To my fellow conservatives/libertarians/Tea party members here on U.S., happy Thanksgiving....

to all the left wing totalitarians here on U.S. messageboard....may you one day become a conservative, libertarian, Tea Party you can actually understand what this day is actually about.....

actually, I used to be conservative, until I figured out a working person voting republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

then you aint working, because real working people like to keep their income

I'd rather keep my savings and equity. What's the use keeping your income if your home equity and stocks are in the toilet?

Republicans: picking up the peanuts while being trampled by elephants.

Housing prices were in a bubble dumbass, they needed to correct, your 'equity' was artificially pumped up. Stocks came right back as they always do, I guess you were one of the stupid ones who sold at the bottom.

IN any event you have no right to cap gains, it is all risky, your entitled attitude is indicative of a liberal

Who created the housing bubble with his low interest rates, encouraging every American to become a home owner - BUSH. Who passed the legislation deregulating the banking industry which allowed them to package up and sell sub-prime loans? The Republican Congress.

Whose tax cuts destabilized the stock market and caused it to crash? Bush.

No....jimmy carter did with his Community Reinvestment act...which clinton used to make banks hand out bad loans...threatening them with prosecution through janet reno and the Department of Justice if they failed to hand out bad loans to bad risks...and then the democrats refused to fix the system...which Bush tried to do starting in 2001.....please keep up....
to all the left wing totalitarians here on U.S. messageboard....may you one day become a conservative, libertarian, Tea Party you can actually understand what this day is actually about.....

actually, I used to be conservative, until I figured out a working person voting republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

then you aint working, because real working people like to keep their income

I'd rather keep my savings and equity. What's the use keeping your income if your home equity and stocks are in the toilet?

Republicans: picking up the peanuts while being trampled by elephants.

Housing prices were in a bubble dumbass, they needed to correct, your 'equity' was artificially pumped up. Stocks came right back as they always do, I guess you were one of the stupid ones who sold at the bottom.

IN any event you have no right to cap gains, it is all risky, your entitled attitude is indicative of a liberal

Who created the housing bubble with his low interest rates, encouraging every American to become a home owner - BUSH. Who passed the legislation deregulating the banking industry which allowed them to package up and sell sub-prime loans? The Republican Congress.

Whose tax cuts destabilized the stock market and caused it to crash? Bush.

tax cuts don't destabilize the stock market twit.......
Yeah...because nothing screams prosperity like racking up 20 trillion in debt.

what does that have to do with what I just said.

Simple way to get rid of that debt. Make the rich pay their fair share.

Not this tired argument again.
What exactly do we have to show for the massive debt? Stop pissing away our tax dollars.
You mean the $0 tax dollars billionaires pay?

Like I said...not this tired argument again.
To all of my fellow conservatives, libertarians and Tea Party members...and fellow Trump voters......may you all have a happy Thanksgiving...
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday (without turkeys).
Please don't pollute it with your political nonsense.
I am a libertarian; an ethical one.
I believe in liberty for ALL that is practical.
There is no such thing as an ethical libertarian. By definition libertarians are amoral. I think Ayn Ran said it best: ..
amoral: unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something.
What don't you understand about "liberty for ALL" (that is practical)?
I do not espouse anarchism.
I vouch for an "ethical government" that supports the ideal "liberty for ALL", and by having a government, compromises have to be made that negate "egocentric & ethnocentric libertarianism".

There are various political philosophies about "libertarianism".
Thomas Paine represents an ethical view.
Yeah...because nothing screams prosperity like racking up 20 trillion in debt.

what does that have to do with what I just said.

Simple way to get rid of that debt. Make the rich pay their fair share.

Not this tired argument again.
What exactly do we have to show for the massive debt? Stop pissing away our tax dollars.
You mean the $0 tax dollars billionaires pay?

You can't be that dumb........billionaires pay more taxes than everyone else....they create businesses and pay taxes on every single thing they do to make those businesses work.....and then they give huge amounts of money to charity on top of that......

You really need to think deeply about things......your shallow look at these issues is not helpful....
Oh go suck an egg, Guy. Trump didn't pay any personal income taxes for probably 15 years, and considering what he makes in a year, that's a chunk of change. I assume he is not the only billionaire with a smart accountant. Leads me to believe a LOT of billionaires are not paying income taxes at the rate I do, as a broke old lady. You know exactly what I'm talking about and I'm right.
I just showed you Cox was approved by Harry Reid. Barney Frank vigorously defended Fanny and Freddy when repubs were pointing out problems. The housing bubble began under Clinton and he deregulated banking, if you don't get that then again you are too stupid to have a discussion with. Your simple liberal mind must find a way to blame bush, I understand.

