To my fellow conservatives/libertarians/Tea party members here on U.S., happy Thanksgiving....

america is divided even for thanksgiving

If it were up to liberals, there would BE no Thanksgiving. They hate America and American traditions and values. It's all quite psychological though. These are people who always felt like they were on the "outside" looking in, and so they embrace that role and take it hyperbolic levels of ridiculousness.
Maybe you shouldn't try speaking for people you don't know. What you said is what is "hyperbolic to the level of ridiculousness." You should know better.
america is divided even for thanksgiving

If it were up to liberals, there would BE no Thanksgiving. They hate America and American traditions and values. It's all quite psychological though. These are people who always felt like they were on the "outside" looking in, and so they embrace that role and take it hyperbolic levels of ridiculousness.
Maybe you shouldn't try speaking for people you don't know. What you said is what is "hyperbolic to the level of ridiculousness." You should know better.

Maybe you don't read the posts here? :eusa_hand:
Happy Thanksgiving. We should be thankful that Trump won and sparked rejection of the left around the world.
I see, in other words blame Bush for keeping what Bill Clinton set up, and what congressional democrats approved of, going. Also blame Bush for what the head of an independent agency does

Blame Bush for not keeping what Clinton set up. Bush was the one who appointed hacks and cronies to run the federal agencies. Ones who were totally in bed with the bad actors.

Name one democrat in 2006 who was warning of the disaster, just one prominent liberal who hated the housing bubble and was calling for an end. You can't, but it doesn't matter, you are going to blame bush no matter what.

Paul Krugman warned about the Housing Bubble years before it happened.

I just showed you Cox was approved by Harry Reid. Barney Frank vigorously defended Fanny and Freddy when repubs were pointing out problems. The housing bubble began under Clinton and he deregulated banking, if you don't get that then again you are too stupid to have a discussion with. Your simple liberal mind must find a way to blame bush, I understand.

LOTS of people knew about the bubble, no democrat did a damn thing even though they had the house.
to all the left wing totalitarians here on U.S. messageboard....may you one day become a conservative, libertarian, Tea Party you can actually understand what this day is actually about.....

actually, I used to be conservative, until I figured out a working person voting republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

then you aint working, because real working people like to keep their income

I'd rather keep my savings and equity. What's the use keeping your income if your home equity and stocks are in the toilet?

Republicans: picking up the peanuts while being trampled by elephants.

Housing prices were in a bubble dumbass, they needed to correct, your 'equity' was artificially pumped up. Stocks came right back as they always do, I guess you were one of the stupid ones who sold at the bottom.

IN any event you have no right to cap gains, it is all risky, your entitled attitude is indicative of a liberal
america is divided even for thanksgiving

If it were up to liberals, there would BE no Thanksgiving. They hate America and American traditions and values. It's all quite psychological though. These are people who always felt like they were on the "outside" looking in, and so they embrace that role and take it hyperbolic levels of ridiculousness.
Maybe you shouldn't try speaking for people you don't know. What you said is what is "hyperbolic to the level of ridiculousness." You should know better.

Maybe you don't read the posts here? :eusa_hand:
Some. I'm a liberal though so I strongly protest your assessment.
to all the left wing totalitarians here on U.S. messageboard....may you one day become a conservative, libertarian, Tea Party you can actually understand what this day is actually about.....

actually, I used to be conservative, until I figured out a working person voting republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

then you aint working, because real working people like to keep their income

I'd rather keep my savings and equity. What's the use keeping your income if your home equity and stocks are in the toilet?

Republicans: picking up the peanuts while being trampled by elephants.

If you have low income how exactly would you acquire a house or savings?
Typical leftist. Fuck everyone thats just starting out. I got mine.
If it were up to liberals, there would BE no Thanksgiving. They hate America and American traditions and values. It's all quite psychological though. These are people who always felt like they were on the "outside" looking in, and so they embrace that role and take it hyperbolic levels of ridiculousness.

Oooookay. You see, when I celebrate thanksgiving, I celebrate that I am spending time with my family, even my union thug brother who voted for Trump because Bernie didn't win, and he doesn't understand why socialism and nazism are bad things.

I am not celebrating that 400 years ago, some religious assholes thanked the Indians for saving them from Starvation by genociding the shit out of them, because that's kind of depressing, actually.
Not this tired argument again.
What exactly do we have to show for the massive debt? Stop pissing away our tax dollars.

why should they do that? You see, I keep asking you guys to give me numbers on what you would cut, and while you do find a program here or there that wastes money or helps poor people, the three biggest ticket items- Social Security, Medicare and Defense- take up most of the budget.

I just showed you Cox was approved by Harry Reid. Barney Frank vigorously defended Fanny and Freddy when repubs were pointing out problems. The housing bubble began under Clinton and he deregulated banking, if you don't get that then again you are too stupid to have a discussion with. Your simple liberal mind must find a way to blame bush, I understand.

I know, to hear you con-jobs tell it, someone else was president between 2001 and 2009 when all the bad shit happened. Nothing to see here.
RE: "Real working people realize that living in a civilized society costs money." AND THAT IS WHY your "Union Thug" brother voted Trump.
THIS I AGREE WITH: worldwide: Simple way to get rid of that debt. Make the rich pay their fair share.
Not this tired argument again.
What exactly do we have to show for the massive debt? Stop pissing away our tax dollars.

why should they do that? You see, I keep asking you guys to give me numbers on what you would cut, and while you do find a program here or there that wastes money or helps poor people, the three biggest ticket items- Social Security, Medicare and Defense- take up most of the budget.


Dont know where you got your pie but it really doesnt matter.
The fact is gov is bloated.
Ridiculous pensions,more govt workers than in the private sector. Pay that is 78% higher than in the private sector.

It cant and wont continue. You either cut govt spending or the system will collapse,either way the days of big govt is over.
to all the left wing totalitarians here on U.S. messageboard....may you one day become a conservative, libertarian, Tea Party you can actually understand what this day is actually about.....

actually, I used to be conservative, until I figured out a working person voting republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

then you aint working, because real working people like to keep their income

I'd rather keep my savings and equity. What's the use keeping your income if your home equity and stocks are in the toilet?

Republicans: picking up the peanuts while being trampled by elephants.

Housing prices were in a bubble dumbass, they needed to correct, your 'equity' was artificially pumped up. Stocks came right back as they always do, I guess you were one of the stupid ones who sold at the bottom.

IN any event you have no right to cap gains, it is all risky, your entitled attitude is indicative of a liberal

Who created the housing bubble with his low interest rates, encouraging every American to become a home owner - BUSH. Who passed the legislation deregulating the banking industry which allowed them to package up and sell sub-prime loans? The Republican Congress.

Whose tax cuts destabilized the stock market and caused it to crash? Bush.
Yeah...because nothing screams prosperity like racking up 20 trillion in debt.

what does that have to do with what I just said.

Simple way to get rid of that debt. Make the rich pay their fair share.

Not this tired argument again.
What exactly do we have to show for the massive debt? Stop pissing away our tax dollars.
You mean the $0 tax dollars billionaires pay?

You can't be that dumb........billionaires pay more taxes than everyone else....they create businesses and pay taxes on every single thing they do to make those businesses work.....and then they give huge amounts of money to charity on top of that......

You really need to think deeply about things......your shallow look at these issues is not helpful....

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