To my fellow conservatives/libertarians/Tea party members here on U.S., happy Thanksgiving....

then you aint working, because real working people like to keep their income

Real working people realize that living in a civilized society costs money.

so you sold your 401K at the bottom? what a dumbass, I was buying in 2008

I was surviving in 2008. As were a lot of people. After Bush fucked it all up for the rest of us.

No...clinton fucked it up with his threats through the Community Reinvestment act and his troll janet reno....oh yeah...obama was there too pressuring banks to make bad loans simply because people were minorities.....and then, just before clinton left office, the economy crashed.....he almost made it out.........
I was personally fine, and knew better than to sell stocks in 2008, so I went all in and made out very well. It is wayyy to simplistic to blame Bush for 2008, you could have just as easily blamed house democrats but you wont even think about it because your mind is religious

well, no, it's pretty easy to blame Bush because he was the one who was regulating the SEC, the FDIC, and all the other agencies that were supposed to be making sure the crooks didn't do exactly what they did.

Report: SEC Watched Porn During Crisis

The Securities and Exchange Commission is the sheriff of the financial industry, looking for crimes such as Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme, but a new government report obtained by ABC News has concluded that some senior employees spent hours on the agency's computers looking at sites such as, skankwire and youporn as the financial crisis was unfolding.

"These guys in the middle of a financial crisis are spending their time looking at prurient material on the Internet," said Peter Morici, a professor at the University of Maryland and former director of the Office of Economics at the U.S. International Trade Commission.

Bush did not personally regulate the SEC, if you don't understand that much about simple government structure then not much point in continuing as my words would be wasted

Careful...joe is like a brother to know... like the brother you get when your parents decide to adopt a be your brother....but they go to some Eastern European country you have never heard of because their adoption laws are not as messed up as American ones are.......because they just don't have any.....and your parents show up at the orphanage and they push out this boy.....who is quiet, surly and has a 1000 yard stare and they convince your well meaning parents that he is the perfect fit for them......and then the people at the orphanage keep dodging questions about the tragic accident/fire that killed the boys parents....and he was the only survivor.....and they don't know how the fire started because, like, it is a European country that used to be socialist and they don't have Criminal Forensic sciences....

So your parents take the boy...because they are decent people and they feel so sorry for the boy....and as they are leaving they look back and the Administrators of the orphanage are High Fiving each other......and the boy doesn't say all, to anyone, the entire trip home....

And then when you new brother gets to your home.....the pets disappear......and you don't make the connection...then the neighborhood kids go missing...and you don't make the connection.....

He is my brother, sort of like that.......
I was personally fine, and knew better than to sell stocks in 2008, so I went all in and made out very well. It is wayyy to simplistic to blame Bush for 2008, you could have just as easily blamed house democrats but you wont even think about it because your mind is religious

well, no, it's pretty easy to blame Bush because he was the one who was regulating the SEC, the FDIC, and all the other agencies that were supposed to be making sure the crooks didn't do exactly what they did.

Report: SEC Watched Porn During Crisis

The Securities and Exchange Commission is the sheriff of the financial industry, looking for crimes such as Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme, but a new government report obtained by ABC News has concluded that some senior employees spent hours on the agency's computers looking at sites such as, skankwire and youporn as the financial crisis was unfolding.

"These guys in the middle of a financial crisis are spending their time looking at prurient material on the Internet," said Peter Morici, a professor at the University of Maryland and former director of the Office of Economics at the U.S. International Trade Commission.

Bush did not personally regulate the SEC, if you don't understand that much about simple government structure then not much point in continuing as my words would be wasted

Careful...joe is like a brother to know... like the brother you get when your parents decide to adopt a be your brother....but they go to some Eastern European country you have never heard of because their adoption laws are not as messed up as American ones are.......because they just don't have any.....and your parents show up at the orphanage and they push out this boy.....who is quiet, surly and has a 1000 yard stare and they convince your well meaning parents that he is the perfect fit for them......and then the people at the orphanage keep dodging questions about the tragic accident/fire that killed the boys parents....and he was the only survivor.....and they don't know how the fire started because, like, it is a European country that used to be socialist and they don't have Criminal Forensic sciences....