I know, to hear you con-jobs tell it, someone else was president between 2001 and 2009 when all the bad shit happened. Nothing to see here.

I have an adult mind that can reason through complex problems. You want to assign anything bad to bush, so you may as well assign all earthquakes between 2001-2009 to him as well.
Yeah...because nothing screams prosperity like racking up 20 trillion in debt.

what does that have to do with what I just said.

Simple way to get rid of that debt. Make the rich pay their fair share.

Not this tired argument again.
What exactly do we have to show for the massive debt? Stop pissing away our tax dollars.
You mean the $0 tax dollars billionaires pay?

Like I said...not this tired argument again.
Not tired in the least. Why are you?
to all the left wing totalitarians here on U.S. messageboard....may you one day become a conservative, libertarian, Tea Party you can actually understand what this day is actually about.....

actually, I used to be conservative, until I figured out a working person voting republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

then you aint working, because real working people like to keep their income

I'd rather keep my savings and equity. What's the use keeping your income if your home equity and stocks are in the toilet?

Republicans: picking up the peanuts while being trampled by elephants.

Housing prices were in a bubble dumbass, they needed to correct, your 'equity' was artificially pumped up. Stocks came right back as they always do, I guess you were one of the stupid ones who sold at the bottom.

IN any event you have no right to cap gains, it is all risky, your entitled attitude is indicative of a liberal

Who created the housing bubble with his low interest rates, encouraging every American to become a home owner - BUSH. Who passed the legislation deregulating the banking industry which allowed them to package up and sell sub-prime loans? The Republican Congress.

Whose tax cuts destabilized the stock market and caused it to crash? Bush.

you should be stripped of voting rights.

The president does not set interest rates, and if so then Obama is right now endangering us. Who signed deregulation? Bill Clinton did in 1999.

Tax cuts destabilized the stock market? holy fuckhouse mouse, where did you come up with that piece of lunacy?

WTF, liberals are on full retard today. Tryptophan overdose?
Yeah...because nothing screams prosperity like racking up 20 trillion in debt.

what does that have to do with what I just said.

Simple way to get rid of that debt. Make the rich pay their fair share.

Not this tired argument again.
What exactly do we have to show for the massive debt? Stop pissing away our tax dollars.
You mean the $0 tax dollars billionaires pay?

You can't be that dumb........billionaires pay more taxes than everyone else....they create businesses and pay taxes on every single thing they do to make those businesses work.....and then they give huge amounts of money to charity on top of that......

You really need to think deeply about things......your shallow look at these issues is not helpful....
Oh go suck an egg, Guy. Trump didn't pay any personal income taxes for probably 15 years, and considering what he makes in a year, that's a chunk of change. I assume he is not the only billionaire with a smart accountant. Leads me to believe a LOT of billionaires are not paying income taxes at the rate I do, as a broke old lady. You know exactly what I'm talking about and I'm right.

He used the same tax laws hillary used.
Yeah...because nothing screams prosperity like racking up 20 trillion in debt.

what does that have to do with what I just said.

Simple way to get rid of that debt. Make the rich pay their fair share.

Not this tired argument again.
What exactly do we have to show for the massive debt? Stop pissing away our tax dollars.
You mean the $0 tax dollars billionaires pay?

Like I said...not this tired argument again.
Not tired in the least. Why are you?

How can an argument be physically tired?
And you wonder why we say you leftist are idiots.
To all of my fellow conservatives, libertarians and Tea Party members...and fellow Trump voters......may you all have a happy Thanksgiving...
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday (without turkeys).
Please don't pollute it with your political nonsense.
I am a libertarian; an ethical one.
I believe in liberty for ALL that is practical.
There is no such thing as an ethical libertarian. By definition libertarians are amoral. I think Ayn Ran said it best: ..
amoral: unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something.
What don't you understand about "liberty for ALL" (that is practical)?
I do not espouse anarchism.
I vouch for an "ethical government" that supports the ideal "liberty for ALL", and by having a government, compromises have to be made that negate "egocentric & ethnocentric libertarianism".

There are various political philosophies about "libertarianism".
Thomas Paine represents an ethical view.
Let's test that theory then, ok? Do you believe it is moral and ethical to end a human life?
what does that have to do with what I just said.

Simple way to get rid of that debt. Make the rich pay their fair share.

Not this tired argument again.
What exactly do we have to show for the massive debt? Stop pissing away our tax dollars.
You mean the $0 tax dollars billionaires pay?

You can't be that dumb........billionaires pay more taxes than everyone else....they create businesses and pay taxes on every single thing they do to make those businesses work.....and then they give huge amounts of money to charity on top of that......

