To Remove Lead Water Pipes, First You Must Find Them

Depends on what you get back from those taxes paid.
In the US we get almost nothing back because almost all our taxes go to the military.
But in places like China, there are low cost or free public places to eat all over the place.


China currently has a drastic food shortage. How then do they have places giving away free food, "all over the place"?

Basic foods, like rice, wheat noodles, etc., are easy enough to grow so they are not in short supply in China.
Think Ramen noodles.
It is the better tasting and higher protein sources China has shortages with, like beef, pork, chicken, and fish.
but as I said, I have done dozens of first time remodels on houses pre 1920 and a few pre 1900 and never seen lead pipes,,
Where the hell do you live? In the NY metro area anything older than 1960 had lead feeds (occasionally black pipe). Rarely copper before that
IF any of what you state was true, why was the problem resolved immediately upon Flint switching back to their original water supply?

Well switching back is a necessity (because the chems that break up the calcium are harmful in themselves) but once that calcium is broken up it takes a long time to build up again.


KC Water officials say a rigorous testing protocol should keep what happened in Flint, Michigan, from happening here.

“We’re trying to make sure the water is the best we can get out of here,” says plant manager Mike Klender. “We live in the city. We drink our water.”

The ongoing crisis in Flint began when the city switched to a new water source, but Kansas City is still pumping from the source it’s relied on for 80 years: the Missouri River.

Klender says KC Water is pulling samples all the time to test for lead and other contaminants. Lab manager David Greene says water leaving the treatment facility has so little lead in it it’s practically immeasurable at 20 parts per trillion.

“When lead shows up in a home’s water, it’s usually coming from a pipe or the lead solder in that home,” Greene says. “Lead is very rarely found in source waters or coming from treatment plants like this.”

Greene’s lab pulls about 60 samples a day and runs more than 200 tests on each one. In addition to screening for lead, technicians are testing for the presence of other minerals. Some of them are good – minerals we want in our water to make it less corrosive. Over time, those minerals build up and form what’s known as “scale” on the inside of pipes.

Houses of any age can have pipes that leach, but some of the most vulnerable homes were built right before lead pipes were banned in 1986.

“Right before the ban, they were using lead solder, so they would be even more susceptible than older homes,” Green says. “An older home would have that protective scale build-up on the inside of the pipe.”

KC Water does special monitoring of houses built between 1982 and ’86. Every three years, they take a test of water that’s been sitting in the pipes for at least 24 hours to make there aren’t unsafe levels of lead or copper coming from the tap.

In general, Kansas Citians are lucky because most of the service pipes here – that’s what connects your house to the main – are made of galvanized steel or copper.

But if you’re worried about the quality of water in your home, Greene has two suggestions: run the tap for at least 30 seconds before getting a glass of water, and never cook with hot water. That’s because the first draw is the most likely to contain build-up of other contaminants, and hot water always is more corrosive than cold.

Depends on what you get back from those taxes paid.
In the US we get almost nothing back because almost all our taxes go to the military.
But in places like China, there are low cost or free public places to eat all over the place.


China currently has a drastic food shortage. How then do they have places giving away free food, "all over the place"?

Basic foods, like rice, wheat noodles, etc., are easy enough to grow so they are not in short supply in China.
Think Ramen noodles.
It is the better tasting and higher protein sources China has shortages with, like beef, pork, chicken, and fish.


Safe drinking water for everyone in America is an important goal, and Joe Biden’s American Jobs Plan makes a $111 billion investment toward that. While the majority of the funding goes to modernizing water treatment and delivery systems and remediating potentially harmful chemicals like PFAS, what’s gotten the most attention is a $45 billion initiative to “replace 100 percent of the nation’s lead pipes and service lines.”

If we could manage to do this, it would make a huge difference. Lead exposure has been credibly linked to stunted child development, kidney disease, auditory problems, brain damage, behavioral challenges, and more provocatively, crime. We eliminated leaded gasoline and paint in the 1970s and yet it still lingers as a persistent problem. And part of that comes through water tainted as it flows through lead pipes.

But if you want to replace all the lead water pipes in America, the first thing you have to do is find all the lead water pipes in America.

