To Replace Ginsberg Before the Election, Or Hold Off Until After the Election?

Personally, I'd abolish the SCOTUS and leave it to the state justice departments. But that's quite another discussion completely.

I wouldn't abolish the SCOTUS, but I would remove judicial review from them. The State legislatures should vote to determine the Constitutionality of laws.

Having the SCOTUS regulate Federal power is like having the Patriots defensive line be responsible for holding calls on the Patriots offensive line. They're on the same team.

Power divided is power checked. Judicial review is power consolidated. The Federal government decides itself how much power it has. Stupid idea that isn't anywhere in the Constitution

The courts are not how the federal government gets it's power. The idea of selected judges is that if people vote on them, they won't do so to get fair judges, they will do so to get judges that would support their point of view which is dangerous.

Bureaucracies are the biggest threat to the country. Nameless faceless people who create laws, fines, and have no accountability. Even politicians use them to get something against the will of the people, like when Obama used them to create Net Neutrality.

Our founders never wanted bureaucrats. They wanted our law makers to be totally responsible for their actions. Nobody is accountable in bureaucracies.

The courts are not how the Federal government gets legitimate power. But they are certainly how in reality the government is getting it's power now. Nowhere is the power for the federal government to control the medical industry in the Constitution, but the courts gave it to them. The courts gave them the power to regulate and control local businesses, make drugs illegal. The courts are not supposed to grant power to government, they are supposed to limit it. But they don't limit it, they continually illegitimately expand federal powers
Gaeandilth. Read, my minion, read.

Now go look at the polls at this time in 2016 and see how far behind he really is. Keep your hopes up your tears will be so much sweeter if you actually keep lying to yourself. And guess what there is going to be a LOT more voters this time not taking polls. You already lost SCOTUS because the dems can not stop a nomination. Trump going to win for sure. Senate is more then likely going red. And because of the lefts coming out of the closet america hating communist rhetoric they have a good chance to lose the house now.

That's uncertain. Many people are in the dark about who's running for President until the debates take place. Joe's only real chance at winning is to stay out of them, which even though scheduled, he can back out of. If he tries to debate Trump, everybody will learn what he and the Democrat party are really up to if they get that White House.

He wants to raise taxes on our job creators.
He said he'd be willing to shutdown the country or have mandatory mask mandates.
He and Cory Booker have a plan to destroy the suburbs.
He said his first day in office, the wall stops being built.
He will push to remove liability protections for our gun manufacturers, meaning he will be able to get around the Constitution because people will sue them out of business and you won't be able to find firearms.

A lot of people don't know about these things, but will find out soon enough. The first debate is scheduled to take place in my city.

It's a catch 22 for Joe. The election is too close for him to skip the debates. He needed a double digit lead to do that. That would definitely be held against him if he doesn't debate. But he's angry, has a bad temper and is losing his mind. Doing the debates could be harrowing for the Democrats. Tough spot. Glad they are in it. He goes to one campaign event and has to go home and sleep for a day
Joe will carve Donald like a brisket.
Gaeandilth. Read, my minion, read.

Now go look at the polls at this time in 2016 and see how far behind he really is. Keep your hopes up your tears will be so much sweeter if you actually keep lying to yourself. And guess what there is going to be a LOT more voters this time not taking polls. You already lost SCOTUS because the dems can not stop a nomination. Trump going to win for sure. Senate is more then likely going red. And because of the lefts coming out of the closet america hating communist rhetoric they have a good chance to lose the house now.

That's uncertain. Many people are in the dark about who's running for President until the debates take place. Joe's only real chance at winning is to stay out of them, which even though scheduled, he can back out of. If he tries to debate Trump, everybody will learn what he and the Democrat party are really up to if they get that White House.

He wants to raise taxes on our job creators.
He said he'd be willing to shutdown the country or have mandatory mask mandates.
He and Cory Booker have a plan to destroy the suburbs.
He said his first day in office, the wall stops being built.
He will push to remove liability protections for our gun manufacturers, meaning he will be able to get around the Constitution because people will sue them out of business and you won't be able to find firearms.

A lot of people don't know about these things, but will find out soon enough. The first debate is scheduled to take place in my city.

It's a catch 22 for Joe. The election is too close for him to skip the debates. He needed a double digit lead to do that. That would definitely be held against him if he doesn't debate. But he's angry, has a bad temper and is losing his mind. Doing the debates could be harrowing for the Democrats. Tough spot. Glad they are in it. He goes to one campaign event and has to go home and sleep for a day

Like the old saying goes, if it's not broke, don't fix it. He's ahead in the polls, but that will slip away after the first debate when people come to realize how inept he is to run this country.
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Keep looking at 2016, my minion, and then compare them to today: night then and daylight today.

