To Replace Ginsberg Before the Election, Or Hold Off Until After the Election?

I believe everyone here until I can find out otherwise You folks all believed Trump and look what you got
You have made hundreds of thousands thanks to T and you could lose everything if Biden wins
. Capital gains tax also going to jump
To 28.... I hate it But I just can't like this overbearing bullying loudmouth I see his face I need to change channels And funny ,I did meet him after a Boom Boom Mancini fight in Atlantic City in late 1990's
I can see hating Trumps personality and demeanor but his policies work
Trump's persona is a mirror image of what the media threw at him the day he tossed his hat in the ring.
I'm torn over the replacing of Ms Ginsberg before the end of the year. On one hand, it would insure a conservative justice replacing her.
On the other hand, it would give the left a lot of negative ammunition to go after Trump for trying to replace her after what McConnell did in 2016.
Trump doesn't need the extra distraction during the campaigning, along with the msm going after him relentlessly for trying.
If he was upfront and saying that he's going to hold off, it could give him some positive momentum in the eyes of the voters in the swing states.
What say you?
Make the appointment. The looney left will be bringing lawsuits left and right after the election trying to delay the outcome long as possible and we need 9 on the court, not 8.
You're going to get 13
Confirmation during a Presidential campaign season has happened several times, Dummy. Some have been confirmed AFTER the incumbent lost the election.

This proves you're lying.

There are no november / december confirmations in an election year (note election years are ALL even numbers)
Gee whiz Sport, I only had to work my way up to George fucking Washington to see you are full of shit...............BTW, he is the First President we ever had.
I'm torn over the replacing of Ms Ginsberg before the end of the year. On one hand, it would insure a conservative justice replacing her.
On the other hand, it would give the left a lot of negative ammunition to go after Trump for trying to replace her after what McConnell did in 2016.
Trump doesn't need the extra distraction during the campaigning, along with the msm going after him relentlessly for trying.
If he was upfront and saying that he's going to hold off, it could give him some positive momentum in the eyes of the voters in the swing states.
What say you?
Make the appointment. The looney left will be bringing lawsuits left and right after the election trying to delay the outcome long as possible and we need 9 on the court, not 8.
You're going to get 13
FDR tried that and with a senate that had 70 percent plus dems. LOL
I believe everyone here until I can find out otherwise You folks all believed Trump and look what you got
You have made hundreds of thousands thanks to T and you could lose everything if Biden wins
. Capital gains tax also going to jump
To 28.... I hate it But I just can't like this overbearing bullying loudmouth I see his face I need to change channels And funny ,I did meet him after a Boom Boom Mancini fight in Atlantic City in late 1990's
I can see hating Trumps personality and demeanor but his policies work
How many are homeless ,how many going bankrupt ,how many with no jobs ,,no healthcare? What policies are working?

Gee, yeah, Eddie, they all became homeless, bankrupt, jobless and no healthcare the day TRUMP took office! The bum! Hey, I bet you could help all those poor homeless people with all that millions of dollars you have!
The appointment should be made by whomever is elected this November – by Biden if elected, by Trump if reelected – following the precedent established by Republicans after Scalia’s death.
Ruth was nominated in this same exact circumstance.
You know they have records

President Clinton, Bill
Breyer, Stephen G.
May 17, 1994
87-9 No. 242
Jul 29, 1994
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
Jun 22, 1993
96-3 No. 232
Aug 3, 1993

Ginsburg was nominated in Clintons FIRST year in office.
I'm torn over the replacing of Ms Ginsberg before the end of the year. On one hand, it would insure a conservative justice replacing her.
On the other hand, it would give the left a lot of negative ammunition to go after Trump for trying to replace her after what McConnell did in 2016.
Trump doesn't need the extra distraction during the campaigning, along with the msm going after him relentlessly for trying.
If he was upfront and saying that he's going to hold off, it could give him some positive momentum in the eyes of the voters in the swing states.
What say you?
It’s not a option we need her seat filled, it could be a constitutional crisis if it’s not filled.. I would hold hearings ASAP
Oh? Why would there be a Constitutional crisis?
Democrats plan to challenge the 2020 election, and having a 4-4 court would “risk a constitutional crisis” given that likelihood.
Democrats don't plan to challenge anything, except Trump abuse of power and cheating.