This sounds like it has the makings of a chaotic nightmare. I don't have a problem with it as long as homeowners are not having to come up with money to replace them.
If your home was built prior to 1978 and the plumbing has not been replaced it is more likely than not that there are either lead pipes or sodder in your plumbing system. This is also true with paint. Any section of service line from your water utility service that has not been replaced prior to 1978 is more likely than not to have lead pipes in them. We looked at ridding this issue in Lucas County Ohio back in the 1990's and found it to be cost prohibitve under our budget. This is a very large problem. The cost of removing all lead pipes would be for lack of better words astonishing nat ion wide. In Lucas County we did create a data base of existing pipes that had been replaced during normal course of business we got ahead of the problem. Under current calculations it would still be another 30 or 40 years before we could tackle the problem as a whole assuming pipe replacement held pace with the past 30 years. If you can afford reverse osmosis filtration it is a good idea. I have it in my home. There are some refrigerator filters that are rated for lead removal and you should pay attention to this when you purchase them. There are also some sink mounted filtration systems that are effective at lead removal. I am currently living in the city where I can not control this issue however I am soon to move into the country where I will have well and septic. The interior plumbing has been replaced in this home but the service line from the well has not. The first improvement I will make is replacing that line. I will however still have lean on the interior linings of the current plumbing until that is purged. I will use a filtration system and continually test till the system is purged I can not speak as to the remediation of this issue in other localities.
It could be a ruse to enable Biden to throw a lot of money at a non-existing problem, and then

Some investments have a greater pay off than cost, so are worth it.
Example are Hoover dam, the St. Lawrence Seaway, TVA, etc.
I would love rural broadband myself.
When government does pump priming borrowing and spending, it can enrich consumers and boost the whole economy, making the initial borrowing small in comparison, due to inflation.
So it depends on if well researched and executed.

If you're attempting to address any of my comments, you should know that I left this discussion because it's a portrayal of the same sort of ignorance that is being displayed by Americans on the Covid vaccine.

As a catch-all reply though, I consider your comments to be nuanced enough to serve for further discussion. The reason being, the US is too far behind already for thinking of piecemeal fixes. My opinion is that it's going to take huge spending and the inherent risks attached.

Americans are angry and the attack against government is at least a symbolic effort to bring down bad government. There is risk of it growing into something that is more than just a symbolic joke.

Biden must succeed this time in breaking the country away from the 'American way', which is inequality and the hold the very wealthy has on the ordinary people.

Don't forget, the Jan.6th. riot was against government, not just one side of governemnt.

If Biden doesn't succeed then Trump is going to be back offering his solution to the problems in America. That will be a fascist bid for power.

And then no solution to the problem, because that would be contrary to a fascist agenda.

Have Americans matured enough yet to just leave the Trump experience in the dust, as a horrible experience? I think there are several indications now that would be true!

First I should provide the context that I am extreme left wing, liberal, progressive, socialist, etc.
But I did not mind the congress occupation because I do think our government is way corrupt, even though I do not think the election was rigged more than the usual poor choice of candidates.
What I don't like about our government are illegal legislation like Prohibition, the War on Drugs, federal gun laws, federal health laws, 3 Strikes, asset forfeiture, illegal wars, etc.

But I do like the idea of investing in mass transit, transportation in general, and stimulus.
other than mass transit thats not a left wing liberal,, more like right wing libertarian,

and the best stimulus happens the same way,, local,, the feds always take a big cut and use it as a political slush fund

as for mas transit,, like everything the government gets involved in it cost more and the waste is usually off the charts,,

best to let that happen on a local level where the needs came be evaluated first hand and waste left to a minimum,,

Leftwing, progressive, liberal, socialists are always for local over federal.
Federal it too far away, costs too much to contact or try to influence, and are always corrupt by corporate interests.
We need large government to counter large corruption, but it always provides its own corruption as well.
Leftwing, progressive, liberals are about individual liberties and rights.
Do words like cooperative, communal, or collective imply centralization?
Not at all.
not progressives or socialist,, they are for a single powerful government

collective is the very definition of centralization,,, it says all are controlled together with one power and is the polar opposite of individual liberty,,

You just have no idea what a progressive or socialist is.
Look up "Sewer Socialists", progressives like Phillip and Robert La Follette, in the state of WI, for the last century.
Then look up socialist mayors of Milwaukee, WI.
It is always amusing when conservatives try to tell socialists what socialism really is?
Someone has to do it because they always lie about it.

