To my fellow conservatives/libertarians/Tea party members here on U.S., happy Thanksgiving.... fucked up...badly...and as a typical, left wing blamed everyone but yourself.....typical....

Well, let's see now? Did I crash the housing market? Pretty sure I didn't.
Did i crash the stock market? Pretty sure I didn't do that.

You see, the thing is, when Clinton was president, I did really well. When Obama was President, I've done pretty well. Same old me, doing a lot of the same old things... seeing steady growth in my salary and values of my investments.

The only X factor was having an unelected boob in the White House (who I am ashamed to admit I voted for- twice) pretty much doing what Republicans do best.. not keeping the greedy on a short leash.

"The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists... they're too damned Greedy" - Herbert Hoover

"Uh, duh, what..."- George W. Bush.
You don't understand what happened in 2008 and the Democratic policies that laid the groundwork for the crash. You erroneously blamed Bush and now you are erroneously giving credit to Obama for your personal recovery. I'm glad you made a comeback but you should do an objective analysis of what happened, beginning with Jimmy Carter and his role in the collapse.
to all the left wing totalitarians here on U.S. messageboard....may you one day become a conservative, libertarian, Tea Party you can actually understand what this day is actually about.....

actually, I used to be conservative, until I figured out a working person voting republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

Same thing happened with many democrats who said to hell with democrats this time around and went for Trump. Even michael moore acknowledged this. A big F you democrats and your crappy naftas and TPP's and globalization bringing in third worlders to compete for disappearing jobs etc. Trump even went after the black and latino vote and got quite few of those. Didn't he know this wasn't fighting fair? That the blacks and latinos belonged on the democrat plantation? republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

Republican politicians breed, raise, slaughter and eat working people?

Oh wait, I see now! It's...

I see, in other words blame Bush for keeping what Bill Clinton set up, and what congressional democrats approved of, going. Also blame Bush for what the head of an independent agency does

Blame Bush for not keeping what Clinton set up. Bush was the one who appointed hacks and cronies to run the federal agencies. Ones who were totally in bed with the bad actors.

Name one democrat in 2006 who was warning of the disaster, just one prominent liberal who hated the housing bubble and was calling for an end. You can't, but it doesn't matter, you are going to blame bush no matter what.

Paul Krugman warned about the Housing Bubble years before it happened.
Republican politicians breed, raise, slaughter and eat working people?


Really. Well, I guess they aren't EATING them... so there's that...


Why Are So Many Middle-Aged White Americans Dying?

Now, a new analysis from the Commonwealth Fund suggests there’s more to the story. The report, by David Squires and David Blumenthal, notes that between 1999 and 2014, mortality rates in the U.S. rose for white Americans aged 22 and 56. Before that, death rates had been falling by nearly 2 percent each year since 1968. Squires and Blumenthal call the difference between the those two mortality trend lines—the expected, declining one and the actual, rising one—the “mortality gap.”

This trend was especially concentrated in the South, they found. “In seven southern states—West Virginia, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, and Arkansas—the gap between actual and expected mortality in 2014 exceeded 200 deaths per 100,000 people. In West Virginia, mortality rates were higher than at any time since 1980,” they write. The report was not published in a peer-reviewed journal, and its raw data was not made available.
To all of my fellow conservatives, libertarians and Tea Party members...and fellow Trump voters......may you all have a happy Thanksgiving.....

to all the left wing totalitarians here on U.S. messageboard....may you one day become a conservative, libertarian, Tea Party you can actually understand what this day is actually about.....

jeez, you're moron.
So you fell short in life and need the gubbermint support eh?

Probably have accomplished more than you ever will... but realize it's not because of anything Republicans did. If anything, they are an impediment.