You are right. There is a lot more reason today for Trump voters to not answer polls. Since the Dems have threatened voters. I mean your own VP candidate said "If we win the WH you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because you are next". How many racist slurs and threats have black republicans got from the Dems?
Mark my words you going to lose those swing states. And you going to lose a few states you did not even know were in play.
False reasoning, minion. The magic numbers dooming Donald are being reached by Joe. Tough that.
Gaeandilth. Read, my minion, read.

Now go look at the polls at this time in 2016 and see how far behind he really is. Keep your hopes up your tears will be so much sweeter if you actually keep lying to yourself. And guess what there is going to be a LOT more voters this time not taking polls. You already lost SCOTUS because the dems can not stop a nomination. Trump going to win for sure. Senate is more then likely going red. And because of the lefts coming out of the closet america hating communist rhetoric they have a good chance to lose the house now.

That's uncertain. Many people are in the dark about who's running for President until the debates take place. Joe's only real chance at winning is to stay out of them, which even though scheduled, he can back out of. If he tries to debate Trump, everybody will learn what he and the Democrat party are really up to if they get that White House.

He wants to raise taxes on our job creators.
He said he'd be willing to shutdown the country or have mandatory mask mandates.
He and Cory Booker have a plan to destroy the suburbs.
He said his first day in office, the wall stops being built.
He will push to remove liability protections for our gun manufacturers, meaning he will be able to get around the Constitution because people will sue them out of business and you won't be able to find firearms.

A lot of people don't know about these things, but will find out soon enough. The first debate is scheduled to take place in my city.

It's a catch 22 for Joe. The election is too close for him to skip the debates. He needed a double digit lead to do that. That would definitely be held against him if he doesn't debate. But he's angry, has a bad temper and is losing his mind. Doing the debates could be harrowing for the Democrats. Tough spot. Glad they are in it. He goes to one campaign event and has to go home and sleep for a day
Joe will carve Donald like a brisket.
Sounds like another Cornpop threat.
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Name a replacement but don't conduct hearings or a vote until after the election. That way you get the prospect of the Democrats going crazy trying to build something up against the nominee while the Republicans can still point out with honesty that they are holding off until the election is over on confirmation.
Interesting. After the election allows Republican senators to vote their conscience. Murkowski, Collins, Tillis, Gardener, Romney, etc., would have much more room to resist the Donald.
The Constitutional law is what the SCOTUS says it is. Get over 'judicial review,' my minions, that is how it is done and will not change.
Keep looking at 2016, my minion, and then compare them to today: night then and daylight today.

You are right. There is a lot more reason today for Trump voters to not answer polls. Since the Dems have threatened voters. I mean your own VP candidate said "If we win the WH you people that supported or endorsed Trump better watch out because you are next". How many racist slurs and threats have black republicans got from the Dems?
Mark my words you going to lose those swing states. And you going to lose a few states you did not even know were in play.

I think there are two things to consider here: One is that in the first election, even a lot of Republicans didn't come out for Trump. They didn't like him or thought he had no ability to run this country. I think a good percentage of them will come out this election. Secondly, polls are only as good as the honesty of those who participate. People have demonized Trump and Trump supporters so badly, they are afraid to tell anybody they are actually voting for the guy.

Then there is the Bernie factor. Are Democrats still pissed off that he lost, and will they take the time to vote for his opponent?
The Constitutional law is what the SCOTUS says it is. Get over 'judicial review,' my minions, that is how it is done and will not change.
That is what Dems believe anyway. They can not accomplish their communist agenda with that pesky constitution in the way.
just one comment, if the parties were reversed the dems would make an appointment. Trump should follow the constitution and make an appointment and the senate should confirm it quickly.
So what's the current over/under on how many SC seats we'll end up with when the dust settles?

Triple figures?
So what's the current over/under on how many SC seats we'll end up with when the dust settles?

Triple figures?

it will always be 9 as the constitution stipulates. probably going to be 6-3 conservative by the end of 2021
Redfish does not stipulate the number of SCOTUS seats. No, my monkey, there is no set number.

Since there are 13 appellate districts, change it to thirteen.
Redfish does not stipulate the number of SCOTUS seats. No, my monkey, there is no set number.

Since there are 13 appellate districts, change it to thirteen.

correct, I do not stipulate the number, the constitution does that. Changing the number from 9 would require a constitutional amendment approved by 38 states. Its not happening.
Gaeandilth. Read, my minion, read.