I notice the image of Hitler.
And do you realize Hitler was an anti-socialist?
Under Hitler, the capitalist corporations made the most profits ever.
Hitler was appointed by Hindenberg, the representative of the oligarchs, the aristocracy, military, and corporations.
Hitler had all the socialists murdered.
The Night of the Long Knives.

Socialism does not imply centralization.
It is capitalist corporations that are the greatest danger, because they are even more centralized than federal. They are multi national.

You need to do a bit more research before jumping in with Adolph Hitler.

  1. historical
    a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
You say capitalist corporations made the most profit under Hitler. In FACT, the factories were, in large part, manned by slaves brought in from the various concentration and death camps. That'll sure up the profit margin.

As you know too, Hitler had the COMMUNISTS murdered.

The Night of the Long Knives was used by Hitler to eliminate one of his major competitors.

After Adolf Hitler ordered the Night of the Long Knives (die Nacht der langen Messer) in 1934, he withdrew his support for the SA [Brownshirts]. The SA continued to exist but had lost almost all its influence, and was effectively superseded by the SS, which had carried out Hitler's orders in the purge, and thereafter was formally removed from the SA. The SA remained in existence until after Nazi Germany's final capitulation to the Allies in 1945, after which it was disbanded and outlawed by the Allied Control Council.

The Hitler comments started from the signature line image that bripat9643 put up, and I wanted to just point out that Hitler was an anti-socialist, in case he thought Hitler was a socialist.
But yes, Hitler was picked by the aristocracy, military, and corporations in order to defeat all the threats to their profits, especially the communists.
That's communists propaganda. He wasn't "picked" by anyone. Some groups voted for him. That's all.
It could be a ruse to enable Biden to throw a lot of money at a non-existing problem, and then

Some investments have a greater pay off than cost, so are worth it.
Example are Hoover dam, the St. Lawrence Seaway, TVA, etc.
I would love rural broadband myself.
When government does pump priming borrowing and spending, it can enrich consumers and boost the whole economy, making the initial borrowing small in comparison, due to inflation.
So it depends on if well researched and executed.

If you're attempting to address any of my comments, you should know that I left this discussion because it's a portrayal of the same sort of ignorance that is being displayed by Americans on the Covid vaccine.

As a catch-all reply though, I consider your comments to be nuanced enough to serve for further discussion. The reason being, the US is too far behind already for thinking of piecemeal fixes. My opinion is that it's going to take huge spending and the inherent risks attached.

Americans are angry and the attack against government is at least a symbolic effort to bring down bad government. There is risk of it growing into something that is more than just a symbolic joke.

Biden must succeed this time in breaking the country away from the 'American way', which is inequality and the hold the very wealthy has on the ordinary people.

Don't forget, the Jan.6th. riot was against government, not just one side of governemnt.

If Biden doesn't succeed then Trump is going to be back offering his solution to the problems in America. That will be a fascist bid for power.

And then no solution to the problem, because that would be contrary to a fascist agenda.

Have Americans matured enough yet to just leave the Trump experience in the dust, as a horrible experience? I think there are several indications now that would be true!

First I should provide the context that I am extreme left wing, liberal, progressive, socialist, etc.
But I did not mind the congress occupation because I do think our government is way corrupt, even though I do not think the election was rigged more than the usual poor choice of candidates.
What I don't like about our government are illegal legislation like Prohibition, the War on Drugs, federal gun laws, federal health laws, 3 Strikes, asset forfeiture, illegal wars, etc.

But I do like the idea of investing in mass transit, transportation in general, and stimulus.
other than mass transit thats not a left wing liberal,, more like right wing libertarian,

and the best stimulus happens the same way,, local,, the feds always take a big cut and use it as a political slush fund

as for mas transit,, like everything the government gets involved in it cost more and the waste is usually off the charts,,

best to let that happen on a local level where the needs came be evaluated first hand and waste left to a minimum,,

Leftwing, progressive, liberal, socialists are always for local over federal.
Federal it too far away, costs too much to contact or try to influence, and are always corrupt by corporate interests.
We need large government to counter large corruption, but it always provides its own corruption as well.
Leftwing, progressive, liberals are about individual liberties and rights.
Do words like cooperative, communal, or collective imply centralization?
Not at all.
not progressives or socialist,, they are for a single powerful government

collective is the very definition of centralization,,, it says all are controlled together with one power and is the polar opposite of individual liberty,,

You just have no idea what a progressive or socialist is.
Look up "Sewer Socialists", progressives like Phillip and Robert La Follette, in the state of WI, for the last century.
Then look up socialist mayors of Milwaukee, WI.
It is always amusing when conservatives try to tell socialists what socialism really is?
I'm not a conservative and have done much research on progressives and their origins that go back to the fabian socialist,,,
and I know their ideology was so rejected they had to change their name to liberals,,,

could you explain how individual rights work in a collective society???