If Trump doesn't try to pull a fast one, the winner will be who all the citizens voted for, on their ballot...

The supreme court is not suppose to decide any election.... if there are problems, the it is Congress who decides, according to the Constitution, not the Court.
So if trump declared winner night of the election democrats will concede?
If Impeached Trump wins the election and Republicans retain control of the Senate, then there's no reason not to hold confirmation hearings.
No reason to not hold them now.
There's already 2, likely 3 nay votes should they try that. Plus there's Graham, who's on record for saying the American people should decide in an upcoming election ... and he himself is up for re-election. Is he willing to gamble his seat to get Ginsburg's replacement in before the election?what about any one of the other nearly 2 dozen Republican Senators up for re-election in November. It would prolly only take one.

If the way Republicans need to win elections is to capitulate to the Democrats, they they've lost already. Full speed ahead!

They don't have to capitulate to anyone.
They can abide by what they said in 2016.
It's as simple as that.

You mean when that asshole Obama nominated a Supreme Court Justice in an election year?

There have been 29 times when a President nominated a Supreme Court Justice in an election year.

So what the fuck problem do your stupid uneducated Moon Bats have with Trump doing what all the other Presidents have done?

Too bad for you idiot Moon Bats that we have a Republican Senate that will confirm the appointee. If that shithead Obama Muslim would have had a Democrat controlled Senate then his asshole nominee would have been confirmed. But that didn't happen, did it?

Obama got his two stupid Commie dingbats confirmed. Mitch wasn't going to allow any more damage and thank god he did.
Nominate and run it through in 72 hours.

This proves you're lying.

There are no november / december confirmations in an election year (note election years are ALL even numbers)
Gee whiz Sport, I only had to work my way up to George fucking Washington to see you are full of shit...............BTW, he is the First President we ever had.
And his last supreme court nominee was confirmed March 4 1796. BEFORE the election of 1796

Why lie?
The appointment should be made by whomever is elected this November – by Biden if elected, by Trump if reelected – following the precedent established by Republicans after Scalia’s death.
Ruth was nominated in this same exact circumstance.
You know they have records

President Clinton, Bill
Breyer, Stephen G.
May 17, 1994
87-9 No. 242
Jul 29, 1994
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
Jun 22, 1993
96-3 No. 232
Aug 3, 1993

Ginsburg was nominated in Clintons FIRST year in office.
The Conservative media...
A reason why I mistrust both ideologies.
The appointment should be made by whomever is elected this November – by Biden if elected, by Trump if reelected – following the precedent established by Republicans after Scalia’s death.
Ruth was nominated in this same exact circumstance.
You know they have records

President Clinton, Bill
Breyer, Stephen G.
May 17, 1994
87-9 No. 242
Jul 29, 1994
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
Jun 22, 1993
96-3 No. 232
Aug 3, 1993

Ginsburg was nominated in Clintons FIRST year in office.
Thanks for confirming Ginsberg was confirmed in the amount of time we have between now and the election............and with 96 votes for the far left activist to boot.
I believe everyone here until I can find out otherwise You folks all believed Trump and look what you got
You have made hundreds of thousands thanks to T and you could lose everything if Biden wins
. Capital gains tax also going to jump
To 28.... I hate it But I just can't like this overbearing bullying loudmouth I see his face I need to change channels And funny ,I did meet him after a Boom Boom Mancini fight in Atlantic City in late 1990's
I can see hating Trumps personality and demeanor but his policies work
How many are homeless ,how many going bankrupt ,how many with no jobs ,,no healthcare? What policies are working?