Now go look at the polls at this time in 2016 and see how far behind he really is. Keep your hopes up your tears will be so much sweeter if you actually keep lying to yourself. And guess what there is going to be a LOT more voters this time not taking polls. You already lost SCOTUS because the dems can not stop a nomination. Trump going to win for sure. Senate is more then likely going red. And because of the lefts coming out of the closet america hating communist rhetoric they have a good chance to lose the house now.

That's uncertain. Many people are in the dark about who's running for President until the debates take place. Joe's only real chance at winning is to stay out of them, which even though scheduled, he can back out of. If he tries to debate Trump, everybody will learn what he and the Democrat party are really up to if they get that White House.

He wants to raise taxes on our job creators.
He said he'd be willing to shutdown the country or have mandatory mask mandates.
He and Cory Booker have a plan to destroy the suburbs.
He said his first day in office, the wall stops being built.
He will push to remove liability protections for our gun manufacturers, meaning he will be able to get around the Constitution because people will sue them out of business and you won't be able to find firearms.

A lot of people don't know about these things, but will find out soon enough. The first debate is scheduled to take place in my city.

It's a catch 22 for Joe. The election is too close for him to skip the debates. He needed a double digit lead to do that. That would definitely be held against him if he doesn't debate. But he's angry, has a bad temper and is losing his mind. Doing the debates could be harrowing for the Democrats. Tough spot. Glad they are in it. He goes to one campaign event and has to go home and sleep for a day
Joe will carve Donald like a brisket.

Jake the Fake: I love, love, love Democrats. I hate, hate, hate Republicans.

You covered that, Jake. Don't worry, I have your response to this covered.

Fake Jake: Real Republicans are Democrats, I love them.

Got it, Fake man
Gaeandilth. Read, my minion, read.

Now go look at the polls at this time in 2016 and see how far behind he really is. Keep your hopes up your tears will be so much sweeter if you actually keep lying to yourself. And guess what there is going to be a LOT more voters this time not taking polls. You already lost SCOTUS because the dems can not stop a nomination. Trump going to win for sure. Senate is more then likely going red. And because of the lefts coming out of the closet america hating communist rhetoric they have a good chance to lose the house now.

That's uncertain. Many people are in the dark about who's running for President until the debates take place. Joe's only real chance at winning is to stay out of them, which even though scheduled, he can back out of. If he tries to debate Trump, everybody will learn what he and the Democrat party are really up to if they get that White House.

He wants to raise taxes on our job creators.
He said he'd be willing to shutdown the country or have mandatory mask mandates.
He and Cory Booker have a plan to destroy the suburbs.
He said his first day in office, the wall stops being built.
He will push to remove liability protections for our gun manufacturers, meaning he will be able to get around the Constitution because people will sue them out of business and you won't be able to find firearms.

A lot of people don't know about these things, but will find out soon enough. The first debate is scheduled to take place in my city.

It's a catch 22 for Joe. The election is too close for him to skip the debates. He needed a double digit lead to do that. That would definitely be held against him if he doesn't debate. But he's angry, has a bad temper and is losing his mind. Doing the debates could be harrowing for the Democrats. Tough spot. Glad they are in it. He goes to one campaign event and has to go home and sleep for a day

Like the old saying goes, if it's not broke, don't fix it. He's ahead in the polls, but that will slip away after the first debate when people come to realize how inept he is to run this country.

I think the biggest thing is that the media works so incredibly hard to cover for Joe. They lob him softballs while Trump faces constant live fire from the leftist media. They just don't show his racist comments or his studdering gaffs or his staring hopelessly at the teleprompter when taking a question from the public to find out what his reply is.

The debates the media cannot hide. People will see it for themselves. I think that is what will be different
I'm torn over the replacing of Ms Ginsberg before the end of the year. On one hand, it would insure a conservative justice replacing her.
On the other hand, it would give the left a lot of negative ammunition to go after Trump for trying to replace her after what McConnell did in 2016.
Trump doesn't need the extra distraction during the campaigning, along with the msm going after him relentlessly for trying.
If he was upfront and saying that he's going to hold off, it could give him some positive momentum in the eyes of the voters in the swing states.
What say you?

Shove it up Progs rear ends right now.
Gaeandilth. Read, my minion, read.

Now go look at the polls at this time in 2016 and see how far behind he really is. Keep your hopes up your tears will be so much sweeter if you actually keep lying to yourself. And guess what there is going to be a LOT more voters this time not taking polls. You already lost SCOTUS because the dems can not stop a nomination. Trump going to win for sure. Senate is more then likely going red. And because of the lefts coming out of the closet america hating communist rhetoric they have a good chance to lose the house now.