I always thought things should be decided for the collective and rejection of the individual,,

If lots of people need something collective, they pool resources and do it together.
A common example would be a bond issue for the financing of public schools, library, police, fire department, etc.
In a rural setting, you would expect collective grain elevators, farmer's markets, etc.
It only starts to get more tricky when it is something that could generate more of a profit.
For example, if people need solar power, and no one can afford the over head alone, then why not collectively pool some revenue in order to finance the factory to build the solar panels, inverters, etc.?
The problem with that is a capitalist society considers that illegal.
A public company does not have to make a profit, so private companies consider it cheating.
But it does allow for better service, savings, and more user input.
For example, in Milwaukee, WI, the city buses, school buses, garbage trucks, and snow plows are all collective.
Which means they can shift drivers around as needed.
When it snows, they put plows on the garbage trucks, and it is quickly dealt with.
They already have plenty of drivers and don't have to have any extra overhead.
With a private company, people claim you can choose another brand instead, but the reality is that often is not possible.
Things like insurance, cars, gasoline, health care, etc., pretty much price fix, so you are really facing more of a monopoly.
You get no input at all.
While if you have public companies, then you can go to public meeting and complain, vote, or organize opposition.
You have much more influence.
With private, you have nothing.
The only people who like private over public, are the ones who want to make abusive profits.
thats not a collective,, thats a society working together for a specific goal,,,

theres no such thing as a public company they are owned by individuals and the public has no business telling them how to run their company,, thats authoritarian and against individual rights you say you are for,,

my guess is you lied when you said you were for individual rights cause everything youve said since goes against that,,,

Society working together for a specific goal IS collective.
That is exactly what the word means.


  1. done by people acting as a group.
    "a collective protest"
  1. a cooperative enterprise.
    cooperative · co-op · community · communal settlement · kibbutz · fellowship

Authoritarian is when you have a private person or company dictate to you.
There are lots of public companies, for example most utilities are public.
Anytime you don't want a private dictator creating a high priced monopoly that your community has no influence over price or quality, you create a public company.
We should have far more public companies, but the reason we don't is that the private capitalists who want that profit, consider public companies that could make a profit, illegal.
Government grants utility monopolies, moron.

Governments have many options, ranging from just letting private utilities compete, granting a utility monopoly, or producing the utility itself. And example of the government doing it would be the TVA, Hoover dam, etc.

So then utilities can be private or public, but it should be pretty clear that public utilities work out the best.
That's not clear at all.

With public, you don't have anyone siphoning off profits or shifting resources to more profitable ventures.

What's good about that? Capital should go to its highest use, which means its most profitable use.

You also get to vote over public ventures, instead of getting no say at all in private ones.

Allowing the numskulls who can vote to make economic decisions is the ultimate in stupid.

Why should capital go to those who can make the most profit from it?
For example, with mass marketing techniques, it is not that hard to convince people that they want things like individual cars, when mass transit is about 30 times more efficient in terms of fuel use.
It would seem to me that conserving resources, producing food, education, health care, and lots of other less profitable services are the most important.
A society that is entirely profit motivated has to quickly devolve into slavery and injustice like Ancient Rome did.
For dictatorship is the ultimate in capitalism, where you just invest in a mercenary band that can take over by force, and then you make all the profits you want.

Although most of the voters may be numbskulls, they tend to cancel each other out, and you still get enough rational voting so that it is not as bad as an eccentric, wealthy, mogul.
I'm not going to educate you in economics. It's clear that you know nothing about it. You theories are absolute hogwash, of course.
It could be a ruse to enable Biden to throw a lot of money at a non-existing problem, and then

Some investments have a greater pay off than cost, so are worth it.
Example are Hoover dam, the St. Lawrence Seaway, TVA, etc.
I would love rural broadband myself.
When government does pump priming borrowing and spending, it can enrich consumers and boost the whole economy, making the initial borrowing small in comparison, due to inflation.
So it depends on if well researched and executed.

