To save your life...all of us including blacks..stop when a law enforcement officer says "STOP"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
".... But what I really object to is you can discuss all these problems but let's not pretend this particular incident was something it wasn't. If you look at the most credible evidence, the lessons are really basic.
1) Don't rob a convenience store.
2) Don't fight a policeman when he stops you
3) and try to take his gun.
4) And when he yells at you to stop with his gun drawn, just stop. -

..the credible evidence (i.e., the testimony that doesn't contradict itself or the physical evidence) suggests that Michael Brown had no interest in surrendering.

After committing an act of petty robbery at a local business,
he attacked Officer Wilson when he stopped him on the street.
Brown punched Wilson when the officer was still in his patrol car and attempted to take his gun from him.

The first shots were fired within the car in the struggle over the gun.
Then, Michael Brown ran. Even if he hadn't put his hands up, but merely kept running away, he would also almost certainly be alive today.
Again, according to the credible evidence, he turned back and rushed Wilson.
The officer shot several times, but Brown kept on coming until Wilson killed him.

MTP Rich Lowry s Inconvenient Ferguson Truths Cause Panelist Outrage

Is this hard to do?
A) don't rob a convenience store...especially if you are black OK??
B) Don't fight a policeman when he stops you.
C) Don't try to take his gun.
D) When the policeman yells STOP... STOP...
These 4 simple reminders could save a you a black or a white!

Oh do any of you recall reading about this... a black cop shoots a white guy!

Unarmed white man was killed by a black cop, look how the media responds
Police in Salt Lake City are continuing their probe into an Aug. 11 shooting outside a 7-Eleven convenience store, when a black police officer, whom local media are referring to as “not white,” shot and killed 20-year-old Dillon Taylor, who was unarmed at the time, according to his supporters.
Unarmed white man was killed by a black cop look how the media responds
You know those of you that can't figure this out are the same people that have a problem knowing the difference between 1 million and 700!
Simple common sense seems to be missing in those kinds of people in this country. Maybe it's because they can't handle any more information then
is presented to them in a 30 second sound bite...i.e. 30 second commercial! Anything that requires more thinking isn't possible with their attention span!
A policeman says "STOP"... the 30 second sound bite thinks it's a video game! They can ignore!
A 30 second sound bite person..(Michael Brown) played so many video games he really thought he'd survive a hail of bullets he charged the cop!
YUP... perfect example of our younger generation's acceptance of virtual reality as being applicable to reality. Brown is dead because he didn't follow
the above rules:
A) don't rob a convenience store...especially if you are black OK??
B) Don't fight a policeman when he stops you.
C) Don't try to take his gun.
D) When the policeman yells STOP... STOP...
These 4 simple reminders could save a you a black or a white!
The extent to which the OP and most others on the right just don't get it is remarkable.
So it is OK for a white or black person to rob a convenience store, then stroll the center of a street and when a cop says please move we should charge after the cop smashing the cop and then reaching for the cop's gun to kill the cop...
That's common sense right???
You know ...NOW I know what you want! You want anarchy!
NO laws for Clayton! Where do you live and I'll tell the police no need to patrol... you've got it under control!
The extent to which the OP and most others on the right just don't get it is remarkable.

So, he's wrong? When a cop says "Stop!" just keep on barreling ahead? Maybe it's YOU who just doesn't get it.

So let get this straight.
Darren Wilson the cop was in the car.
He was driving and Brown was walking in the middle of the street.
Wilson told Brown to move off to the sidewalk.
Wilson then recognized Brown as the possible subject that had robbed the store.
Wilson then told Brown to Stop.
Brown then came to the car and started to tussle with Wilson for Wilson's gun.
The gun went off and shot brown in the hand as the blood stains and gun residue showed on the car and Brown.
Brown then kept walking away.
Wilson continued to yell Stop.
Brown turned and came back charging the car.
Wilson shot and one was the fatal shot.

Does that sound close to what the Grand jury heard evidence, hard evidence? Testimony that was corroborated by other witnesses and testimony
that was discounted by the hard evidence.
"The grand jury is made up of nine white and three black jurors; seven are men and five are women.
A decision on criminal charges requires agreement from at least nine of the 12."
There was no tally of vote by individual jury members...but at least 9 had to agree on the decision.
Ferguson No Charges For Officer In Michael Brown s Death The Two-Way NPR
Even when facts don't support the story, the left still insists that somewhere an injustice is happening and, therefore, it is acceptable to lie in order to make it an issue. Never mind that when there is a genuine problem, finding actual instances of it is pretty easy. No need to run with lies.

The race baiters are looking more foolish by the day as they repeat the same debunked account of events. Give it up already.

Meanwhile, there are protests in St. Louis over the killing of a white guy by black teens. He was beaten to death with hammers. The liberal media isn't bothering with this one just like they don't report other crimes by minorities. They pretend it doesn't exist and only focus on the crimes and perceived crimes against blacks even though there are far fewer of those.

Newlywed Hammered to Death by Group Of Teens in St. Louis MRCTV
The extent to which the OP and most others on the right just don't get it is remarkable.

What do those on the left get that those on the right don't get? That there are two sets of rules, one for white folks and one for black folks? Just asking.

That is exactly what you are doing...sleeping while the rest of us work!
I saw Hulk Hogan punch someone before and it left more than blush...but the officer said it happened and the other party is too dead to answer questions.
Andrea Mitchell seems to think there is something wrong with following these life saving, (what SHOULD be) common sense instructions.


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