To senate GOP- Ditch Mitch

most likely won't happen but it should.
Yes please do. That would make Democrats very happy. Hilarious 😂

most likely won't happen

Patience grasshopper.

All in good time.
Well since Schumer so stupidly sent money to MAGA GOP candidates the Turtle will be outnumbered in the republican senate side... Thanks Schumer.....

Seriously, this post should be preserved for posterity.

That will go down as one of the worst (thee worst?) blunders in modern political history.
Murkowski is a reasonable Republican. She opposes your leader Putin. Allowing a President to have his cabinet is unamerican? Jackson was more qualified than Trump's picks.
And I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you, particularly concerning Jackson and her lack of biological knowledge. Putin? You can have him. LOL
I disagree I have already seen an uptick in anti mitch posts since he announced his support for Ukraine.

It will get worse. Just wait. Trumpers are the party of Russia.
Party of Russia? You should write for SNL.
here's how old Mitch is: he was eligible for social security the very year facebook was created. TERM LIMITS NOW!
LOL. The Russia collusion BS is just brain dead demrat talking points.
Dem? It was a republican investigation lol. Not only that but Repubs investigated their own investigation with Durham. You can't make this stuff up.
Dem? It was a republican investigation lol. Not only that but Repubs investigated their own investigation with Durham. You can't make this stuff up.
Durham was a whitewash job though it did come out about the FBI offering a million dollars to Steele for 'verification' of a Russia collusion bs story that did not happen.
Durham was a whitewash job though it did come out about the FBI offering a million dollars to Steele for 'verification' of a Russia collusion bs story that did not happen.
So. The FBI frequently offers money fo info.

What a waste. Maybe Repubs should have another investigation to investigate Durham who investigated Mueller. Lol.

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