To Replace Ginsberg Before the Election, Or Hold Off Until After the Election?

Redfish does not stipulate the number of SCOTUS seats. No, my monkey, there is no set number.

Since there are 13 appellate districts, change it to thirteen.

correct, I do not stipulate the number, the constitution does that. Changing the number from 9 would require a constitutional amendment approved by 38 states. Its not happening.
Show where the Constitution says that there needs to be nine seats.

There is nothing.

You have fail, Redfish.
Redfish does not stipulate the number of SCOTUS seats. No, my monkey, there is no set number.

Since there are 13 appellate districts, change it to thirteen.

correct, I do not stipulate the number, the constitution does that. Changing the number from 9 would require a constitutional amendment approved by 38 states. Its not happening.

the constitution in no way sets the size of the Supreme Court. Congress has always done that.
The Trumpbumplicans' bitterness is now obvious at losing power

Biden will be elected, and if the Senate goes Blue, the SCOTUS seats will be increased by four to six new ones.

Should we restructure the Supreme Court? › policy2020 › votervital › should-we-restructur...

Mar 2, 2020 - Unsettled is whether Congress could limit justices' tenure on the Supreme Court as ... Is there any appetite for changing the Supreme Court? ... Several Democratic senators in a Supreme Court brief pointed to a May 2019 Quinnipiac University ... Is anything sacrosanct about a nine-seat Supreme Court?
Redfish does not stipulate the number of SCOTUS seats. No, my monkey, there is no set number.

Since there are 13 appellate districts, change it to thirteen.

correct, I do not stipulate the number, the constitution does that. Changing the number from 9 would require a constitutional amendment approved by 38 states. Its not happening.

That's actually not correct. It's only set by congressional legislation. If Democrats have both houses and the White House, then they can change the filibuster rules and stack the court.

FDR threatened the SCOTUS he was going to do that because they kept blocking his Marxist New Deal policies. The SCOTUS caved and stopped blocking him. One of the low points in American history, that was the end of the 9th and 10th amendments.

BTW, there haven't always been nine, congress changed it before.

They should have amended the Constitution like they did to limit the President to two terms and to clarify the order of succession. But we do seem to be headed now to an endless loop where when Democrats take the presidency and both houses they will stack the court and when Republicans take it back they'll restack it back and so on.

Democrats have removed any and all limits on how far they will go. Which is why their threats not to replace RBG are empty. They are already doing it
Redfish does not stipulate the number of SCOTUS seats. No, my monkey, there is no set number.

Since there are 13 appellate districts, change it to thirteen.

correct, I do not stipulate the number, the constitution does that. Changing the number from 9 would require a constitutional amendment approved by 38 states. Its not happening.
Show where the Constitution says that there needs to be nine seats.

There is nothing.

You have fail, Redfish.
When the numbers get away from you, just change the rules, huh?
If the makeup was 6-3 in favor of liberal justices, would you still want more seats implemented?
No need to answer that, it was a rhetorical question
Meister, be mature, please. The Trumpbumplicans would stack the Court in a heartbeat if necessary.
A liberal court would get rid of the corporation privilege in constitutional law.

A liberal court would instruct all lower courts to not forward anti-abortion or anti-finance campaign cases.

A liberal court would empower the speedy passage of the NPV.

The GoP would have to reform itself or be replaced by a newer centrist party,
Meister, be mature, please. The Trumpbumplicans would stack the Court in a heartbeat if necessary.
You sure like to deflect. What I stated is true, and you can't even respond. :eusa_whistle:
You are projecting what YOU think about republicans.
YOUR tribe is actually threatening it.
Redfish does not stipulate the number of SCOTUS seats. No, my monkey, there is no set number.

Since there are 13 appellate districts, change it to thirteen.

correct, I do not stipulate the number, the constitution does that. Changing the number from 9 would require a constitutional amendment approved by 38 states. Its not happening.

That's actually not correct. It's only set by congressional legislation. If Democrats have both houses and the White House, then they can change the filibuster rules and stack the court.

FDR threatened the SCOTUS he was going to do that because they kept blocking his Marxist New Deal policies. The SCOTUS caved and stopped blocking him. One of the low points in American history, that was the end of the 9th and 10th amendments.

BTW, there haven't always been nine, congress changed it before.

They should have amended the Constitution like they did to limit the President to two terms and to clarify the order of succession. But we do seem to be headed now to an endless loop where when Democrats take the presidency and both houses they will stack the court and when Republicans take it back they'll restack it back and so on.

Democrats have removed any and all limits on how far they will go. Which is why their threats not to replace RBG are empty. They are already doing it

I don't think it will be that easy. They would first have to rescind the Judiciary Act of 1793. I believe the act says that the limit for justices is not to exceed 10. So they can go through all that to try and get one more justice, but to get more would require more work, which the public would not be in favor of as polls show.
The Trumpbumplicans' bitterness is now obvious at losing power

Biden will be elected, and if the Senate goes Blue, the SCOTUS seats will be increased by four to six new ones.

Should we restructure the Supreme Court? › policy2020 › votervital › should-we-restructur...

Mar 2, 2020 - Unsettled is whether Congress could limit justices' tenure on the Supreme Court as ... Is there any appetite for changing the Supreme Court? ... Several Democratic senators in a Supreme Court brief pointed to a May 2019 Quinnipiac University ... Is anything sacrosanct about a nine-seat Supreme Court?

Trump is easily going to win---------and the libs are going to file numberous harassment suits and have their Obama appointed judges allow this nonsense to go on--we need the 9th Justice to rule against these lower Obama courts. Put the 9th in immediately.