If you're attempting to address any of my comments, you should know that I left this discussion because it's a portrayal of the same sort of ignorance that is being displayed by Americans on the Covid vaccine.

As a catch-all reply though, I consider your comments to be nuanced enough to serve for further discussion. The reason being, the US is too far behind already for thinking of piecemeal fixes. My opinion is that it's going to take huge spending and the inherent risks attached.

Americans are angry and the attack against government is at least a symbolic effort to bring down bad government. There is risk of it growing into something that is more than just a symbolic joke.

Biden must succeed this time in breaking the country away from the 'American way', which is inequality and the hold the very wealthy has on the ordinary people.

Don't forget, the Jan.6th. riot was against government, not just one side of governemnt.

If Biden doesn't succeed then Trump is going to be back offering his solution to the problems in America. That will be a fascist bid for power.

And then no solution to the problem, because that would be contrary to a fascist agenda.

Have Americans matured enough yet to just leave the Trump experience in the dust, as a horrible experience? I think there are several indications now that would be true!

First I should provide the context that I am extreme left wing, liberal, progressive, socialist, etc.
But I did not mind the congress occupation because I do think our government is way corrupt, even though I do not think the election was rigged more than the usual poor choice of candidates.
What I don't like about our government are illegal legislation like Prohibition, the War on Drugs, federal gun laws, federal health laws, 3 Strikes, asset forfeiture, illegal wars, etc.

But I do like the idea of investing in mass transit, transportation in general, and stimulus.
other than mass transit thats not a left wing liberal,, more like right wing libertarian,

and the best stimulus happens the same way,, local,, the feds always take a big cut and use it as a political slush fund

as for mas transit,, like everything the government gets involved in it cost more and the waste is usually off the charts,,

best to let that happen on a local level where the needs came be evaluated first hand and waste left to a minimum,,

Leftwing, progressive, liberal, socialists are always for local over federal.
Federal it too far away, costs too much to contact or try to influence, and are always corrupt by corporate interests.
We need large government to counter large corruption, but it always provides its own corruption as well.
Leftwing, progressive, liberals are about individual liberties and rights.
Do words like cooperative, communal, or collective imply centralization?
Not at all.
not progressives or socialist,, they are for a single powerful government

collective is the very definition of centralization,,, it says all are controlled together with one power and is the polar opposite of individual liberty,,

You just have no idea what a progressive or socialist is.
Look up "Sewer Socialists", progressives like Phillip and Robert La Follette, in the state of WI, for the last century.
Then look up socialist mayors of Milwaukee, WI.
It is always amusing when conservatives try to tell socialists what socialism really is?
Someone has to do it because they always lie about it.

I notice the image of Hitler.
And do you realize Hitler was an anti-socialist?
Under Hitler, the capitalist corporations made the most profits ever.
Hitler was appointed by Hindenberg, the representative of the oligarchs, the aristocracy, military, and corporations.
Hitler had all the socialists murdered.
The Night of the Long Knives.

Socialism does not imply centralization.
It is capitalist corporations that are the greatest danger, because they are even more centralized than federal. They are multi national.
No, Hitler was not a socialist. He said many times that he was a socialist.

When Hitler was young, poor, and unknown, then he had to pretend to be a populist.
He hung with the SA of Rohem.
But in the Night of the Long Knives, (1934), he had all the SA killed, including Rohem.
So then how can he be a socialist if he had all the socialists killed?
How did Stalin pretend to be a socialist when he had almost every communist and socialist in the USSR killed or sent to the Gulag?

Good point in that there are parallels between Hitler and Stalin first pretending to be one thing and then turning into the exact opposite.,
But you can see it has to be true, both for Hitler and Stalin, because a socialist or a communist has to want the people to make the choices and decisions, and for government to be working for the whole population.
And both Hitler and Stalin instead prevented the people from having any say at all, and instead was accumulating wealth for a small elite minority. That is capitalism. Both Hitler and Stalin were extreme capitalists. Any dictator pretty much has to be, otherwise what would their motivation to be a dictator unless it was profits?
So you're claiming that Stalin wasn't a socialist? Why did virtually every leftist in the world claim it was until 1989?
It could be a ruse to enable Biden to throw a lot of money at a non-existing problem, and then

Some investments have a greater pay off than cost, so are worth it.
Example are Hoover dam, the St. Lawrence Seaway, TVA, etc.
I would love rural broadband myself.
When government does pump priming borrowing and spending, it can enrich consumers and boost the whole economy, making the initial borrowing small in comparison, due to inflation.
So it depends on if well researched and executed.

