To the "Anti-vaxxers"

WHy would you compare republicans and blacks?


The fuck?

Why not?

This link compares vaccine rates for various groups.

You own link says Blacks are more skeptical of the vaccine.
{... A larger share of Hispanic adults (16%) than Black adults (11%) and White adults (8%) say they want to “wait and see” before getting vaccinated ...}
Could history like the Tuskegee Experiment have anything to do with it?

Wow, you’re an idiot.

Look at the number of people who actually have taken the vaccine. What do you see?
Dr. Dan Stock, MD, discusses masks and vaccines (Video).

Everything we are doing is wrong. Everything being recommended by the CDC is inconsistent with established Science and their own data.

Masks are ineffective at preventing viral transmission, per the CDC's and NIH's own data.

We cannot make respiratory viruses disappear. They circulate all year, and they have animal reservoirs. Smallpox had no animal reservoirs.

Vaccination changes none of this. The current vaccine is causing anti-body mediated viral enhancement, which has happened for all coronaviruses.

Vaccines allow the virus to be come worse than it would with native infection.

75% of symptomatic COVID cases in Cape Cod were of fully-vaccinated individuals.

Therefore vaccinated and unvaccinated should be treated equally.

Vaccinated individuals are shedding virus. The vaccines don't do exactly what you want them to do. These summer outbreaks are unusual, and being driven by the vaccinated.

People who had COVID get no benefit at all from vaccination, and they get reactions to the vaccines at four to six times the previously uninfected.

Everything we are doing is wrong and unscientific.

Did any pro-vax tards watch the video?

The CDC, the NIH, all the government quackery agencies need to be shut down and the frauds in charge of such agencies need to be arrested. Long story short if you were dumb enough to get the Fraudi Jab(s), you are a threat to those of us who are not stooges.
Why would I do that? You'd refuse to acknowledge it

That made no sense, but if you made sense, you'd never have committed to the focus on my feelings schtick

Ok. So you don’t want to back up your claim.

You have been acting very predictably as far as I’m concerned.
Why not?

This link compares vaccine rates for various groups.

because we're race essentialists

You don't get to just discard it when you want
I provided data and you’re discarding it.
X, I would have to trust the ones giving out the data. I mean, they claimed my dad passed away due to COVID which wasn't the case at all. To have trust and faith in "data" implies that you unequivocally trust those giving out the stats. You can spin data in anyway you wish if you have the lamestream media propping you up.
X, I would have to trust the ones giving out the data. I mean, they claimed my dad passed away due to COVID which wasn't the case at all. To have trust and faith in "data" implies that you unequivocally trust those giving out the stats. You can spin data in anyway you wish if you have the lamestream media propping you up.

Well I don't know much about how your dad passed so I can't comment on that other than sorry for your loss.

But for the data, it looks pretty reasonable to me. Have you noticed that everyone on this website who is against the vaccine happens to be a Trump supporter? This agrees with data showing that Republicans are one of the least likely groups to be vaccinated.

Additionally, we see a very clear pattern when we compare state vaccine rates.


I don't think this is a coincidence.

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