So your parents take the boy...because they are decent people and they feel so sorry for the boy....and as they are leaving they look back and the Administrators of the orphanage are High Fiving each other......and the boy doesn't say all, to anyone, the entire trip home....

And then when you new brother gets to your home.....the pets disappear......and you don't make the connection...then the neighborhood kids go missing...and you don't make the connection.....

He is my brother, sort of like that.......

ah, yes I would keep a gun under my pillow too, a laser sighted auto with 30 round magazine.

This country is dying, freedom and real civilization simply can't survive too many leftist idiots. I really appreciate why the founding fathers had voting restrictions.
I was personally fine, and knew better than to sell stocks in 2008, so I went all in and made out very well. It is wayyy to simplistic to blame Bush for 2008, you could have just as easily blamed house democrats but you wont even think about it because your mind is religious

well, no, it's pretty easy to blame Bush because he was the one who was regulating the SEC, the FDIC, and all the other agencies that were supposed to be making sure the crooks didn't do exactly what they did.

Report: SEC Watched Porn During Crisis

The Securities and Exchange Commission is the sheriff of the financial industry, looking for crimes such as Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme, but a new government report obtained by ABC News has concluded that some senior employees spent hours on the agency's computers looking at sites such as, skankwire and youporn as the financial crisis was unfolding.

"These guys in the middle of a financial crisis are spending their time looking at prurient material on the Internet," said Peter Morici, a professor at the University of Maryland and former director of the Office of Economics at the U.S. International Trade Commission.

Bush did not personally regulate the SEC, if you don't understand that much about simple government structure then not much point in continuing as my words would be wasted

Careful...joe is like a brother to know... like the brother you get when your parents decide to adopt a be your brother....but they go to some Eastern European country you have never heard of because their adoption laws are not as messed up as American ones are.......because they just don't have any.....and your parents show up at the orphanage and they push out this boy.....who is quiet, surly and has a 1000 yard stare and they convince your well meaning parents that he is the perfect fit for them......and then the people at the orphanage keep dodging questions about the tragic accident/fire that killed the boys parents....and he was the only survivor.....and they don't know how the fire started because, like, it is a European country that used to be socialist and they don't have Criminal Forensic sciences....

So your parents take the boy...because they are decent people and they feel so sorry for the boy....and as they are leaving they look back and the Administrators of the orphanage are High Fiving each other......and the boy doesn't say all, to anyone, the entire trip home....

And then when you new brother gets to your home.....the pets disappear......and you don't make the connection...then the neighborhood kids go missing...and you don't make the connection.....

He is my brother, sort of like that.......

ah, yes I would keep a gun under my pillow too, a laser sighted auto with 30 round magazine.

This country is dying, freedom and real civilization simply can't survive too many leftist idiots. I really appreciate why the founding fathers had voting restrictions.

As do I......wait....our new puppy just went missing...where is joe?
Medicare, the government actually has to spend about a billion a year to go after fraud, that is how bad it is. We also don't need to be in the business of keeping 85 year olds alive in a nursing home

People who love those 85 years olds would disagree...

Dept. of education- never has an agency failed so badly at what they are supposed to do yet keeps getting funded. Total waste of cash

Free cell phones, iraq war, farm subsidies, too much disability and welfare, tuition support for worthless degrees... I only have so much time you know

And again, you guys never get rid of these things when you are in power.
Bush did not personally regulate the SEC, if you don't understand that much about simple government structure then not much point in continuing as my words would be wasted

He appointed the people who were in charge. He set the tone. And the tone was, 'Keep letting the housing market run hot to avoid other structural weaknesses in the economy like dwindling manufacturing."
Medicare, the government actually has to spend about a billion a year to go after fraud, that is how bad it is. We also don't need to be in the business of keeping 85 year olds alive in a nursing home

People who love those 85 years olds would disagree...