That's uncertain. Many people are in the dark about who's running for President until the debates take place. Joe's only real chance at winning is to stay out of them, which even though scheduled, he can back out of. If he tries to debate Trump, everybody will learn what he and the Democrat party are really up to if they get that White House.

He wants to raise taxes on our job creators.
He said he'd be willing to shutdown the country or have mandatory mask mandates.
He and Cory Booker have a plan to destroy the suburbs.
He said his first day in office, the wall stops being built.
He will push to remove liability protections for our gun manufacturers, meaning he will be able to get around the Constitution because people will sue them out of business and you won't be able to find firearms.

A lot of people don't know about these things, but will find out soon enough. The first debate is scheduled to take place in my city.

It's a catch 22 for Joe. The election is too close for him to skip the debates. He needed a double digit lead to do that. That would definitely be held against him if he doesn't debate. But he's angry, has a bad temper and is losing his mind. Doing the debates could be harrowing for the Democrats. Tough spot. Glad they are in it. He goes to one campaign event and has to go home and sleep for a day

Like the old saying goes, if it's not broke, don't fix it. He's ahead in the polls, but that will slip away after the first debate when people come to realize how inept he is to run this country.

I think the biggest thing is that the media works so incredibly hard to cover for Joe. They lob him softballs while Trump faces constant live fire from the leftist media. They just don't show his racist comments or his studdering gaffs or his staring hopelessly at the teleprompter when taking a question from the public to find out what his reply is.

The debates the media cannot hide. People will see it for themselves. I think that is what will be different
Still expect the Media to help get Biden out of the debates somehow. There going to be some anonymous sources somewhere that say that Biden can not debate but he wants too!
Redfish does not stipulate the number of SCOTUS seats. No, my monkey, there is no set number.

Since there are 13 appellate districts, change it to thirteen.

correct, I do not stipulate the number, the constitution does that. Changing the number from 9 would require a constitutional amendment approved by 38 states. Its not happening.
Gaeandilth. Read, my minion, read.

Now go look at the polls at this time in 2016 and see how far behind he really is. Keep your hopes up your tears will be so much sweeter if you actually keep lying to yourself. And guess what there is going to be a LOT more voters this time not taking polls. You already lost SCOTUS because the dems can not stop a nomination. Trump going to win for sure. Senate is more then likely going red. And because of the lefts coming out of the closet america hating communist rhetoric they have a good chance to lose the house now.

That's uncertain. Many people are in the dark about who's running for President until the debates take place. Joe's only real chance at winning is to stay out of them, which even though scheduled, he can back out of. If he tries to debate Trump, everybody will learn what he and the Democrat party are really up to if they get that White House.

He wants to raise taxes on our job creators.
He said he'd be willing to shutdown the country or have mandatory mask mandates.
He and Cory Booker have a plan to destroy the suburbs.
He said his first day in office, the wall stops being built.
He will push to remove liability protections for our gun manufacturers, meaning he will be able to get around the Constitution because people will sue them out of business and you won't be able to find firearms.

A lot of people don't know about these things, but will find out soon enough. The first debate is scheduled to take place in my city.

It's a catch 22 for Joe. The election is too close for him to skip the debates. He needed a double digit lead to do that. That would definitely be held against him if he doesn't debate. But he's angry, has a bad temper and is losing his mind. Doing the debates could be harrowing for the Democrats. Tough spot. Glad they are in it. He goes to one campaign event and has to go home and sleep for a day

Like the old saying goes, if it's not broke, don't fix it. He's ahead in the polls, but that will slip away after the first debate when people come to realize how inept he is to run this country.

I think the biggest thing is that the media works so incredibly hard to cover for Joe. They lob him softballs while Trump faces constant live fire from the leftist media. They just don't show his racist comments or his studdering gaffs or his staring hopelessly at the teleprompter when taking a question from the public to find out what his reply is.

The debates the media cannot hide. People will see it for themselves. I think that is what will be different
Still expect the Media to help get Biden out of the debates somehow. There going to be some anonymous sources somewhere that say that Biden can not debate but he wants too!

I doubt it. I think he will debate at this point. His campaign wanted to keep him in his basement through the election and realized he is in trouble. So now he campaigns once a week. If they were not worried, he wouldn't be.

Now I could see that if Biden survives one debate they cancel the rest. But I don't think they believe they can win the swing States with no debate

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