Trump btw said that he is nominating this upcoming week and TurtleNeck has said that he is going to go ahead and hold the election. It will be either Barret or the female Cuban-American Judge from Florida--------

No amount whinning and lying from lib trolls will change this..........time to put your big girl panties on and stop trying to baffle with BS. The nomination(s) and the vote(s) in Congress are coming.
Gaeandilth. Read, my minion, read.

Now go look at the polls at this time in 2016 and see how far behind he really is. Keep your hopes up your tears will be so much sweeter if you actually keep lying to yourself. And guess what there is going to be a LOT more voters this time not taking polls. You already lost SCOTUS because the dems can not stop a nomination. Trump going to win for sure. Senate is more then likely going red. And because of the lefts coming out of the closet america hating communist rhetoric they have a good chance to lose the house now.

That's uncertain. Many people are in the dark about who's running for President until the debates take place. Joe's only real chance at winning is to stay out of them, which even though scheduled, he can back out of. If he tries to debate Trump, everybody will learn what he and the Democrat party are really up to if they get that White House.

He wants to raise taxes on our job creators.
He said he'd be willing to shutdown the country or have mandatory mask mandates.
He and Cory Booker have a plan to destroy the suburbs.
He said his first day in office, the wall stops being built.
He will push to remove liability protections for our gun manufacturers, meaning he will be able to get around the Constitution because people will sue them out of business and you won't be able to find firearms.

A lot of people don't know about these things, but will find out soon enough. The first debate is scheduled to take place in my city.

It's a catch 22 for Joe. The election is too close for him to skip the debates. He needed a double digit lead to do that. That would definitely be held against him if he doesn't debate. But he's angry, has a bad temper and is losing his mind. Doing the debates could be harrowing for the Democrats. Tough spot. Glad they are in it. He goes to one campaign event and has to go home and sleep for a day

Like the old saying goes, if it's not broke, don't fix it. He's ahead in the polls, but that will slip away after the first debate when people come to realize how inept he is to run this country.

I think the biggest thing is that the media works so incredibly hard to cover for Joe. They lob him softballs while Trump faces constant live fire from the leftist media. They just don't show his racist comments or his studdering gaffs or his staring hopelessly at the teleprompter when taking a question from the public to find out what his reply is.

The debates the media cannot hide. People will see it for themselves. I think that is what will be different

That's why I said it will sink him. People who normally don't pay attention to politics do watch the debates. What Joe and gang are up to will be the first time many people hear it.
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A liberal court would get rid of the corporation privilege in constitutional law.

A liberal court would instruct all lower courts to not forward anti-abortion or anti-finance campaign cases.

A liberal court would empower the speedy passage of the NPV.

The GoP would have to reform itself or be replaced by a newer centrist party,
My Gawd, such delusions:

A liberal court is a CORPORATE COURT---why do you think the libs have MORE billionaires, corporations, and Millions supporting them? Its because the libs are and always have been easy to buy off. I should know my husband is forced to give thousands to his company's pac--------------------which btw is used to buy off dems specifically.
The right wing bitterness is now out in the open (just witness turtlesoup above).

Yes, the Dems will add seats to SCOTUS. The GOP would if they could, but they can't

Is that not great!
Why would anyone complain about Republicans or Democrats acting like politicians.

The Pubs will try to push a nomination through to ratification, the Dems will oppose it, and then the Dems will crucify the Pubs in the elections.
The right wing bitterness is now out in the open (just witness turtlesoup above).

Yes, the Dems will add seats to SCOTUS. The GOP would if they could, but they can't

Is that not great!
If the GOP would add seats if they could, explain why they didn't during the 6 years they could have under W, and the 2 years they could have under Trump.

Face it, you are full of shit.
The Trumpbumplicans' bitterness is now obvious at losing power
Biden will be elected, and if the Senate goes Blue, the SCOTUS seats will be increased by four to six new ones.

Gee, Jake, you not only have counted your chickens before they even hatch, but you're already trying to cook them and serve them to your guests! :auiqs.jpg:

The ONLY way Biden wins the White House is if the Democrats cheat once again, keep Joe hidden, and commit massive voter fraud with mailed-in votes.
Why would anyone complain about Republicans or Democrats acting like politicians.

The Pubs will try to push a nomination through to ratification, the Dems will oppose it, and then the Dems will crucify the Pubs in the elections.
Lol what is going to happen is the Reps will push a nominee through Dems will try everything to stop it. Maybe even pushing an impeachment hearing to the senate to block the confirmation hearing. And when they do will for damn sure lose the house along with everything else.
The Trumpbumplicans' bitterness is now obvious at losing power
Biden will be elected, and if the Senate goes Blue, the SCOTUS seats will be increased by four to six new ones.

Gee, Jake, you not only have counted your chickens before they even hatch, but you're already trying to cook them and serve them to your guests! :auiqs.jpg:

The ONLY way Biden wins the White House is if the Democrats cheat once again, keep Joe hidden, and commit massive voter fraud with mailed-in votes.
Yeah freak and Trump will replace Pence with Putin You republican are the biggest thieves and liars ever in our history
The Trumpbumplicans' bitterness is now obvious at losing power
Biden will be elected, and if the Senate goes Blue, the SCOTUS seats will be increased by four to six new ones.

Gee, Jake, you not only have counted your chickens before they even hatch, but you're already trying to cook them and serve them to your guests! :auiqs.jpg:

The ONLY way Biden wins the White House is if the Democrats cheat once again, keep Joe hidden, and commit massive voter fraud with mailed-in votes.
Yeah freak and Trump will replace Pence with Putin You republican are the biggest thieves and liars ever in our history
Your meltdown is cute. :cuckoo: :itsok: :cuckoo: :itsok:

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