Dept. of education- never has an agency failed so badly at what they are supposed to do yet keeps getting funded. Total waste of cash

Free cell phones, iraq war, farm subsidies, too much disability and welfare, tuition support for worthless degrees... I only have so much time you know

And again, you guys never get rid of these things when you are in power.

People who love those 85 years olds would disagree...

Not Zeke Emanuel....who wants them dead at 75 or obama...who thinks you shouldn't give them a new heart and just give them a pill...or something....
Bush did not personally regulate the SEC, if you don't understand that much about simple government structure then not much point in continuing as my words would be wasted

He appointed the people who were in charge. He set the tone. And the tone was, 'Keep letting the housing market run hot to avoid other structural weaknesses in the economy like dwindling manufacturing."

No....he tried to bring the thing under control and the democrats refused to do anything about it.....the democrats didn't care...
No...clinton fucked it up with his threats through the Community Reinvestment act and his troll janet reno....oh yeah...obama was there too pressuring banks to make bad loans simply because people were minorities.....and then, just before clinton left office, the economy crashed.....he almost made it out........

Guy, the housing market didn't crash because of the CRA. It crashed because middle class people were buying McMansions they couldn't afford on the hope of flipping them in a few years.
And then when you new brother gets to your home.....the pets disappear......and you don't make the connection...then the neighborhood kids go missing...and you don't make the connection.....

He is my brother, sort of like that.......

Unfortunately, I have a brother like you.

A dumb racist idiot who just doesn't know why the blacks are sooo uppity... you'd fit right in.
To all of my fellow conservatives, libertarians and Tea Party members...and fellow Trump voters......may you all have a happy Thanksgiving.....

to all the left wing totalitarians here on U.S. messageboard....may you one day become a conservative, libertarian, Tea Party you can actually understand what this day is actually about.....
I am none of those above and to me its just about eating a lot of damn food and dealing with annoying relatives. :)
Not Zeke Emanuel....who wants them dead at 75 or obama...who thinks you shouldn't give them a new heart and just give them a pill...or something....

I'm sure you are taking that out of context.. but by all means, you guys need to run on "After 75 you are cut off."

Actually, few doctors would recommend a heart transplant for a patient that old.
Bush did not personally regulate the SEC, if you don't understand that much about simple government structure then not much point in continuing as my words would be wasted

He appointed the people who were in charge. He set the tone. And the tone was, 'Keep letting the housing market run hot to avoid other structural weaknesses in the economy like dwindling manufacturing."

Sorry...wrong as always...

Seventeen. That's how many times, according to this White House statement (hat tip Gateway Pundit), that the Bush administration has called for tighter regulation of the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Congress has cooperated only once. In spring 2007, as House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank likes to point out, the House did pass a bill in response. The Senate did not act until 2008; Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd spent most of 2007 camped out in Iowa running for president. The legislation passed by Congress in 2008 enabled Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to put Fannie and Freddie into federal conservatorship this summer when they failed. But it didn't prevent them from spewing a huge amount of toxic waste, in the form of subprime and Alt-A mortgages, into our financial institutions from 2004 to 2007. As Stephen Spruiell points out in The Corner on National Review Online, Fannie and Freddie spewed out $1 trillion worth (face value) of subprime mortgages between 2005 and 2007. That's a whole lot of toxic waste. For more detail, consult the items referred to in my previous blogpost on this subject (most of the comments seem to have been disputes about the plot line of the movie It's a Wonderful Life, which I should think could be settled by consulting a reference work).

Much if not all of that could have been prevented by a bill cosponsored by John McCain and supported by all the Republicans and opposed by all the Democrats in the Senate Banking Committee in 2005. That bill, which the Democrats stopped from passing, would have prohibited the GSEs from speculating on the mortgage-based securities they packaged. The GSEs' mission allegedly justifying their quasi-governmental status was to package or securitize such mortgages, but the lion's share of their profits—which determined top executives' bonuses—came from speculation.