Gee, yeah, Eddie, they all became homeless, bankrupt, jobless and no healthcare the day TRUMP took office! The bum! Hey, I bet you could help all those poor homeless people with all that millions of dollars you have!

Hey you dumb fuk Wanna talk about real money?

This proves you're lying.

There are no november / december confirmations in an election year (note election years are ALL even numbers)
Gee whiz Sport, I only had to work my way up to George fucking Washington to see you are full of shit...............BTW, he is the First President we ever had.
And his last supreme court nominee was confirmed March 4 1796. BEFORE the election of 1796

Why lie?
Glad you admit it was during an election year.

You really should know what your links say before posting them thinking they make your case, Dummy. :itsok:
I believe everyone here until I can find out otherwise You folks all believed Trump and look what you got
You have made hundreds of thousands thanks to T and you could lose everything if Biden wins
. Capital gains tax also going to jump
To 28.... I hate it But I just can't like this overbearing bullying loudmouth I see his face I need to change channels And funny ,I did meet him after a Boom Boom Mancini fight in Atlantic City in late 1990's
I can see hating Trumps personality and demeanor but his policies work
How many are homeless ,how many going bankrupt ,how many with no jobs ,,no healthcare? What policies are working?

Gee, yeah, Eddie, they all became homeless, bankrupt, jobless and no healthcare the day TRUMP took office! The bum! Hey, I bet you could help all those poor homeless people with all that millions of dollars you have!

Hey you dumb fuk Wanna talk about real money?
Tell us how big your muscles are too, Keyboard Rambo.:iyfyus.jpg:
I believe everyone here until I can find out otherwise You folks all believed Trump and look what you got
You have made hundreds of thousands thanks to T and you could lose everything if Biden wins
. Capital gains tax also going to jump
To 28.... I hate it But I just can't like this overbearing bullying loudmouth I see his face I need to change channels And funny ,I did meet him after a Boom Boom Mancini fight in Atlantic City in late 1990's
I can see hating Trumps personality and demeanor but his policies work
How many are homeless ,how many going bankrupt ,how many with no jobs ,,no healthcare? What policies are working?

Gee, yeah, Eddie, they all became homeless, bankrupt, jobless and no healthcare the day TRUMP took office! The bum! Hey, I bet you could help all those poor homeless people with all that millions of dollars you have!

Hey you dumb fuk Wanna talk about real money?
You're rather poor compared to most of the Trump voters in my community.
Ginsburg vacancy: Wait until after the election - plain and simple ... 42 days .... let the voters decide who will make the nomination.
THey did, in 2016. And elected a REpublican Senate in 2018. The voters have spoken
There wasn't a supreme court vacancy after election day 2018
And Michelle Obama wear boxers. Do yu have any more non sequiters?
If there is a vacancy while people are voting for president their choice should be listened to.

I believe everyone here until I can find out otherwise You folks all believed Trump and look what you got
You have made hundreds of thousands thanks to T and you could lose everything if Biden wins
. Capital gains tax also going to jump
To 28.... I hate it But I just can't like this overbearing bullying loudmouth I see his face I need to change channels And funny ,I did meet him after a Boom Boom Mancini fight in Atlantic City in late 1990's
I can see hating Trumps personality and demeanor but his policies work
How many are homeless ,how many going bankrupt ,how many with no jobs ,,no healthcare? What policies are working?

Gee, yeah, Eddie, they all became homeless, bankrupt, jobless and no healthcare the day TRUMP took office! The bum! Hey, I bet you could help all those poor homeless people with all that millions of dollars you have!

Hey you dumb fuk Wanna talk about real money?
Tell us how big your muscles are too, Keyboard Rambo.:iyfyus.jpg:
I'm in pretty good health for an 83 year old Used to go to a gym 3 days a week before Trumpvirus

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