hillary Clinton and the 2020 election was not stolen from Trump.

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