John McCain has shied away from making this an issue, for reasons my U.S. Newscolleague Jim Pethokoukis speculates on. This National Republican Congressional Committee Web ad makes the point McCain has been avoiding. Jim Geraghty of the Campaign Spot blog at National Review Online seems exasperated by the McCain campaign's failure to exploit this issue. Excerpts:

Why can't John McCain and Sarah Palin make the points about how the crisis was built illustrated in the "Burning Down the House" (with the revised music) YouTube video? Could McCain please, please bring up some of this in Tuesday's debate?

Don't the American people deserve to know that Democrat Barney Frank, then ranking member and now chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, said, " I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing"? Isn't the fact that the ranking Democrat in charge of oversight of Fannie Mae was in a sexual relationship with a high-ranking Fannie Mae executive a glaring conflict of interest? Isn't it worth noting that Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters insisted, "we do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and in particular at Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Mr. Frank Raines"? Shouldn't the American people know that Democratic Rep. Gregory Meeks insist that "there's been nothing that was indicated that's wrong with Fannie Mae"?
Bush did not personally regulate the SEC, if you don't understand that much about simple government structure then not much point in continuing as my words would be wasted

He appointed the people who were in charge. He set the tone. And the tone was, 'Keep letting the housing market run hot to avoid other structural weaknesses in the economy like dwindling manufacturing."

I see, in other words blame Bush for keeping what Bill Clinton set up, and what congressional democrats approved of, going. Also blame Bush for what the head of an independent agency does

Name one democrat in 2006 who was warning of the disaster, just one prominent liberal who hated the housing bubble and was calling for an end. You can't, but it doesn't matter, you are going to blame bush no matter what.

Christopher Cox - Wikipedia

Cox was nominated by President George W. Bush to be the 28th Chairman of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on June 2, 2005 and unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate on July 29, 2005. He was sworn in on August 3, 2005.

so do you blame senate democrats as well asshole?
to all the left wing totalitarians here on U.S. messageboard....may you one day become a conservative, libertarian, Tea Party you can actually understand what this day is actually about.....

actually, I used to be conservative, until I figured out a working person voting republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

So you fell short in life and need the gubbermint support eh?
To all of my fellow conservatives, libertarians and Tea Party members...and fellow Trump voters......may you all have a happy Thanksgiving...
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday (without turkeys).
Please don't pollute it with your political nonsense.
I am a libertarian; an ethical one.
I believe in liberty for ALL that is practical.
To all of my fellow conservatives, libertarians and Tea Party members...and fellow Trump voters......may you all have a happy Thanksgiving...
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday (without turkeys).
Please don't pollute it with your political nonsense.
I am a libertarian; an ethical one.
I believe in liberty for ALL that is practical.
There is no such thing as an ethical libertarian. By definition libertarians are amoral. I think Ayn Ran said it best:

"They’d like to have an amoral political program.... All kinds of people today call themselves “libertarians,” especially something calling itself the New Right, which consists of hippies, except that they’re anarchists instead of collectivists. But of course, anarchists are collectivists. Capitalism is the one system that requires absolute objective law, yet they want to combine capitalism and anarchism. That is worse than anything the New Left has proposed. It’s a mockery of philosophy and ideology. They sling slogans and try to ride on two bandwagons. They want to be hippies, but don’t want to preach collectivism, because those jobs are already taken. But anarchism is a logical outgrowth of the anti-intellectual side of collectivism. I could deal with a Marxist with a greater chance of reaching some kind of understanding, and with much greater respect. The anarchist is the scum of the intellectual world of the left, which has given them up. So the right picks up another leftist discard. That’s the Libertarian movement." Ayn Rand

amoral: unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something.

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