Again, a working American voting Republican is like a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.
to all the left wing totalitarians here on U.S. messageboard....may you one day become a conservative, libertarian, Tea Party you can actually understand what this day is actually about.....

actually, I used to be conservative, until I figured out a working person voting republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

So you fell short in life and need the gubbermint support eh?

actually it's you, and the other "people who fell short in life" who blame everyone else for your failures.
So you fell short in life and need the gubbermint support eh?

Probably have accomplished more than you ever will... but realize it's not because of anything Republicans did. If anything, they are an impediment.

Again, a working American voting Republican is like a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

Yeah...because nothing screams prosperity like racking up 20 trillion in debt.
to all the left wing totalitarians here on U.S. messageboard....may you one day become a conservative, libertarian, Tea Party you can actually understand what this day is actually about.....

actually, I used to be conservative, until I figured out a working person voting republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

So you fell short in life and need the gubbermint support eh?

actually it's you, and the other "people who fell short in life" who blame everyone else for your failures.

Ya dumb bitch, I retired at 46.
Republican politicians breed, raise, slaughter and eat working people?


Really. Well, I guess they aren't EATING them... so there's that...


Why Are So Many Middle-Aged White Americans Dying?

Now, a new analysis from the Commonwealth Fund suggests there’s more to the story. The report, by David Squires and David Blumenthal, notes that between 1999 and 2014, mortality rates in the U.S. rose for white Americans aged 22 and 56. Before that, death rates had been falling by nearly 2 percent each year since 1968. Squires and Blumenthal call the difference between the those two mortality trend lines—the expected, declining one and the actual, rising one—the “mortality gap.”

This trend was especially concentrated in the South, they found. “In seven southern states—West Virginia, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, and Arkansas—the gap between actual and expected mortality in 2014 exceeded 200 deaths per 100,000 people. In West Virginia, mortality rates were higher than at any time since 1980,” they write. The report was not published in a peer-reviewed journal, and its raw data was not made available.

Sorry Captain Hyperbole, you cannot wiggle out of that one.

What an idiot.

I'm sure somewhere out there is a Leftist that can debate without logical fallacies and over-the-top hyperbole...but I've not met him.
Yeah.....that fall on your head really confused should have gotten that looked at when it happened....

Nah, guy, wht happened was in 2008, I looked at my underwater mortgage, my busted 401K and my serious reduction in Salary, and then I realized, "Holy Shit, the REpublicans really fucked up...well, everything!"

That's what happened. Up until that point, I was probably more right wing than you are.

After 8 years of Obama, I just posted my best year ever, and my biggest worry is how badly your boy Trumpenfuhrer is going to fuck that up while you cling to your gun and your bible.
I dunno. He's already talking to Carrier about not moving. Sound hopeful?
To all of my fellow conservatives, libertarians and Tea Party members...and fellow Trump voters......may you all have a happy Thanksgiving...
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday (without turkeys).
Please don't pollute it with your political nonsense.
I am a libertarian; an ethical one.
I believe in liberty for ALL that is practical.
then you aint working, because real working people like to keep their income

Real working people realize that living in a civilized society costs money.

so you sold your 401K at the bottom? what a dumbass, I was buying in 2008

I was surviving in 2008. As were a lot of people. After Bush fucked it all up for the rest of us.

You got fired, that's on you. You are an irresponsible idiot. You make stupid choices and mistakes and you blame others.
to all the left wing totalitarians here on U.S. messageboard....may you one day become a conservative, libertarian, Tea Party you can actually understand what this day is actually about.....

actually, I used to be conservative, until I figured out a working person voting republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

then you aint working, because real working people like to keep their income

I'd rather keep my savings and equity. What's the use keeping your income if your home equity and stocks are in the toilet?

Republicans: picking up the peanuts while being trampled by elephants.
america is divided even for thanksgiving

If it were up to liberals, there would BE no Thanksgiving. They hate America and American traditions and values. It's all quite psychological though. These are people who always felt like they were on the "outside" looking in, and so they embrace that role and take it hyperbolic levels of ridiculousness.

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