You really need to think deeply about things......your shallow look at these issues is not helpful....
Oh go suck an egg, Guy. Trump didn't pay any personal income taxes for probably 15 years, and considering what he makes in a year, that's a chunk of change. I assume he is not the only billionaire with a smart accountant. Leads me to believe a LOT of billionaires are not paying income taxes at the rate I do, as a broke old lady. You know exactly what I'm talking about and I'm right.

He used the same tax laws hillary used.
And she and Bill paid 30+ % in personal income taxes.
what does that have to do with what I just said.

Simple way to get rid of that debt. Make the rich pay their fair share.

Not this tired argument again.
What exactly do we have to show for the massive debt? Stop pissing away our tax dollars.
You mean the $0 tax dollars billionaires pay?

Like I said...not this tired argument again.
Not tired in the least. Why are you?

How can an argument be physically tired?
And you wonder why we say you leftist are idiots.
You're the one who brought it up, not me.
Not this tired argument again.
What exactly do we have to show for the massive debt? Stop pissing away our tax dollars.
You mean the $0 tax dollars billionaires pay?

Like I said...not this tired argument again.
Not tired in the least. Why are you?

How can an argument be physically tired?
And you wonder why we say you leftist are idiots.
You're the one who brought it up, not me.

You need to work on your reading comprehension.
You mean the $0 tax dollars billionaires pay?

Like I said...not this tired argument again.
Not tired in the least. Why are you?

How can an argument be physically tired?
And you wonder why we say you leftist are idiots.
You're the one who brought it up, not me.

You need to work on your reading comprehension.
My reading comprehension is just fine. Maybe you ought to come up with some better justifications why our President Elect is so great when he hasn't contributed income taxes in probably 15 years and why he dodged the draft instead of doing his duty. Real patriot, he is. I hope he does good things for this country but don't be fooling yourself he's some kind of GOOD GUY, 'cuz he's not.
Like I said...not this tired argument again.
Not tired in the least. Why are you?

How can an argument be physically tired?
And you wonder why we say you leftist are idiots.
You're the one who brought it up, not me.

You need to work on your reading comprehension.
My reading comprehension is just fine. Maybe you ought to come up with some better justifications why our President Elect is so great when he hasn't contributed income taxes in probably 15 years and why he dodged the draft instead of doing his duty. Real patriot, he is. I hope he does good things for this country but don't be fooling yourself he's some kind of GOOD GUY, 'cuz he's not.

You should really stop complaining about shit all wealthy people do from both sides of the aisle.
I truly dont give a shit if hillary or anyone else cheats on their taxes as long as they get results for America.
Hillary's had forty years to make a difference and all she's done is get outrageously wealthy off the tax payers all while working a job that shouldnt have made that possible.

At least Trump can explain where his wealth came from.
But what about folks like me who just think about stuff and offer their opinions without worrying how they are pigeonholed?

If what counts is the rejection of intolerant leftist fascism, though count me in.
Yeah.....that fall on your head really confused should have gotten that looked at when it happened....

Nah, guy, wht happened was in 2008, I looked at my underwater mortgage, my busted 401K and my serious reduction in Salary, and then I realized, "Holy Shit, the REpublicans really fucked up...well, everything!"

That's what happened. Up until that point, I was probably more right wing than you are.

After 8 years of Obama, I just posted my best year ever, and my biggest worry is how badly your boy Trumpenfuhrer is going to fuck that up while you cling to your gun and your bible.
So, the only common denominator here is your utter stupidity.

You went from a so-called conservative who knew absolutely nothing about the principles involved to a so- called liberal who knew even less.
Not tired in the least. Why are you?

How can an argument be physically tired?
And you wonder why we say you leftist are idiots.
You're the one who brought it up, not me.

You need to work on your reading comprehension.
My reading comprehension is just fine. Maybe you ought to come up with some better justifications why our President Elect is so great when he hasn't contributed income taxes in probably 15 years and why he dodged the draft instead of doing his duty. Real patriot, he is. I hope he does good things for this country but don't be fooling yourself he's some kind of GOOD GUY, 'cuz he's not.

You should really stop complaining about shit all wealthy people do from both sides of the aisle.
I truly dont give a shit if hillary or anyone else cheats on their taxes as long as they get results for America.
Hillary's had forty years to make a difference and all she's done is get outrageously wealthy off the tax payers all while working a job that shouldnt have made that possible.

At least Trump can explain where his wealth came from.
At least Hillary paid her taxes.
But I'm not arguing about this because of what side of the aisle they're on. You're absolutely right, RICH people don't always pay their fair share, so all this adjustment to taxes is laughable for the upper 1%. They don't pay it anyway so why bother?

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