If you're attempting to address any of my comments, you should know that I left this discussion because it's a portrayal of the same sort of ignorance that is being displayed by Americans on the Covid vaccine.

As a catch-all reply though, I consider your comments to be nuanced enough to serve for further discussion. The reason being, the US is too far behind already for thinking of piecemeal fixes. My opinion is that it's going to take huge spending and the inherent risks attached.

Americans are angry and the attack against government is at least a symbolic effort to bring down bad government. There is risk of it growing into something that is more than just a symbolic joke.

Biden must succeed this time in breaking the country away from the 'American way', which is inequality and the hold the very wealthy has on the ordinary people.

Don't forget, the Jan.6th. riot was against government, not just one side of governemnt.

If Biden doesn't succeed then Trump is going to be back offering his solution to the problems in America. That will be a fascist bid for power.

And then no solution to the problem, because that would be contrary to a fascist agenda.

Have Americans matured enough yet to just leave the Trump experience in the dust, as a horrible experience? I think there are several indications now that would be true!

First I should provide the context that I am extreme left wing, liberal, progressive, socialist, etc.
But I did not mind the congress occupation because I do think our government is way corrupt, even though I do not think the election was rigged more than the usual poor choice of candidates.
What I don't like about our government are illegal legislation like Prohibition, the War on Drugs, federal gun laws, federal health laws, 3 Strikes, asset forfeiture, illegal wars, etc.

But I do like the idea of investing in mass transit, transportation in general, and stimulus.
other than mass transit thats not a left wing liberal,, more like right wing libertarian,

and the best stimulus happens the same way,, local,, the feds always take a big cut and use it as a political slush fund

as for mas transit,, like everything the government gets involved in it cost more and the waste is usually off the charts,,

best to let that happen on a local level where the needs came be evaluated first hand and waste left to a minimum,,

Leftwing, progressive, liberal, socialists are always for local over federal.
Federal it too far away, costs too much to contact or try to influence, and are always corrupt by corporate interests.
We need large government to counter large corruption, but it always provides its own corruption as well.
Leftwing, progressive, liberals are about individual liberties and rights.
Do words like cooperative, communal, or collective imply centralization?
Not at all.
not progressives or socialist,, they are for a single powerful government

collective is the very definition of centralization,,, it says all are controlled together with one power and is the polar opposite of individual liberty,,

You just have no idea what a progressive or socialist is.
Look up "Sewer Socialists", progressives like Phillip and Robert La Follette, in the state of WI, for the last century.
Then look up socialist mayors of Milwaukee, WI.
It is always amusing when conservatives try to tell socialists what socialism really is?
I'm not a conservative and have done much research on progressives and their origins that go back to the fabian socialist,,,
and I know their ideology was so rejected they had to change their name to liberals,,,

could you explain how individual rights work in a collective society???

I always thought things should be decided for the collective and rejection of the individual,,

If lots of people need something collective, they pool resources and do it together.
A common example would be a bond issue for the financing of public schools, library, police, fire department, etc.
In a rural setting, you would expect collective grain elevators, farmer's markets, etc.
It only starts to get more tricky when it is something that could generate more of a profit.
For example, if people need solar power, and no one can afford the over head alone, then why not collectively pool some revenue in order to finance the factory to build the solar panels, inverters, etc.?
The problem with that is a capitalist society considers that illegal.
A public company does not have to make a profit, so private companies consider it cheating.
But it does allow for better service, savings, and more user input.
For example, in Milwaukee, WI, the city buses, school buses, garbage trucks, and snow plows are all collective.
Which means they can shift drivers around as needed.
When it snows, they put plows on the garbage trucks, and it is quickly dealt with.
They already have plenty of drivers and don't have to have any extra overhead.
With a private company, people claim you can choose another brand instead, but the reality is that often is not possible.
Things like insurance, cars, gasoline, health care, etc., pretty much price fix, so you are really facing more of a monopoly.
You get no input at all.
While if you have public companies, then you can go to public meeting and complain, vote, or organize opposition.
You have much more influence.
With private, you have nothing.
The only people who like private over public, are the ones who want to make abusive profits.
thats not a collective,, thats a society working together for a specific goal,,,

theres no such thing as a public company they are owned by individuals and the public has no business telling them how to run their company,, thats authoritarian and against individual rights you say you are for,,

my guess is you lied when you said you were for individual rights cause everything youve said since goes against that,,,

Society working together for a specific goal IS collective.
That is exactly what the word means.


  1. done by people acting as a group.
    "a collective protest"
  1. a cooperative enterprise.
    cooperative · co-op · community · communal settlement · kibbutz · fellowship

Authoritarian is when you have a private person or company dictate to you.
There are lots of public companies, for example most utilities are public.
Anytime you don't want a private dictator creating a high priced monopoly that your community has no influence over price or quality, you create a public company.
We should have far more public companies, but the reason we don't is that the private capitalists who want that profit, consider public companies that could make a profit, illegal.
Government grants utility monopolies, moron.

Governments have many options, ranging from just letting private utilities compete, granting a utility monopoly, or producing the utility itself. And example of the government doing it would be the TVA, Hoover dam, etc.

So then utilities can be private or public, but it should be pretty clear that public utilities work out the best.
That's not clear at all.

With public, you don't have anyone siphoning off profits or shifting resources to more profitable ventures.

What's good about that? Capital should go to its highest use, which means its most profitable use.

You also get to vote over public ventures, instead of getting no say at all in private ones.

Allowing the numskulls who can vote to make economic decisions is the ultimate in stupid.

Why should capital go to those who can make the most profit from it?
For example, with mass marketing techniques, it is not that hard to convince people that they want things like individual cars, when mass transit is about 30 times more efficient in terms of fuel use.
It would seem to me that conserving resources, producing food, education, health care, and lots of other less profitable services are the most important.
A society that is entirely profit motivated has to quickly devolve into slavery and injustice like Ancient Rome did.
For dictatorship is the ultimate in capitalism, where you just invest in a mercenary band that can take over by force, and then you make all the profits you want.

Although most of the voters may be numbskulls, they tend to cancel each other out, and you still get enough rational voting so that it is not as bad as an eccentric, wealthy, mogul.
I'm not going to educate you in economics. It's clear that you know nothing about it. You theories are absolute hogwash, of course.
and this thread isnt about economics,,
How were the flint residents poisoned by lead in their water? Was it river water that was poisoned and pumped in to them?

What about other neighborhoods reporting lead poisoning from their water....????? :dunno:

The change in pH and water characteristics caused the lead solder used years ago on some pipes to start dissolving into the water at a far higher rate than previously.
If you can afford reverse osmosis filtration it is a good idea.
This process does not conserve water, indeed it is wasteful and slow. RO will never work large scale.
Seawalls for the general welfare instead of the general malfare could have wave motion pumps built-in to help with RO and move water to where it needs to be.
Depends on what you get back from those taxes paid.
In the US we get almost nothing back because almost all our taxes go to the military.
But in places like China, there are low cost or free public places to eat all over the place.


China currently has a drastic food shortage. How then do they have places giving away free food, "all over the place"?

Basic foods, like rice, wheat noodles, etc., are easy enough to grow so they are not in short supply in China.
Think Ramen noodles.
It is the better tasting and higher protein sources China has shortages with, like beef, pork, chicken, and fish.

Just ONCE I wish the far-left would do just a bit of research before making a fool of themselves. Of course, then they wouldn't be so much fun.

Drastic Food Shortages in China

Posted Sep 14, 2020 by Martin Armstrong​

Chinese Chairman Xi Jinping has come out officially acknowledging the food crisis in China by asking people not to waste food. China’s rice farmers are fighting insects and weeds the traditional way by bringing in hungry ducks. Meanwhile, China is facing serious shortages of both grains and pork. Months of flooding have wiped out the crops while insect infestations attack the rice fields. Then there is simultaneously the rapidly spreading African swine fever (ASF) which is now even starting to make its way into Europe. On top of all of this has been the orchestrated Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) which may have been deliberately leaked from the lab there by people who planned this take over of the world with a New Green World Order.



China Ramps Up Farm Imports to Cover Domestic Food Shortages

Bloomberg News
March 18, 2021, 7:24 AM EDT Updated on March 19, 2021, 12:13 AM EDT
  • Country is buying record amounts of corn and soybeans
  • More than 3 million tons of corn sales reported this week

China, the world’s biggest importer of farm commodities, ramped up purchases in the first two months of this year to plug growing local shortages and to keep food prices under control.


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